Show Called Horn lint In this rate Sunday Deccwliar I Ynd lntltlii m Molvlna icloted wile 01 nmiiiU Inik o itil l T A years VMUI Son plena copy Again It htxomri till Mil duly olTiix Tsars to ihrunMe the death ol one nf ahlllui moit reipictvl and beloved wIves and molheri The summons emu h her A hilt III file prime of life illicallli and took from oar inldit sIll s-Ill t full of i I until and pr rule Itwii a hock to the rominnnlty and a blow u the In riivrl husband and family that wee doubly hard to twar from the hit list It tt At 10 unexpected The came of Mn Clarka death wan lldblrlli and tho little balm whose Ito was given at the ntcrlflcn of III mother survive I her but a few Wriggler wltn the feeble light Went out and was mi ne Dun av to the great beyond on the least of III silent mother Afro Clark was loved and respected hy nil Alto knew her She wan n poo1 and loving v > lfoaklnd and affectionate mother a true and tried friend The sympathy of tin entire community pier out to Mr Clark In tlill hour nf hit great grief and to the lire children ten ered molherlcM hy the Mil blow The Im oral sae held from the Stick honlhonieimTiienliy afternoon The liool was illinilncJ and the butln N toggles clo id out nl respect to tin rcenvd II mid trio iirltl rlrlckeu I relathet t I id a large number of friends ami I c Wife followiM lha rcinalna to their last reitliiz place |