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Show COALVILLE' TIMES. ba aomvthing c)m 'lone to meet rtiniijftil vomit! ion ofihv ttuit-- s tit mor il ltt abnit by 0 I ban tli J v trip. quentHv tisi Ulinj for thu COALVILLE st. to weat tWo '(.0 tint conserve ttfacritMiItiiral iji'ln.trial etl M ; I'iir Ftt,v. ,h h liv tweo suffering for rents jif f:r a hjrvet may uatnr.tily intawvet, PUSUSHIMS COMP AMf. The people eT dietin' la held back for Iwtter returns, tjfern slitrig Ujt-;jn . tahti-restless j has advanced a pad rvipt j thecee Eliott wd MAwi k M. Pntiiei ies riie.t t.y a h tnfn and yuan'ic t. rsr than a year ago, and on tll w l,.i not k in, outcome for f irn-r- s tribute uii the hole eurpohitiona levy-HtTarim of' SubaoripiUxi, J country.-- ' Somethin oinrht to done, roved a to prom larger the seat aod nth. .and quickly, in Hr way ( wif. Mmr-t- f Aft.Yntr . . : an tn i to. i'V- i m U(elsiiata legialation, flint will get oa - The sog.tr . T arc Mottlk i d J.li vr t, n jv ai.ucd at cong-- e U the riv'ht track ng a gucrriimi-n- t and f i atm! I'ojm .. J ids eimmii.u- - i nix r at on-i- n keep ue there. The liih ty, our 1 JCJCE doe TmVrtertPst?fi4?fmrtww7 Advarttaing Ralaa. Laaa that anewwred well enough one leen soataioed by the evpe, V.l t I yt. liiindreilan-r t coats l.t'CM,t. X nt t eighteen years sgn when snmotioii. Raw eo-tilmo tha-rf T i ore atr eiiTh the nation tra 11 aie ( hewlv,1)fti lit 1 - , - . V . ,'4 l MO M ! ...... I S alii O'f Y Irnihua ... of the ttto-- tli-Ingo-- t SI'hrwlicnTt In now. recognition a I M 11 ...... 4 W 1? 0) Out cuinma.. certain that the nee f.i'id'n inhj I 40 01 t fact that nr htlmring men and sgrii-nl-T 40 at ? ,1.. -- XltisRs5 tfr altet s m.Je ,n vriouUtf have Lit" p.V, "I w on Id cImo.'i-I- ; ; Uaa lor Oral nndhalfr Uni matem 10lintmute snggeet that a commission eompaed of eiglith more than, Mav tut each aubutgarul i (seal pat centles than Angttat 2d h. Tl e n sn equal number of the two clas-eShort Breath, Palpitation. Tv wi tw itij Tliaaa rmtw 111 b atrlclly ailhered b. wTttnrttkwTepXetiemxtroHTd hiuini'ev ptnry has i luited alt-ttrrrjr The Finest Line of Mr. G. W. McEinsey, postmaster of The men, 1m aulhoriii hvrangrees to form- 15.000 men out d , 7, it brave a Ira a Kokomo, and at t curtailment of co ll poll '!n isIho Ind., tlia, Of ulate some plan oflrgiatation atul - a SaM4k I had been severely troubled Hmttmr. f says: 1 the anai intent of am-f- t a'atatea a ecri working fo rv f I o ire end with heart disease ever since leaving t toe went l.jv. the army at the close of the late war. would be apt to bring relief andtlo ei.ict tf the fluitr unP ? COALVILLE. FRIDAY. DEO. T. 18M. of 1 waa troubled with palpitation and justice among all. Thia eeenta a war-tlr- al stop(ied on atvonnl of shortness of breath. 1 could not ill step io ilia riaht ectujn.. and I ihejiiarket, on my left side, and had pain The great Industrie fairly main:rVi sleep VIE ISLAM ED TIMES." aspect to advocate some atu-- measure, arount my heart. 1 became so ill , v for lion the ; prevlnl-lleiunt.-?but t.iat I was much alarmed, and forit is enmeshing that cannot longer le proiltj With tbia latua w. greet our rta.lero fannot be e xpecte.1 t iocrea-- e si tunately my attention was called ta. UJ ' .wriflt so enlaraii paper, and proptnt U) delays! with aafetv. easou. A few more tm.i works itav. A nu m Iter of meinbeis of liie present oo our in thia form Maaoa pat bouse who failed to long have gone into operation, ami the tfeiHnttd t get ronage a til a arrant It. It la not exactly demonstrated the wisdom of their con. reported larger, but there j -- listnpt I decided to try It The first. botUe Narhat w intamlad when we mad the stituen'e in retiring them from publ c weakneys in prices, si !itu. made a decided improvement in my conditlon,and five botUus hare cook n nd Bessemer serburg, rannouneement of our propoeetl eu large- life, by applying, by letter, to the pletcly cured some form and structural milfor their ththoune arn)qt,Hl, w, McKI.XSrr, r. R- -. Kokomo, lad uiant, for at that time our plan waa to geant lower. The rail has strreed to le forwarded to them, Dr. Milas fitter Cars Is enld on a positive 1 ail home print age money iaaua a SuaraDt4 (tint th brat tmuts will Iwustt. courl'-tr- y stating that they did aot intend to coma to a reduction Of 2 wr tonior the net AddraiiitauNlI S tor buttln ItttD,OS rwetpt of IS, or ( paper. However, ae have found that in to Washington during the short tewion year. Cole Contracts are being made I will be sen. prepaM, prtr Uia Or. MUsa Mwuoi Oo,. LI kart, iaU. no other way than by the dm of ready of congress. Mileage, as nioet people for tha first quarter of 1B!I5 at current by . rates. Is v print could wa hope to furaieh our know, allowed senators and represenThe liabilities in failures for tha third for their tranortation tatives to pay rreadere with anything like the anuant to and from Washington at svsry sasaioo week of Novemlier were'2.1t:iJI,93j of reading nuttier which tht present of congress, and, although tha sergeant-at-arm- s against 12,285.070 for the ttttne week last .form contain, and, comlJering the knows that most congressmen year. The decrease waa all iu manuttnaller from every standpoint, hi con travel on passes, Ike mileage is always facturing; of which liabilities werqffttA, paid when applied foe in person. Bnt 320 against y ,880,027 last vnar, w htle t.f winded to adopt them. he draws the line at paving mileage to trading concerns liahilitiea wer It will he aeen (hat we haveadded men who remain at home, andJiaa so 040 against 91,484,640 last year.' For twenty colntnui of reading matter to the informed the would-bshirker. And three weeks of Noveml-e- r tiabilirte have 1 mount heretofore furnlehed, while . we (hat isn't all. These men they find been $8,088,420 against l7,0:;7,14- - list : : ; . Utah. Summit Co., continue to furaieh the canal amount themselves unable to draw their salaries year, Failures this week htwe been in of homeprioted local and county new. for tha remaing three .months of their tha United 8tntes289 agautot 27f laA t ht- -t if they do not eoiue to Washington year, ami in Canada htt atminat It will aim be noted that one page term, and attand to their duties, year. p. wia devoted to farm, garden, dairy,' etc., A plan is being talked up by the opDulawak i not alt-n4populuit-- i on to general mlecellany, one to abort ponents of the invents tax lo kill that lleiieritl Dealer in All Kinda of but were Texas as thickly stale, peoI be law and the other by to one refusing tuapi ropriats money humor, atoriei, pled Iter population would be aljoiit necessary to carry it into effect. Secre.lour to home and county affaire. Were Texas . i)ttincriu.l) estimates Carlisle that 9500,000 tary We believe the change will meet with Massachusetts-he- r aa peopled populawill be needed and be will ask congrts ' tion weuld exceed by 10.000,000 tht to-- AND, both the approval and eupport of our to make an appropriation of tkst amount tal population of the United Stales en-we will for and that the claimed those purpose. Iris by people, to th census of isvto. Mure whearv in the deal that it will be com couragement enough to warrant a atUI, if Texas wvr aw densviy to defeat tha appropriathia plan. No change psrativaiy easy if it cap be dene w itbeut a record peoplel as Rhode Ixlatuj her population tion, ' would be lunre tban (C.OiKMiOq. New baa been made in the price of aubecrip vote. The law baa If HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STA TI0NERY. COALVILLE. strung and alert York Sun, rtlwti except on tingle eoplee, which friends in both aenata and houss whe School Book's, will hereafter be aold at 10 inatead of 0 are as good parliamentarians as thare Note Books, Thers ta more cstsrrh in t0 iwcti..n ,,f it,. t alt etberdlewst sirtV.'Ou-r- , ' ' ' " ' Sra in congress nn I they will - see that aountntil than --cent. . hut tw jrsart m Paper, n tie t Mnbto. Wnra mans i Ik a fair chance (Irn ta ami appropriation gala -x , hat canatdaratAy laerwaaed uouncrU It a local diarase. amt yt, Envelcjs, ti,,- become law, and tha if it is defeated mae-itM- , ind breoiutantlvfaitiittr tumro apt, . Tablets, the cot of publication, but we hope .to It wilt be aa Wtcal truatnnt. pemuuttccd it vota. by span Sclenns ha to a catarrh Ijc . bevan . ut!iwi Bianks, t make it ap in the lncreae of patron- ducasa and then-torcmsntnurtfia1 A Orast Hauls : lrctrant. Hall's Catarrh tMre, nia,mfai-ture- i Pens, . ay r J I'betiajr A Co., Tolcvl, 11 to. is Eft aim Is continually going on in tha human eunitlmtiunal L Pencils, eat on th market It ir.Utkm Lok over Tits TimwVs payee -- care- eystetn. Tbw deman of impure., blood lotrriialW ia dow-to aii'ftkt-nt(root IQ To bring you something nice this Christmas? If so, call at the Ink. Ini. It acta dlnstlrss lh dr.,y to ItlinS anti strive constituover the v victory gain of th system. Th- nilt-- r tl!- - i. , J i fully, and if you conoluda it ia worth tion, to rum health, to dreg victims to Store and tell MISS SALMON what you would like. You will . dollars for say rase It fait, I, cure, hciuitor Rulers,' ' 92 par yaar to you, tend in vour namee. tha grava. lleoda Sarsaparilla ia tha titulars and testimanUU Erasers, there see not the largest, but the most F. J. t: H E N ET d t 1,, Toted, tl weapon with which to defend ones self, : ' drive tha desperate enemy from the gWSold by llragxlAta. 7Uj, Slates, X.ETTEK. WASKIKCT0H K'j (laid, and restore bodily health for many or anything in Tackle, Fishing Rates. UaUdajF years. (now Oct llaaiu.aa The Ubiott Facific will give haikUy that line, give me a call before Hoods Fills cure nausea, sickness, in- rata of one fare for the rottmi WaaiuwaTot), December 2, IBM. Iu Coalville. Her real valve is $5. Ask your papa or mamma trip to all purchasing. 'Th attempted war scare tbia week digestion and biiliouanesf. 25c. points within 250 miles. Ticket on ,i!e to give you.TEN CENTS and Guess the Number of this Little December 24th and 25th. and DtvcenifH'f wata dtcided flukaand if it be char? WEEKLY REVIEW. Girl. , 8Ut ami January 1st, good returning PEC) you guess her right, or come the nearest, A, aMc, a many believe, to the Nicaragua UTAH, tU, A. A. IEftRY, Agt. Jauusry 24th. on SANTA' The Bwlsatff of the Weak as Reported bj canal lobby, It a at a bad break WILL BRING HER TO TOO THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS. ' Peas Review. An order from any of our Vnercttmifs the part of the lobby. The Auger of come yourself and bring your children to see lam prepared to fur-- 1 the OMothers, The complete ouccess of tlie govern- will be taken on subscription '' nt Thk euxplclon certainly points that way. It and purchase one dollars worth of goods andreceive a . ' Tmxa , ; office, toys, all ment loan and.tha replenishment of th r kinds of jnish aot until lha committee representing r'"' '' ' ticket on the doll. .the Nicaragua canal eorajtaity went to gold reserve have not perceptibly af- Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder X-J- tr London,' (wtentibly In March of British fected business, norpreventrdSuaib A VorMT Fair Highest, Award. I Capital, but really le ''bluff congress, vaaee of foreign exchange near to the I will also have on exhibition my large pastel picture, that England ellrred up thinga by an-- , exporting point. Ai January interest -- -- BEUSqiEST T4X LIST. - . Moonon the Lakes of Killarney, Ireland. Its actual value is 15. ' pouncing a sudden change of policy, has toon to ba mat, and the operations light --which wwa followed by a riitt Item tht of tli syndicate are thought likety to - The following is the Hat of delinquent Purchase Jx wortn of goods, guess any number between 1 and 500, Nicar guau mljiUtw to bee ret ary Gree-- I pravont much Mllingof the bonds to city taxea for Coalville City : and receive a ticket in this picture. Mss. Aloe. Ia. 4aaa). bain and a rantie appeal for balp to keep foreigners, aoma exports of gold are not - , etallinira, H. 3. X lot 8. A. Moores John Bull from awallowlng Nicaragua, improbable. Maanwhila domestic trade . Iti Ladies complete line MUchskF. k. all. tr -- Canal and all, Of courts Nicaragua and industry have net been little . . ; .. AND Undaajr, John Boys Capa : Crash Coat Co. JfSO wanu the canal built, and the lobby bat by tha haavv defalcation in one Chalk . . acres ia Sac 4, T X N X K . MAGGIE SALMON, 7t T W T 21 officials bank bomas Iu in the Idea aces ita and tainordieordero with two that rtfht, tuipreated others, (to- io m u UIHING the heat way to get it done by thle gv- - nar by the failure of the Erie Railway to Brown, Oaoivw is' acres ta 4 It eminent ia to put ont the impression meat interkit on its band. The c toeing Brtm, A U. SO acres ta Bcc. that England ia after It, There le no at sugar reflnarle will diminish the in05 Was., Sprlug t more danger of a war with England, ax- - dustrial farce more than it H Increased Ease, gareonnl B pong.a Mcept of words, thaa Iheieitof sprite by the mumptlon of the Bethlehem fight between FrealJeat Clerelaad and 8ttel Work aad a few other concerns. AT. THW . fienator Hill, The eontrelling fact is that, although in DRS. RHOADES. It It rumored that President Clevo two Instance wages have been increased, -land will- propoee en extended umo! tha earnings of the working force and ih- t tilver at money ia hia meeaage. Tht Its purchasing power are not oa the : idea that it fa enly waetom sad south-t- f whole enlarging nt piwaeat, and prices men who layer silver i$ trronaout. ef the chief farm products do not maRustic' and T. and G. Flooring, Bepretentativa Curtis of Naw York, terially improve, . we When have reached Cotton 6 a financial last cents iwayti eytSaturday, , Red or White Pine, one or i tern esUbliahad, it will have to include and has reacted h one and after inch. tht free and gtatral uaa of silver. There a week of heavy speculation. Crop cae be no makeshifts ec ball wty meat- FINISHING lumber and of the New Orleaaa Cotton ExFinest Stock of urtt, for nothing ' short of tht general change averaged 9,290,000 bales, and a jf - . s.-q I eat of silver will satisfy the people or larger qaaatlty baa coma into sight this . stock-ke- pt at FulE in yards fulfill the roqulremeate of trade, yaar Utah at date in 1881, whan the a Coalville. I ' If U congressman, or even a majority yield waa over 9,000,000 bales.' The of tham, thought as Representative avenge price in November of that yaar gjTLeave orders in Coalville LIDIES' HATS, TRIMMINGS, ' rPhlllipto! Penmylvania does, aevertl was 8.16 cants; at that price th 4.781,-00- 0 of Peoa. bales which cams into sight in three 92-0- 0 .. very frooblevome quettioat might be ' Etc.', Etc., Ever Brought JAS. WELSH, Prop. . permanently tettled. For instance, be months ending December 1 would have to Coalville. - Full line of aid : 1 have long been an advocate of paid aa much debt ws 6,871,000 bales at a plan to take the tariff ont of politics. the price tbia year, 'but even that would OSCAR P. LYONS. A commission of experts not explain the large" marketing This j - should be and appointed to deal with this year unless the crops were large. Wheat Pcblic Conveyancer. Notary And Other Goods. abject. It is too bad that we should be is Ha cent higher than a week ago, and made a Collection 1romptly periodically torn to pieces over the tar- western receipt still exceed la t years, and examine my stock Comadeotun. -' iff, and that ourburiinefi intereels should smonnting, since July I to 103,500,0(10 reQ Will offer from such mutt ant agitation. No bushels figsinst lOO.BuO.OOQ last yettf,ia ,Pnces onto t h ! Xorope&u country i so unwire. Hut while expo-tt- s fv't ;ls st-' matkct prices " in ; j rts S:"ve " , after the tat iff and the silver quca-tio- n smaller. T!,1 change tor JJ(Kh1.' are but minor issues. There must Smaller, quantity rcti'vi-- last year paid MRS; M. L. RHOADES. Sammit CuUitty, Utah. peoa, fl$ I flt st f'-- ho-th- e yp -e 1 -- . -- V"' Icgie-fatin- I ii liK-- 1 I r j , Heart Disease30 Yrs! .......i-.s.- tr tnaer-tloa- Q s, Coalr-HM- i ,- I, it0 o . (I Our 1; nt i f a L a n cLSe e -- Dr Miles Heart Cure WINTER GOODS oo In the County. Q M. D. Wells 0 Da a r rr m JJ J Celebrated Best in the o Shoes, for wear. o o "0 e POSTOFHCE STORE Golden Fleece Yarns, all colors. BesMn the land. PBOA, Gilberts Fall and Winter Satines. None better. f; o, LYONS. Coalville Co-O- JBOYDENSJ)RUSTORE. re-el- Prescriptions Filled. You Want -- M AGGIE SALMON. CHILD do you want Santa Claus Vt, itntj-nU- ; T'vfa, rjf HM-ti- t prCM'i-it-- s 1 -. ,! raq-ilr- , i -- s tt s - 1 BEAUTIFUL DOLL CoroT.1 . Postoffice Building, ; vu 1 If . MB B J $15 PICTURE GIVEN-- WAY : XJbuilding -- I carry a Childrens Underwear, ta of MILLINERY. Pants and and Prop, - Hoi-W- IU - threa-alxtant- R lowest Prices. New Goods hs WILSON BROS - E TIUBERS - one-fourt- , eaii-mat- DSima l ea uth. c- MILLINERY. A " 1 a , Lump, per ton Stove, per ton Mes,-UnderieirrFmisMi- uon-partir- 1.50 ig$, Nut, per ton .50 1 takeood roETorricr Biunwti, At the Mine. 1 k |