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Show THE BOMBARDMENT OP PAHIS. The first shots in the much talked of bombardment of Paris were fired on Tuesday, and were directed against a fort six miles from the city walls on the east side. The real secret of the reason rea-son why the Prussians have not commenced com-menced the bombardment before, is evidently because they could not; and all the talk about humanity being the deterring cause is incorrect. The powerful pow-erful cordon of forts which surrounds the city must first be broken and a gap made for the advance of siege works. The forts still stand intact, and while they remain so Paris is safe from bombardment, bom-bardment, unless the Germans can bring forward siege guns of heavier calibre and longer range than any yet in position according to the latest dispatches. dis-patches. The beleaguered city does not seem to be in the pitiable condition depicted by some correspondents,if the dispatch published this morning from Versailles Ver-sailles King William's headquarters may be relied on. Nor can food be so scarce as has been sometimes repie-stuted, repie-stuted, or cab and omnibus horses would li3.ve been served out at butchers' butch-ers' shops, instead of doing duty in the street' . Evidently the siege of Paris will not be very abruptly closed ; nor does the war seem to approach a ter-jiination ter-jiination so rapidly a general expectation expec-tation looked for. The French are up in arms, and are fighting with all their traditional bravery. |