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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Secretary Belknap's wife is very sick. The French army of the north has fallen back to Arras. Dr. Willford, of the Virginia Medical Med-ical College, died on Tuesday, aged 74. Bismarck refuses Favre a safe-conduct to attend the -European Congress. Con-gress. The Department of State has not yet prepared Schenck'g instructions on the Alabama claims. Alleged frauds in the purchase of Indian goods and supplies are being investigated by Congress. The Germans commenced bombarding bombard-ing Fort Avron, fix miles cast of the walls of Paris, on Tuesday. Gladstone has deemed it necessary to publish a letter indignantly denying that he has become a Roman Catholic. Catho-lic. i A fire at Medina, New York, on Monday night, burned the Presbyterian Presbyter-ian church, several stores and two dwelling houses. The English government is urged to demand an explanation and redress ftom Prussia, for sinking British vessels ves-sels in the Seine. Joseph Meyers has been sent te the insane Asylum from Chicago, his insanity in-sanity being caused by violent love for Christine Nillson. The Democrats carried Georgia by over 35,000 majority. Only two radicals rad-icals have been elected to the State senate, both colored. , The murdered body of a well-dresed man was found on Tuesday, in a pass-ago pass-ago way on the most public part of North Wells St., Chicago. Robert Biber, convicted of filing U. S. gold coin in San Francisco, has been sentenced to $1,000 fine and eighteen months in the State's prison, A fight between a Spaniard and two Mexicans, at San Jose, on Tuesday, Tues-day, resulted in tho Spaniard being shot, and the Mexicans being admitted to bail. No more bodies had been found in the ruins of tho Spottswood Houso, Richmond, up till Tuesday. It is thought the names published cover all the victims. Boston has a smuggling trial involving involv-ing 350,000, the operations having extended over between three and four years. Dexter Willis and others aie implicated. A delegntion of LuxembourgerH pro-ented pro-ented a patriotic address to Prince llcnry. who in reply expressed confidence confi-dence in their ability to defend tho rights of ibi; Duchy, King William ami the Crown Princess Prin-cess of Prussia wrote to Victoria 'hut the wore opposed lo the Princess Loui1 many'S the Martinis of Lome. The Queen mifo back tilling thum to mind their own biifiwiv. |