Show cone gone before william W dixon an old time resident of the territory died at harrisville jane june 10 he ile was bora born la in cumberland england november 4 1818 HP ile came to america in 1830 bottling in illinois in 1842 in august augast of that year he married sabra daughter of james lake lak during the vicissitudes attending the fol followers loers of the prophet joseph he came with an ox team to utah in 1830 1850 settling in the old fort where farrs barrs woolen mills are now located in december 0 of that year he h was baptized into the church of jesus jeane christ of latter day saints and in 1851 ai fettled in harrisville building a email small log house la IQ this house wai was born the first white girl girlin in harris ville she afterwards becoming the wife of lyman sheen skeen of plain city and the mother of eleven children while her father was wag lying on his deathbed death bed she passed pawed away some few weeks ago the deceased moved south fors for a while but returned in 1859 living in until the time of his lis death he ile was the father of fifteen chil children dreng ten of whom had preceded him he ile leaves a wife and four sons son sanda and a daughter he ile was a friend to education and aided by his means and influence in the erection of school houses he ile was well liked and respected by all ohof e acquaintance and friendship he had bad formed the funeral services were held in the harrisville school house at 10 am a m friday june 12 A large attendance was present many speakers from ogden being there consoling and edifying remarks were made by president L W Shur tiff ff counselor 0 V F middleton bishop kabert mc me Qi arrie lorin farr D 11 peery bishop 1 P G taylor 1 D B rawson and others nearly fifty carrl carri etges iges followed the remains rem ano to the grave where they were laid a id to rest thua thus with years ripe and love supreme passed away one more of those veteran pioneers who aided in the opening 11 g up of this valley and who wil a through gh bis his life labored for its development an and d the perfect perfection ioa of its people |