Show BERRING SEA CLOSED A bodag between Beti veen the I 1 united states and great britain OUR im WILL E OFF TOE THE ro DERS fam sam small feels grieved Itt over the report of llis his dismissal prom from the th methodist leth letb odist ministry Hio itri washington june 15 the president today to day leaned a proclamation elating that the agreement ol 01 a modus between the government of the united states and the government of her britannic majesty in relation to the fur far seal flab fisheries eries on the behring sea w was as concluded on the fifteenth da day of last june it reads for the purpose of 0 avoiding irritation and differences and with a view to promote the friendly settlement of the questions pending between the two governments touching their re epee t ive rights in the behring sea and and for the preservation of the seal seat species the following agreement is made without prejudice to the rights or claims of either party 1 her iler ma maje alenty I 1 a government will ant until i I 1 may ay next seal killing in that part of the behring sea lying eastward of the line of demarcation described in arti article cloNo no 1 of the treaty of 1807 1867 between the th united states and russia and will promptly use ita its best to insure the observance of this a prohibition by british Britie lt subjects and in ves vessels 2 the united states government will prohibit seal kilting killing for thin same period in the same part of the bobring behring sea and on the shores and islands thereof the property of the united states in excess of of to be taken on the eslanda for the sub ei ai stence and care of the natives and will promptly use ita its best efforts to insure the observance of thin prohibition by united states citizens citi and vessels 3 every vessel or person offending agal tiet this aroh prohibition in ithe waters of the behring sea outside of the ordinary territorial limits of the united states state may be seized and detained by naval or other duly commissioned officers of either of the high contracting parties but they shall be banded handed over as soon as practicable to the authorities of the nation to which they respectively belong who shall alone have i c tion to try the offense and impose penalties for the same the witnesses and grooms proofs necessary to establish t the he 0 offense naeshall shall ball also be sent with them in order to facilitate such proper inquiries as her maje government may denro depiro to 0 make with a vew view to the presentation of the case that an agreement tor for arbitration may be armed med at it is agreed that suitable persona persons to be designated by great britain will be permitted at any time upon application to visit or remain upon the seal islands during the present sealing season for that purpose signed and sealed in duplicate at washington this fifteenth day of june 1891 on behalf of their respective govern government mente by william villiam F Whar wharton acting secretary of state of the uni united to states and by sir julian forte envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of great britain now therefore be it known that 1 I benjamin barnson Har president of the united states of america have caused said agreement to be made public to the end that the same and every part thereof may be observed and fulfilled w with ith good faith by the gaited united states of america and the c citizens I 1 thereof in witness I 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the united states to be affixed the arrangement indicated in the a aboe bove proclamation proda mation has been carried to completion with a degree of speed w without precedent in the history of the state department and the cable has been relied upon to an unwonted extent the agree agreement ment was signed this ni morning by sir 1 r julian iannce forte and wharton and the presidential proclamation followed as quickly as I 1 it could be prepared the navy department has been advised vl i sed of the progress and necessity of the case and orders are now in preparation for the immediate dispatch of probably two nav naval 1 vessels from san francisco to alaska where they will assist the three revenue cutters in the task of driving os off the poaching sealing vessels it will be noticed that the agreement authorizes united states vessels to seize offending british vessels which however are fire to be turned over to the british authorities for trial I 1 and this feature of the agreement mantis is expected to prove ol 01 great value yalu 0 inthe in the present emergency that is held to exist of clearing out the lawbreaking law breaking vessels before irreparable damage is done to the seal fisheries the department of state this afternoon made public the latest correspondence spon dence on the subject it beg begins no with the note of june 3 from sir julian fort in reply to secretary blaines Bl alnes letter of may 4 replying to those propositions ions sir julian re replied plied w with the ani amended ended draft of th the e agreement which differs from the one signed today to day in the covering by t the he interdict against killing the whole of Behring ses and its islands it also provided for british consuls to the islands thia this summer summet and that the convention should eli come into operation unless dussias Rus sias assent obtain in reply the president offered a proposition suggesting buch changes as so would give to the tile modus the same territory in extent with the pending proposals for arbitration and so that the stipulation for the prohibition of the killing upon the islands of the united states might re rest upon 0 n its own order and that the obligations blit tup ions of the respective governments to give prompt and vigorous effect to the agreement might be more clearly apparent Thell the president resident stated that no british consular lay bunc lions could be exercised on the behring sea lalanda islands but reason reasonable ablo facilities might be extended ex tented to great britain for investing at the islands any facts involved in n the controversy to be arbitrated |