Show THE METHODIST university 0 A strong effort is being made to breathe new life into the methodist university and carry on that project to conclusion we need scarcely eay say that towards the university as an enterprise THE tim STANDARD has none bat the kindliest kind liest feelings more than that TUB tue STANDARD is willing to a accord it enthusiastic support if it shall be decided to resume the work and establish in a christian spirit a worthy educational institution we should be glad to seethe see the methodists have a fine university and we hope they will sill have it in ogden we believe no belter better place can be found in utah no place where such an institution would be ba more appreciated la in saying all this is we do not recede one inch from the position heretofore taken with reier reference to the bitterness that was manifested man at the cornerstone corner stone laying in 0 other words we are still solidly against sam small ism am or any other blodys ism lam hat that beeks to vila in notoriety oat t of bate and curry favor with falsehood that the project has languished and developed so offensive a scandal has been popularly believed to be in some sense a retribution for the worse than blundering with which it was launched but all that wilt will be forgiven and forgotten if he the resuscitation of the undertaking shall be marked by a due consideration of the proprieties and a proper regard for common decency certainly here is where the university should be built EMPEROR WILLIAM olay be a gar young upstart but be he has never been convicted of carrying around outfit on his travels travel T a private gambling gamt gaint TUB tue WAGE WINNERS ALLiAn cp has adopted aa as its motto mott america for america europe for europe thais the doc doctrine titine IT LOOES LOOKS for a moment as though J bad decided to give us a rest |