Show SECOND NEWS SECTION OGDEN CITY UTAH - SUNDAY MORNTNO- TTTTV - o fl ‘ Fear Of Gas mcaassj Talks Next War ramtce Im 1 —B 1931 Still Unmarriedy But Rumors Die Hard Bachelor Believed Real Possibility In King England j Britons ! By MILTON BRONNER H ARCHAMBAULT NEA Service Writer The presence of three Standard-Examine- r By A G GARDINER Cable to rhe LONDON— Special Dispatch InPrincess girls— Cable Special Dispatch to The Standard-ExaminCopyright 1931 Consolidated Press Associationgrid of Sweden Lady May Cam-- 1 Copyright 1931 Consolidated Press Association and Lady Anne Wellesley-a- t July 25 — Publication this week of the full text of bridge PARIS French — various social funcparties and memorandum to the league of nations on arm ions at which LONDON July 25 A chorus of disappointment (touched another guest has aments to be presented to next year’s disarmament con- seen the Prince of Wales has oncej anger issued from all sections of the press this week more the at set the society gossips of Lonference a Geneva indicates that France is unwilling to conmeager results of the conference of powers in London ' don future! a about buzzing We are very well pleased” said Premier Ramsay' Macsent to further arms cuts without strong guarantees of the Queen of England possible donald V at the close of the conference" - status quo in Europe and of her bwn security But somehow this leaves the av- d “Why are they well pleased?? erage Briton Sensational imaginary pictures If you asked him he would bet three to one asked the Manchester Guardian of Paris and other French cities What less could they have done hat there is nothing in it He is being destroyed by air attacks alase dn the subject He has seen than they have done?” The Lonwhile somewhat minimized by he Prince of Wales “engaged” by don Times strikes the same note the general staff continue to be to some dozen pretty girls gossip voicing impatient dissatisfaction' displayed prominently in Paris And in each and every case the with a mountain which brought even journals Some of them young woman has married some-- 1 forth such a pathetically small advocate that comer drug stores body else So the conviction is gradmouse It insists that if all the keep a supply of gas masks ually growing in the British mind conference aimed at was the available for the populace at a hat the dearest wish of Queen EUROPE SOON persuasion of bankers to leave In moment’s notice in the event o Mary’s heart is not to be granted viz that the prince shall marry and Germany such money asj was a gas attack settle down and found a family of ready there there was no The importance to France o own to call the conference It Large Tariff not cutting down her air force Germans Believe’ France hisThe that! British believes also public criticises the government in the present precarious situaUrged To Protect the to Can has decided Thwart prince to definitely for its failure Progress give a bold lead tion In Europe it is pointed ou remain a bachelor Industries to the in the memorandum delegations which At Geneva After all despite his youthful Chncellor Bruening of Gerstates that the nation has only ooks energy and charm he is no RALPH HEINZEN By come to London asking many 80 airplanes more than it had in By FREDERICK OECHSNER onger a youngster The other day United Press Staff Correspondent bread has the New Statesmen 1923 says ostenta-Cable le celebrated are these and without any Special that I Dispatch to The PARIS (UP) —As Russia’s five- - He goes back chiefly to Berlin? with a on his 37th birthday He has in colonial service while instead year plan advances and the first ef- Iew 1931 therefore' halfConsolidated (Copyright the of the seven dirigibles it had in Press already passed fects of the Soviet foreign merchan- way milesstone in the allotted Bib-- 1 1923 there are now only three Association) ANGRY AT FRANCE program is beginning to be dising BERLIN and ten He is in July 25— Germany lical biisi-- J felt AIRPLANE STRENGTH industrialists bankers and Resentment against France as rejects the French memor- the summer of his life but - he is western At present France has 1210 squarely “en of£fance chief author of the pitiful “ff8 on andum auarmaments to the leads that submitted facing slope land and sea military planes or his week to the league of nations tumn of the conference is results 1933 Wxiicn many iaax will 50 down hAnininTi 13 ndHpcrirpo thirty more than she rhad six and insists that the only guarantee KEEPS BACHELOR HALL in - commercial history as a “Blackl years ago when the service was of safety in Europe is equality in There is no indication in St One of the most natural informal home pictures ever taken of Albert Edward Prince of Year” unless national ony obj ect parliaments Ifwaslrefled i1® overhauled How these planes armaments at least in principle an 13 hankers James’s palace that the prince i& shown the“e here with the Earl and Countess of Athlone and their daughter Ladv MarvP311 : huge tariff barriers against may be best used for defensive The least restrained German thinking of giving up bachelorhood Cambridge of was unnecesFrance flood Their the presence of Russian intimate to led At left are shown products romantic rumors family aa as Praptically purposes is expected to be ex- opinion holds that the French Princess of Sweden and relationship 1933 the first year in which Anne ia°VK Maude (below) of both names whose Lady Wellesley imdescribed memorandum represents “a policy small wing of the palace He still in an aU haustively term the short the full money coupled hopefully with that strength of the reborn Rus' - of the Prince but in vain Isian industries portant report which is scheduled half way between Megalomania and sleeps to his severe almost monk-- J is American and English : and willmany agriculture in-old from to be made public when it is jersecution” and is a clear sign that lige bedroom He still shows no 1 ways and not marry into Russian industry It is PRly fair to say that the ‘King Edward VII and therefore b6 felt abroad submitted by Marshal Philippe France intends to thwart any reduc clination to occupy the bigger Marl- - royalty because blood ties are so will of have uncle increased the its production personal impression created by present kingin armaments whatsoever ' Fetain at the r borough house which was for so long fir— 181 per cent of For several an' the by she average reopening of par- ton years past By Premier Laval at the conference L‘ This can hardly be taken here or the residence of the late Dowager come to London regularly on the same time agricultural produc- - was excellent and his relations liament in the autumn has e t5uke of York his and sister Alexancha his grandmother else to augur well for the Queen visits to her grandfather She is in tion will have increased 151 per cent with Bruening were most cordial For several months now Mar- anywhere If he has given up the dangerous Frincess Mary both married of the disarmament conferLondon now Hence all eyes are on shal Petain has been investigat- success wondering where Russia there is of riding to hounds he stiUslde royalty and the weddings ence to open in Geneva next FebrualS0 She 13 eoIng about raoreeasonable that ing military aviation in France ary With the and en?FraoushIts ? genera iS France and Germany so goes in for his flying his golf his g°7ed vS inspecting existing defenses and completely in disagreement on ma-- tennis and he still holds himself British RuH1(g Tbe average SetSng reconciled was tickled to see fresh blood in others He has also at a minute’s notice to go any-- 1 issues it would seem that- the preparing famlly know Land will control themarkets and!? been testing the combative value 932 conference is spiked far in ad- where in the world to do a Job of the royalfa5nl1y especially if lt was too if she that attends rls1lan press Evidence many social Russia through her mass produc- - S kood British blood of the French army air service vance The amicability demonstrat- "selling” the empire to foreign nai ls affairs also is where the the Pf given in the popular tion and prince the of labor using cheapest “IDEAL1VIATCH” MISSED Under his direction and in his ed and French tions or tiie German min-tw- o will at once take two and Europe may gossips to control suchlreceptlon prices RUMOR DENIED presence aerial maneuvers have statesmen in the last week a friend-nesAt one r time all thev gossips bad on and make five out of it isters their arrival in Paris extent an GerFrance Britain that held here to be of historic been held in several sections of The rumor that he would soon the prince- engaged to Lady Anne the meantime when any pa- - many and Italy will lose most In week end Unfortunately the may prove to be valuable announce his engagement to Lady Wellesley the exceedingly-beautifu- l the country pers publish rumors of an engage- - their European export markets by night n the policy of France is dictated by de- - granddaughter of the was of knotty problems In each caseespecially practical Mary Cambridge promptly has been the Quai d’Orsay which learns emphasis -and powder but the outlook at nied here It hardly needed any lington She was seen at all big expert survey placed on defense ' rather than guns assertion5 The palacelldenying dubious is own Jench denial Is h his was first parties Then suddenly she' government the and Lady Mary on offense for it is admitted present ceptlial' cousin her father the Earl of survey °£ the new RuKianFPfa3 dB® cmfremarkf' tea STICKS TO RIGHTS such statements as only 311 deprecating that it is easier to carry out an gold Into Paris competition and lias published being Queen Mary’s brothcausing “annoyance and The charge Is made in some quar- Athlone air attack than to repel one estimate er the MORE showing GOLD progress great is GONE And British ment” opinion grad- - that has been made in Russian here that publication of the The It is understood that Marshal ters has to present the itself royal family posFrench ually accustoming is was memorandum significant that thU premedi shown a disposition to break away Petain will report that the popriculture Mid industry giving “L jt of a bachelor king was a direct effort to renewed ular conception of the magnitude ated and idea of the formidable expansion ztr conof aerial attacks is based on ference theItLondon which may provoke disaster for thej tndrawals of gold from Lon Is pointed out semi-erroneous ideas Aggression from dally however that the memoranexporters of Europe: don resulting in an increased bank rate Even the' LondSn the air would be a very grave dum was two weeks qld at the time Post which has been menace in time of war Mornlng but it of its publication which was made most faithful apologist for 3488’ooo’oooj® must not be imagined that cities revnecessary by certain indiscreet 41000000 France in the London press no 11 Duce Starts will be wiped out in a few min- elations in the press of Training 7000- 000 longer pretends utes as pictured by sensational It is constantly reiterated in the that this is other than a deliberate act of discussions here of course that GerBoys At Young Age writers man disarmament under the Ver BARRAGE BETTER mooofflPoHcy “Unfortunately” says the of Six Intended only as looooo Post “the handling of the prob- From the point of view of de- sallies treatyofwas 5000- 000 lem of the German crisis is ren- a program Hhat the beginning fense the two most important other By MILTON BRONNER were to follow Germore difficult by the fact factors are rapidity and organ- many nations NEA Service Writer 525000000 dered does armaments not demand that France has elected this par- — ization As the assailant will ONDON To the average Amer- -i for herself so much as disarmaments tic now to make a fresh inular time are Technicians rein great part on the effectsrely lean reader puzzled by the attempting of for Others but at the same time she to figure just how much of the in-- 1 road into 'the world’s gold is essential that surprise-isticks to the meager rights granted cent sharp notes exchanged by the With her barns of precious production Russia’s Vatican and the Fascist government units should be stationed her sunder the Versailles treaty proved domestic markets will be able metal pressed down to overflow- in time of peace at the very spot - Thus in respect to building an of Italy the situation can be made she within the space of less where they will be needed in time other “vest pocket battleship” to fol clear in one sentence t £ It is a battle for the souls and a fortnight has taken con- a°c of war Furthermore observa- low (the remarkable cruiser Deutsch minds an industrial nation slderably markets of the children of Italy recently launched a spokesman oyer $ioo000000 in" tions stations must be numerous land Both Pope Pius XI and Benito official opinion told this correfrom this country-- a gold and manned by competent staffs of realize that the children that while Germany is un- Mussolini are even in war times which in order that there may be no spondent jdrawal the citizens of tomorable to consider relinquishing this of today in delay nJils WeaTsHeii reporting the passage second cruiser as a political conces- row The pope wishes them reared e3Efe?ded'- By G j er - i j ! : stone-col- might mm I j -- j 1 Standard-Examin- er I three-sco- re Eii-jt- he I - - -- J I I I - ’ I I out-spo- rt hir? SS Brit-rea- dy or - : f f between-Germa- n - ss im-xirta- oflt - nce Duke-©f-We- I 1 1 -- ’ - - - 'V l j I : mn-sibil- sa-jota- ge ity I seven-pow- er of non-Russi- an 1 -- t J sup-creas- anti-aircra- im-pli- ft ed es -- 111 ’ perio- din the Roman Catholic church Mussolini wishes them before all to be lueHhicheUevet3hthSRu1stS 1S‘W0 yearsthe’gold -holdinghas Increased 1000and strength together with averse to discussing the merits of good Fascists The pope maintains on win' and visability F°3t points out her naval program as limited as it that the citizens of tomorrow can the world by 1933 second only to the while Britain uses From the maneuvers hitherto is at the coming Geneva conference be both good Italians and good double gold for States United with thefu and Catholics They can render to Caet&e sood of Europe as a Whole carried out in France it would NO PRESSURE WANTED Venezuela will of little have output sar what is Caesar’s and to God France manipulates it for her oil left over for export appear that the barrage is the Germany would consent to having what is God’s Mussolini is conmost reliable weapon ParPOses in - ways which alinRussia succeeds armaments her iron naval in fitted into If finding the with all of cerned first part vaders from the air against most ore 500 miles keep the situation uneasy and in the Kursk region any system that the conference that belongs to Caesar to bring down airplanes Attempts not south of Moscow of whole the disturbed This is a fact which but under pothe upon agree might by direct litical The quarrel between them startcan coal increased be constitutes a poor return for the hits are discouraged reliance pressure so this spokesman ed in this beproduction Mussolini an with way: used home at stated Russia Otherwise consideration whidh has j been to the future is enrolling as ing placed in the moral and mashould have a surplus of about shown her by this country in the The situation as it now stands eye terial value of prolonged bar- cannot can the as all children he fast and 25 million tons of coal to dump on matter of for long The ques- youths of rages in the case of planes heav- tion of continue lightening war debts” Italy into various Fascist disarmament is the keystone church The enrolled laden MOSCOW with explosives WHOOPSJ organizations ily of international politics and if no Most of the plows and tractorsl children in the Azione Cattolica solution is found only the highest the aroused here by the must be used on Russian farms for Feeling Mussolini had his millions The tension in international relation- Azione of customs the French over has pncesses Ipiental: 800000 Cattolica bad Europe already high ship can result according to this and was growing fast CHANGES authority barriers on imported farm machin- - towards Germany is aggravated HELD POLITICAL BODY ery Besides Europe is accustomed by the whoops of triumph hf the France is understood to mean in to localized machinery The Nor- - Moscow press at the threatened COLOR SCHEME state Fascist pounced Suddenly the her memorandum that she does not down — mandy farmer will not use the same fall of the moderate Berliii gov- on the Azione Cattolica intend to reduce her armaments Action— and Catholic practically these members of the BalUla Fascist youth organization GernwiyTcStraT claim that she already has forbade BACKGROUND and the done Marchingr miniature rifles in hand it to go any farther It was are being communist so is challenged by Mussolim Benito who takes this method of insuring a good crop of Fascisti will use reviewed largely by IrevoluUonITavda held that this body was largely po- in the next German military experts They as litical generation FARM MACHINERY in its aims and that thereby AP)— The sert that only transformation and published frantic exaggerations )VSI?FGION came with conflict into the chameleon of the sea reorganization it Russia is concentrating on one of the disorders in pur- chance Mussolini aims to make lilla movie house where films made taken have place Germany says Capt Robert A Bartlett in a which cannot be construed as an ac- poses of the national state standard type of farm machinery While these exaggerations i the nation of tomorrow a Fascist by the government subsidized movie RACING have report to the National Geographic tual reduction of arms If Germany The pope denied the - accusation nation is not since which and of kind it the firm are on display The movement conviction by beendiscounted passionate Is there enough can It a Azione Cattolica had posociety change its color to in the interests of disarmament is that the appeals to the farmers of the re- truth in them to warn France It- is estimated that over l uo-0- is keenly selective All those youths CARRY litical character The possession by - flower mainder of Europe there is little than child- who show special aptitudes for high background the of of Italian not to armored have tanks allowed against the ultimate consequence which It is that body of banners badges and hood and youth are enrolled in his er studies are sent often with the ol Hussian machinery driv-PEAairplanes submarines heavy artil- membership her - The fish'smoving was policy may be that she not cards Other the from the financial 'aid of the organization peculiar organizations etc then these must likewise to FRFMiiMY products I lery will is connected in some way withability have sovietism established as markets American farm machinery a eye- be forbidden to other organizations he said nations so but political children’s legions are enrolled to the universities the musical on the Rhine I be seen throughout the inThe could sight Capt Bartlett explains As Germany neighbor manufacturers dominate academies the and the art schools to be Balilla There used the opines soon as the halibut’s optic nerve — Del-jpeworld am in Cal markets fac One result here of the French (UP) Ray sporting professional by using branch 490 0001 Now there are 780000 They Those who show a preference for j COLORS HOISTED is severed it loses its ability to other organizations machines attitude has been to create a are labor manual sent making of to a conductor hauer technical r°££s station legalized 8 to be used between pigeon boys mainly camouflage itself Blinding has the The national league of German Everything said the pope point- and 14 The French believe that - Russia’s popular despair in where they are traiend for to queer requests for Uiffieuity same effect Recently children from 6 schools usd regard to the officers in a pronouncement on the ed to the existence of an intention to ?fre will be to conscript enough disarmament conference trades all—were enrolled : Ire-- 1 labor to nas the ills He birds loaned them Knowing this fishermen are care- French memorandum declares the to monopolize young people from Girls as well in farm keep the machinery league of nations and to and as boys are enrolled to These who are speciall Interested encourI ful to pile newly caught halibut with time has come for Germany to arm the earliest childhood to the excluce factories and at for are sent to running quently schools capacity flights agriculture an the eyes down Thus blinded the to the limit of her power In a sive advantage of a party on the Not only the fathers of thetnext the five-ye- ar where scientific farming and gard races and message bearing plan is ready Tt age the idea ofbloc as ?ncf well mothers the but generation fish cannot change color but retain to Chancellor but this has basis of what to Bruening telegratn amounted are to be formed into good Fascists entog are taught ' Mussolini aims to 0° was hot he the desired white tint When a fish- while he was in London this week pagan worship openly been of the state dismissed all make by Fascists of the fanners responsible BETTERCANNON-FODDE- R ’ good LOOKING TO FUTURE ing vessel arrives in port with the German navy league a famous prised when the Women’s League for 60 000 OCM) for agriculture and there quarters as an unthinkable reand as the workers well as of the was halibut behind old alive the first many Italian papers standing close to Walk out any sunny r Sunday intellectuals of tomorrow organization which Peace planning its recent con- - is still such a shortage that 750000 turn to the fatal policy of the tion is to cut off the heads opera the pre-w- ar German naval program he governmental regime into reasserted the' to Los Angeles asked him more women may be forced to take balance of power The wiser vention lovely Borghese CHILDREN’S morning CASfPS but which today has a scant follow- that the Azione CattoJIca was by gardens in- - Rome and you will see to serve as winged bear-lig- ht a for flock The average heads lay emphasis on the factory Jobs Being s a keen: phycologist and ers of the figurative olive ing has hoisted its colors again and all means an organization for politi- children and 'youths black shirted 4 whole-heart- ed is wage branch $350 weekly hownow children love to : He Rus-an- d emphasized the absolute necessity of cal action It was not the church barehead carrying Fascist banners knowinghe has all The the doves that survey anticipates supplied impromptu achieved seen to which camp the the it United that of the and was not even necessary to the and singing Fficist songs V carrying through the building will start dumping exports on States andby t various Balilla branches y have of a they were releasedtoat the climax pia world : ' Britain are working second cruiser v church’s spiritual life1 the in 1933 starting that year for the reconstruction which to is more Jane But program there pacifist and summer camps all over Addams noted something spring must be said Whatever the truth may be as to this It all of Europe In accuracy er prod-work: with $1023750000 worth of Chicago welfare than mere attack by mass Italy Poor children who are is that the disarmament question even that there is no doubt’ that outand confidence that express ucts they took wants part Fascist members of the Balilla get a holiday psychokry Italy in view of the French memorandum side of the young communist or strong “in the face of that —H—— so women men there are and WASHINGTON in these for do So camps nothing 4P)—The ‘gulf is far overshadowed today by the ganiza tions maintained by the Bol athletic exercises and contests’ It in the words of the new stream the children of Italians who live in flowing northeastward more pressing economic difficulties sheviks in Russia no country in the wants statesman ‘‘France’s bluff will be soldiers So when they other lands They are thus taught through the Atlantic ocean carries which face Germany The people world has so active a propaganda are of future called” are a the suitable love to 1000 times as much water as the are far more concerned with quesage the home country y youths as that maintained and trained in military’ - exercises- to So important is all this Work conMississippi river says the U S xmt tions of credits than with those of organization fostered Mussolini and his govby S them good material for the sidered ' that It is directly under the and geodetic survey be considered a ernment The whole powerful ma- make Which guns might is So national this of the minister for educa Off Miami Fla the gulf stream healthy sign army cleverly chinery and resources of the state done that swarms of them when charge ’ tion And is 40 - miles wide what is more Renato SALEM Ore — (UP) — Two pre- - MEMPHIS (UP) —Although —f ry to are' at work make of called to the colors choose the navy r actively of the Italian chamto know where are an the for the fish initiative Ing children and petitions of youths Italy an dthe air forces— a new phenome- ber of ideputies and leader of the DOG DIES IN UNDERTAKER’S good Fascist Italians It is a shrewd seeking repeal of the state tog best what kind of bait to use r-CORN GREW 3 INCHES IN DAY SALEM Ma ? non to Italy'' —A mongrel and clever move BalUla ” organization' has been prohibition (UP) laws have been filed with and what to take George A Thom-th- e to the -perpetuate CADILLAC Mich (UP)— Several dog fatally hurt when hit by an minds made an under-secreta- ry But Mussolini is 'after the state in of of state Completed eraasen field representative of the WASHING TON CAP) —A machine Fascist t secretary regime of youth as well as : desiring to the ministry of education farmers here reported their corn automobile ran into the undertakleast 17083 Walton league here never has that tests in 24 hours how much a petitions require of adults are Many Italy comtoday over 900 a inches in day during ing parlors of J J Murphy & Sons nominal Fascists rain their bodies In So the- conflict between church natures of voters at grew three 3 1932 a chance to go fishing He explains sample of wall paper will fade in before July by necessity by munes there are libraries state in Italy goes on —a contest to insure the measure being placed TTm too busy the recent heat wave and dropped dead fear or by an eye during fishing season two years is in operation at the bu- to the main No community is without-- a Ba- - and for the winning' over of youth on the ballot to go on trips” reau of standards air squadrons with in- sion to France in return for finandications of their speed altitude cial assistance the reich is not of enemy S re-uo- rts 1 HALIBUT TO SUIT I IinceItaly nderita PIGEONS BRANCH AT 00 rE color-changi- ng Euro-ONTAR- IO - an i- long-distan- Anglo-Amer-Ican-Ger- ESS? Si -- ? O Stream Would Make co-opera- tion -- on” Two Petitions Seek Knows Finny Tribe U Bat He Can’t Fish Dry Repeal! - - hav-Umtoa- Ricci-membe- r bit-meas- a I 4-- 4 : Device Tests Fading of Home Yallpaper V I sig-llza- ak V 1 h |