Show ' The Ogden Standard-Examin4 U er PUBUblilMi CO Eldredge Jr A L Glasnuuut Publisher prices in the months ahead are all fundamental bullish factors” If the above analysis is correct the next few months will record further improvements and by fall the country will be on the road to better times Today A Few “Moratoriums” We Might Consider Next! to get busy with a new tap' routine this weekbe- house at Sunday morning breakfasta gan the daughter of theNew York with one that sounds like back is from “Lefty Hurley rap drummer with St Vitus dance I need that routine in my justness” “Are you going to study another of those noisy dances?” asked Fattier frowning “I don’t know what is coming over young with frivolity people these days They are entirely taken up '(one of the really important things ’of life seem to he of the-v east Interest” v KKJ “What is important in life Pop?” asked Lucy seriously fundamental virtues or “Why the good ’M GOING Syndicate Inc) Ihsblished i ss However much the west may feel the depression it has nothSUBSCRIPTION RATES Comparable in misery with 7S ing Delivered by carrier one month By mail in advance in Utah Idaho the distress In the coal regions Nevada and Wyoming of Pennsylvania Recently Mau 5 Three months W iltz A Hallgren a newspaper Six months 700 One year AJU other states 9100 a month 91200 man visited the homes of the one year coal miners near Pittsburg He Elember of The Associated Press United says: Press Consolidated Press NEA Service "A hundred thousand families and A B C The Associated Press is exclusively en are going down under the retitled to the use for repnbUcation of nil news dispatches credited to it or not lentless pressure of the ecoand nomic situation which Chairman otherwise credited in this paper also the local hews John Barton Payne of the AmerCall 252 for All Department! ican Red Cross believes 'may continue indefinitely By next winter—unless some miracle intervenes —the toll of starvation The Standard-Examinand disease may be greater than Platform any yet recorded on the pages of 75000 Population by 1835 American industrial history This A Place on the Transcontinental is not my belief alone It is also Air Route Control of a Pure Water Supply held j by a physician living in to Accommodate 150000 Peoone of the coal towns who is ocple casionally employed to handle A Modern City and County Building: company cases and by the presiA Direct Highway to Great Salt dent of a mining company operLake The Monte Crista Road to Rich ating m another section and by county dozens of social workers and inA High School Worthy of the vestigators who lately have visCity Arited the coal fields' The phyAnother North and South terial Highway sician frankly confessed that a An Aggressive County Road number of children and young Building Program In More Street Improvement people in his community were Ogden literally dying from hunger before his eyes and he added that FIRES IN this heighborhood was by no means exceptional In this rejrms REGION unusual an had has spect The presiOgden few last dent said briefly: 'I am sorry number 'of fires in the creeks due perhaps to the very that I must admit it but the children are starving in our coal jflry season have losses the district On the same day I saw Fortunately below what in a half-dozbeen held to figures other communihad realized been ties have adults who had not had might other been more a the fire protection than chunk of bread or two to eat in a week and young than of high efficiency Not only in Ogden but else- children who had not tasted milk where the fire losses have been or anything other than dry bread heavy Even our forest service and canned vegetables for a Is finding the battling with con- fortnight or longer Some of the flagrations in the forest a task men in these villages were on others were working yrhich is testing the resourceful- strike but so low are the wages paid in ness of i$s trained fire fighters intermountain west Pennsylvania and eastern The whole fcountry has been made inflam- Ohio tha£ even the latter are not mable by a hot sun which for a getting enough to eat” month or more has been pourOiy Red Cross should not ing its rays on every form of allow children to go hungry and material on which fires feed when it does it fails to function It Is a time in which extreme as it should In fact there fcaution should be taken to pre- should b no approach to starvent fires vation in1 a country where a government board has 250000000 NOW READY TO of surplus wheat which bushels MOVE UPWARD converted Into bread would feed Encouragement is offered in the millions Postoffice Ogden Utah established 187 I 91-9- er Kindness Not Cash Russia and Sulky Sam Biggest Diesel Plant Only This We Want You of nations la rIE conference disbands with the Germans to us but unexpressing gratitude raisrate bank London’s and happy ed violently according to British ideas to save further draining of London’s gold by France Germans old-fashio- ned course 1” j ‘ just what are they?” Home and permanency as represented by money lands and nvestments” “Father the difference between young people now and when what they: you were a young man is just the difference betweenwere young consider important!” replied the girl “When you people were respected for what they had These days they aim admired for what they know or have done mind can' “Any man with a Poor Richard almanac and a dull of ail you amount save certain a hard and Work wealth acquire to will have are enough earn and by the time you sixty you or nurse your rheumatism and asthma in comfort for the rest comyour days and leave enough to your children to spoil them “And go back to Berlin disappointed tak- ing no ready money with them with “nothing remotely adequate” done to relieve Germany’s situation You will not be surprised to learn that the London Times criticises the United States for “evading the real Issues” We allowed Germany Francevoluntarily and Britain to discontinue their payments to us for one year a new kind of evasion With British statesmen packing up for their grouse shooting this government will consider conditions here at home where we also edit a considerable “help wanted” page Perhaps the United States could revise its childish attitude toward Russia and forget that American bankers failed to get back money that they lent to the czar and Kerensky when a weaning child should have known better AmeriRobert C Lee can business man Intelligent back from Russia says our best market will be found there It will be if our government gets over the idea that it was created to tell other nations how to run their own affairs Meanwhile the British have recently sold $30000000 worth of machinery and other supplies to Russia and are selling to Russia at the rate of $500000 a day When this was announced in parliament sevconservatives exeral perienced a change of heart Today’s dispatches report constantly closer friendly and commercial relations between France and Russia France Is understood to be preparing a pact” with Moscow an agreement to let each other alone and do business Russia has cancelled decrees forbidding purchases In France and will soon be placing large orders there And our nation looks on like a sulky little boy at a party saying “I won’t play with you” Americans are interested in the biggest” things proud of Niagara 'alls Pike’s peak the giant redwood irees curious to see the Canadian Pacific’s new “biggest engine on the American continent" hauling a train more than 7000 feet long More important than the biggest ccomotive destined soon to Join the dinosaur because it is not modern is the largest Diesel engine plant in the 3 unday IVI omrng Breakfast By ROE FULKERSON By ARTHUR BRISBANE (Copyright i931 King Features An Independent Newapaper every evening and Sundaj HUNGER IN a muzzle or a club PENNSYLVANIA without morning Second-claas Matter at the Entered SUNDAY MORNING JUDY 23 1931 THE OGDEN STANDARD - EXAMINER pletely “What has ceased to be Important is measuring success by so and many acres of land so many head of cattle so many houses ' barns so many dollars in the bank i "Because any one can acquire these things by honesty and considered so important We prize frugality they are no longer n people what they have learned or accomplished “A girl use to be popular in proportion to the size of her hit because she can do a swan dive father's farm Today she Is a semi-finals runner-up or is in the tennis “A- boy used to be a social success if he had a side bar buggy com- -' and a trotting horse Today he wins the girl because he canout or memorize sose limericks or has a hot line that he did not x College Humor “When you were a young man a boy could have warts step walking over plowed ground wear a celluloid high like he was collar and still be the hit of any part-i- f he owned twenty acres and was saving up to buy twenty more “To be a success today a boy has to know how to tootle a sax dance the tango do parlor magic pilot a plane or have some other accomplishment which will amuse and entertain others “The standard has changed In your time a boy was honored for what he did for himself today he Is honored for whate Yi can do to make life more joyous for others f( Utahn Studies Night and Day During Leisure “Success In your day came to the purely selfish fellows! was to get a mortgage on every farm In Hangs ter s Use Per fumes Hours and Drives Four Secretaries So He May height of whose ambition sort of the That system today will make a man treasurer county And Keep Nails Well Be Informed On Public Affairs Over World of the county alms house perhaps but never president of the Polished board at the country club where he can get some inside informadidn’t he was and Utah tion about the suburb In which the city will next lay pavements Republican 1916 WASHINGTON July 25— (NEA) PARTON BY LEMUEL senate until of make the water and gas mains so he can buy up a few blocks to sell at a William —Senator Henry King The Democrats when he was first thousand per cent profit Correspondent Of The Utah who tries harder Special Standard-Examinthan anyone else to keep a congressman sent him to Cuba Press modest girl sat with her hands folded in “The (Copyright 1931 Consolidated well informed on to help decide the party’s policy inarmed on Association) “ the floor but the only dates she got and He returned her and her eyes urged all public ques- tervention reso- werelap NEW YORK July 25— The six wrote first He the tombstone on her those j engraved tions may prop- lution for annexation of the Halundred millionaires of Madison be as good She desig- waiian islands erly “Today a girl has to be entertaining as well conspicuously Square Garden wereSharkey-Walkas the nated she has one but other acall was about know at war he absent from the world cooking may the nothing Duringmost voluble kaiser haters Liber“Great husband’s to her entertain Field at Ebbutts' enable will her which of the Brooklyn ight complishments ator” one of our leading business friends so well that they will help him along and enable this week So were the oil barons it after and ' If there are But he was de- him to hire a cook for her he money kings statesmen great industrialists financiers and playany oppressed manding almost daily the restoraor tion of Thrace and Macedonia to downtrodden “She may know little about scrubbing floors and beating rugs-buboys of the social world who used peoo at outshine the calcium lights she can boost his game so that he can buy her a vacuum subjugated world Greece as well as a free Armenia whom two or the and hire a maid to steer it three fistic to King bills years ple doings introduced cleaner He recognize big has not yet tried Czechs and the Jugoslavs as de Vernon California has placed an ago to liberate they facto governments and to further “Why should she Invest her husband’s money in a big house order for Diesel 'engines developing It’s a new ringside now and it need only call their national aspirations He soon and a lot of furniture when they spend most of their time in 35000 horsepower to produoe elec- flashes new manners and modes in the senator’s at- landed on the foreign relations the movies the country club the dance places and the smart world still gaudy and adventurtric energy for the city’s various intention to them- committee restaurants? A house is only a place where people go- to change dustries The engines will be built ous for those who dwell therein A selves in order j clothes or duck into when it rains! MARINES WITHDRAWN by the Hooven Owens Renschler roll call between rounds would to be assured at He is still fighting for the Ar- their company of Hamilton Ohio subsid- yield a census of the aristocracy “No use knowing how to put up jelly preserves pickles and iary of General Machinery corpora- of gangdom in these parts with a least of a speech and a bill or menians The allies and Turkey mince meat when you can buy them at the chain grocery for less tion strong representation from other resolution in their behalf was promised an Armenian definitely urghe materials cost the Other cities should investigate the great citadels of the blackjack and Thirty-fiv- e years ago this country recognized than republic economies made possible by Diesel he machine gun Rarely has sleek ing intervention to free the Cubans such 1920 President in a republic hot dance number on thephonogirj I awarded it floor“A good can opener aand engines and cheap oil Small Diesel and triumphant thuggery been so from Spain Today he is interest- Wilson the arbiter a sound-profor apartment makf space dancing engines will soon be as numerous as dramatically spotlighted as at this ing himself in the alleged oppres- 46000 miles of Turkish territory meal a a dull all the home cookand house better than churns on farms the dictator of Cubans big sion held party the by Turkish and Russian troops fight to an dinner ever hour half after Machado BEST DRESSED CROWD and the ing that put guests sleep the latest bulletin of the Amerthe territory however wave Our continues crime its picHaitians Tur1923 of Nicaraguans Filipinos Lausanne kept say that Thracians It 1sis probably safe to crowd ican Institute of Finance cover- HOBO MOTORISTS ‘Pops it is all a pursuit of happiness both then and now Macedonians Jews in key in Asiatreaty turesque course Johnny Hanna this Minor intact The “rein dressed best the ideas of happiness have changed You toiled and saved o record' Incalled chief lieutenant of Sam A PROBLEM ing the business America John D Rockefeller may Rumania Armenians American public” is divided between Turkey People’s in your old age when you would have New that leader Democratic you Czechoslovaks might have ease doze dians Jersey Jugoslavs Persia and Russia King says the d and shoes e his “Contrary to general 'expecta' " getting was to Zuccaros car in front of in do but sit and William Henry Turks have been driving out hun- nothing Thomas Lamont may be riding a Chinese Hawaiian®— tions business activity did not Taking note of the fact that a club in his two Union when genthem voice for his City raised to work but these lads have King has dreds of thousands of Armenians our happiness in our youth when we have the pep decline in June but held its own new problem in social ' welfare tlemen appeared carrying “auto- bicycle all at one time or another When a In recent years King has kep and “We find to use an and here is money interesting it and are willing to take a chance on old the been developed by the matics and handcuffs” They only drift in the social mores of a de- race or a nationality is promised in speeches bills anc age whenzing Trade activity in June increased has demanding we such of anything anyway This system has do can’t to “We Hanna said want’ you anever the lets independence he resolutions withdrawal of marines magazine writer handcuffed Johnny Hanna forced flated America Somebody has world In greater than seasonal propor- automobile a dozen years and given us dancing grandold for age forget it how to dress from Haiti and Nicaragua He proo: postponed the gangsters says: taught automobile and him into drove their decline a and mothers further tions offsetting golfing grandpapas who are a credit to usf IS HE BUSY? moted the current Investigation somewhere there is a Sergeant never will “he The away say police with was welfare societies He a was in “Community quick In production Thus there Cram a Lord Chesterfield or “It’s all topsy turvy and I don’t like it!” returned Father “I He is one of the busiest men in Indian affairs come back” Polonlus who is tutoring these ris the world without doubt Other a resolution for recognition of the wish you would settle down more and you too young manl”he June a further drawing down of have long struggled with the Chinese nationalists and vitriolic finished scowling at his son Fred The boy started to reply young Americans in the subtle- senators specialize King studies among gamblers is sup- ing tactics 0 stocks of goods on hand During problem of the hobo motorist Rivalry is Of in attacking There silties proper apparel and prepares bills dealing with she were to be the cause of the trouble posed tours thought better of it and glared at his sister as though who the his with or a ring ver taxation trusts oil conserva- Rumania country stickpin th$ past thirty years low levels But what could a Democratic leader never a diamond left the and to his 'room Father blame newspaper up Haiti gathered from by in the lot No flashy suit patterns tion District of Columbia affairs King was barred of various periods of business de- family living off charity on the have to do with that? 1931 was gohe Syndicate when McNaught Inc) (Copyright Boroo no President exaggeration federal reserve the stock market As he was led away Hanna beg no piebald shoes material for pression and recession came in way The easiest way to deal ged club in tailoring or haberdashery to him members radio tariff prohibition— any ques- ing there toongetournewcivil help They and milito is with fill the the attacks his conthe low struck of pest uniformity tion in fact that is up before family saw the guns and did not move The One is by the summer months The For Instance gress Day and night he works tary rule Early this year King has the last word in our in small details the 1904 depression was in Aug- up with food and the car with automatic was again in Haiti studying lates of His recreation is study chantecleers are six young here civilization — ust of the 1907-19too not but sendepression gas and pass him on to the next developments bright called the sometimes He is plumage bright The- - Filipinos have for years been Marvelous Is Japanese politeness —all of whose cravats unmistakably ate’s “conscientious objector” beIn June of the 1911 recession community But this doesn't disLondon first in his heart He has been the ON SAVINGS Md Nagata an amateur astrono- come from Liberty’s in cause when the consent calendar is In July of the 1920-19depres- pose of the problem It only en mer in this country some come? Is there teleHow to be campaigner cunning California demands leading of he Brawley constantly up instores and complete sion in June of the 1924 reces- courages the practice and shown that Uncle Sam isn’t being for their prompt wide graphed Mt Wilson observatory regimentation ofthethe underworld of His knowledge o Ortrouble advises for future for bills which up properties dependence that milked years that disturbing begging pardon sion in July Remembering by petty private incredible Inalmost is situation defensive as a serene institution with his pointless dress technique? He has been criticized for his that business has been declining for ganized charity is tending more remarks M a about could to forces if it prevalent and him poswhich perfume asking two years the fact that business and more to get hard boiled with sibly be trub that he Nagata had quiring at the ringside this writer was in- versatility scatter his fire but he is obsessed “L’Heure by a thirst for knowledge and has CHIFFON POPULAR Is at its approximate low for the these motor nomads and to re- discovere a new comet with his small formed that it was from the since he worked night and day telesoope Sure enough he had dis Blanche” emanating FOR BRIDAL WEAR n depression the summer of 1931 fuse aid except where manifest covered it in the constellation of breast pocket rows of fine linen been to college through get to would use or result Leo and modest Nagata takes his handkerchiefs Yes gangsters Is much more bullish than bear- inhumanity Sometimes he reads all night discoverers stellar is it inter this and make among hard conditions He is extremely fond of the WASHINGTON (AP) — Chiffon place in the perfume a broad long From ish standpoint disclosed will as comet” here behavior go sailing He gets into a bathing suit supplants satin for some of the “Nagata’s beach Gang of it In the course of popInterestthe willingness of the world to granting and with for was Halley’s space thorugh takes a dip and then lies on the summer bridal costumes nowEver equally revealing a assumes these men nails come our to of bridesmaids year it for ages with its roving beggars ular stack with a hours— of every enlightened and for pair beach Virtually ing grapple recognize will not believe it means pestilence around the ringside was highly books In his immense offices are a place of importance for the bride war debt problems the current make heavy inroads on local or the world’s end manicured but there was reversion vast files He drives four male sec- also ease in money conditions in this funds collected to relieve local to type In the exciting moments retaries He somehow finds time Miss Margaret Morton Eustis If you are moaning because stocks of the combat between Messrs for society and likes women except wore a gown of white chiffon fash country the existing depth of distress won freedom because they refused have ioned on princess lines with a vet dropped consider the farmer Walker and Sharkey The boys just his office the present business depression became who put his honest money into hon- couldn’t help biting their nails And in the she lace when of old FRIEND OF SMOOT land Some stocks yours when they reached for their hip the shortages in finished goods Paderewski is said to have the est farm have bride of David E Finley to be discouraged by any settmek At fallen with a speed pockets to get their handkerchiefs Brigham Young academy Her bridesmaid wore pale blue that have been accumulating for muscles of a prize fighterhe’sAnd perhaps would make Lucifer falling it was always with a swift and fur- many years ago he was a boy chiffon with wide brimmed hat to got that on trying The same some months and the probable like most heavyweights friend of Reed Smoot the other match and carried a bouquet c‘ from heaven look as though he car- tive gesture They kept to was He elected senator too Utah a several see touch ried If to watched parachutes increased stability in commodity light This pink flowers Farm values have not fallen so any of them talked out of the side congress in 1896 was later presia of persistence will make quality legislature and spectacularly but they have dropped of their mouths None did These dent of the Utah in value about eighteen billion four young mobsters most of them in judge of the state supreme court COCK FEATHERS NEW hundred millions of dollars That their twenties have a' savior falre He was a Democratic leader but you personally independent means a shrinkage of the average and easy WRAPS EVENING ON forward assurstraight farm from $10284 to $7614 and to ance which their supposed lack of tan one finds that the gangster’s the farmer that seems like “real social sanctions does not In the outlay goes mainly to the competiPARIS (AP)— Cock’s feathers are money” behavior tive “flash” before the world and the newest ornament for summer their fact least In impair A PERIOD OF CHANGE was Irreproachable perhaps more not to his more secluded life Many evening wraps Waist-lengt- h wraps We are living in a period of changing conditions such as so than that of the honest men of them most of them in fact of white crepe romain worn over never before existed When I was a boy it seemed tome BRIGHT SILK SASHES emerge like a butterfly from the matching evening gowns are fin who used to go to prizefights Srobably if not all of our fundamental institutions had been AUTOS drab OF BEST hry sails of a ' dingy little flallSj1eq the bottom of the jacke COLOR TEA FROCKS This impeccable mob rode to the or a cfrowsy Some of the: come hotel How had this time all fixed for and band of black cock a determined th definitely P a notorious beer magnaw fathers the best automobiles that notably to be I did not know but at any rate they were fixed beyond PARIS (AP)— Bright silk sashes fight incan 4-foreign of the" Bronx maintain sumptuous buy barring even are growing more important in the money question the Oriental reason with some hangings For quarters cards as The the following: mind matters such superior afternoon mode GAINS most affluent thugs do not take to but in this there has been on regi- SWEDISH “WHITE COAL” of government the status of the Bible as our rule dressy A number of white chiffon and foreign — Sweden’s social mentation of taste Left to himSweden MALMO their ity of our form cars (UP) Possibly religion the mousseline frocks for formal after mentors discountenance such dis- self the gangster runs to hideous “white coal” — its enormous supply of and guide of life the place and authority of of of noon wear are girdled by narrow the based ownership upon private right system as vulgar ostentation With glmcracks and wild excesses or water power — furnishes nearly all capitalistic is the basis of our family pastel blue or green satin sashes plays was a bright entourage of holes up completely in an obscure light heat and power 'in the counthem property the marriage contract which Ufer the calendar and the number of months in the year Fifty some of which end in long floating vivacious girls likewise dressed ex- hovel Out in front perhaps im- try and it also comprises a part of re- pelled by some streamers In the black as settled Mussolini of the Sweden’s invisible export Thus travagantly but with similarwhite years ago these questions were generallyallconsidered 42 Years mode 'a offers The for seeks none world the protective more than 31000000 kilowatts are the are he of the but opportunity butterflies gang slowly straint Now all these are under attack and Under One variation wide to of celebridress and sent by submarine cable to range express lights some of them near and of reassess- the individual coloring of impeccable less surely going through a process of questioning taste wearer of the Continuous behavior p lane will certainly in ment which may leave them better or worse but to lighten the severity of white ties is a gangster known less Here Wancement it Is believed by the and mean modification wherever and whenever a with color bit of as “The gay dozen ago a years than will or modification proaffected that those change majority of Killer” He Is thus characterized mote the best interests of humanity today and in FASHION DECREES newspaper references ever in their efforts to disThere are those who are unceasing of him the only picture Imand to destroy the capitalistic DRESS OF SEVENTIES ed is a rogues’ gallery portraitprintcredit to undermine to cripple economic our and of basis entire is the and which tailored political perfectly system maculately PARIS (AP)— Mrs Rutherford groomed he is one of the most structure ' “My little boy when only a few day old started breaking out with Two problems —large scale unemployment and the distribu- Stuyvesant Is among smart sponsors illustrious personages at the ringenemail blisters that were very red The itching and burning were very and the romantic vogue of the sev- side He bows to friends tion of rich resources —bring into question the very foundations of His clothing seemed to severe because he cried almost all the Here is which in enties merry making its appear- gages of our political and economic system irritation and the out 33 old prevented him from the breaking aggravate years in Parisian fashions is another gangster agrees that the problems are serious and ance lasted Practically everyone while it caused in hotels It owns disfigurement three Mrs sleeping who the at large appeared apparently knows just how it oughtso-to races atStuyvesant difficult ones yet no one one “I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and in about five weeks Auteuil during the Grand New York City Here’s another who has announced a formula for its be solved at any rate no Brookwas completely healed after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and he in house Semaine owns an a in frock of white apartment long and definite terms as to carry conviction lution in such clear two boxes of Cuticura Ointment” (Signed) Mrs Hattie R Bailey mousseline and a short by policemen lyn tenanted mainly 521 S Webster St Ottumwa Iowa Feb 17 193L All the gang over-lorFirst of all we must have the facts and all of them We must black velvet jacket firemen and of what the problem really is and what it With It she wore a tiny black velare here have a clear statement Sold everywhere Sample each free' Soap 23c Ointment 25 and 50c Talcum H25c will probably lead to if not corrected This much having been vet hat with a flat crown and Over in the red hook and bath Madden Man" Address: “Cuticara Laboratories Dept Brooklyn and the done and it has not yet been done the rest should not be diffi- rolled brim trimmed with a white beach sections of old tenderloin districts of Manhat- ostrich plume cult— --Daniel Willard in the Review of Reviews coal-compa- ny en - anti-Russi- an “non-aggressi- j - Senator King Works For Oppressed Folk GUNMEN VIEW FIGHT IN FINE TAHOREDSUITS on r j er old-fashion- ed er anti-Bolshev- iks of Zuc-car- t half-sole- - j " anti-Semit- ic s 08 21 -- THe first Americans on-look- er O PINIONS of the PrESS six-in- so-call- ch ed liUS ?iif lit-u- Blisters Caused Itching and Burning Healed by Cuticura -- Wise-cracki- ng close-fitti- ng ds i STATE DAK t |