Show THE OGDEN ST A PRISONS LOSING SEEKS SHARE OF FLOOD MILLIONS anti-capitalis- - - r) - so-call- prisoners supplied this state with en- tertainment during the present week and promised further excitement in the immediate future Rioting threatened again at the model state penitentiary at State-vill- e where a hasty search revealed a gasoline bomb knives files and other paraphernalia in one cell block In Chicago Judge Joseph B David held the stage with a bargain day in court dishing out justice on a wholesale scale He promised a bigger show next week in his drive to clear up 750 cases awaiting trial with perpetrators languishing square deal from state authorities until about two riots were staged” the warden said "We very - much that the 90 per centregret who have been comparatively well behaved - must suffer for the deeds of the oth-- ers but it is for the protection of the 90 per cent that we are acting” In the meantime Judge David has b2n" busy shunting prisoners from into another period 'the jail either of freedom or back into confinement frequently to the state prison It took him two hours to dispose of 35 v cases Word went through the corridors that any person facing Jail ' trial and willing to waive his rights : ANDERSON’S Odds And Ends Sale Of Diamonds - a fine diamond in a modern design mounting of 18-white gold k $10000 Value Special $7950 i Terms to Suit CREDIT JEWELERS 2405 Washington A ve Bar From led Prtu Phtt anti-capitalis- Mrs Constance May Gavin and Her husband John of Los Angeles In the Redwood City Cal courtroom where she is fighting for two-nintof a fortune left by James L Flood She claims she is a daugh- hs ter of the pioneer Californian to a jury trial could get summary Neblett “may be Impeached if he By August 1 the judge ex- goes through with his order” justice TO DEFY COURT to have pects Chicago’s jails about In defiance of one provision of empty the Muskogee injunction enjoining CASE SPEEDY for but two filling station and garage owners Many of his trials last one case a from informing motorists how to or three minutes Ine was with holding up reach the free bridge Murray said charged youth a couple as they sat in a motor car he would “plaster the whole country "Put the complaining woman wit- with signs showing motorists how ness on the stand” ordered the to get to the free bridge” After signing the injunction Judge judeg “I’ll decide whether the deNeblett left for Tulsa to return to fendant is guilty” The woman launched into her New Mexico by air He said oralstory of the crime ly: “Not guilty” Judge David inter“If the national guard or other rupted after a brief recital The state agencies interfere with the assistant state’s attorney started to peaceful performance of these acts the marshal is to return immediateargue "Haven't I already found the de- ly and secure warrants against all fendant not guilty? Next case” the interfering persons” The free bridge was opened on the judge retorted that It went way through the day Texas side today and the rangers and 100 more cases are called for ordered withdrawn following passage Monday of next week Judge David of a bill by the Texas legislature to let it be known that he would be permit the Red River Bridge comreasonable and temper mercy with pany owner of the? toll span to sue justice in all cases of first offend- the state of Texas on a contract ers Men with prison records fare by which the state was to Indemnify less well the toll owners As the result of The situation at Stateville prison passage of the law the Houston inhas been unsatisfactory since the junction was suspended until Auspring riots owing to the surliness gust 3 when a hearing will be held of some of the prisoners on permanent dissolution of the reCriminals are keeping the state straining order on edge generally tic ’ anti-capitalis- tic A UNIT OF Filling Prescriptions WALGREEN CO Important Part of Is a Most & WEDNESDAY TUESDAY MONDAY 4 Farmers Cite Need ALFflLFABiLL of Relief On Loans (bontinued from Page One) except the executive order of the president of the United States LIFE OF SOLDIER The horse pistol was stuck Into his luggage on the inspiration of Jake his negro valet who urged him to go prepared "I never carry argun” Murray told Jake "but I’ll take this one” The moustached executive once a poor cotton patch farmer who hitchhiked his way over the state in the early part of the campaign that brought his election to the governorship said he was prepared “to live the life of a soldier” and would make his headquarters in an abandoned red brick building now occupied by the national guardsmen The building bare and with windows missing commands a clear view of the toll bridge "I oppose mob violence” he said and I favor the trial of all rights by organized constitutional courts and believing that I shall uphold the power of the constitution of the United States and the duty enjoined upon hie by the constitution of this state to protect the people in their investments against private corporations or any group of individuals under all circumstances And “Alfalfa Bill” knows a thing or two about constitutional rights He is a lawyer and wrote a good part of the Oklahoma constitution when the state was admitted to the union The governor declared that Judge BOISE July 25— (AP)— A delegation of fanners from Franklin county again today stressed before Senator Borah and Governor Ross their need for relief from necessity of meeting payments to the federal land bank on farm loans They were 'assured by Senator Borah that a plan for relief had been sent to Washington for cdnsid eration and a reply could be expected some time next week Speaking for the delegation E Vernon Howell of Clifton told the two officials that low prices of this year threatened to deprive many settlers of their farms he said The Twin Lakes project contains 13000 acres in the north end of Cache valley It was estimated about 75 per cent of the loans on farms had been made by the federal land bank 25c MAVIS 50c 60c MULSIFIED COCOANUT OIL ' SHAMPOO 50c LABLACHE - THIS IS YOUR WATER SYSTEM! LET US CO-OPERAT- 2Cc BcII-A- E! By Order of WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT Ogden City Utah ' - Qlf le°n navar 75c Ever-Rea- 35c 25c 35c Freezone 35c Tlz i- peau boux 33c 3 for S0o GOLF BALLS GOLF or TACPCM FACKEn 03s IbOOs pint 60s 1 50c -- I27c CERTIFIED GOLF BALLS 3 for $135 CERTIFIED GOLF TEES—Package of 64 HAZEL 30$' 10c LUX Toilet SOAP 3 for 10$ Wc Mission Bell Soap 4 for 10$ 10c PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 for 25 d 25c WOODBURY’S SOAP 17$ 3 for 00$ 10$ 27c 97p Q: s I 10$ 35c JUSTRITE CLEANING FLUID 23$ Q$ 2 for 10$ SHIN OLA HOME SET Wool 10c Shinola Dauber and Polisher 25c PEROXIDE OF 20$ HYDROGEN 10$ Service Rubber Gloves 19£ SERVICE FOUNTAIN SYRINGE —Complete with attachments 60e HOSPITAL COTTON— ANTISEPTIC STERILIZED GAUZE tlafv $100 for 75c i £ 35c Pound roll 3 t f 5 yds 49c t 1 :37c I GOs Zcnifa And 25c NOXZEMA SOAP FREE 50c EXTRACT OF WITCH 37$ 33$ 33$ 27$ 25c THORO 70s 02c - i OOo V —37c $ 1 23 Psyllium Seed $ 1 03 imported Russian Oil GOs Aspirin Tebiels I OS's 23c IJinlilo Pills SBBgyyBYy 30c DR DR DEPILATORY SCHOLL’S ZINO PADS SCHOLL’S FOOT BALM GETS IT CORN REMEDY BLUE JAY CORN PLASTERS 27c 27e 38c BRUSH EX-BAZI- N 37c" 50c NOXZEMA CREAM SHAVING dy 49c ICs Sdizcr 03c GciducH’s Syrup of Pepsin $120 Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin CERTIFIED 50c flOo GILLETTE-BLADE- S SSc with RAZOR FREE Package 35c ICc OSsLysoI $120 Sal llcpaiica CLUBS— $ Woody or Irons 30s' 37c ns SOs Bronte 4 50c KLEENEX CLEANSING TISSUES U Special 53s Ungnenlinc 60s J D Burn Qinimcni $120 Abcorbine Jr - ft ft Cleansing Tissues with each 50c Jar Perfection Cold Cream COs rlcnifiolafum ! MILKWEED $100 INGRAM'S ‘ CREAM prree $215000000 Sprinkling without a nozzle is prohibited Leaky connections are also prohibited All water Shall be turned off in case of fire these regulations will be Any water found running in violation of turned off and service will be resumed only upon the payment of a ser- 50c IIILLROSE "K” LOTION 65c LILAC FRAGRANT VEGETAL 50c PEAU DOUX SHAVING CREAM 35c GEM RAZOR BLADES 35c EVER-READ- Y RAZOR BLADES SL00 PROBAK RAZOR BLADES Package of 10 FACE 109 Co-operat- ive THESE HOURS EFFECTIVE SAT JULY 25 1931 OIL 50c JAVA FACE Total sales of the Wholesale Society of England for the last fiscal six months amount to EVENING HOURS: East of Adams Avenue 6:30 to 8:00 P M 50e WALGREEN HAIR LOTION POWDER MORNING HOURS: Adams Avenue and West 6:30 A M to 8:00 At M Qf) 50c CREAM OF ALMONDS A special Pioneer day program will be given in the Thirteenth ward chapel this evening at 7 o’clock Superintendent Francis A Child of the State Industrial school will be the speaker A chorus of young women will sing the M I A pioneer song “Carry On” The public is invited to attend We believe this will give )£ WALGREEN EGG A SHAMPOO 25c GOLDEN GLINT SHAMPOO 50c HINDS’ HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM At Ward Gathering EFFECTIVE JULY 25 1931 - SE POWDER WATER CONSUMERS OF OGDEN CITY Below find new change in watering hours ’better pressure in all parts of the' city ALL-PURPO- TALCUM Supt Child Speaks f 50c SIZE GLOSTORA TALCUM H NOTICE vice charge j Our Business t: ! Taken Bank re-elec- ted zed A UKtaita - Beautiful- solitaire set with tic Smarter STYLE ON WAR PATH 1 ds rd ed so-cal- WEAPONS HUNTED ole laws “About 10 per cent of the prisoners here have been telling their fellows that no convicts ever got a j anti-capitalis- one-thi- 1931 The prisoners at Stateville trained In rioting by their outbreaks during the spring are facing 10 days ofa confinement to their cells while minute search is made for weapons Warden Henry C Hill reports that a number of saws sledges hammers and other equipment from the tool school are still missing Inmates provided with all the latest advantages of model prison rule continue dissatisfied because the last - session of the legislature failed to satisfy their grievance agains par- - round-the-wor- tic Curtiss-Reynol- Consolidated Press Association) CHICAGO July 25— Prisons and in Jail - tic self-righti- ng By OLIVER SHERWOOD (Special Correspondent of The (Copyright Post Gatty Land At Lansing Port m GERMAN LOANS Prisoners In Confinement During Search For Weapons Standard-Examine- times that percentage of the na- capitalistic member of ordinary In- found so hardy and so adventurous as to imperil their personal money ternational society tional income HARD chance of saving an In other words we have much That is why some bankers think on a long-terthat the labor government of Great Germany to be an capital to put into investments and the Germans have astoundingly lit- Britain might Know better how to enduring pillar of the capitalistic tle Hence their enormous need of turn the trick than the altogether system? London and Paris and conservative new foreign money government of the Washington do not at present see CHICAGO July 25— (AP)— Wiley ld ' Post and Harold Gatty them anywhere United States Hence also the Ford fliers at arrived who has The The best Is mass observer of alternative airport the only remaining character recently overwhelming (Continued from Page One) of their industrial population We returned here ‘from- - Germany is that the capitalistic governments in suburban Lansing shortly before Cleveland and Ger- Dorothy Parker wife of the novel- themselves should guarantee the noon today from unquestioned Germany is thought are richhasin small investors committee were a met Her ist Lewis term Sinclair ' none Our reception by proposed and writings indispensable long many virtually precarious politically internally escortreand of to loans the American been of a us have Legion investors” small among prediction Germany perfect therefore produce externally financially to ed cent outcomes luncheon is move GerShe has the German That on rea ultimate the multitudinous conservatism dangerous Great Britain is plane the Winboat which many’s almost total lack of small been visiting Washington and she board on which the Hoover debt With their famous to garded as a were be guests to- Mae was nie move seems to mere Conthink there the that it investors they possible opener produces in the German financially externally will repay tomorrow at the and legion’s avindustrial regions a multitudinous may be created in Germany -a cap- viction accumulates that the rescue day every penny placed upon it show at iation of the italistic is radicalism Germany wholly beyond private dictatorship Some bankers even take the view Such a dictatorship would sup- efforts It requires the efforts of airport In the German national elected press that the best way to finance Gerwhole peoples as represented in govthe majority of more than sentiment of Germany by force and ernments that can spread and carmany is to finance Great Britain legislature and to let the British who are the members are socialists or com- would thereupon be able to promise ry the risks to imported foreign capital 4 much closer to the matter and who munists At the other end of the safety a would But such dictatorship are know much 'more about it handle legislative chamber from them have to include the conGold Is “extreme conserva- necessarily the servative wing of the national so it fascists These cialists who are violently anti There is almost universal recog- tives” the fascists however also call them- French and who vehemently demand London nition now of the fact that the fi- selves national socialists They also big armaments and the abolishment nancing of Germany is much more even call of reparations vital undertaking than was supposed socialistic themselves the national In order If then Germany gets a radical LONDON July 25— (AP)— Anoth-e- r at the time when President Hoover to attract workers' party de$18866250 in bar gold was taken government it moves against capworking men they first made his debt move At that italism and if it gets a reactionary from the Bank of England today time the idea was simply to save mand the socialization the nation the governmental owner- government it moves toward war for France although Germany for world prosperity Now alization At present it has a middle gov- principally ship and operation of all high fithe idea is that the salvation of nance some have may gone to Holland ernment which cannot move at all The highest grade of corGermany is necessary for the sal The total withdrawals since without July foreign help MORE THAN MAJORITY vation of capitalism itself in cen rective lenses are set in It is acknowledged to deserve that 13 have been more than $160000000 If you add together the communtral Europe smart becoming frames help as being the only sort of GerToday’s withdrawals meant that Figures produced by the central ists and the socialists and the na- man Come in today for an exgovernment that can keep Ger- 14164511 pounds have been withbank of Germany have convinced tional socialists you have much excesfrom naeither many drawn from England since the close becoming statesmen at London and Paris and more than a majority of the amination socialistic and revolutionary of the conference of the seven powWashington that Germany is a vir tional legislators of Germany They sively the one hand or excessively na- ers cannot get It was understood except by on country tuaily tionalistic and belligerent on the that Thursday J T Rushmer & Son further withdrawals were in continuous appeals to NO GERMAN CAPITAL other innext week financial In of all sentiment prospect Those figures show that SITUATION SUMMED UP circles it was felt if the movement Optometrists come acquired by Germany only The bitter problem of the capitalsituation comes thereupon to should continue the government or per cent comes from returns on in istic world is to put new capital into itsThe 2436 Washington Ave final phase the Bank of England might have to vestments In this country the re an country in order turns on investments are several to change it Into a contented pro- anti-capitalis- TO LENIENCY ! SUNDAY MORNING JULY 23 1931 R TO FIND uihates:due ' NDARD-EXAMINE- )Qft 45c 3 for S125 SARGJDN 2 15c LYNDHURST TOILET TISSUE 45c KOTEX TREATOnENT Betties S argon and Bottle of Sargon Pills $330 Value ’ Q And KOTEX SANITARY for SHAMPOO AND BATH SPRAY Fits any Faucet 8-i- Q v REAMERS SETS — Reamer JUICE FRUIT Bucket and Six Lemonade Cups Double Lock OVERNIGHT CASE Inches wide covered with black Q fabrlkold $200 value for EASTMAN HAWKE YE CAMERA No 2 Model 'C 12 for 89o 10c 3 for 25e MONARCH ELECTRIC FAN Blade assorted colors Quiet running FRUIT JUICE 47 o itly SWATTERS BELT FREE nru 3 for 25c for OUTING JUGS Cork Crock Lined Gallon Capacity GALLON FOOD opening patented lid $225 UNIVERSAL VACUUM BOTTLE t i 5 a Insulated SMD JUG— With seal-tig- ht i 5 5 large 1 Of Quart') 1 CD ff tjy PINT UNIVERSAL VACUUM BOTTLE JUNIOR GOLF SET dad’s— Three Clubs Two Balls and Bag Just like i t |