Show Refrigerator ‘Discovered’ in Car Intake SLUMP SPURS IDLE TO SEEK Important Strikes Made In Abandoned Workings of State — By EARL L LEIF Staff Correspondent) (United Press — RENO Nev (UP) —The business depression and the low price of sil- ver have stimulated the gold mining new im industry in Nevada withhigh-grade portant discoveriesoreof and and shipping being made in scattered sections Many of the famous old silver -- - " ' Voila Tells of Odd FOR INVENTORS And European Things CHICAGO SHOW "the secofad international patent opens in the merchandise ex-posit- ion mart V O Squier Major Generalof George e the United States chief air forces and inventor of the famous Liberty motor Is honorary chairman of the exposition and ras arranged a special programfor American Inventors’ day September 26 when Henry Ford Owen D Thomas A Edison Pupin and "Young Professor Michael other distinguished inventors scientists and manufacturers will address the exposition crowds “A unique feature of this exposition” Harry S Green exposition sponsor explained “ is the fact that none of the 32000 inventions has ever been put on the market - We will be exhibiting inventions so new 'that virtually none of the nation’s manufacturers are as yet them” acquainted with 44war-tim- Scotchman Lives Up To Reputation 1 mail bag: FROM the used to think New York was a snooty cynical city After 10 years I was there the other day The: change is not so much in the physical aspects of the city The I found people have mellowed courtesy on every hand” — L T Pittsburg Did it occur that you might have changed? i “You run so many stories about dogs How is this? I have a Cairn the favorite breed of the Prince of He was born in London Wales and we thought the boat trip over made him shy He would come to no one The other day an Englishman came to dinner The Cairn ran to him joyously and Jumped in his lap although he had never—seen him before Is that instinct?” Mrs i D Philadelphia Dogs are frequently Don’t get me started i - tel’ and ‘The Band Wagon’ Yet I price and found them paid a huge — G T Chicago ooring” Maybe it was something you ate “Out here in Hollywood we like When you come to see us you But you write understandingly haven’t been here for two years Instead you go to Europe Is that nice?” — Elsie H Hollywood Look out for me this winter The fellow with the gray hat and sad you me By WILL ROGERS ITTELL all I know is just what I i I f read in the papers and what I run Into as I prowl hither to thither visit nt be done f “An engine tune-u- p operation can be likened to a car wash No one would wash the body of a car and leave the wheels fenders and Interior untouched and call it a com- re of H T- - Webster Europe gossips that the Prince of Wales will never become king He is reported to have told intimates: “The throne will pass with my and sure enough Hall made good He was to bring the Boys there Well I was sitting around our little ranch in Santa Monica and just happened to think why if I get up early in the morning catch the plane I can be In Tulsa night and be In Clare-mofor the big doings the next morning at 10 o’clock Well that’s just about the way I do things I don’t ever plan ahead for anything I don’t even like to have dates ahead if I can help it I like to do anything right now So I grabbed the old aerial Rattler the next to have a morning wired to Tulsa Special Plane meet me in Amarillo Texas and they sent a dandy one of these low wingJLockheads with the retractable landing gear (that folds when it’s in up under the flight) so we really did fly to Tulsa IN WJNNIE MAE Well they were giving them a big welcome therfe that night and I got to the banqufet Just in time too late to eat but of course had to deliver an oration a real grammatical masterpiece — some of the old Oxford and Eaton stuff Well you would have been proud of Claremore even if you didn’t have apy knowledge of it before The little town had done a fine Job I flew over that morning in the Winnie Mae (the ship they broke the record in) I was In the back compartment with Gatty and? he was explaining all the different gadgets that he used to tell where he was He was about eight or ten feet back of the Pilot Pits and there was gas tanks in between They talked by a head ear phone tube They couldn’t even see each other Now a few things they told me of the flight They had no parachutes they woula have taken up too much room and been too hard to sit on and besides if you had to use ’em where would you been anyhow They carried nothing at all of any precautionary nature Post said “It was make it or else" RADIO IS FLOP Now all you radio nuts get ready for a shock Their radio was a flop Gatty said they didn’t expect to use it only on getting the weather at the place they were headed to land at but that it was a fllv He says no radio has been made that will fit those particular requirements so east-bou- nd re Short shavings: Ruth Draper and Mary Garden stop at the Hotel Lancaster in Paris Henry Wales is in Russia and will continue around the world Richard Connell has taken an apartment at 18 rue BonFannie Kilboume aparte Paris and her husband Charles Gatchell have taken a villa in Brittany Fred Detwiller the painter and his wife are summering in Antwerp Germany despite flare ups is thought to be making the greatest Sir industrial strides in Europe Oliver Lodge dances to a grama-phon- e every morning for exercise Richmond Temple who married a daughter of the late Milton McRae not only manages the Savoy in London but is considered one of the city’s liveliest business wires Floyd Gibbons has a cafe named for him in Paris “The Cafe Floyd Gibbons” Richard Le Galiienne Eva’s father and a celebrated poet actually lives in a Paris attic Holland Is drawing many tourists this year Eddie Cantor was Michael born in the Ghetto Arlen once lived at a hotel in Paris called The Stylish Home— one dollar a day Karl Hoblitzelle Dallas theatre magnate is summering in He recently Italy and France sold out his Interests at Several millions profit and will take life Willette Kershaw is starring in “The Wells of Loneliness” In Paris Any number of Americans who once owned homes in southern France don’t any more The market! Turned up brims for Milady’s hats are coming back with a bang And spiketoed shoes for men are in the offSome of the bloods are ing already wearing them in England Ziegfeld spent a quarter of a million on his latest Follies Vicki Baum is writing a travelogue on her American trip for a weekly Clare which pays her $10000 Luce and her husband Clifford Smith are occupying Harry Arnold’s apartment in Paris until fall Hillaire Beloc has smoked the same pipe for 19 years' Maggie Rouf is one of the new French dressmakers that is making the rest sit up and take notice Mrs Ray Long apd son have taken a villa for the summer at Pornic France One of the best known Americans in France is Frazier Hunt Edna Ferber’s new novel is called “American Beauty” Maybelle Gilman Corey has not been back to lies-ure- ly - Isaac Mar Amerca in 12 years cosson has met and talked to the ruler of every European country and has an autographed photo of each The French pronounce McIntyre (Copyright 1931 McNaught Syndicate Inc) “Mock-en-tee- r” plete Job" Rab"The correct engine tUne-up- ” ezzana continues “Is a sequence affair involving six operations as : folI lows: NcNOTfM far navi-complishm- Motor Cars End Century-Ol- d Trade De Soto Six Sedan has a base price of $695 or $150 less ct-re- j j ( than its ft fore-runn- er Duplicates Jonah’s Stunt f SCARY LANDING Post said it was kinder scary landing the water was from six inches to a foot and a half deep on the entire field They only changed their spark plugs once and that was on account of some heavy oil they got in one place They did NOT make any miscalculation in landing in Solomon Alaska Instead of Nome They had intended landing in Solomon as there is where their gas was waiting for them They By ISRAEL KLEIN Science Editor NEA Service MEMPHIS Tenn (UP)— Karl F been done has much Wlttman evangelist believes thorALTHOUGH motorists to oughly in the Biblical story of Jochange spark plugs after 10000 miles nah and the whale and told a reof driving the owner should not vival here that he had read in an at this alone if he would have English newspaper of an English stop a well-tunand serviceable engine sailor who was swallowed by a whale In fact there Is a seriek-'e- oper- in 1891 In some unexplained manations that go together and) that ner the sailor was extricated and should be attended to at regular after three weeks in a hospital manintervals in order to maintain high- aged to give an account of life in a in est possible efifciency in the motor whale’s stomach Rev Wittman I said j This series is covered by the word the newspaper related i - HERE’S A MARKET can Automobile i manufacturers United the cars in 3000000 sell obso- States to replace that many lete models traveling streets today general according to C C Hanch manager of the National Association Qi Finance Companies free wheeling DDrs GaDEPCD 0UH BROWNING AUTO CCX Phone 2281 2626 Washington Ave fit i ed never intended landing and includes everything s They are very unusual Boys Cat- tune-up- ” In the past six years more than t ty is the more talkative of the two from changing spark plugs to ad- 1500000 tons of agricultural limecarburetor the ain’t (which saying much) They justing see to stone been spread' on Iowa farm is has Not it essential only both have absolute confidence in ' each other’s ability they are still the that this is done by a competent land companions Generally close association like that brings out ail the bad in each other and they wind up wanting to eat each other up They are mighty likable Boys That Post is just full of determination would hate to tell him he couldn’t do anything Never will there be such a com- - had Nome 4-- 4- 0S (fh C4eSiCi &QQ ®G rfi Improved Free Wheeling Synchro Silent Gear Shift Four Speed Transmission ' C-OQJ- with Rubber Shackles Q) Fully & IbP f free wheel in ell forward speeds You shift gears silently You travel through traffic with less need to use the clutch and with less gear shifting You float over rough croseings It gives a performance more enjoyable than any-- thing you have ever experienced’ v fvinjraotorj:arJuxury — s - These are only a few of the 54 ' ji " reasons why Graham cars are distinctly BETTER cars Let us i show you SUM $785 vpi $1185 vpi ot factory Eight Graham Improved Era Whaaling $35 axtra jn any model Including fh now low prlcad Prosperity Six Your present cer will probably taka tho ptaco of a cash down paymontj vary favorably forms I Ellis' Motor Co Pa 1 ' ! ’ ' CO CAR OGDEN MOTORS L L HAINS 2652 Washington Ave Insulated Bodies and at a great saving in price 7-- ss 4 Adjustable Seats and Pedals Standard Wheelbase: Business Coops $875 Coach $895 Town Sedan $945 Sport 'Roadster $995 Standard fierian $995 Long Wheelbaset Touring Sedan $1145 Brougham $1195 Family Sedan $1195 Special Sedan ' r $1325 $1445 Sedan $145a Brougham De Luxe $1375 ClubLSedan Selective Free Wheeling $35 additional All prices o b Detroit— special equipment extra - ? Roller Mounted Steering That’s how'r thousands of owner of "older Hudsons describe their first ride In the Greater Hudson Eight They speak of this Hudson as the smoothest thing on wheels They like the way its powerful motor causes hills to vanish and the way it purrs along so swiftly so sweetly Its nimble getaway its silence and the way it Boats over rough crossings is so luxuriously different that all praise it ' Because they know what Hudson can do they recognlro Its impressive value They compare its sire and looks' comfort and performance cost and economy with previous Hudsons and with other cars they: know It is to their advantage to make such contrasts It is to the Greater ‘ Hudson Eight’s advantage too Won’t you try the Greater Hudson Eight with Selective Free Wheeling? Hudson gives you all anyone could want With Selective Free Wheeling you V ' Bolted Body Joints SEIECTVE FREE 'WHEELING' ’ Oversize Hydraulic Brakes Safety Plate Glass x? J miles off Mount Desert island lies in the deepest water of any aid ac-to navigation in the United States lighthouse departcording to the ment It is moored in 228 feet of water arid weighs one ton 1 m j &0®rD© against a straight frame It has a fuel pump as against a vacuum feed system It has handsomer upholstery and fittings and a wider choice of - m m m i of 1929 colors Mass — (UP) — WRENTHAM But Is that village smithy has gone only half the story And at a very slight added cost - Wrentham’s the way of most horseshoers in these as a comparison of some of it offers Free Wheeling one modern days of motor transportation When J Edward Carlander the principal specifications of the most important recent shop recently closed his blacksmith he closed out a onbusiness which will reveal engineering advancements by various had been carried a more The than 1931 DeSoto has a larger smithies for century 4 engine (205 cubic inches piston displacement against -- Whistling Buoy: It has 72 horsepower In Deep Water 1749) against 55 Its top speed is 75 AND UP F OD FACTORY miles an hour as against 65 It PORTLAND ‘Me— (UP)— A new - lighted whistling buoy established 22 has better acceleration It has 20 EXTRA IN ALL MODELS “ ent - 4 the new and advanced Easy-ShiTransmission it has an alUsteel body as against a composite It has a double-dro- p framepermittingan extremely low center of gravity as i terioration or breaks Battery check electrolyte fear density and Post saw it was rather scary landing levels check for loose connections i and corrosion ideal of radio played no part in their flyer again “3— Distributor — check ' breaker fellow Hall This backer and gator gauge Replace Now about their sleep They only is gap use feeler worn unusual Now those wives you point too much if pitted or one a hour got points night for the first women ct would sure like them They 4—Spark timing— check for five nights and only fifteen hours breaker in the whole trip They attribute axe like their husbands the most timing- synchronize L if necessary their staying awake to their lack of modest quiet retiring points both and — Valve clearance— check lor '“5 food as they said they always kept pretty You know that takes a proner lash use feeler gauge hungry They never allowed them- very selves to eat but just enough to lot of nerve to let a husband make “6 —Carburetor — set idling speed get them by in that way it helped that trip They are mighty brave and adjust carburetor exactly i in with instructions furnthem to keep awake They also women leaving Claremore accordance ished by car’s manufacturer” trained for it before starting They little husbandsOntook off for New mm their tried staying awake a lot were another York in well worth rememplane advice They is most This wonderful banquet the The I went to the bering It should be followed whenfinest food and the greatest assort- leavingtofor the west bid the wives goodby each ever you feel your motor getting ment of wines (they didn’t drink plane to - their sluggish when a tinkling knock apbut they said they had eight differ- had their handkerchiefs ent kinds served) was In Moscow so eyes They didn’t want to let me see pears under a pull or when you find ’em crying rather they were have to shift into a lower gear evidently everybody is not as bad off ashamed But darn It it just gives you as we hear They said they slept in going up a hill which ordinarily is a room that must have belonged to you an idea what they have gone pie to the motor the czar and that it was the most through Women played a part in When you do take the car to a flight greater than they have mechanic and ask him to tune it gorgeous thing they ever saw Said that for the Russians were wonderful to ever got credit 1931 up ft would be best to check with by the Mc(Copyright him the operations he will perform them Said that the country of Naught Syndicate Inc) Russia was the most wonderful in with those given here and see that he does them in the order suggested natural resources they ever saw also j about a thousand miles of China by Rabezzana where It was beautiful and fertile Tis is the result of considerable but not a soul or a house on It They study and experience and is worth had to land In one field in Russia following — 44 where it was entirely covered with water and they didn’t know how iailor deep it was but there was not a place where it wasn’t covered with £ rPsupv© pr© is still Soto’s slogan— and more than ever a fact In 1929 this car was listed at a base price of $845 Today’s ! 81 26 - check --for correct —Spark plug— for proper gap check type of plugs using feeler gauge replace plugsf if o used for 10000 miles or more 2—Ignition cable— check for de- I “The two shows most difficult to to Inspiration Point as the sun see in New York were ‘Grand Ho sinks and watch the Palisades turn all-tim- -- - : years old and have been through 11 financial panics losing one big fortune on the famous Black the worst was Friday Each time now But we alas is it predicted ways came out of it with renewed vigor Don’t you think it is about time for America to believe in itself?— Ri Y E Boston I do And many more year to uncanny you sir “One of these days take a run up ing these days of fast changing records a municipal election expense record of $216 hasbeen established It is expected to stand as an record MDc contesting the Inglis Milton Park Ward at the recent municipal ward election returned his expenses to the town clerk’s office Milton stated that he published no election! address and addressed no public1 meetings Neither so far as he knows did Multum pro Parro”— much any of his supporters solicit votes for little— was the slogan of on his behalf Incidentally Milton did not get a the De Soto Six when it made seat in the town council He polled its appearance and established 245 votes while his opponent Victor e maa seat with an sales record for a D Warren got the ac3502 Warren’s of expense first-yea- r jority car count has not been made public so i ss smile “I am Hector Rabezzana spark plug engineer of Flint Mich tells how this should be done “The motorist who would have hi3 engine in proper shape” he says ‘‘should bear in mind that the ideal engine tune-u- p requires attention to spark plugs ignition cables and batteries distributor contact points and spark timing valve clearances carburetor It is futile to hope to put an engine in first-clashape by adjusting or replacing any one of the items without attending to the others “It is true that changing spark plugs will help car performance appreciably but much better performance will be obtained if all the other operations are attended to at the time the plugs are changed And when valves are lashed when breaker points are cleaned or replaced the spark plugs as well as the other items in the tune-u- p cycle should be inspected A complete Job must Radio Was Flop Say Will Slept But One Hour Each Night GLASGOW Scotland (UP) — DuraU-’ti- — By O O McINTYRE mechanic but that it is done in the proper manner I must tell you about a fine long I had with Post and Gatty the like round the world flyers last week I A fellow lounger In a London ho- happened to write a little piece one tel told me gloomily that in his day complimenting the backer of that wonderful flight Mr Hall of opinion the world would see wheat in five years “It is bound to Chicasha Okla speaking of his come” he said and I somehow won- modesty Well I got a nice wire dered exactly how he knew That is thanking me and saying that in reone of the troubles of the world turn he would like to bring the Boys Well the only way Too many people predicting things to Claremore could he know the Boys to Clare-moabout bring they nothing was In an auto and knowing I was pleased to find abroad an they were real aviators I knew interest in many typically American they wouldn’t come in an auto so writers Ed Howe of Kansas is well I wrote and said that if they got known there and Will Rogers is there they would have to land in a quoted almost as much as he is at parachute sa the told town got busy Will’s stuff appears in a arid in five days built one of the home Paris hewspaper as do the cartoons dandiest little airports you ever saw 10-ce- camps such a Virginia City have reTonopah and Coldfield world-wid- e to the cry for sponded gold and mine operators are shipping the yellow metal from camps4 formerly “thought to be onlyrSil- ver producers rr Unemployed persons have taken some I' to the Nevada wastelands and visions with a small grubstake of a strike others - merely In the - hope of finding steady employ- ment at a daily wage LATEST STRIKE Tfee principle that chills the intake manifold of your auto- The latest strike to capture th8 mobile motor may soon be applied to a refrigerator mounted State under the seat F C Stewart of Pennsylvania imagination is located 63 miles in conveniently Fireball to at Reno camp lead which been data has something may college assembling where ore sam-- - useful for motor tourists and Pershing - county ounces picknickers of gold 257 pies assayed ton ouncessilver of 123 per and self Is the pump and Prof Stewart By HOWARD W BLAKESLEE K Conservative engineers who visited Associated Press Science Editor proposes a method of using it which the Fireball ' returned with gloSTATE COLLEGE Pa (AP)— adds nothing to the engine’s work a wing reports is There Every stroke of the piston which refrigerator potential excitement of the intake manifqld of every auto-in draws The gold greatest fresh fuel Into the engine 1 the year occurred in February mobile and theoretically there is reduces the pressure in the gasoline when two old desert men Charley an apparently simple method of line especially in the intake maniand Jim ’Scossa discovered high converting it into a useful cooler fold Because of this reduction the as grade ore assaying asold high food and drink The refrigerant gasoline boils more readily that Rabbit for $45000 per ton in the is fuel en route to the engine is it vaporizes the hole district 50 miles above Love- - Some This is a reproduction of the prin5 lock This discovery caused a real chanical experimentsatin the me- ciple of refrigeration and so the innow has laboratory Pennsylvania take manifold ought to gold rush and the camptown be cold unState college showing these possi- less grown into a permanent heated Experimechanically are C Stewbilities described by F are Mining men of Tonopah show it is at ments State Penn that of art associate mechanisome professor great in whispers of of summer cold In ’ speaking temperatures cal gold discovery which has been Heengineering mani80 70 intake to the emphasizes that beyond the fold is atdegrees made in that vicinity 40 degrees of the basic data no PART OFabout assembling VEINS GRADE HIGH “DETOURED” FUEL auexperimental work with such an carcooler for an in an old tomobile ’useful a obtain To High grade veins ore has been refrigerator would use Stewart Prof automobile assaying abandoned mine with ried out some of the He cold this suggests i4into the thousands have been dis---inUSES USUAL PRINCIPLE covered during the past month fuel en route to the engine be deVir- that famous old mining camp The idea he says is to use in the toured and used as a refrigerant to automobile the usual refrigeration chill a cooling unit of a small ‘repoured glnia City — which once the na- principle which Js already In operatio170000000 of silver into frigerator in the car n-but To insure continuous vaporizational treasury when it was needed going to waste In the or'- most by the union during the dinary mechanical refrigerator there tion he would draw the air for the is a chamber where atmospheric carburetor through the cooling unit civil war Numerous good gold discoveries pressure is reduced— a partial vac- The whole operation should cool a have been made in Elko and Hum uum created small just as the vacounties which give promise In this reduced pressure the re- porizingrefrigerator now chills the in"boldt gasoline I of production for years to come frigerant boils more easily just as take manifold "Southern California capitalists are in high altitudes water boils at lowA ’highly volatile fuel would be t: quietly investing huge sums in er temperature than at sea level needed Prof Stewart says and he work there In the ordinary refrigerating sys- estimates that such an outfita should r Even the old “ghost town” of tem refrigmaintain in hot weather and sorbs the refrigerantits in boiling ab- erator Gilbert has'had a resurrectionwork50 deof about temperature from heat surroundings a small army of leasers are ‘Round and so produces cold A pump must grees mines ing there in old to of being condensed for be the most be used to draw off the vapor pro- useInstead mountain continues over again the fuel over and it force and this duced in prosperous camp with 200 men into a condenserboiling to the from cooling unit would pass where it reverts employed at Gold Hill and Sunny its liquid state and and burn exactly the to into is returned engine side like fuel introduced in the regular the cold chamber to boil again In the automobile the engine it- - manner CHICAGO — (UP) — More than 32000 inventions the brain-childre- n the of inventors in every country of two world will be on exhibit here for r weeks beginning September 14 when Rogers Gives Inside Staff z On Post And Gatty Flight Into that fascinating deep purple There is no scene in New York like it”—X Y Z New York It was one of Washington Irving’s favorites too Perhaps the most unhappy people In the world are the American expatriates in foreign capitals They profess to be happy and tell of the joys of living abroad but you always find them around where Americans gather and looking longingly at the boat trains when they de Tt is trite and patriotic Sart to say America is the most glorious country on the globe but it is gloriously true For those who have lived long in the states Europe is seldom a pleasant haven unless you know you may return when you NEVADA'S GOLD V SUNDAY MORNING JULY 26 1931' THE OGDEN STANDARD - EXAMINER 2—B ' m ’ 2666 Washington Ave I Phone 217 ‘ Phone 632 - 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