Show celebrates Human Rights day Kobi Robi Gwinn Contributing Writer BECAUSE B of campus closing closing closing clos clos- ing Jan 21 in honor of human rights day students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents faculty and staff celebrated Friday in the College College College Col Col- lege Center President Budd welcomed the audience and then urged each person to consider his role as an individual in promoting human rights He asked that we each become tolerant interested and appreciative appreciative appreciative ap ap- ap- ap of the cultural diversity within our college The value of diversity makes us stronger and more cohesive as a group John McCormick professor of history stated that the he view of America as empty land waiting to be filled up by civilized people is very much a misconception Many of our history books have not taken into account the cultures that survived and prospered long before the Anglos arrived including the Spanish Pacific Islanders Southeast Asians and the Native Native Native Na Na- tive Americans that have lived here from the begin begin- ning As a result whole groups of people have been neglected and therefore a major part of American history history his his- tor tory y has g gone 0 n e una unacknowledged unacknowledged c k- k continued McCormick McCormick challenged individuals individuals in in- individuals to research Utah's history and to get to know some of the great names from various minorities that helped develop the culture and richness of Salt Lake City as it is today Much has changed since the days when Nat King Cole was denied a hotel room while in Utah but even though progress has taken place much remains to tobe tobe tobe be done said McCormick As a college we must work to provide an atmosphere without discrimination one that allows freedom to teach and freedom to learn stressed Carlos Jimenez campus campus campus cam cam- pus director of human rights Jimenez believes abuse intimidation intimidation intimidation in in- and the harassment harassment harass harass- ment merit of individuals Ts should not be tolerated Jimenez encouraged encouraged encouraged en en- the audience to consider consider consider con con- sider community problems such as safe and sanitary housing developments for forlow forlow forlow low to moderate income fa families and equal a access to public buildings for the hand hand- He said that the national national national na na- na- na injustice of unequal wages for women and the educational disadvantage of minority groups are other problems Jimenez challenged students to be the leaders of today rather than tomorrow because tomorrow may be too late Jimenez noted that this day is not just a celebration for blacks but for the God- God given rights with which all humans are born An emotional Joe Sanders from American Express spoke of his move from frustration to elation At one time he referred to the state legislature as bigoted cowards for changing Martin Luther King Day to Human Rights Day He accused them of ignoring the accomplishments of King and then of hiding behind the term human rights However after much thought Sanders reconsidered reconsidered reconsidered recon recon- remembering that King had once said he would rather be recognized not for his won accomplishments but for what he had done for humanity King liKing fought and nd di died ed for the rights ts of all human beings in the world for the right to live the right to exist and the right fight to be said Saunders Saunders urged the audience to judge one another according to skill ability and credentials rather than by skin color speech or dress Set an example for the new generations so that they can learn more from imitation imitation imitation tion and less from dictation Saunders concluded by saying that it isn't easy to examine and revise our personal be be- havior t I r i ir t w i k ky o 4 I 1 Y h J Jane ane Ann AnnL Lee e a and d her daughter Stevie were greeted by Jim Bradley County Commissioner and students and faculty of They were flown in by Air Med in in an effort to raise raise money for Lees Lee's bone marrow transplant |