Show Horizon Sports Shorts Snorts From rugs to riches CPS CPS- The CPS The University of Michigan hopes to raise to by fashioning blocks of the artificial artificial ar ar- ar- ar al turf removed from the field of Michigan Stadium last fall into area rugs coasters and doormats and selling them to fans Th There ere are spots where people spit on it but that's part of the mystique said Bob Lipson of Sports who came up with the idea Key changes in big- big time sports made at convention Reformers CPS-Reformers carried the day at the convention convention convention conven conven- tion in Memphis forcing through a raft of changes that critics say may mayor or may not ease some of the problems afflicting time big-time college sports Among other reforms representatives voted overwhelmingly overwhelmingly overwhelmingly over over- to Force schools to cut the number of coaches on staff Slash the number of scholarships by 10 percent in each sport Try to ease the isolation of athletes from other students by eliminating only athlete-only dorms Require academic counseling counseling counseling counsel counsel- ing for all athletes recruited at Division I schools Shorten practice time and playing seasons so athletes will have more time for their studies Require Division I schools to spend more on women's sports and mens men's sports ot other er than football and basketball Some weren't sure that limiting practice time and the other reforms passed would actually help keep athletes athletes athletes ath ath- letes in class II Athletes are going to be athletes said Paul assistant athletic director at Eastern Kentucky University I III dont don't know if it would cause athletes to hit the books harder Bruin ball B-ball banners bring notice athletic department department department depart depart- ment in an effort to help inform inform inform in in- form students and faculty of upcoming home games is hanging banners throughout the campus The banners willbe will willbe willbe be hung during the week and will serve as advance notice for all remaining home basketball games The banners will not be displayed during weeks in which the Bruins are on the road |