Show HORIZON The Horizon is a publication of the Salt Lake Community College Student Association and is published weekly except during Summer Quarter examination weeks and holiday vacation Letters to the editor expressing points of view or differing opinions are encouraged Horizons Horizon's editors reserve the right to discuss submissions submissions submissions with the author moreover they reserve the right to refu refuse e any letters or articles for any reason specifically those that may be libelous defamatory or obscene All submissions are subject to editing Submissions of words or less may be mailed or delivered to the Horizon offices at College Center PO P.O. Box UT Editorials reflect the opinion of the Horizon All other opinions expressed within the Horizon are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Horizon Managing Editor Christa L. L McKinnon Associate Editor Amanda Hughes News Editors John B. B Colaizzi f 1 MA M.A. Hoffman News Feature Jonathan Kline Feature Editor David Canfield Kathryn Smith Arts Editor Nicki Boodrookas Sports Editor Matt Baer Desktop Publishers Cleova Williams Kyle Hewitt Kevin Shanley Copy Editor Katherine Faber Photographers Ed Idle Ule Sports Photographer Spencer Driskill Faculty Advisors Roselyn Kirk Brenda Bensch Communications VP Brian Owens a |