Show f r i Wh Who's 0 I that stat h Bruin B. mIn Baby Ba b y I The Bruin Baby contest is alive and well If you know who these babes of the back court back court are simply bring an antry gentry entry try form to the next home game and deposit it in the f Bruin Baby Box at the ticket counter South City Campus Campus Campus Cam Cam- pus 1700 S. S State Enter at the following home games Jan 25 Homecoming vs Snow and Jan 26 vs Dixie Limit two entries per home game Ineligible Athletes and families athletic staff and Horizon staff Prizes which will be awarded weekly are Free typesetting and printing 20 copies of one page resume from Skyline Printing S. S State and 10 free combo meals from In case of a tie a drawing will be held Entries must be made on an official entry blank Official Entry Blank it 14 N km r l Name of female baby Name of male baby y 7 a. a 4 Name trie Yr Phon City Zip Address J i C f. f t f f M t i v v. v Jr l' l Y t Are ire career decisions weighing you yon down i Career Academic Advising can he help p l Contact us in inthe in the College Center Rm I or call t i V i i t f a. a n Y L I Ready to Recycle Bring your recyclable items to our recycling truck at S. S 2025 W. W Mon-Fri Mon between the hours of am a.m. and wl pm i Recyclable items include 4 mm v J V 31 cardboard ca tv v r y f r newspaper 4 j r c clear 1 ear glass lass 1 ass 1 n h r J J z colore colored glass glass i magazines magazines magazines' l computer paper f 1 1 r mixed 1 paper x x 1 plastic plastic milk milk jugs liter jugs liter bottles aluminum cans i No Note e The truck is for all students faculty staff and 1 community to use If not open please dont don't leave anything out in the open a j f Sponsored by Delta Epsilon Chi Chii i Y g Use r i v A a iaal Hi M l kc f Wf t Y I 1 |