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Show 1HIKM Tit til I. ItCMrtT. Hut A Co, In thtlr nnort for tiie week ending April 10, UOi, tlato that Imj rorcmeut In butliieta It i erieptlb'e, etpeclally lu quarlera where bad wc-Uher hi I hitherto retarded dltlrlbu. lion. C'ollecllonton the whole aro re-(nrted re-(nrted tatlafactur, motuy aliundant, I ut demand lotctlre. In lloifin the money tut ply It far lu cxom ot Uo-maQd. Uo-maQd. The alrlklng feature of the week hai I eeii the u ni nc dented trale In droit goo It. I lanuelt harc-been nctlvt, the dtmand belNg earlier than utual.HJlet of wool at llotton, rhllt.lilf his an I New Vork hare been nearly 80 u),0M pounda till year,agalnit eI,u0O,i)Vd lait ) eir, n gain of 8 per cent. Hfieculallon In brcaditufli liaa advanced ad-vanced wheat one cent, Wettern re-celUlnfourilayaharlng re-celUlnfourilayaharlng been 1,5(1,-OOObiikbelt, 1,5(1,-OOObiikbelt, but Atlantic eiporte I,-naiKiO. I,-naiKiO. Com It one aud one-half centa atronger, oata a cent lower, and Jork roilucli falling. No change It reported report-ed In cotton. Durlog the week the trcaiury atd out 2,10(1,0)0 more gol I than It look In, but It look in 100,000 more tllrir than tho Increate In Ittiiet of tmall nolit. Merchaudltneaporti for April how o gain of 0 per cent, over lait year atXework, while lu Imperil there la aome dtcreate. Though railroad rail-road tnrnlnga continue large, ttocka are dull and rather lower than wrek ago. Ilutlneta failure for the week men. Honed mimteredln the United SUtea 160, and In Canada Si. or the cor-ritpondlng cor-ritpondlng wnk lait) ear tho fl(urei were for the United Htatia 223, and for Canada 7. ' |