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Show HOMKOl'ATIIIC .SOl'IKrV lint Aannal Mo.ilon and Ilecllon of OMccm. Itcrrpiliin I.at ridiln;'. The UUli ll.incopithlo Hoclety elected the following olllcel at lla ctilun yeaterday evenlug, to aetve durlug ttieeneiilns yiar: Dr.J. Uiattle, preildent; Or. U. I.. Craudall, vlce-irellent; Dr. J. A, White, eecreUry; Dr. II. ll.Crlipen, corrrapondlng aecrelary; Dr. J. C Hancbelt, traiirer. The followlngmemhor were prr-enl. Dr. Dirt, Ileatll. Bhlnnlck, Crlppeu, Druglat, Byke. J. T, Whit, lirni. lie, Womlrull, lUiioh.lt aud Craudall, all of Halt Lake City; D. Hill and Oraliam of Oden; Dr. llraut of l.ureka. The following .vliltor wero Inutteudance: Dr. MaryOrren of Bait Like City, Dr. Clark oIKurtka, Dr. Walker of Ntbra.ka, anl Dr. Ireland of Ohio. Af.er an addren by the president the following jrogmnime waa ob-eervedi ob-eervedi . atruat or Tut anaato or nivaaii ato ILA Ali TUKMratTIH Adarc.ofth llnrliu ol llllerlt ll1k tllhtraiuilr.AialIcl "111 Two UlhJui.Vii'.ii, J. I ll.lirl.HI, H V,"rU!t MTh Tt .rin-all. ol Aral ContaarUvili,M ......it H nnrpe at- ur. "ilf nrteilf la Mtol I tie lice -. U. r llow. M !, M..to.Wamloe "Son,. I.rolliranl Irt.l.uil ejmlilsmi. with Clinlea Nt.,M 4 - , r Ilr.at, M 11.. Irek,t lib. "Po. IK TMt. U li4 Hera plar,' J lilliie,M l),Bllll.ilLII7. kl.rtion or onlerr. a.ronrorviia aiann up cimctt MtDl. una aii to otar Ad Ire., er lb llnrtau of CUnleal aledi rln anduiryt , . lirlM.iii'.M'a la orerj".... ..!.u lam.JlM, (H.iria.n, .all IAk Mlir...io an1 Treatmeat ol Conllaatd o 1 UctraUJ iounJ..- w . .. .... II W. Uriat, U !,rarfl. "Clitlcal tat la anrferf." -- - ... , K it. braaara. kl li uJo. "A'?"l!lLVr "";"" I 'l " "l UVCIIJ euMia.1 j;a;i;;1..v-Iv:i.irukruif .l..n.r , a. u.,o, e, ,. ci(r Aaooaran,eBtMlttarllllnat.olehklr' men er -ureal an J or rwifiumir. tor lb ' hrivruon at la bait plar of m.ctlaf . airoaropTiiaiiuai AUoriiniraric,uiv AtMrnr iklldr.uof UU.UUIC, (171 a'nVjrrl!lMl rarlieal Von.l Wrallaal of lAU UTBrololral lupin . . ! 1. 1 ,.. J.ll. tfiairmae, M I. , tall Ul '".?.'.. ' UaglM,TnVi" ValluVa'cilJ l1tlefdlcuilonj followed the reading of aomeof theaper. The Maociallon aljolirned to holj II neitauuual rutetlug lu Ihln llyonthe Or.tTiie.day or May, 1503. Daring tbe evening the member and vliltor were given n pleaaaut reception re-ception at Dr. Dul'J mldence. |