OCR Text |
Show jft MM Itclttu(5 and Arjiolnlmtnti. ill I SU Following I. fromtho.'rti'nlafar V ' - Ct5rB of April 1: Wf itV EHoiTliomaiWhwitlox, Jr.,llbon. of ' r B orably releat.il from hit l.t-oti a. pinl. M "llAV difitoflh.Bbefflela conler.nc, ton- I ll"Bt turn borne. , . iWL Kld.r Jaoob Orlmm Ii honorably .1 j BJ r.leanilfromhl.l.bonlnlh.n.lglum jj I !tjj vouftrtnee of tboN.tberl.nd. mluloo, K ' Mm lo r. turn home, fi, (fl J'.ldenUW.HImmoBi and Albert W f 't WM Hpeiicr are boner.bly releM.il from ., BB Ihelrlalior. In th. Holland cunf.reucn M Inf ' c' n N.th.rl.ndi rulialonf to return jK ' j9 Kld'.r D.WIIUju II. C.rd I. releunl ffiviL IB ' 'rem nl1 l.hor u travellnii; hlder In FPSrJrWwB ' 'he lllrralngbam conference, aod I. F 'wTtiVl appointed to pretlde ofer Iho rlbttllcld rl L IJT if conferenc l . VlVm. iM" llodn.y Illll.m I. reloteil (t l y from hi. I.bor. a. IraTellnff Lldur In r. t! Ak tbe Eed. Conference, aod I.. ppolnted A i r , ' W lo I.bor In th. Uterfool ortlce. B W l.lder JobMeanom 1. releaneil fr.m I.: g." hl(lttwr...traiellugi:ideilnlli.or. L wlrh conference, and 1. appointed lo f Pi' l.bora.lraTellnKl.lderlutlioNottloif k h.ra conference. ;' .' Kld.r Kred.HOIIIeyl.relc.ied from f hie labor, u tr.Tellug Hlder lu the (1 if ' ' Is'orwloh conference, and I. .rpoluteil V . to labor a. tr.vellagKlderln tbe Jion f) gg lou confereuee. |