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Show SI' 1 HB unu urn. tiki, null). Htt - IBs Si'' '' HI Utah la shipping away every yearn mi i "' uBf very large quantity of raw wool. l'rt 5) ' of tho product of Ihe Territory Is made W,i BB upatlionie, an J the clothe, blankets By- , BM nnd shawls manufactured litre aro K ' Ytally superior In quality to lb goods BJ - BB of the ssroe ctaeees reals In thetast H BBj ern Males. Tho flnlh nay not pj ' Vjl " ""' k"' "" W00' u"' H JM la genuine, while the custom In (lie Iji ' BE eastern mill liaa licconiu traml to IS M mix In with cotton, fillings made from lu i (S ol I woolen rags and faced with but a H ' trS T,,jr -m'" proportion of hooest woel. B ' '' .MM. Ureal as.111 Is displayed In making these D i, ' wV fabrics look fine and good onthesur 1 ' BK face, so aa to deceive Ihe ordinary ur- S Mai chiior. If our homo factorlra would BM put a bettar flnMi on tbalr gola luey B H would eicel In all respects Ilia woollen 9n Bft manufactures otlhecast, and lake tholr ff ' BK ror place In tho markets ol the fr flB country. If ; H; Out there la and will be for some B iBj time, under potent conditions, a maw BB of raw uattrlal tbat cannot to uied at jgl KM home. It will continue to bo tblpied ' , MJ away and Ha tale ba regulated it J SB by eaitern ilralara who do pretty much A HJ at they pltata with It. Wt think all 'm Bh our home grown wool ahould bo manu 1 11 BB" factured at borne, securing larger f j BB irofltsto theep ownera and keeping , t BB rouoh money In tba Territory for home i! BB circulation, Htwcaii IhlsUdone? J BK Start wonted factorltt. Or let aome t'l .. BS ot our czlatlnK woollen mllla make ":i- BB tranche! of their establishments for I'M .' lb,a f't0"- Thl ""ula u""" If? V BE large quantity of material that It now BB teulaway and furnlili oiniloymeutfor i. , By many Idle tiauda. BJ' There la a man In town who wat B reared to thla butlnets In llradforl, flf Kugland, but who hat been In the fit United Hiatal orer twenty yeara and Bfc has superintended large wonted fc B torlea In Itkode Itland. lie liai been In BT Ufa haUut two yean. Hebaereient ! Bv ' returned from the Eatt wheio he I jtW took9J0poundaof raw Utah wool to ' (Jk have It made luto "topa." Tbat If, LvE wool prepare! a) aa to he made at once mm Into yarn. A tamplo "top" may be Bfiy aeeu In the ttora of Cutler Urot. Ho -'flpi hulnreatlgatedtha matter aud Omit 2 that hecan mtkaMortted yarna from J V Utah wool, giving a batter prim than ' 1 B hew paid for tho raw material, and JtBf iiut them on the market ataletiprlce '.'B) thauthpyaiopoweoldforliithe l'.nt. I . B Common yama, tie taya, can be aftiu ) ,H tietiaadaoldfor hOloWcenUaiKiund, ' , 'MM auperlortoeatteru klnda that aell for 'I M 11.00 to 11.10. Alto from tbete topa" '"BB Hpanlihaud blaaony yarnt for knit- ( 'Wft "nK c,u madn here for $1.00 t''yB to ll.KI r und, which are ,. mW wholcaaleil In the lUtt at $1.0 ) to $1.73 VjBB anJreUllfdatdom j:.l)to J1S0 per iSl liound. Ilohaiaamplcaaudprloelltti VI fS . which ear lain thla. MlB Machinery for one comb, with I 'Af which ho can work up TOO pounda of ' WW v' J,Jr' cu bvi for SIC.UOO, ffi ciih $2,00) aud the real at all per cent. ffjjj Intenut. He cau rent tho old Ogden Jkuf factory with good water power for a . t ffjf 1 iw figure, and will guaranlco to clear ! . V a thvetttof the machinery In a year. ' Thla may item rather roieatu to tac- t .? tlcal builuua men, but It It worth l! t X j looking Into. J i ( Pf H ttarlej tho Valley wonted mlllt , i'J i'' In I'roTldtnce, Ithode Itland, and Jfl tS; mintged thtmfortoven jrara, lglu. ' ' (f lcK w'' comla and tearing 1(1 i i. fcX thlrteeucombiandCOOhaudiwbeuhe ff tReP K went to another factory. Tho profltt SiStfeB "'' Te,y 'rgo and he li conlldent i 'Vi'lt ' 'u"r reiulta la Uta.h, If tbo net. 1 il I ary machinery la obtained. '' if ''BC Weadelteour moueyal frlendi who . f W. detlro to atari new home Induitrlea to jfi V 'lit tee Jonai Wllklnion, who can be tf .' ' heard from at Cutler Ilrothtrt. Halt 1 f 6' thoroughly lamlllar with the builnitt, 2 ) and we Ulleye can cjmlnce them that I ! ' ' I th" ' money In It, and that It would ljj I B grow Into a great and proOUblo ludut. St try. Here le aomethlug 1 raotlcal for ' home Iniluitrlallita to take bold of and , I i ffit k what there li In It. Who will taku 1 f I the lead? |