Show 11 5iANiairaffgqwmwMff-- I 4: 4 t ‘ - 11 School Unils ItApipn LOG Imthorized to Hike Tax Levies J '' ' ! ::: 1 71 1 il '" l V ': ' :: '' tr ' :' ! : ' '4 arP te ' : it 1:' ' :'' ''4- - ::''':S'': i: ::: :' ':i ' - '' tl- ""- "- '11'0 - 7-- ! ' 4 ''- ':' - ' ::: 'i- : - r ': cA: '' ' ::-- - ! ? 4 ' "i ''' : 7 ::: ! j 'F'- - II - ' 1 i 4''erS 4 o 4 ' '' I - -- : i - iliofir GOP Keynoter Sees Hope To Win Vets 11 - ' '' ! - J 1 - 4 I 1 ! - - - i 4 ti 1 i " - i':'':'''':'4' - ' ! '4-- ' ' 'i- 11i :! ' 4 ''!'''-f7''1:- - I Z '' ' ! - 1' ' 4 - ::' i - ''' !' - ':'' ' ' ' 4'- :': t -- - kit - ?' !'':'::!:' i' '''' ( ‘ :‘ '4 :: 7 - 'FC 1' ! F :f: - NEW SUBSCRIPTION RATES Newsstand and Street t Single Copy Sole ' A t ' :' I !I - --t Car MashyLpS oman tI oy In Utah Courit' f1 t' A '7:::1 I f' e 7-- t-- - I ' ::1' ' rl' '44'6: '''': "6:''!76it! "- 'V-- : ' ' ii:- : - - - - :7"'-' :: i '::1:-:- ''' ' ---- ''' v1':": ' ' ' 4CT ! 7'::: 4'' ::'P ' ' l' - : 4 :"----- 4 6 ' ":-- '- '' Ve!'k f ' r-- ' Y: 'i- : ' ' ' - - :' - : 4 i p i I :14 ':' '' '' :'': ' 't r' 4 ) ' ' i '' 1 : ' ' l'!:' : " ::" i " '' : ' ' ''' 4- :1 r-4c:- t - iI't ' ' - - '1' ' '' Iltah's 1946 highway death rate Friday ' '!'-- ' -- - :'1:' ? itl' r' ' 41N t :(41 :: ' ::4 I ' - : ' - '''' : ' 3 "'- 'o':-!1':- l': ' ''' : 12 ' '4- - o : t 1: i reacmheildlearn vailhaormdiniedg of 4- ' '' ' f t ' i ' f t f (' k 7 4 ' t f 1 t z 1 i '': ' - '''' i t: t - - - :- ::144"::?:- -- 7 4 '' k ' ' " '' ''''" - 1 : -r- ' ''4''72P-- :' ' L: - "" : ' :: - ''yirli74 t1:--7- ' !' 00 "- ':': ' 4 It - - ' I Friday's two fatalities brought total deaths in Utah for 1946 to 6c40uneotymtopatraedinuumithbeitrOotoNtieeratthhse same apte17 107d onlne 1m904re5 In Utah stand than the total of nine for the same period year - ' 4 f i Tribune Leased Wire son of James SPRINGVILLE—Bruce Allen Miller i H and Lois Hjorth Miller' Springville was injured fatally in an 'J i' ' :'' I- ' ' - ::"'!-4:- ' ' - :' 4 t " ': ' a' :: '' ' ? ! 's "'- - - ii- : ::'-- i i" i I -- -- f 1 4' '4 3e :r21'' 4' 4 i 6" 'Zi'' V a: - ' ':' - ' 9 : ! fadrteohamet -- i-': l 4 Bruce t(iirtivaslepawribni car from when ewaf inajnudrietsrsr killed Ina Lehi Pauline Adams his when the car in which she was riding crashed frith another vehicle Injured In the broadside collision in Lehi are:: John F Adams 25 Orem husband of the victim Leonard Gentry 30 Long Beach Cal Mrs Barbara Triggs Long Beach Cal I Robert Stotenberg Brooking Ore ' Mrs Idonna Sage Long Beach :Cal' :: ' :? ': i:: : i :4et:io'''' -- - - '') :i::L:--- I ri'' III° 1 the q :: ' f ''irK :4 e ' S zx: -s- ' :z ii'::: 94 '''' l'' ts''''441-i'2) ) "1k e' !lc I etvf--- ' '1 - - i: : p Lehi CollisionIiiitires Five Child 3 Falls From Auto i - 4 1' l:r!- 2: :::- - : - ' ': t !11: - -- - 71 1 ::::! :: -- og 0'? CIis 4k ': ''''Wae: ''' it i':?---- I I' ' gi:" 'k:' r ''' '' :' :: i -- 1 m 1- Ai 4- - '' - t ':'-- ' ' 1' '!:' - ' ---- :: ' 7t:- it :?:'I3 :1 sto- ): :: 11: - - t- k '''4" 1'1'' ''''''6 i" 4 -f :' 4- ' -7 7-- 74'1t- - - :- i3 7' :"' i:- - ':"c"--: f v: : ' - - r j ' 147s1: 7 ' ill !:--1- 1' 1 - k' it V i ''' '' :i- 4 1 :' -- ': ' "' 77- Jt e - - I v- "It--::fr- :t i f''" ‘ : : - z4 Vit ''i :: 44: ''''-4- - ---- 1 1 ‘o0 ' 5:-- - c02:: o :? t I h Widow of Senator Dies at 94 in Salt Lake Ex-Uta- Mrs 94 Julia Elizabeth Rawlins widow of Joseph L Rawlins 1 e- I :0: — : '- 1 i: 4 4 4 ' 44' : ' '- :: ' : ''- - 0-- -- 9- - i4 : :Lt 4' Chief Cudahy soiial and Active OPA affairs Mrs Rawlins was terested the fine arts all her Urges helped promote art study the early Enforcement Utah and was members the board of directors 1926 in philanthrop- ic in- in life She In one of of of the Utah Art institute Five Children Survivors include three 'daughters and two sons Mrs W W Ray Mrs John Jensen and Athol Rawlins all of Salt Lake City Mrs Herbert Coffman Philadelphia Pa and Boyce Rawlins Provo 15 grandchildren and 12 Restoration of livestock quota rules does not eliminate the paramount necessity of enforcement of office of price administration regulations 141 W Stringer general manager Cudahy Packing Co plant in North Salt Lake said Friday "Whether the new regulations Private funeral services will be will channel more livestoCk resiconducted Saturday at the dence 1517 Harvard ave Burial through normal routes" he said will be in Salt Lake City cemetery "depends somewhat on livestock The family requests no flowers receipts in comparison with the be sent 1944 basic period It depends too on the extent to which approximately 25000 newly wartime-license- d great-grandchildr- Utah Growth Basis Incentive for a population in- creitse in Utah of 250000 persons would be provided by the completion of the central Utah project diverting water from the Colorado river R C Johnson project planning engineer bureau of reclamation said Friday Mr Johnson and State Engineer Ed H Watson who spoke at a meeting of the Women's Conservation Council of Utah at the capitol said that construction of dams with a reservoir capacity of 15000000 or 20000000 acre-feis necessary to conserve water in the upper Colorado river basin Mrs Edmund P Evans presided at the session et slaughterers will be elimi- nated or their activities reduced and the extent to which those remaining can be forced to comply with the regulations as to price as well as quota rules "The elimination of the subsidy to violators does not of itself dispense with violations since black market operators still can operate at substantial profits without such subsidies "The Cudahy Packing Co Is buying all cattle available to it at prices that are within 0 P A regulations and is anxious to buy from greatly increased numbers any government agency or other source that can procure cattle for us which we can slaughter without violation of government regulations Naturally we cannot nor will not pay prices higher than the law permits and compliance with the law involves meat yields and government grading which must be calculated in determining values" - ' 7 ''' - t Membership of Serra International has increased by 110 and 11 new clubs have been organized ' ranging eastward to Pittsburgh : Pa since the last annual conven- I tion in 1941 P D Rooney Seattle I president reported at the opening session of the organization of Catholic i men Approximately 100 of the delegates and their wives attended a low mass in the Cathedral of the Madeleine prior to the first regular I convention session Rt Rev Patrick F Kennedy chaplain of the '‘ Salt Lake Serra club was cele- - :: bic 0 ''- - z- - - - ' Serra Growth S L Police Holding Suspect n Death In Probe of Cited at After 00S L Meeting ''' Salt 17::: Hit-Ru- prominent congressman and senator of the 1890s died Friday ' at 7:20 a m in her home 1517 : Harvard ave of causes incident ' k r to age ' 8 1851 in i She was born Dec ' ' I i Myrthyr Tydvil Carmarthenstiire 1 South Wales a daughter of John :1 1 S and Elizabeth Phillips Davis ' — ' t ' and came to Salt Lake City with Itt her parents in September 1854 1 ':' :' ' 1 Her father translated a great deal k ' ' of L D S church literature into ''' the Welsh language She was mar:1i ': ''''- J ' ' '' ried to Mr Rawlins Dec 8 1876 ' Territorial Delegate 4 ' Mr Rawlins was a delegate to ri 1 congress from the territory of t e e - i 1:- ''' Utah from 1892 to 1894 and had 1 ' Introduced and obtained passage c stik:01td of the legislation under which Mrs Elizabeth Rawlins Julia Utah was admitted to the Union Widow of Utah conkrressman dies of States Later Mr Rawlins was elected U S senatorirorn U tali and had served from March 189 to March 1901 He died May 24 sN - - 11 - - - ' I: brant sy Y By-la- w ch ' -'- ' " - ': : ' ' — " ' 7' I ? 3 1 ' l' 9' :1 Vs - ' '1 ' ': k - r'-- ' v i '‘ '' " '': i - a:4i1 1 I - '1 -- 1 t -- ' :- - - - t Faces hit-ru- n charges after long search George W Masitle Coast Council Refutes NeW Bid on Geneva Special to Tribune ANGELES April 26 — James F Bone secretary tf the steel committee of the western states council said Friday that Fred Riley is riot authorized to make a bid on Geneva steel plant on behalf of any individuals or cortipanies represented by the LOS steel committeeL C A dispatch frOm Washington D Thursday stated that Mr Riley represented the Norris Stamping & Manufacturing Co of Los Angeles and had declared his inten-T tion of submitting a bid K Utah Asks Extradition Norris is head of the Norris Extradition of Lewis A Jacob- Stamping & Manufacturing Co sen from Ely Nev to face charges The committee he said plans of forgery allegedly committed in to analyze impartially whatever Salt Lake City April 16 was re- bids are submitted and may make quested Friday by Acting Gov a recommendation as to which one E E Monson they feel should be accepted the's-hote- APRIL REVERSES PR6CEDURE SETS HEAT DRY RECORD April has failed to live up to its reputation for showers 25 days records of the U S weather bureau reveal In addition abnormally high temperatures indicate it may be one of the warmest Aprils on record Four daily temperature records were broken during -e the first 25 days and the high temperature for the 17 18 19 and 25 established new month was equaled April daily highs and April 18 a temperature of 85 equaled the record for the month established April 26 1910 Cloudy skies and a falling barometer Friday prevented any approach to that mark Average temperature for the first 25 days this year was 553 degrees compared with an average of 45 degrees for the same period last year and an average normal temperature of 49 degrees The month started out fairly wet with 131 inches of rain falling in the first eight days But the next 17 days were a reversal of form and by the 25th precipitation for the period totaled only 136 inches 43 below normal For the same period in 1945 precipitation totaled 168 inches I at least during the first all-tim- Leatoed Vitt 4 1 k ! 4 4 1 i i ' 1 t t ' ' - --- -- e - -- '04 1 '' Tribune LEHI—A skidding automobile apparently out of control which a dogged search of almost crashed into an oncoming vehicle three months by Detective LeRoy on U S highway 91 just east of Lehi Friday at 11 a m brought Lake Police hit-ru- n Iverson investigator for the driver of the death to Mrs Pauline Adams 27 automobile which caused the death Orem and injured five Two of the injured Mrs Triggs of Frank R Butler 53 George W Mr Stotenberg Friday eveand Mantle 38 628 Redondo ave was were ning ocloing as well arrested Friday and charged with as can be reported expected'– failure to stop at the scene of an ' Mr Sage suffered a broken right shoulder in Lehi Bail was set at $1000 which had Mrs Adams and Mrs Sage were not beenraised late Friday Mantle' taken to American Fork hospitaL was transferred from city jail to All other injured were treated in the county jail Lehi hospital Search for the driver of the ' Mrs Triggs suffered a fractured death automobile began Feb 9 when Mr Butler was struck down right leg above the knee deep as he was crossing the street at head lacerations body bruises and 1020 S State Witnesses to the scratches Mr: Staenberg suffered cuts i were able to give police mishap and bruises only a meager description of the Mr Gentry received facial cuts car and the sole tangible clue Deafter receiving first aid treattective Iverson had was a head- and ment was released from the hoslight left at the scene of the accipital Friday afternoon dent A check of automobile parts Report Auto Skidded I dealers for information of anyMr Adams suffered cuts and one purchasing a replacement bruises and- possible internal inOne fruitless headlight proved dealer had sold a pair of head- juries and after receiving first aid treatment was released to lights of that type but Detective the Utah Valley hospital in Provo Iverson found that they had been Clem Turner Lehi city marshal an old truck purchased for Detective Iverson got his first and Dick Evans inLehi state highcharge of the break on the case Saturday when way patrolman said the Adams' he saw a 1936 Terraplane coupe investigation with new headlights parked by al machine which was traveling skidded on the pavement grocery store He traced the north license number of the car and for 73 feet and struck broadside southbound Gentry vehicle f19nd it to be registered to Mantle theBoth machines were damaged A search of the garage at Mantle's home revealed a discarded head- badly Mr Adams reportedly was of the northbound car and light matching the one found at driver Mr Gentry reportedly was driver the scene of the accident Mantle was brought to the police of the southbound vehicle station Wednesday for interrogation by police but he steadfastly denied any knowledge of the mis- Four Hurt in Two-Ca- r hap Lacking sufficient evidence Collision in Salt Lake to make an arrest Detective IverFour persons were injured one son released him and started to traffic misseriously in a two-ca- r gather more information By Thursday afternoon enough hap Friday at 10:36p tn at 5th facts had been gathered to have East and 27th South a complaint issued and Mantle was Most seriously injured was Ada booked at city jail Friday morn- Hall 32 2801-8t- h East driver of a southbound vehicle She sufing Mt Butler died in a Salt Lake fered a possible skull fracture and hospital eight days after he was lacerations of the right eye Lenore struck by the car After his death Rich 31 120-3- 0 East a passenger the city commission posted a re- in the Hall vehicle suffered a comward of UN for information lead- pound fracture of the left arm n driver Driver of the second machine ing to arrest of the It has not been determined yet was Mrs Pearl S Lunt 38 2816 a whether Detective Iverson as 20th East She suffered a possible police officer is eligible for the right knee fracture Her daughreward ter Wynema 15 suffered abrasions and 'shock All were treated at Salt Lake General hospital Mrs Hunt and her daughter later were taken home The Lunt automobile was travA fifth county Kane went over eling west reported Traffic Inthe top Friday as Utah chalked up vestigators Knudsen and Mc Gary 35c of its $40000 goal for cancer who are continuing their probe to control determine who was at fault Kane county joined Grand Juab Uintah and Morgan counties in registering 100tf0 or better of Pedestrian Hurt While quota Morgan county is still the The drive Crossing Hifhway pacesetter with 160 will continue through next TuesAl Hillman 49 234 E 1st South- longer if the suffered bruises and shock Friday day—and possibly 40000 goal is not met by then at 11:50 p tn when struck by an automobile driven by Dr J C East Salt Lake Hardy 2590-5t- h $5 Million Returned General hospital physician at 150 Income tax refunds totaling S State The doctor was traveling south $553749164 have been returned to 130000 Utah residents it was and struck Hillman white he was announced Friday by William J crossing the highway in a pedesKorth internal revenue collector trian lane according to investigating traffic officers whn tgok the Processing of approximately-500remaining refunds st ould be com- injwed man to Salt Lake General pleted by May I Mr Korth said hospital for treatment - ' '' Auto 'Out of Control' Hits Other lleadOn - '' s t ? ' :' ' ' - ' - ' s! 1 ' - ''- t- "Armies win battles but religicin wins the peace" pr E E Monson secretary of state said in welcoming delegates at a breakfast in the hotel Response was voiced by Frank Bruce Milwaukee Wis second vice president Russell Bley trustee ofthe St Louis Mo club said his organization has produced a motion picture dealing withstudy for the ministry This film is being shown widely to afford intelligent guidance to young men considering studying for the priesthood he said A principal objective of Serra International units is to raise funds to help defray expenses of seminary students Other reports were made by James H Gaven Chicago and W J Pfiffner Houston Tex both revidistrict governors sions were studied at an afternoon session which was followed by a sightseeing tour including St academy and college and an evening reception Officers are to be elected Saturday morning Delegates will attend an organ recital at 11:45 a m in the L D S tabernacle after which new officers will meet to plan activities for the coming year Most Rev Duane G Hunt bishop of the Salt Lake diocese will discuss "True Liberalism" at a banl quet at 7:30 p m in Mary's-of-the-Wasat- - '''I " ray i' P: - ' i - Continued growth of titah's livestock raising and meat processing industry was predicted Fri- Few Utah Abattoirs day by Earle G Reed Omaha Need to Register general livestock agent Union Pacific railroad addressing Exchange Relatively few Utah slaughter club members in Hotel Utah houses will need to register as a g "The of agrimarket result of the department for meat and meat products on culture's "share - the - liVestock" the Pacific coast and continuance plan effective within the state of old markets in the middle west Wednesday O C Bowman price augurs well for Utah's livestock specialist office of price adminisI I tration said Fridai industry" he said rapidly-developin- Tribune daily 5c Sunday Tribune 15c -- - !S' 0 automobile accident Friday at 5:30 p m in Springville -i:-: 1 child died skull fracture and other Injuries suffered i ?::::5 k 11 ' tk 1 whenThe 2‘!t il -ft'' he fell from otfa automobile driven by his father He fell ':::'4-:: 7 75 as his father made a turn from the main highway into Brookside 1 ?!!"!: 7644 ' t'''' '' 4 i'7' ' ' ' ''''s ' - -:''' :' ' ' :::'''''':''''''2r!:- -' subdivision at 8th East and 4th South ' 1 ''' i :''' '''':'': 2 ' ko ':'k ":: i4elk kt4144Ne ::1 34-:ii4 '!"t 11'4 ka :444 :41t4tf'4'4 He was born in Springville April 16 1943 etii Survivors include his parents a brother and sister Ronald STATE AUTO FATALITIES CONTINUE UPWARD TREND Mrs Otis A Hjorth and Janette Miller grandparents Mr-an- d This twistd steel wreckage is the result of a broadside collision I injury to five others The accident occurred when tlie northbound car Miller Mrs of Chris and all Springville south near an Lehi which brought death to Mrs Pauline Adams and automobile traveling went out of control and skidded into Friday ' ' s Good Future Seen For Livestock Effective May 1 1946 the subscriptipn rates for the daily and Sunday Salt Lake Tribune by neighborhood carrier salesman or by mail in Utah Idaho Nevada and Wyoming Will be 4150 per month Elsewhere in the United States 175 per month ' ? :"'::r4t4''5' I ' '' - 7 :i ' --- t' "' 1 's 5 t:" ' :: 7 I 11 4 i66':'':: ":”': i: "'46: ''4''?' 41:e-1-r ' '':' ' c' 4' ''"' "N - ) tr ' : 4'r ' '' -- t1- i :: ' 6' "::' 7' :71 i e:! : : ::''4:'-'- Davis Pledges Pool Changes Water Project Seen Silver King Mine Shows Net Loss : -'-st 4 - 1 I4 a- - - '': : ' :' L'4 "- '':' : A - : :' 7:L !'11' ri '' ': :4 : J' ': ':' :r t' :- 7 1 x ! ' - Zk '' mwmar--000-- :'414' ' '' '' tte: " - ': 41 - s -- :)Ai :i:--:- '''::r ' l':1-- ::':6- : ''7iiif-:-- ' t - 1 ' 1V '''''' cirri!' Fi:1 t t'-- ' '' :: 4 ': :7-'- rif 4 :: p - oriiigi''' -' :4: ''t ' 'fjs'' 2! 3- sL 7 i - 7o:':!:!1:4- ::: t:-'-- - ir : ''S-:- ' t:: ' - '11:7 'n 1 ' ' :" :' 4 '04t6-k-'-- : 4 ' f - p':--- - : 1:--- tLi44--:::':- '":64! - - '' 1-e- ': s ? ' r: - - 14 ::: : : - 1 qc:: :''" :c : i :-'- rt--' i I A''' 06-- 04'7 ' - - '''' 4tIE: ' - : A'' 'L:V :'--- T1 7 - k ::-- ::: '1 - :: t '1:-- ::4- 4 47 I :1''1 t :iiv -i ''r-- '''l': 'ccrt''''' si'::'- ' : - a ' ' :'!6s it' I ' ' i i '''" -- ::lc:i::':'! ::: ' '': ':1 j:t-- t 4' r' t - - '' 17: ! - ?:l 4 Ji-'P::- : ''- " ::i '4 1 6- 4- :: ' :'E7::':'--- : '' ' :''-:- 1 1 7 ''-' - :41 74'' 't g g : ':1:L''' :i$-- - ' '' N :: -:- "h- o: ' ::: :! "t ' ii fe ka'g o:t ' l' ' v: t't''or :i 4- &: -- :t - -- 1 i"'" i:-:- :::7---:-:4- T ' r" ': 4 i ' --- ''1:::-- : i' "!' : : '' !7t----‘:'4:f--T- ' - r fir' :': - 6' si 4 "i- 1 'orf---- ':::ttli'4(':- 1:- ! :::::':': ' r:i i ' i 4i: 1 i -: ' ''' - 1' 44::::::: - :::'-6- - - e :' 1 A ' '' k" ' ' r' 1 r : - Y:: :4 I' r' ' r : o (i- " " of the increase will be used to raise teacher salaries which the districts said will be necessary to maintain adequate teaching staffs Districts involved are all county '! districts with legal maximums of i ' 14 mills The Increases in most '' "' ' a '4'i instances will take them up to 16 " mills Districts In first and second -- I e 'IniAr' C1L--- - - ' 1 '''''''' 7(7 P44 class cities are authorized by law ' ' ' t r'"5 :': z to levy up to 18 mills without state it' ' '':---'''o :' t sanction board ! I ::3: t'-4::' t-Stand by Board e i :! The 1 4( board—comprising members i' "'''' ' '''r'''4'"1'""4411011' of the state board of education and state tax commission—felt that '1 : 0i ' i if the people of the various districts are willing to pay the in- and consider them necesT gcreases ' Il sary for support of adequate school 44 ':' 4:77 ' 1 1 programs they should be allowed to put them into effect a At the same time the tax' com: mission warned that a crisis in ' Utalfs tax situation is developing 4 rlirielt rapidly because of a decline in Income and corporation franchise l''00114tax revenues ' lif ' 4 At a public hearing in the eve1 t''' conducted at the capitol by tikaavazocasolosonwt ning tax study committhe legislative do n L Anott Speaker tee to discuss problems arising convention GOP county from the request of the schools for added revenue Tax Commissioner Milton Twitchell pointed out I n that the present strike in Utah metal mines and smelters is conI tributing to Utah's tax crisis 1 Cites Strike Cost' "The strikes" he declared "are costing $3000 a day in tax revenue and the cost will be even greater If the strike continues to the point proceeds of large proThe Republican party has a where net ducers are wiped out" golden opportunity to win service Lynn S Richards new member men and young people generally of the state board of education attention to the constituI to its ranks Gordon L Allott La- called tional that property shall provision Colo mar said Friday night upon at full value for prophis arrival here to deliver the key- be assessed note address at the Salt Lake erty tax purposes whereas the i Jcounty practice for years has been Republican convention Sat- general to assess it at only 50 or 60 urday at 10 a m in the Newl i house hoteL He is president of of cash value Heber Bennion Jr of the Young Republican National theChairman tax commission said everyone federation and until a month ago knows that property is not aswas a captain in the 1T S army sessed at full cash value and never I air forces To capitalize on that opportu- has been but the practice has Mr Allott said the party been given tacit approval of the rity must be progressive and construc- legislature in the fixing of maxitive both in its leadership and pro- - mum levies Discuss Valuation I grara Must Look Elsewhere Mr Richards spoke at the afterjoint board "Young people" he continued noon meeting of the valuation of but the of to question the realization 'are corning that new deal is stagnant and that tax was brought up again at the the ' If they are going to get anywhere evening meeting Representatives they must look to the other party of tax paying groups said they The new deal has stopped the gaps feared that if valuations were in' and plugged the holes but it Is not creased the expected drop In levies i would not materialize and the regetting the job done" Aside from the keynote high- sult would merely be a big jump I light of the convention will be the in the total tax bill The districts authorized by the election of a new county chairman A contest is expected be- joint board to increase levies with tween Marvin J Bentoch an an- total amounts to be raised from nounced candidate and J A Ot- local taxation and the increases tenheimer whose friends have these would represent over the been active rounding up support present year (given in parenthealthough formally he has not an- ses) are as follows: Cache' $291170 ($82839): Carnounced that he will compete for the position B It Parkinson in bon 3440800 (S46400): Emery eumbent chairman removed him $106800 ($26800) Granite r24self as contender several weeks 703 ($90587) Iron1174110 ($38- 951) ' Nebo $362490 ($80210) ago North Sanpete $81993 ($25493) Other Central Officers Uintah $99500 ($12500): Wash-i- n n $67800 ($12542) and Other central committee offigt o Summit cers are Mrs Henry Walker vice South $60500 ($6500) chairman: Elliott W Evans secre- The board notified Wayne county tary and David T Lewis treas- it would be authorized to raise tarer $16177 an increase of $2109 but Convention officers are Edward formal approval cannot be given Morrissey chairman Mrs An until the application Is in order thur Blake Thomas vice- chairman: Rex Hansen secretary and Jr G Metos sergeant at arms The keynoter who will at the afternoon session willspeak be introduced by W W Seegmillet Mr Allott was welcomed at the airport by the central committee officers and a group of young ReDescribing Salt Lake City ordipublicans nances controlling swimming pools as antiquated as the pools Dr James Z Davis city health commissioner said Friday that he would recommend new city ordinances at the next meeting of the city board of health Silver King Coalition Mines Co At present city ordinances preoperated at a net loss for the scribe no rules for periodic checks quarter ended March 31 of $40- - of the city's swimming pools and 23775 after all taxes and depre- as a result the indoor swimming ciation but before depletion The pools at Wasatch Springs have not loss was equal to 33 cents per been subjected to bacteria culture share of 1220467 shares of $t tests since August 1915 he repar value outstanding ported Net loss for the year ended This was during a concentrated March 31 1946 was $655088 or drive to determine requirements cent per outstanding share for improving the pools he said t'''''' PAGE SEVENTEEN APRIL 21 1946 - - Eleven Utah school districts were authorized Friday by a joint state board to boost property tax levies next year to raise funds for general maintenance and operation In all instances a large part ' LOCAL NEW t Joint Tax Education Unit Acts to Up Teacher Pay - 1tibAtutt -- L 't:ll akt 1' SALT LAKE CITY UTAII SATURDAY MORNING SECOND SECTION 4 '' 4( 1 ' 1 41 1 I 1 I ' hit-ru- Kane Completes Cancer Drive 1 1 A t -- - S 0 I I f-- |