Show 'L - T: --- - S 18 'Ube salt 12akc Treibunt — Saturday April 27 1946 e - Mr1EM11 wo Gicaints tpluit Fli'Sp to Mexico I I 1 t s 7 21-- 1 I '' ' - btt manager of the New NEW YORK April 26 York Giants announced Friday night that Pitchers Ace Adams and Harry Feldman had "jumped" the club to play in the Mexi- baseball league In a dramatic statement Ott disclosed that Adams and Feld man left Friday afternoon sometime during the Brooklyn-Gian- t UP)---M- el I i Ican I I - 1 Ott himself did not know of their departure until he missed t e them in the batting drill and went to the clubhouse to Inquire as to their whereabouts There he was informed by other players that both Adams and Feldman had collected their belongings and said they were heading for Mexico I New York) Red Sox Tie for A L Lead I f I t - 1 r 4""ta ' N k "' '' t i t k ' H Russets Due To Arrive Athletes Home Sunday Show $ I : : t' - i J t i - $ - 1 ' of American Gardner LaRae N - Clint Lewis of Lincoln who won the 100 and 440 events in the division two Junior high school I Fork champ high school girl sprinter in Provo cinder event 4 ' Swimmer Plans Channel Try AVALON Cal April 26 Movitz Enters player-manag- Coast Tourney NEW YORK April 26 (UP)—New York and Boston moved (— SAN FRANCISCO LP—Dick back into a tie for the American league lead Friday as both won Seal Movitz of Alta Utah and Slyter Jimmy Virginia Browns Louis knocked while St out the the Detroit Tigers easily Beach Cal swimmer arrived at Hole of Jackson Wyo Huidekoper of first place by beating them —3 to 2 Catalina island Friday to prepare who have won the California The Yankees defeated Washingfor his attempt to swim from the slalom and combined A error by 'Outfielder Jim island to the California mainland ton 11 to 7 winning as the Yanks Russell the Cards helped whip Pittaburgh The misplay on a single 'ailowed a man Saturday night championships will attempt on have to win this to down-mounta- in three-baz- e year—on heavy Joe DiMaggio hit two Jutting borne runs and Tot() lienrich one and the 14 New York hits were good for 29 bases As usual the Yankee pitching was ineffective and the Senators clubbed out 10 tilts off Lefties Joe Page and Jake Wade including by Sherry Robertson It was the first time in 10 years that four homers were hit in one game by teams at spacious Griffith stadium Dave Ferris a pitching sensation as a freshman last year won his first 1948 game in three starts as the Red Sox trimmed the Philadelphia Athletics 7 to O Ferriss allowed only six hits while the Red Sox got 11 off Dick Fowler and Norm Brown The A's committed five errors to help Boston and Bobby Doerr and Ted Williams each drove in two runs with timely aingles e homer in Joe Grace's the ninth inning broke up a pitcher's duel between Virgil Trucks of Detroit and Nelson Potter of the Browns after Roy Cullenbine's single with the bases loaded in the first Inning gave Detroit Its only runs The Browns got one run in the third and one in the fourth icore from first base with the third Card run rallied in the ninth runs off Fred Martin but he to get two Pittsburgh stopped the rally with the tying run on THE BASEBALL SCOREBOARD NATIONAL LEAGUE 1 1 I I '1 A :1 4 1 Cincinnati Philadelphia 3 2 7 7 6 6 Portland Sacramento Seattle On 41231 p30011 The Tigers who have Playwd two lege games than New York and Boston now full game trail by The Chicago White Sox lumped on Bob Beller for five hits and four runs in the fifth inning and made the margin stand up for a 4 to 2 victory over Cleveland The Sox got nine hits in ati one more than Joe Haynes allowed the Indians was Feller's aecond defeat against one It win In the Only two games were National league Brooklyn played maintained its half-gamargin over the St Louis Ca rdiTics by humbiing the New York Giants 31 to 1 while the Cards beat Pittsburgn LettY Vic Lombardi pitched the Dodger straight over the Giants tclurft—his sixth into the- league The Dodgers hits—six of them extra-bas- e 10 blows got Ed Stevens and Dixie Walker hit home runs for Brooklyn New York protested the game after a misunderstanding in the fourth inntng in which an umpire called time and the Giants didn't get the signal Bill Ripley then got a hit but it was 1111111fled n I I Henrich rt DiMaglo cf Keller if Ytten lb Gordon 2b Dickey C Pace p Wade 9 GOOD:WILL TOUR (AP)--Ilas- Stars 9 Rainiers 0 CARDS A4 0 3 0 1 6 0 0 0 3 - 1 1 ) 2 1 4 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Seals 7 Solons 4 0010 0 0 0 2-- 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0000 Wilkie p 39 13 27 11I Total' 34 7 27 12 a—Ran for Salkeld in Stb for Ostermueller In Sth c—Batted for Baker in 9th St Louis 200 000 100-- 3 000 000 002- -2 Pittsburgh Error—Russell Runs batted in—Slaugh ter Moore Russell Cox hits-- Kiner Moore Russell Left on bases- -St 10111I 11 Pittsburgh 6 Bases on balls —Osterrnueller 2 Martin 2 Strikeouts— Martin 5 Ostermuelier 1 Wilki 1 Hits —off Ostermueller 13 in 8 innings: off Wilkie none in 1 Passed balls—Salkeld : Losing pitcher—Ostermueller Jordan Reardon and Goetze Umpires— Time- -A ttendance-4S- S5 2:00 Totals n Two-bas- sal t -- — STARTS SEASON ON BENCH e I Boise Manager Optimistic About Pilots' Chances l ((This Is another Iin a series en Pioneer league team prospects) PROSSER Wash April 26LPi— Walt Lowe of the Boise Pilots not only is the youngest manager in the Pioneer league this season but i he also will be the most forlorn when the first pitch iis served up on opening night next Thursday- ' i I 2 t14 Bob's Don & 17112 Rogent t ::' 1 — ! Now- i Sorving Southorn CHICKEN LOAVES i 1:'11 li 3 ! t oetip : i- bat: Eddie Seffick Aliso : ' ix : AB At AH H Moose Workout :53 C ?: i ' —- t 4 000 : I ' 1 ‘ 1 Er-G- I's I I I i i t I sN 0 ft I Atwood Betty Anna neat Adams Lela Green Jewell Worbur ton Jewell Rogers) Waaateti Weber BASEBALL THROW—Berry Pryor ReaNotersi Peterson Wasatch vOr: Niada Felt Lehi: bdariryn McMillan Murray Elaine Anderson Bear niVer ISB rt 6 ins POTATO BELAY—Pleasant Grove (Betty Page Lela Green Mada Barris Myrie Beth Atwood Jewell Anna Pedreon Jewell Wasatch Worburton) Rogers Bingham RELAY—Lincoln (Nedra Beth lore Nuttall Betty hfuhlestein Elaine Muslateln) Pleasant Grove W latch American Fork Lehi :58 1 - Junior High Girls RD !INA ta r Norma Alflr Routh Summit Pieaeant Price tla a ()rove: Lois ettrIngnam Helton burgti American Fork 07 POTATO (Barbara L RACZ—Bingham Coward Gwen Aande(ron lidargy tihU 1r' t Peterson Lucille Shirleir Alta Thorne DASH—Clint Lewin Lincoln Rea Anderson Juan Armistead Bob Carter Washington: Robert Sumbot Midvale: Delbert Hogound American Fork: mingsen) Pleasant Grove American Fork 2:445 Jerry Pace American Fork SHITTYLIkl RELAY--Plea- sDASH—Clint Lewis Linentn: Reed Tranter Murray : Roy Lenore West ant Grove (Illenio4 Judd Genial Walker Marta Jordan Donald Star Washington: Bob Norma Ostler Rosalyn St ramAdamoort Phillins Mound Fort :584 Whitely Veloy Hooity Geraldine Fork Arnerkan Donna Bing- - r Phumway) SHOTPUT—G E Bailey Ephraim: ham :572 e Hirese Union: Jim Ere 'Lewis: C n Fork Burnetti J Union 43 ft Draper 1 in Jeanne Prienherd (Darlene Bunker White )3OWIn Janet Lulean FINALS—Robert Sunblot Strasburg Midvale : Dean Austin Murra v Bill Over- Ada Taft Irene Pirce Aln Murphy) Pleasant Grove Lincoln 1:004 Plosendor- street Cent ral : Neil Heybourne Delta THROW—Erma BA REBA LI Plaga Helper :245 Harpy LoLa trinsham Prtca g BROAD JUMP—Roy n8 ter Waaatch W J K Rime Union tied for first: R An- - Isms stoker Bingham: Catherin Ault Lehi 143 ft g Inc drum Draper: J Kinney Tootle andReed Bingham: FernPARADE--Teame POSTURE particlnat- Culp Stewart and Silcox Wes Jordan tied for fifth 17 ft 4 Ina ing were: Iarrer or Provo American Fork RELAY—Logan (Jesse Pack Helper n Pleasant Grove Lehi Wasatch N o ratings made Orval Raillson LaVere Garth Lincol Merrill Logan 5 ft Ota Brindrup ins POLE VAULT—D Lee Lincoln: Jerry f Stewart tied fnr third were Epperson Lewla of Dixon Knight and Hatch of Dixon 10 ft 5 ins RELAY—Logan (Garth Merrill Scott Croft Layers Brindrup Jessie Central Midvale Union Peck): Draper z SO-YAR- Division II al 440-YAR- Fair-bourn- PELAY--Ainerica- 440-YAa- n r Goi 1 4 a4 440-TAR- War Vets Annex Relay Features26 :453 PHILADELPHIA Division III r VALILT---Bo- CTft April b - I - t rel 'Ill hip-loc- L ' l : :- ---- '' 1 3 75-ya- rd tE:::1 girls' events of BoDean Larsen little i:A Pretty South Summit dashed off with the xi:f junior high girls' sprint crown by :i dash in 76 iiil:?1 winning the second! But the real spectacle of the s:'1 opening day was the posture parades by the junior high and senior i' A smartschool girls '':::iiii: ly in uniform dress the girls put ::1 on a thrilling show for a crowd carnival out the for that timed No Winners were named and all J schools received participation troschools i Seven 1 high phies A1 junior and nilfe senior high schools took 574 ti:A part in the posture parades folk i':::: r: t Get Into the "Best bressed Man" Picture! ::H!:: :l'5' '1 "5 - 4 Mar-Chin- t-- fI"— I : g '::-:- : (I ! ': 7 t i 'N'S ' - 1 : ' '' x 1 '') ot el'l:': -12 sk 'r :2: 'I 4 ' ' —:::1 x : : : ' ' :' t ':?' :o' —' '''0 ::'::'i —77::-- : i t:1 i '"'::r: ' s':'"''':::' :' '1' : - f N ':' '::: ' I : ' r: ' 'io - ' ' -—40: e- r I -: 1 ":'0 '':2:'? l l' m::0:::":4z :::: - ''i - ' ' 4? I 7 i body-pres- z t :' - $' - f :i ' - o? i- - The Ktris also put on display of including the Weggis (Swiss) dancing dance the Gathering Peascode (English) dance The 1Calveli3 and the (Lithuanian Hansen lost the first fall to Morley masa was demonstrated s participation dance when the "copper" applied a were an dances The on turf the stadium after nine minutes of battle Floyd copped innovation to the carnival directed by the second fall in six and a half minutes Miss Leolba Holbrook with the "arm stamp" Morley was bleedBesideti the regular college junior coling badly at the end but latest reports and high school competition Saturday were that the steady flow had been stopped lege PPtlio i high school chamthe and the injury WWI not sertous v'111 be held with 14 competitors curtain-raiser The between Ted Cox- and pionstip The winner ITtatt and Arizona Idaho Leif Friccson subbing for Jack Page was from will receiVe a wrist watch and the next a The big Swede four definitely finiThera will get E L Roberts' took over when Page came up with ad medalq is always one of phe of the broken ribs and gave the highly-toute- the featttees couple of sports spectacle Cox quite a battle The three U S C stars arrived Offor the Fred meet Frilay The trio consists Winter a: pole vaulter who is capable of getting us- to 14 feet George Beaman one of the Drolans top sprinters who has dash twice for 'US C won the this seasOn in 10 seconds and Madison Winter played Meredith: high Jumper basketball In Utah last winter with the Los Angeles Shamrocks in the league Claude Empey former South high athlete came here with the Trojans Empey teem manager for the U 8 C track j is the first two After : : ---- 1:'''' -- s ' - -- fi''' : t-- -- ---- 44 - f l'ff : : '':' : z: 60-ya- rd ' ' "- ' :: tiwomt!" '':'' -' ': if "v' 52'Kx'''''' ' iet 'Y' ' ''01 - -- -- P )Ifit i : '44w47: r iss I i Utah Gridders Close Drills games losing the Whites came back squau defeat the an 0N I 30-2- Utah Closed its spring fooiball drill The Reds scored twice on passes and a longrun The lineups: Whites ' - 4 64: ''"W4 olr 1" e vvz6 1 1 I ' :80-- I' 11f ig :i: :1 t The s 1 i - NH 44--- ' I' riAI 0 V 1 III 1 ' ::::: f i' L'i'l i : : ii it i '1 Adverfisd in ESQUIRE As Amy way you look itt LIFE : 6-- 3 1 : ti and Other Magazines 7 4 i Just Open an Account—CHARGE Your New Champ! No Money Down! -- t 1 L I e Giacomo-Spenc- 6-- 1 I ::?:::t-"""-"-----"-------ih 4 - -I Jrfpf-- b 6-- 1 - ! I I I 4 $650-$7- 50 :'1::i: k 6-- k: 1 ADVERTISED PRICES— ALLY sA I t t—it's THE CHAMP for Spring 7- - k t e $ ht ) S1 6-- 2 ? ': Styled to plese all faces Falshioned by mastr creftsmn of fine fur I for l its money la felt Priced to give your hoed a better - this season's smartest shads HERE at CHAMPS own NATION' ):': 8-- 6 I1 ) From Every Angle The lint Buy of a Lifetime FA i:-i: i t& k:4 i ' :- ht : I 8-- 6 3-- i t :' 'A l 8-- 2-- 6 I I $ : 8-- 3 6-- I t r-- an early season defeat at the hands of the Utah tennis squad when the old timers scored a 4 to 3 victory over the Redskin racquet swingers Friday eilternoon on the U courts Richard Warner came back to even up his series with youthful Bobby Koch by taking a 6 series from the promising Ute netter while Omer Morris scored another win for the alums when he defeated Lee 6 Hammel 3 The results: 6-- 1 :f 2m:: - Annual election meeting of the Richard Warner Alumni defeated Bob Salt Lake City Bowling Assn Koch Utah will be held Sunday at 2 p m Alumni defeated Lee Omer Morris Ittah6-in the Newhouse hotel Ivory Hammel 'Utah defeated Jack Morris Lence Bob room according to Pres RichVern! Swenson Utah 5ddifeated David ard Vir Gam Freed Alumni Con Deardon-DicDorton Utah defeatSecy Fraink K Baker who Morris Alumni will retire from the post after 10 ed thtlt Greenhaigh-JacWarner-Ril- l rea will of Johnson Alumni service Richard years give Homer Warner-HerHarvey port on his trip to the ABC !Ptah F4 Mumconvention Baker is A B C di- ni Dire' Rtieloiwbrod-Claraplerson e Simons tandefeated Don rector for this area i rfTh ‘ ::iii::: 6-- I t t low - 1 1 -7:177 It The University of Utah alumni gained a measure of revenge for 6--2 ' - c I 0- ' '100-yar- Ahüpni Surprises Redskin Netters Alt-jm- 1 1 - - ' - ' : J Reda ret Ploeffier Stephens Van Sandt ler Crapo Smith rti Folkerman Shade Hietzman Itr Cahoon Nett Igr I eddinallarn Marshall rgi C Dalebout Tyson Adeit ob Bakes fb Peterson Price Tat rhi Evans Ihr Huston licklin Substitutions—Whites: Ransom for Leddingha m Pistorios for Dalebout: : Barrett for Shade Davis for Adelt Nictkplm for Peterson: Nelson for Picklin Reds: Giles for Ploegler: Henderson for Neff Jarvis for Msrmhall Robinsin Dibble fnr Evans: Ricketts for Tate: Burdett for i'ahoon: Yosittnisa for Huston Matthews for Ypslantait L 1 the track events champions will also he crowned in the senior high and Junior college track events providing a full day of activity at the "t" bowl start until about 4:30 Itattutgdativ iliftmel:nSanturday Dr (14-(Chick) part is director ofthe huge anorts show with Athletic Director Eddie Kimball and Track Coach Floyd with most of the BY LT :kartthilleetttecasteting infra-squa- d 0 in Red3 game as the University of - I 111 - n7( BOWLERS SLATE SUNDAY MEET I 440-YAR- 440-YAR- 6-- Lift to Operate aticker--5014--an- d I :096 SHUTTLE RELAY—Plessant Grove (Betty Whitehead Myri Pedrson rase Beth two-mil- hard-foug- ls i La-'tro- y A 11 RD FINALS—LnRse Gardner A mei American Fork Genie! Thornton Iran Fork: Lila Bankhead Murray Nedra Lincoln Nuttall June Hanaen Weber D n Andre Adoree famed grappler continued Ms winning ways at the fairgrounds arena Friday night with a decision over "Butch" Madray in the weekly mat feature Adoree copped the third fall for minutes with the victory in 12 the "whip" The big Canadian won the fit25' t fall in 26 minutes with a and a body press revethe arm-loc- k while Madray managed to grab the second fall in six minutes with a k Japanese Floyd Hansen who is making a bid for Salt Lake's "meanstrongman title battered Ralph est" Morley Ogden policeman from pillar to post in the semiwindup and won the decision when Referee stopped the Ralph McCollum match after the second fall Morley suffered a deep cut over his right eye early in the matchat and the Hansen kept pounding away wound until McCollum halted the slaughter Two youths were injured and two escaped injury when the temporary scaffolding on which wrestling matches collapsed causing them to fall 15 feet to the floor Injured were Lynn Wright 16 possible fractured leg and Law16 rence Christenson possible back injury They and the other two Eugene Logan 16 and Henry Harvard 16 were taken to St a I All are from Mark's Bountifulhospit crowd-please- Senior Moil Girls A 75-- 1r ono: M Athletics 0 a catcher at Culberen et 4 1ti 0 3 Oi GlirtiMn It 3 0 1 Itrat ham: Rob Lizee (pronounced La- Al Frown p as 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 Pesky ' a A Whet Chicks eind Trim at short: Lou Williams i Stenger 4 2 2 1 If 4 1 2 01 Peck rt art° third:7 Hal Lowe of Doerr 20 brother 4 1 4 31 MeQuin lb 4 0 7 2 onio's In a Loaf of Brood!! If 'i In the left fleid: Llrzi In York lb 4 112 11 Chapman et 4 1 5 0 Aspirants for the Moose Lodge centermanager and Neil Owens in Johnny right Metkeeh rt 5 2 2 01 Walalesa ss 4 0 2 '2 baseball team will hinge &tuckers on the tem Jim of the Bob 4 1 1 11 Handley 2b 3 0 Pelerini 3b NEW! DIFFERENT! TASTY! Ison and 1 Kerrigan righthenders and MeGati C 1 0 0 0'1 4 0 2 Oi cliato of the season at 1:30 - practice Bob (Red) Hardy southpaw who did some 5 2 1 1 Kell 3b 3 0 1 2 Ferri!! p 'f t pitching last year for Portland are Serving 4 I) m to 4 a tn p m Sunday afternoon on Muni1 0 5 1 making c DeSautels the atrOngest claim for the opening night (Closed Mondays) mArmarng C 1 1 l 0 cipal diamond No 2 according to 1 honors Fowlet p - 2 2 : 1 G W Barker and well as 4 Tarnow) Stenger 1 0 Benson it Shepard manager I PRIVATE ROOMS as NUT Walt played with the Pilots beI (11 0 bKonopka fore the closed down Tamone went league 0 p Savage ii 4 to bat more three in 1942 than We Deliver or You Can any other Pioneer officially hit TOWN 39 11 27 12 Totals 32 6 27 11 it Homo — A Great Party Carry Diahl f for 274 a good mark for any Infielder a—patted for DeSautels in 7th Lowen1 other pitchers none C of whom b—Batted for Brown in 7th Southern Steaks Also Served Lift at Alta will operate this was with :the team previously include Hal : e—Batted for Handley in 9th Tillman Bill O'Rourke Jack Meister Jack Boston vAem-1001- -7 season 111 003 for the last time Don Owned and Operated by 645 000 000- -0 Lopes 61I"olte7:-ks41'Y-Conyers and Travia Foster Philadelphia 11'Ci'''111Y3571:11"17S6S I is the Runs 2 batted in—Doerr pLi'urife (Metkovich onlyletthander among As anored on Fole-- ! Williams 2 storm comes along Skiing is me::Zn"Z' w'ner'4'rnf a tic York Culberson Errora—NicQuinn Hand- i diocre 4Ningdekrbw' 1t about weftweALot31t:54moieolli Keil 2 Fowler controlling ley Twobass hits— lodge officials said tile) i:-A- i I - league--DI- i 1 - ra'crewo-Vasce- St Phonft skip- per tackling his first managerial assignment is worried about his club's chances in the league's first pennant scramble since 1942 He say!' confidently he feels "we'll be up there" The reason for his unhappiness 124 Judrenichtertleraridioinmo grr:oce Home Runs is a fractured bone in his right rifles kirtns—A:ucks Christmaxn audnich National base—Lake Stolen Donnie arm souvenir of a line drive off to Giants 2: league—Witek play—Leke to Greenberg Base on balls— Walker Dolzers 2: lialmea Bravett 2: a teammate's bat which will keep Ott Mayo Trucke 5 Potter 3 Struck out—By Northey Philhea 2 Miner Reds 2 Kiner Pirates 2 Lowe riding the bench for several Trucks 3 Potter ft Will bitches—Potter Trucks Passed ball—Tedbetta American Time- -Yankees aegio weeks longer Attendance-3- 143 2:18 4: Etten Yankees 2: Lindell Yankees 2: York Red Sox 2: Pollagrini Red Sox 2: In their opening game With the Ogrisn Kettner Indiana 2 Reds at Ogthm the Pilots will probably TIED SOX 7 ATHLETICS O Cliff Barker rely i ' - It isn't that the - 1 O- FINALS— Ronald Tyson Mound Fort Morgan Thomas Springville: Max Cut lipa Mound Fort Robert Welchem West Jordan Cieston Park Juab: Bob La Beau Logan :112 (new record DASH—David Devine Un- Inn Gene Fullmer West Jordan Le Voy Piccloni Springville: Perry Brady Union: Steve Steastrand American Fork 1:023 Carlow Price: D SHOTPUT—Sterling Devine Union: D Antazak Union: Mi Markahla Price P Brady Union 29 ft 8 ins POLE VAULT—L Wilmore Lewiston D Woodward Logan R Johnson Dixon: M Broadhead WasaCch J Long Draper 8 ft 314 ins Marlin 20YARD DASH FINALS Lloyd Draper: Bruce Washburn Draper: Max C ut lipa Mound Fort Morgan Thomas Springville: Bob Nie lion Cyprus :288 BROAD JUMP—David Devine Union: Bo Wiechert West Jordan Myron Brnadhead Wasatch Jack Kidd Logan Mont Deming Midvale 15 ft 1 tn RELAY—Mound Fort (Ron aid Tayson La Var Williams Andrew Frecker Meg CU t lip& ) : American Fork Midvale Logan Price :533 HIGH JUMP—Ted Pyper Wasatch and Carl Robinson American Fork tied for MidvaleWillis first: Mitchell Price Lewis Edward Sweeney South Summit Lincoln and L Wilmore Lewiston tied for third 4 ft 10 ins (Bob LeRELAY—Logan Bau- :Jack Kidd Jerry Pottier Dahl Wood ward) Midvale Union Weaatch 440-yar- bahigh n 3090 3 bBarrett - 3-- 2 —12298 11101 nti'm Two-bas- 1 cGionfridd0 1 Ostrmuler p 2 (UP)--Oakla- Division I 100-yar- French-Canadia- Padres 3i Duck' 2 ase Bakerc 4 0 1 1 5 1 4 0 5 0 2 2 3 0 3 2 3 2 2 1 0 3 0 2 0 8 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 o Damn tentnrott tensor Jack Andrews Ronald Ilyastrat: 'Price Woodward Mound Fort American Fork :488 RELA Y—IAToodwied (Rob McComb Robert Nelson Marion Neison Don Gibbons) Delta Beaver Lent - —Ralph Tate and Tommy Quinn t POLE the former a thrice wounded army Park Ephraim: came through with double' vic- Dean College Lehi C Giddings American veteran and the latter a naval of-- 1 Fork 9 It 5 ins tories DASH FINALS—Eldon Ed ficer ran off with the special tea- d Lewis captured the gar Bryant Marion Nelson Woodward: tures of Friday 's doings at the Little Lewis: Murray Edwards dash in his division and then led Donald 52nd Penn relay carnival as cold Delta: Jack Andrews Central :108 SHOTPUT—Robert to Woodward: all the way the field capture Paul Durrant AmericanNelson windy weather blew away any WorDick Fork: d the honors The slim and then Lehi: Lewis Bowler Woodward 3 chance for record breaking in the 471 ft speedy lad from Lincoln ran the Morley Washington meet first postwar Smart Mont 100 in 11 seconds flat and the 440 tither: Leon DASH—Grant Swindlehurst Beaver: Jay who served in Europe with Tate B Winkler Helper: Chappell North Sumin 561 seconds mit: Arland Hancock Mound Fort :564 the 83rd division won the 120-BROAD JUMP—Marion Nelson Wood'Ins Broad Jump high hurdles special without ward: D Little Lewis: B Critchlow yard acciN Morley Ogden: B Chap- too much trouble when an Nelson from the southland won Washington: North Summit 18 ft 113 Ins dent put his chief rival Harrison t FINALS—Eldon Edgar Brythe broad jump with a leap of 18 pell Dan Rutledge Lehi: Keith Smith Dillard out of the running feet 114:a' inches and took the high ant: American Fork: Jack Edwards Price Quinn now stationed at the St 4 He 5 took at inches Gale feet Helper :251 jump Alban's HIGH Neition JUMP—Marton Wood Long Island naval hoe-- : which three tries at a record ward: Dotiglas McShane Beaver J Bell pita! good for 28 rivals wastpo stands at 5 feet 1314 inches but American Fork and B Park Ephraim tied e R Smith Beaver: It McDonald in the for third: youngt runalthough failed and Hancock Mound Fort tied for fifth Ray Buker of Wheaton college Little David Devine won the 5 ft 4 ins RELAY—Central (Olen Tit gave him a tussle for a while 440 in 1:023 and also captured the broad jump with a leap of 15 feet' 1 inch i 1 LaRAe Gardner of American x!::::: ilirio4 g r ' 1 r :l: I ift cr r f 'n ) I 1 kl 1 r t Fork rompe:4away with the senior :::::k 1 o0 '::?'!:: i high girls' splint honors by coverdash in 96 seconds ?::: 1 ing the (7734°'' about two yards in front of Geniel '':'''l Thornton of American Fork Berry li 71 Pryor of Beaver took the baseball throw And Pleasant Grove won two ir: of the three relays in the senior 4 Feature Mat Contest Acorns Defeat Angels Again - Junior High School Boys of Union in division No 1 All three of these fine young athletes Adoree Takes LOS ANGELES April 28 Aroma grabbed their fourth straight sletorY from Loa Angeles Friday night behind the five-hi- l pitchinF of Reynaldo Ardosia to (mat the Angea from second c Guerra 0! 0 0 0 place to Pac Mc Coast league standings R II E 4 0 0 01 Hucition p I Pierretti p Oakland mg non? ()In—? 65 04 1 1 I Krrindy p Los 20 Angeles 0 0 0 0 WUon p Ar4n7ta and B Ralmondl Lynn and 1 0 0 0 aSanford Williams 91 37 10 27 9 Totals Totals 40 14 27 aBatted for Kennedy in eighth s 012 412 001- -11 New York 040 100 110- -- 7 Washington Ore April 28 (AP)—The Rune batted in—Dillagglo SanPORTLANDPadres Summary: edged Portland DiegoPacific Coast Robertson 2 Stir n in their 2Htidt4on Gordon baseball 3Pzicidy Riz-- -" 2 Lewis thits—Priddy 2 Hudson clash Friday night atter league a close call in e zuto ninth inning when the Beavers scored hita— the Gordon 2 Thrite-bitm- e Etten Lewis i Home rune two runs Robertson Spence Stirnweiss Tom Seats Padre hurler held Portland Stolen —DiMaggio 2 Henrich Rohortoton to three hits and save his teammates their third win of the series The Beavers have one victory E 3 102 000 000--113 iH San Diego 1 0023 000 000 Portland -2 sball CINCINNATI April 28 Holm eoMissioner A B Chandler aims a and Seats and Ballinger: Liska campaign of good will for the diamond sport at the states of Ohio and New York next week where he will attend opening games of three minor leagues' SEATTLE' Chondier said Friday his Itinerary April 28 (AP)—Manuel Perez blanked Seattle Friday night with would Include: Marion 0 April 30 for a four-h- it the opening of the Ohio State league: pitching Job and his Hollywood teammates backed him up with it 14- Jamestown N V May I fur the Pony N V hit attack on three Beattie pitchers for league opener and SchenectatIV 90 Pacife Coast league May ? where the Canadian-Americaleek ne opens Tommy O'Brien homered for Hollywood The commissioner will idols off In with two men aboard in the seventh R H- EDayton O next Monday night to talk to a fatherson banquet 000 012 000- -9 14 0 Hollywood 1 4 000 000 000- -0 Seettle Perez and Atwood: Demoran Gay (7) i Double plays—Guerra to Anderson (9 and Supine base—Rizzuto Travis to Hubei 1 Bases on 2 balls—Off2 Wade Plerretti Page 3 Hudson Kennedy 2 Wilson 1 Struck out—By HucieT: on 2 Wade 6 Pierretti 3 Kennedy 2 Wilson 1 Hits—Off Page 4 in 1 3 innings SAN FRANCISCO April 26 (AP—The Wade 6 in 7 13 Hudson 8 in 3 23 San Francisco Seals batted Starter Al 1 1 Wil3 3 in Pierretti Jar lett out of the box in the fifth inning 13 Kennedy in son 2 in 1 Hit by pitcher—By Hudson Friday night with a four-rubarrage Pierretti (Keller) (Wade) Winning going ahead to score Boa 7 to 4 victory over the Sacramento ions and a three Losing pitcher—Hudson pitcher—Wade to one game edge in their current aeries Attendance-6- 080 Time of game-2- :42 R H E 1 7 Sacramento 030 001 000-- -4 CMSOX 4 INDIANS 2 00x- -7 10 2 241 San 000 Francisco AB H 0 Al Cleveland AB H 0 Al Chicago Jarlett Turpin (5) McCarthy (6) and 4 0 0 0 Conroy Tucker Cf 3 2 3 01 Cainr If Jansen and Ogrodowski 31 Lemon ef 5 0 2 0 Koliwy 2b 4 1 3 Ol 1 4 0 Edwafkla rf 2 rf 4 1 3 Wright SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION A ppiing as 4 2 2 51 Flernnif lb 3 0 8 0 4 0 8 01 Kellner 3b 4 2 2 3 Trosky lb Birmingham S 7 Naahville 2 I 2 If 4 1 3 01 Boudreau Mobile 5 Hodgins 311 Little Rork a 2 8 0 3 0 1 01 Hayes c Lodigno New Orleans 7 Memphis 6 Mack 2b - I I 2 2 remands s 3 I i 01 5 Atlanta 4 Chattanooga Haynes p 4 1 0 31I Feller p — 3 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 aWoodling TEXAS LEAGUE — Totem 33 9 27 111 Totals 33 i 11 11 Fort Worth 3 This& 1 aBatted for Feller in ninth Dallas 7 Oklahoma City 1 000 040 04--4 Chicago Houston 6 Shreveport 1 4 Cleveland 010 010 c 0- -2 San Antonio 7 Beaumont 2 Runs batted In—Hayes 2 Haynes KolTwo-bashits— Awing lowyes Wright A!SIERICAN ASSOCIATION Boudreau Fernandez Hodgins ' to Holloway to Double play—Applins 6 Milwaukee Minneapolis Stolen base—Tucker sacrifices Trosky St Paul 11 Kansas Oltu 10 -' I Bases on Lodigiani Tucker r17:1-Louisville 8 balls—Off Haynes 5 Feller 2Struck nut —By Haynes 2 Feller 9 Umpires—PasTHE BIG SIX carella McCown and Rue Time-1- :47 By ASSOCIATED PRESS BROWNS 3 TIGERS 2 (Three leader" in each league) G AB R 14 Pct ABH 0 Al St Louis ABB 0 A npfrois 7 17 Braves 2 8 471 4 1 0 31 Pen:lino 2b 4 2 2 II Wietelmann Lake PtL Keller 51 7 21 Yankees 9 9 :429 5 1 3 Dahlgren lb 4 1 4 3 Mayo 20 10 38 12 18 421 McCsky et 3 0 3 0! Stephens as 4 2 0 I Pesky Red Sox 9 32 8 13 406 et 4 0 4 0 Reiser Dodgers ilzaellenttI ip It 11111 Judnich 7 25 1 10 4n0 3 1 1 01McQuilan If 5 1 1 0 Stephens Browns 4 2 3 01 Finney 8 18 2 2 389 et 3 1 4 0 Gustine Pirates TepublnbbetnteR 1 ref 4 0 2 01 Grace McCormick 1 8 29 4 11 379 1 Phillips 0 rt 4 2 3 01 Chrstmn 3b 3 2 2 o num- Batted In Trucks p 3 0 0 2t Mancuso c 4 0 8 o 3 2 3 1 IPotter p National leagee—Stevens Dodgers 11:i Tots 348x28 ill Tots 35 12 27 5 Miller Reda 11: Holmes Braves 9 Mu sTwo out when winning run evore4 Lai Cardinals 9 Detroit 200 000 000- -2 American league—Doerr Red Sox 13 St Louis Fiten Yankees 001 100 001- -3 10: Williams Red Sox Summary: Runs batted in—rtillenbine 10 Spence Senators 10 0000 1000 3 PIRATES 2 Cardinale AB H 0 Al Pirates 4 2 2 5! Gustine 2b A4I3 Klein 2b Schndst 3b 5 2 0 01 Colman rf 4 5 1 0 01 Kiner et Musial If 4 fillaghter rt 5 2 4 01 Elliott 3b 4 et 4 2 2 01 Fletcher lb Moore 11 Russell If 4 lbEs - 44 112 0 1 41 Cox PR 4 emisalretri 4 2 5 01 Camelli e 1 n p 4 1 1 118alkeld c 2 I &Zak — 0 6 1 3 01 Heath If 5 3 5 01 Spence cf 2 o o 01 TravIS iss 5 I 8 01 Kuhel lb 2b 4 3 2 31 Priddy 4 2 7 1111:vans C 7 423 812 333 11 333 11 Stolen base— Armstrong Pesky York Sacritires—Pesky Pellagrini Douand Handley Peaky ble plays—DeSautels Doerr and York Left on bases—Boston Bases on balle—Off 13 Philadelphia 6 Brown 1 Ferries 1 Savage 2 Fowler Struck out—By Ferries 2 Fowler 6 Brown 1 Savage 2 Hite—Off Fowler 11 in 6 inninge Brown none in 2 innings Savage none in 1 inning Losing pitcher—Fowler 1-- 4000 9 462 14 15 18 18 Peek 0-- 0) Witelt 2b 5 Berman 2b 4 2 2 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 Oi Ott rt aNaylor 4 2 8 1 111lize lb Stanky 2b 1 11 1 31 e I A 0 F 1 Reiser 3b 2 3 0 0 0 Hermit! 3b 1 0 0 21 Toting et Walker rt 4 2 2 ill Gordon It a 2 4 0 4 2 3 1 Stevens lb 4 21311 Kerr 3b p 1 0"0 0"0 Furillo et 5' 1 0'5 0'21il01E101e 0i ander:ton c balaynard Fischer p Reese as 1 1 0 0 eKluttz 111mbdt I Emmy-tep 0 0 1 1 i dWarren 37 10 27 151 Tot& 34 9 27 8 Tots &Ran for Herman In sixth bBatted for Voisello In fifth cSatted for Fischer in seventh dBatted for Emmerich in ninth 020--11 100 053 Brookiyn 020 000 100— 3 New York — Witek Fischer Errors Summary: Runs batted In—Reiser Kerr 2 Herman 2 Walker 4 Stevens 3 Whitman Witek Twobase hits—Reiser Mize Reese Kerr Three-bas- e Herman Stevens hits—Kerr Home runs—Steyens Walker Stolen base Sacrifices--- V 2 —Reiser Lombardi to Herman to 7 on Stevens New Left bases—Brooklyn York S Base on balls—Oft Voiselle 3 V Lombardi 2 Fischer 3 Struck out—By Voiselle 3 Fischer 3 Hits—Off Voiselle 6 in 5 innings Fischer 1 in 2 Emmerich 3 In 2 Hit by pitcher—By V Lombardi UmLoMng pitcher—Voiselle (Gordont Stewart Dunn and pires—Magerkurth Timw-2:- 39 Henline Attendance (paid) 12 11 9 Hollywood 3 2-- 1 - 3 0-- ing the competition a Dutch lunch will be served to members The day's activities on the course will be under the direction of the tournament committee President Kofoed said he believes the opening will be one of the largest the club has know and a alaximum turnout is expected - 3 2-- 0) OGDEN—El Monte Golf club will hold its official opening Sunday Pres Rulon Kofoed announced Friday Opening day events will include a nine-ho- le blind bogey a hole in one And A putting contest Follow- i New York 889 800 556 500 400 300 300 250 0) El Monte Slates Official Opening t 1 2 4 4 Pittsburgh 8 8 5 4 4 2-- 0) i :1 Brooklyn St Louis Boston Chicago Pet TRACK RESULTS Y IN BYU RELAY CARNIVAL 100-yar- Hafey Berkeley Knoxville Tenn 'Wal Bernie Cal Sacramento ly 'Turpin Schmith Mo: Jim Gibson Washington Berkeley Cal: Joe Joresi Oakland CaL and Paul Cable Battle Creek Mich Cal Glendale Pete Forsythe pitchers Carl Mori Sonoma Cal and Luther 'repro atchers: Jim Stanton Bill Adylotte Ray San Bill McCarthy Lenzi Vallejo Cal Francisco Cal: Ray McNulty Sacramento CaL Richmond and Harry Kristovich Hollister infielders Cal Doug Smith San Francisco Cal Cal: Jack McKeown Colo Petrone Babe Denver Jay Rangi Sacramento Cal and Sid Murchison Oakland Cat 1 0-- 1) - - L 0-- 3to2 1 W er Cal' John Jonnant PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE W L Pct GB GB 7 741 San Francisco 20 830 3 17 10 Los Angeles 807 31 17 11 1 Oakland 484 7 13 15 3 San Diego AMERICAN LEAGUE GB! W L Pet 737 8 3 New York 727 8 3 Boston 667 6 3 3 Detroit 4 5 444 31i St Louis 4 4 5 444 Chicago 3 4 429 5 12 Cleveland 7 300 5 Washington 2 8 200 5 Philadelphia Results Friday Fridays Results St LOW" 3 Pittaburgh 2 Roston 7 Philadelphia O 2 4 Cleveiand Brooklyn 11 NPSV lork 3 hicago incinnati at Chirac° liwtinconed rata New lork H Wahington 7 2 3 scheduled Louis St three Detroit games Only Saturday's Probable Pitchers at Saturday's Probable Pitchers at WashNew York (Chandler Philadelphia (Rallensberger ) Boston (Saki ington IMakteroon Roston (Johnson at Philadelphia at New Vork Brooklyn (Batten (lovee (Knerr 04) Ellitsburela (Strincevich at Cin( leveland (Coomek 04) at Detroit 01) cinnati (Vander Meer (Trout at Chicago Rt Louie (Zoldak Passeati at St Louis Chicago (Grove (Lanier YANKS 11 SOLONS 7 BROOKS II GIANTS 3 AB HO A 0 Al Washing AB It 0 Al Neu York AB H 0 A New York AB H Itrooklya ss 5 3 1 31 Robrian 3b 5 3 1 0 Rizzuto Whitmn it 5 0 1 01 Rigiley as 21 1 Lewis if 5 2 3 0 Strnwss 3b 5 1 1 2 4 21 line-driv- 1 sponsored Slyter's townspeople of Seal Beach scheduled to start at 9 p bane - - by Sunday to add the silver belt to is their lists of titles at Sugar Bowl Ski club swim FIRST-DA- By JIMMY IIODGSON PROVO—Brigham Young university's first postwar track meet and relay carnival will go into the grand finale Saturday with the intermountain regions top college school junior college and high athletes putting on a three-rin- g sports circus at the Y stadium TraCksters from Utah's three colleges as well as a trio of stars from the University of Southern California performers from seven junior "colleges and 57 high schools will strive for honors in a meet where team performances are forgotten and individual achievement is rewarded An interesting preliminary to the grand windup was staged Friday with something like 1500 junior high boys ancl girls and senior high ' girls taking the stage for the opening act Record Falls But in all of Friday's corn petition only one record was broken The lone new mark to go into the B Y U carnival record book was set by the speedy Ronald Tayson of the Mound Fort junior high of Ogden Ronald ran away d for from the field in the the youngest junior high stars division No 1 to set a new record of 112 seconds The old mark was held by Grey of Lehi and Maxfield of Union at 113 seconds That was the Only performance of the day that even approached a record as the marks fell far below expectation in most events The other standout performers of the opening were Clint Lewis of the Lincoln junior high school and Marion Nelson of Woodward school of St George in division No 2 junior events and David Devine Manager Eddie Leishman Oakland Cal will put his boys into the old bus (the club's new one will not arrive for two week13) Saturday and head for Idaho Falls The team will probably sleep at Winnemucca Nev and hit the home port late Sunday Fans can stop by Highland park which has been thoroughly reconditioned even to construction of the turtleback infield Monday afternoon and glimpse the Russets working out Lou Garland business manager who was in 1942 when the club suspended along with the league because of international difficulties will be on hand Fred E Ring Earl Nelson and Dr Andres McCauley three of the Six Idaho Falls men who own the club will also be present although they hove already been introduced to the players having visited Boyes Springs a small Itountain-ringe- d community away from the coast in recent weeks Another owner John N Hart came down before of practice April 11 beginning In uniform will be Will - ii Today By CARL E HAYDEN OAKS BALL PARK BOYES SPRINGS Cal—It won't be long now until Idaho Falls baseball fans will get to preview the 1946 edition of the Russets a strong spoke in the Pioneer league wheel r ' 1 - ti fly CORNELIUS RYAN - r I v pre-gam- 1- 'q t - 1 1 - ' r game ' ' 4 4 i ''i l - ' - ' e - G ran d Finale 1311e - m"L1x: 7 r---- !- dzkellin a 1 -- i ' 1 Lsi - ' i 1 1 — - jcwio ' Elooma s I 444 I |