Show 1 emmngemMtUNNIVO4FtP4WVMMtVemUA I : f 1 - - - -- S Zile 5alt 1ZIkt Zribtxne 8 - Saturday April 27 1916 "hundreds of thousands if not millions" of German war prisoners were being forced to do slave labor I WORLD ROUNDUP 'U S Dawdling on Loan Reyives Vatican Raps like to keep the United states' out of British Empire markets :and would thus like to see United States trade policy proposals turned down by the British government which has agreed to support them if the loan goes through 'Default Certain' Some of this propaganda bears curious resemblance to some of the arguments of Sen Taft of Celli) Friday for example Lord 12Oyd speaking in the inThese are groups that would conservative dustrial center of Birmingham under the auspices of the Emplue Industries Assn said that in view Beautiful of "conditions" attached by the United States to the loan detault was "almost inevitable" He also attacked the United States "who like the bourbons have apparently learned nothing and have forgotten nothing" for trying to reimpme a Luxurious Rooms nineteenth century economic pdlicy Shower and Tub Baths on the world after Its demonstratModerate Rates Outdoor Pseel lent ed failure in the years prior to Games Ctlisine 1929 AU Beverages Open Terrae The Empire Industries Avsn Spacious Swimming Pool also is circulating a pamphlet atThrilling Western Atmosphere tacking the loan and financialacWhit Write Phone cord the main themeof which is that "nothing can be offered us which would compensate for weakening or eliminating imperial preference" It now looks as though this Littlefield Arizona group and other loan opponents On U S 91—Rail Way Between will try to influence the Brisk Salt Lake City and Los Angeles government to enter' trade negoROSS I PIERCE Manager tiations with a firm position Exclusive N Y Times- Salt Lake Tribune LONDON April 26 — As the British people watch with increasapprehension the United States :Ing senate leisurely working its way to a parliamentary box which looks from here as though it might delay action on the loan indefinitel y there is a revival of activity among groups in this country who would be happy to see the loan against any concessions on El Rancho ARIVADA EL RANCHO ARIVADA a I !::t1:1 ' : :::::11: 1 : 1 1o e 4 : 1 - ! - r:1-'- 1 i x ' i - - -- — - - - le- ' : 1 54 'i I - 1 ' - 11:: ' :' - - ' ::lf e:- 0 ( - i w' i 1 t 1 1 177) 'fx I 1 ri" 3:t " '' v$4:'-'- 7 - - -- II: - ' :' :: io ' 4 I f t- It k - 1 i iz1 1 rilte I i a titcK0 1 f: - NZ::: 0 at 11'::-::17:I- '11::: NUT Db I — ' - :f :::!::i te - ::: L 011 4 & 4‘e :: - -- r- f - '6Ir 1 7-172- tall ' : --- 14 "?:71 1k bU A Mialt beg " Nsc'cutT 1 '1 utu (AAA - CAgt 40 00 Art u hl' S191 t AN i oat it9 010 - t 1 - i' ' k:''' ? 'I - ' -- ' 1 i 4 t": o- - - - 1 141$11 — iici- ""S ' '"!''lp - : Na 14 - t- 1 I1 ':4-- 4 -- 10 :1:' ' k:-:' -- I At" I - ' 1 ° 1"i -' Lt) ' 74'19 ---- ''' '4&' 1 - k -- : " - - -- 4 ' : f k ' '' l 0 - "- ' 4 1 f 1I ' f I 4' td ! '''''' ' s - - '4 :il -- - ' il : ' - c'' - - ''- 1 - ''' 4 tilil - 0v GEI1C Y Pd FL I I 1!i 1t EXTRA EMERGENCY RECIPE ' 14tititi I 1:' - - ' I II - i 1 1 ' " IC 11 i 11111 1' it i z '''s a '' 1 i MP''' -- 7- - ---- is g 11 o" 4a i Sperry's Famous FoodtAuthority t I a III I I kors's all you dot Use the tested Martha Meade recipes inside sacks of Great West Enriched Flour Each has been thoroughly tested with ' the flour in our Sperry Kitchen and in the k4chens of our Home Staff members throughout the West Use Great West Flour the flour for which these Martha Meade recipes were especially adapted Only in this way can you be sure of pleasing results Avoid Risk A baking failure is not only distasteful but wasteful Even though all emergency flour will have a more limited baking range you can rely on Sperry's 94 years of milling and cookery experience to help see you safely threfugh the current food emergency ' 1 - - rl ' 1 I to - 1 Ry sp I ' 1 14 - ! - 1 ' 1 - i- " i 1" -- - i - -- t t ) -:-- J icx031LP SPERRY PLEDGES that when the wheat crisis ends they will again bring you the flour that has been handed down from mother to daughter for 4 generations — Sperry Drifted Snow Enriched Flour In the meantime Great West will be the best emergency flour that Sperry with its 94 years of milling experience can product from the wheat currently available at each of its mills "gome-Perfected- '!Home-Perfect-er - 1 I I 1 trade-mark- yo II Division of General Mills Sperry "Martha Meade" "Drifted Snow" and "Sperry"are a of General Maio Inc registered 14 —I 11 - augg te I il I r":"" o L ' r teaspoon salt teaspoon vanilla extract me er GIs Captured After Pistol Battle in Paris PAPIJS 26 April (UP)--Th- ree I4espersdoes who had sworn to kill military policemen on sight G were ‘brought to bay and captured Friday by army criminal investiga- tion agents after a running gunl battle in the heart of the Paris financial district An old Frenchman was fatally wounded and lay bleeding on the sidewalk while the battle raged about' him A French policeman was shot when one of the fugitives took to rooftops near the Bourse in an iattempt to escape C I D men armed with submachine guns The rcaptured desperadoes were Eddy Jones Jr Cleveland 0 Negro and two white companions John Lee Louisville W Va and Gomer C Blackburn Wheelwright Ky They with George S Pytlik and Matthew Spence a Negro escaped from the Paris detention barracks on April 14 Having sworn to kill all M Ps on sight tpey started masqueradAll ing' as M Ps themselves M P details in the Paris area were doubled and legitimate M Ps known to members of the gang ordered to remove all their insignia and carry their weapons inside their blouses lest they be murdered CID agents (roughly the equivalent of civilian police detectives) were ordered to help hunt the fugitives Friday an automobile loaded with C I D agents cruised up to Jones Lee and Gomer as they were sauntering down a sunny boulevard The three yanked out 45- caliber service pistols and tried to make a break The old Frenchman caught between the fire of the fugitives and the submachine guns of the agents fell with several bullets in his body Jones slipped and C I D agents pounced upon him and subdued him Lee resplendent in an M P uniformo was cornered in a narrow street and captured after he had emptied his gun Blackburn ran into an open doori way and up to the top of a building thito9i1 fktionpgst0 escapeea: wthaes flat' But captured after a April marking the spot where the late Pres Franklin D Roosevelt decided to begin his political career— and near the spot where death ended his work slightly over a year ago—was unveiled here Friday The monument stands near the little railroad depot where the late wartime leader seated at the wheel of a model "T" Ford decided to seek his first nomination for the governorship of New York From that decision he moved Into the national political spotlight bedoTing the first president to serve more than two terms On April 12 1945 death ended his career at the "Little White House" only a few hundred yards from the monument Brig Gen William H Hobson retired post commander at Ft BenningGa one of the ceremony speakers' said: "We are justly proud at Warm Springs that Mr Roosevelt's era of destiny began and ended here" t r r r L It es L a u la re ev re ma no on ge il it' II Lc 1519 So 15th East MILWAUKEE April 26 A day oi prayer to curtail America's akoholic beverage traffic and a program to carry the gospel to farm and factory workers highlighted the concluding session Vriday of the board of evangelism of the Methodist church Bishop Ralph S Cushman of St Paul Minn president of the Antisaloon League of America told the group that the Methodist c9uncil of bishops had observplanned a church-wid- e ance for June 2 the Sunday before Pentecost as "a day of prayer to Almighty God for the curtailment of the alcohol beverage traffic in America" ' BEST WAY TO BUY ASPIRIN hi -- t !smAato h 14 1 ' 1 71111 -- 'W i6 I' pi net A It' ' 1 I 13 Heinz LINZ ''' 4- - 1 3 for 20c WEEDONE NEW WEED KILLER Si $3 bottle Quart bottle 6-- oz S10 Gal Jug 1 ' d IPANA 50c QUANTICO Gen Dwight D 39c CATTTI" 39c 75c 'licks lap 59cl Rub 79c IV LAVORIS ASPIRIN 100 ct 59c PINT 26-o- uiihistr) WAXQt 98c GLASS PHILLIPS z Milk of Magnesia 59c DOAN'S Kidney Pills pkg 45c Squibb's 249 SOs Vitaiis 39c1 35c Knoxzema23c ' 1 Compound89c 60c Shampoo 1::: Veg RAM i CREAM ZONITE14 oz 79c FACE : TISSUE el 1400 Square Feet 1p ilt ii il q14'4 bliliP ti IPA SHELF PAPER Eating TINCTURE OF GREEN SOAP16-o- There just isn't a more appetizing dish to be found these spring days than a lamb stew understandingly made each little cube of simmered lamb wearing its own crust of brown and the whole delicious dish topped with these individual dumplings yellow as new dudilings and bobbing around on top in a most inviting way! SPRING LAMB STEW WITH DUMPLINGS z49c VIVAIONE ELECTRIC - MASSAGER $4V5 - 25c WHITE ACE A Shoe Polish 14c 100-Cos- of Bayer Aspirin 49 I Moth Balls It-o- z 10c Heavy 15c MINERAL OIL 3 for - SIZE IREG- 19c "23c ILgt' PEETS Granulated Soap26c t BENNETT'S WALLPAPtit Cleaner N l t" 3 f or 25c 1 Limit - Economy 1— 410411e OA' Co Drag 1519 15th I : I ! ! i So gfice P6:449' 3e!Plitte 59c PKG 10-13- Z e '41 - Uncendltionot 1Yoar Guarantee A I Beat 2 eggs good and frothy- - Sift 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 417‘e gyasiPn7cned iscani tt ow thheen a:1'Tadd t e n eggs you can tell how much milk 1 use to used about cup of Cloverleaf "400" Milk just enough to make a dough of the consistency of baking powder biscuits Drop little dabs On top of the hot stew liquid cover the pan and go look out of the window at the budding world for 15 minutes When you return to perk under that lid you will feel mat like an artist admiring one of his best creations! will-ttm- - N0142 MODEL ' And remember that a tall inviting glass of cool Cloverleaf " 400 " Homogenized Milk is a fine companion drink for any good dish! You'll like the sweetflavor of er creamy-ric- h Homogenized Milk with the cream evenly distributed in every drop Cloverleaf "400" Milk is Salt Lake's only vitamin D 400 units in fresh milk costs no It every quart more than ordinary milk i n my I hope you food chat every day Monday mthrou g h Friday at 10:45 over KUTA oc Poesy Colors itoldor by Betty Lane 0 ' r1V I! On What's New in Good s - AD 4ft) a tide (‘C) CI P - LYDIA PINKHAM'S $125 felt-bas- kilV - 000 Count 1 Brewers' Yeast WASHINGTON April 26 (Al— A 6 increase in the price of e linoleum and other floor coverings was authorized by 0 P A Friday The increase will cover retailers and wholesalers' prices as well as those of manufacturers 4111 r 26 LP— -- tIP F 60c Mentholaturn 53c t April Eisenhower conferred for four hours with Pres Truman Friday on army problems at home and abroad including opposition in congress to extension of the draft The genial chief of staff wore a worried look as he stepped onto the wharf at this marine base from the escort vessel which brought him back from the presidential yacht Williamsburg Eisenhower declined to discuss his talk with the president—his last before leaving Saturday on a month's inspection of army installations in the Pacific and conferences with Gen Douglas MacArthlir at Tokyo But he is known to be concerned over house action designed to ban inductions from May 15 to Oct 15 The president voiced his own concern in the light of United Nations commitments The general told reporters only that he had enjoyed his visit with the presidential p'arty He thought they were "a fine bunch of men" I i LYONS DR TOOTH POWDER Ike Sees Truman On Eve of Tour Va TP 30c Tooth Powder 50c PEPSODENT will be followed do—say St optijoree: pl for three reasona can buy (2) Fast ac(1) tion (3) Real economy Demand St Joseph Aspirin world's largest seller at 10c Save More on 100 tablet sise for 3 3 150 get nearly 3 tablets for only 41 7-03- Baby Food y ay Dial -- 18-ce- nt Dial 7-03- East 13 i - o Drug Co 1- -3 ANTLALCOHOL PRAYER SET BY CHURCHES 1 I tablespoons strained honey n no in se mi me as et et m on va E In NOTE: Your friends may want this recipe Look for extra copies on the Great 'West Flour display at your grocer's! ma hours-worked-p- '' n I Place over direct heat Bring mixture Just to the boil stirring to blend ingredients Remove from heat and cool to lukewarm before using If mixture becomes too hard to spread easily it may be re- heated until it is of the right consistency en 11 O cup walnuts chopped 114 cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons margarine 1 1 "- a 2 n Honey Brittle Topping 1 I a 1 Combine in a saucepan— 2 a a 9-- 14 In ti cup milk 14 cup strained orange juice Pour batter into prepared pan and bake in preheated cottn 55 to co minutes Remove from oven and let stand in pan a moment before onto wire rack to cool While cake is still warm spread top turning of surface square with Honey Brittle Topping servings t1 3 ' I 12 0 C 2 1 12 egg mixture alternately with — I I I a I I I I a - a -- ' I I teaspoon salt 212 teaspoons double action baking powder Then using about 12 of each at a time add sifted dry ingredients to a 1 111 1 a - i Y3-- 11 - te Grease and flour a deep square cake pan Measure into a mixing bowl and work' together until fluffy — 12 cup shortening 1 12 cups granulated sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange rind Add stirring until well mixed — cup eggs well beaten (2 large) Sift together three times — 2 cups sifted Great West Enriched Flour 2 tablespoons cornstarch 0 I slow-modera- ch a ' 41 -- -- 325 ' Lin5 t :-- - 11'''''' - al - !Tour i ' Calif FOR YOU' sugar-savin- Thee musicians' union originally had sbught a 100c'e wage boost for all musicians under annual contract to the studios On i the principal issues the unioni accepted a guaranteed annual wage of $6916 instead of the demar ded $10400 for contract musicians now receiving $52130 and abandoned a demand that they be paid on an Economy week basis rather than the present basis of cumulative hours worked annually Under the agreement the studios will pay overtime for hours worked over 520 annually rather than 10 hours weekly as the union originally requested The settlement also provided that the minimum number of musicians employed by major studios be increased from 35 to 50 men and from 25 to a scale ranging up to 36 for Columbia Universal and Republic CHICAGO April 26 LT)—The executive board of the C I 0 United Auto Workers Friday authorized Richard P Leonard director of the union's Ford department to "take such steps as may be necessary"—possibly a strike— to effect payment of an hourly increase to 105000 Ford Motor Co workers In answer to a reporter's question whether "such steps as may be necessary" could mean a strike Leonard-sai"That's right" PORTLAND Ore April 28 (111 —Portland waterfront employers served notice Friday on the CI 0 Supercargoes and Checkers' union that its contract will be canceled at 8 a ni Monday unless assurance is given that contract terms (III—A simple granite monument WIN PRAISE FOR YOUR : °a GOLDElll SQUARE CAKE EMERGENCY BAKINGS aa For those who continue to bake cakes here a rich moist loaf cake delicately flavored with orange and topped with honey brittle To be sure of success FOLLOW THIS SIMPLE Ia use this recipe only with Great West Enriched Flour before measuring aailMIMOP Sift Use level measurements for all ingredients a PLAN 7tumt4a724IL a oven Preheat oven to baking temperature 2 i incr6se FDRIllarker Built At Warm Springs 26 WARMSPRINGS Ga ' It NEW YORK April 25 UPI- -The American Federation of Musicians (A F L) and eight motion picture studios announced Friday they had agreed upon a 33 pay - 11' Motion Picture Musicians Gain 33 Pay Increase 40-mi- se 111 s sok - 41 fop A i MARTHA MEADE BI 11 ii I --- Ill I il I AN hip OM? c-w "40 Fn - HERE'S I 4 : 0 Ilk 1 402"::"14066 Fll 1 tz 1 sachtd a fj'' -' j 1 I el I 1 II D FL ouR - t ' k:F113 i I ltP itili7i1I " 1 Ythui kl 'I l''''4 XX Le :'(iiti- ) I e ' I l'It : tfiltb ' 'V7i 401 LI Iii t 711 I 1- It 'Ifillt:' f "‘ 4- -' y I '' - ' t' :1-- 41id111 t' : '' i Ill ' -- - fl --:e - ' - ( ?1 40L) - 4" ' ''' -- -c-- 1 i: 10 L41 I All - ' 4-- -- - 11 1' l'-"- 3 - 11Lm"-77 'tit I ri1J - le ‘ -- Vtiu 7 Ni 1 À -- ‘4 - 1 14At L4 V'' - sf t ::: 4 -- - !-- k COI '54 lewsAlt kt Stet -- it lull 0 "um !WI k"-!- '4s1 n 71- '"L--- r- il A - 11 geh V Sg til 1 It I - ':i t ::' e i t- It le' 011 ' ' ':f ' 7 :- 0 :11 t:It I --- :1 - Ilk 111 4 if:-- :et - -- A' i nt ':----- 4'i ta "U tt 4 'i-- i4---1:'- '' -- - 110 y1 - - 1ST sl -- - al 0' --46 0 ' suo30 5 0" so° sol - ki g9 - ip i qii2''''11 -- b 1 r(y titr-1L- 1I i s uya owou )sultotivsocsuo -- 0 ult itticoves ourososto toosuo C'lt°D — :4 i" 1' BREAD IS141°Ijt""LSIkICIti 1 - ' 0 A1 - !Ill (7cot4 4111tscr - - Elp 6'7-&1:- i - i 1(776h: 4t i' 1 4 - de I P 99 f 11! l'''' ' tt Nt 0 kaA - L''''''fi--"--7-1-)'- i 040 614141" 1500$ T A 49009 4' ( t eisc UlTs a -- ' "A: '1: "Nef 4 ' itiffyiiiii 4ecte 1 k - - r" 4--- 11'03J IS" OD 4 "rerfae4 to:I 9: ' 1:-1- - : A 4 0 Id too 00 000 St 0 4541 Stlot kk i 01j "nu IN stoi $110 UM "SOU LT1 Oh a '14 1 -au"al -413 ''4114 PIE - Awn utiku "DIN A 11:a:L1- i 047 4 t ' t 'i 15 - ! " '''''''' 1' AI! fit'fi'lf I I' ''': 74 ''' I E-2' o 1 ''' SAO kits st if 1X '' I: co' 14o f- 7 i 1 640 00' J 7-- f 4 4O1 I- Ao 011 C00 st4 - outs ' - 1- 9-- spos0155 1: t 10111'- 01Ø1 moSS IS A 1 1 '' lk: - -- gilt I 1 ' I i - r 4111h - It - ' - 7111rdCalfQ ' - ' - goost — I I ' e - ' - j' c o 1 - I i b k 4‘ I C t - 17) - - id: all 1 - 1 1 I L " r ' ' ' - - ' '7--'- 4 - ilif : ' ' '1'- v ' 11': 7 - '"Ie - 1 - ''' LI : : ' ' - - ' - 1 t:- - :' - ' : ' t- ' ' iXtat) - i - 1 111e61e0e1411: SeIke446P : 1 1 ::'7--' - 1 79 l'""4 r" c0 g t: I - '' - 1 ' '" ”' ': : z 4 5 - - all-uni- - 4 )‘ ft:' t '' v ''' - '':- LI i r ' 111 - impe- ' ''-i- '' :C - :‘ ' - - - r I : ':'t--:- '' ""''' ' x r---7- - ' iiis)0 4 z1PlS--:':0- :i' 5' - f t' A 1J''''''''''"" J: '' 14 - ' y y ii - - : - -‘ I -'- - ' 1 ' '" -- k - - t N - 7- - ' t -1-- 0 3 1 Occupation Policy of Russ ial preference Formerly they have been content to insist that something be obtained in exchange for any concessions The delay on the loan is embarrassing to British in more ways than one The dominion leaders' conference with the British government has not really got down to trade problero yet but it is well known that Australia and New Zealand are very doubtful about the wisdow of Britain's supporting United States trade policy proposals Their representatiVes 'came here needing persuasion if their governments are to line up with the United States and Britain in next fall's conference Persuasion Difficult It is difficult for the British government to be very persuasive in face of the fact that the loan is still In balance and thus Britain's own adherence to the principles of the United States proposals is still conditional Then too while the loan debate goes on Britain's dollar exchange resources are steadily diminishing: There are no reliable current figures on her holdings but last month the country still had an import excess of about $110000000 despite much publicized Increases in exports This is about the same as the "unfavorable" average monthly balance during the past year - I Emmanuel to Abdicate ROME April 26 (UP) King Victor Emmanuel III in a dramatic move to save the House of Savoy will abdicate shortly in favor of a regency and his handsome blond grandson the Prince of Naples a source — The close to the monarchy said Friday LONDON April 26 Vatican radio joining Catholic bishops of western Germany In RUSS CROP REPORT denouncing conditions in the RUBMOSCOW April 26 (ln—The sian zone of eastern Germany said soviet union has sown to date Friday night that 2000 to 4000 10872400 more acres of crops dermans were dying weekly In this year than last AgriculIvan V Yakushin miniscamps there and that disease star- turist ter of the academy of vation and rape were widespread agriculture sciences announced In a broadcast recorded in Lon- Friday don the Vatican radio read a "report" of an unidentified eyewitness of conditions in eastern GerComb Tel Aviv many who said that "the German JERUSALEM April 26 (UP)— press is not allowed to mention the Thousands of British paratroopers made a house by house sdarch extent of the suffering" Tel Aviv Friday Earlier Friday official sources through northern up and questioning 1200 rounding at Wiesbaden Germany said a suspected terrorists after a night pastoral letter by Catholic bishops of riots in which seven British solof western Germany assailing al- diers were slain lied occupation policies was withMore Lend-Lease- ? drawn in the U S zone at the re-- - AuVIENNA April 26 quest of military government au- thoritative informants said Friday thorities They said it "incited an American officer had been resentment unrest and possibly stopped at gunpoint from removriot" American equipment from the The letter to have been read by ing on grounds YugoBelgrade Catholic priests in the British slavia wasairport that demanding French and American zones on permits be obtained The export U S Eatiter Monday described Russian army air transport command inpolicies in their zone as "revolt- stalled some facilities at the Beling proceedings" termed the de- grade much of it to help nazification program as a whole supply airport Marshal Tito's forces in the a "nightmare" and asserted that final days of the war ritish Opponents' Campaign 1 : : 4 k4' a I A 0 :: Ii A N 1 Ni0M0MXE817VM 11 |