Show I Mining Notes and Personals I Judge B B Quinn of Bingham is a Walker guest V L Thomas the well known min ing operator of Eureka is in the city T W Buzzo uzzo superintendent of the Alice mine came down Jirom Butte Mont yesterday Jackson McChry tail superintendent Jof the GeminiKeystone mine in Eureka Eu-reka is registered at the Cullen It is i stated on good authority tot B Christenson of Eureka ha found a purchaser for the Medea West Medea Jeson Plutus and James G Elaine lodes located on Godiva Mountain E L Godbe of Bullionville Nev is in the city shaking hands with his I many friends here Mr Godbe is an expert assayer and millman and for a number of years has been identified I i with the mining industry of Lincoln county in the battleborn state Idaho mine owners are sending specimens speci-mens of ore from their mines to the mining exchange at Boise City where they are carefully 1abeled and placed on exhibition The mine owners would do well to follow this example and tibe Salt Lake mining exchange could in this way collect a valuable cabinet of minerals It is reDorted that work is progressing progress-ing on the Wlllard Weihe claim in City Creek canyon and that development has proven the existence of a large fissure fis-sure vein which is traversed by several stringers from two to four inches in widHh which are very rich in gold and from several fire tests good sized buttons tained but-tons of the yellow metal have been ob N W McChrystal of Eureka who ha been in the city for several days I closed a deal Satuiday whereby he conveyed a onefourth interest in the Crusader lode to Ernest Williams who is buying for Tootle Mottler Whee ler of St Louis Mo who are large stockholders in the Tetro Mining company com-pany The Crusader adjoins the Tetro I on the north A D McQueen of Helena passed through Butte Wednesday en route to Salt Lake and San Francisco on min ing business He expects to lay several flattering propositions before capital ists during his absence One of the deals he is promoting is on the Diamond Dia-mond Hill group in the St Louis dis trict He will be absent a month Butte Miner Thursday some very rich copper and silver glance ore was shown that was said to have been taken from the Tunnel Tun-nel mine on East Broadway While this mine has always been a good pr ducer it is said that a huge vein of h particular combination of very rich ore has just been opened and its extent is not known at the present time Butte InerT Iner-T G Wimim president of the Bare foot mine received a letter the other day from Henry Fairbanks who has charge of theNmine at present which brings the most encouraging news that has yet been received from the BareI foot They have struck a large vein of the rich ore which has heretofore only been found in pockets The ex I tent of the vein Is not exactly known but there is enough to insure a big yield of the yellow metal and the owners are very sanguine over the out I lookpayson Globe An exchange says that the excitement excite-ment over the discovery of rich tin ore in the Big Horn mountains Wyoming near Sheridan continues Assay show an average return of 24 pounds of pure tin to the ton Manager Holdredge of the Burlington railway has interested himself in the discovery the extent of employing an expert mineralogist to make a report on the property Upon this report will depend the erection of mammoth reduction works alt or near the mines The < r exists in immense quantteo The vein is perfectly defined defin-ed and i from 60 to 75 feet in width between granite walls and extends betwee wals extend for a distance of four miles There is an axiom among mining prospectors that while knowledge of mineralogy is a first necessity starting out to hunt for the precious metals yet the richest finds are often made by the rankest tenderfoot I is well illustated in a recent find near Salt iLake City Utah A young violinist < a walking in City Creek canyon on the outskirts of the city when he kicked aside some rocks that struck him as being unusual in appearance Out of pure curiosity he carried a piece of i back to the city and had < it assayed I showed 500 in gotldaTld 40 in silver sil-ver to the ton He hurried back land 4 made several locations Now a considerable consid-erable camp is sprung up Western Mining World C S Wilkes returned yesterday from Idaho where he has been engaged en-gaged in placer mining along the Snake river Mr Wilkes I ays that the work in the construction of a large irrigation ditch just above Blackfoot by the Peoples Canal company is progressing pro-gressing rapidly and that when completed com-pleted it will be drawn upon very largely for water for sluicing on the high bars which are said to be very rich in the yellow metal Mr Wilkes also says that placer mining on the river is being carried on with considerable consider-able activity burlaps being used in the sluice boxes to catch the flour gold while the cradle is playing an important impor-tant part in the recovery of the golden treasures in the sand A gentleman who came in from Eureka Eu-reka last night staites that the Godiva mine is showing up in a most eatisfac tory manner From < the tunnel level a winze has been sunk in this tunnel for a deth of 100 feet the bottom cutting cut-ting into a large cave from ten to twelve feet wide in the breast of which there are fifteen feet of solid lead carbonate car-bonate ore running 60 per celt lead and from 18 to 20 ounces in sliver to the ton The Godiva company will sink a double compartment shaft from the surface to the cave level and doubtless doubt-less to an even greater depth h same gentleman also says that the Go diva is showing up well and that the ore body in this property shows values of 10 ½ ounces in silver to the ton and a trace of gold For some time past several gentlemen in this city have been figuring on large beds of tailings at JuanJta Old Mexico Mex-ico 240 miles north of the City of Mexico These tailings are deposited in a natural basin and represent an accumulation extending over a period of over 400 years and are said to cover an area of everay mrles in extent The crude stamp mills with the simple method of gravity concentration is still in use at that place The quartz is very rich and a large amount o gold is saved by this crude proC yet good values escape in the tailings which are said to run 250 and 50 ounces in silver siver t the ton Still they are very base and no method had been devised for the extraction of the gold and silver value until the Salt Lakers mentioned hit upon a process < which is said to embody the use of the electric fluid Since they began experimenting upon these tailings the deposit has changed hands and now it is doubtful if they will b able t secure an interest in the property Major W R Busenbark and Colonel E J Carter of the East Golden Gate returned yesterday morning from their San Francisco trip where they have been to attend to business relative rela-tive to railroad building in Japan in which they are Interested and their negotiations have reached that stage where it is believed that the work of construction will foegin some time in September next Major Busenbark in commenting on the lull in mining circles cir-cles so noticeable in this city for the past week says that in his opinion i will be very quiet here until about midsummer when we will have one of the greatest mining excitements that Utah has ever known When the time comes the conditions will be such that the boom can be maintained and the different camps in the state will experience a steady and substantial growth During the winter a great deal of mining was done in this city on paper and With wind which made things lively on the streets and in the hotel lobbies gut now the mine and claimholder are in the hills just as earn L and just as sanguine but they are doing their mining with the pick and shovel the drill and hammer hence for some time to come mining matters in this city will be very quiet The Alice mine at Butte Montana which is largely owned by the Walker Bro of thispity was the scene of a catastrophe a short time ago acpording to the Mining World which says An acident occurred at the Alice mine on Wednesday that was scmewhat miraculous mirac-ulous inasmuch as no one was injured in the slightest degree The ground beneath be-neath the machine shop suddenly dropped drop-ped leaving a hole about twelve feet deep and forty fet in diameter The oldest workings the Alice mine were directly beneath this building and were worked about fifteen years ago As this part of the ground was very rich i was worked extensively and near the surface During the last few years thousands of tons of waste had been dumped into these old workings wherever they could be reached just for the purpose of preventing such an accident a occurred Several similar but smaller cu > ves have happened during dur-ing the past few years as the old timbers tim-bers had rotted out and gave way It was ascertained that the cave extended ex-tended from the surface to the 100foot level directly under the machine shop At the time of the acident there were five men employed in the machine shop and they with all the heavy machinery were tumbled together in a promiscuous wer promiscu-ous mass When the clouds of dust had settled it was found that not one of the men were injured in the slightest degree Superintendent Buzzo will have gree Sutrintendent the shop removed to another location where it will in the future be in no danger of a similar accident |