Show FARM AND GRDEN ARTICHOKES FOR HOGS Hitherto the growing of this valuable valu-able tuberousrooted perennial has been almost wholly neglected and greatly misunderstood writes J P Vissering in the Nebraska Farmer Their great value as a cheap handy healthy hog food is conceded by all who have had practical experience with them As a hog food they cannot be excelled excel-led A good plan is to plant all your lots with artichokes about May 1 when your hogs are turned on pasture Then when your pasture plays out in the fallor about October Iyou will have fine food in your lots for your hogs where they can root at intervals whenever the ground is not frozen until un-til the following May when they will have received as much benefit from one acre of artichokes as from several acres of corn They will also have left enough tubers in your lots to reseed the ground for the next crop I is a hogs nature to root in fact his hogship is never happier than when he is rooting and an artichoke can truly be called a hogs drug store A wealthy hog raiser of the writers acquaintance who has made 480 acres of 100 land out of hog raising for the pork market says he would not be without a big patch of the tame artichokes chokes as he has had no hog diseases in his herds since they have been allowed al-lowed to eat artichoke tubers A sow will not eat her pigs if she has been allowed previously to eat artichokes and hogs do not root up pastures in the spring when they have previously been allowed to root in the artichoke patch t their hearts con ten K tenA A hogs object in rooting is to obtain ob-tain roots which as I said before serve the same purpose to him as does the drug store to the human being After he has eaten a goodly portion of artichokes the rooting notion will be almost entirely out of his head so say extensive hog raisers who have grown and fed the artichoke The artichoke can be as easily grown as corn or potatoes and on land that will produce fifty bushels of corn you can easly raise 500 bushels or artichokes The writer frequently does this and has grown over 900 bushels per acre on ground that had never been manured Cut the tubers plant and cultivate precisely same a potatoes They area are-a great soil enricher and can be easily exterminated by plowing the eXterminated young plants under when they are about afoot a-foot high as the old tubers have rotted rot-ted and the young ones have not yet formed at that time Again I say grow the artichoke and I you will have a fine healthy swine food and no cholera I |