Show THE OHIO HAT That any legislature in all the United States should have enacted such a law as the Fosdick high hat law passed by the Ohio legisdalture Is reaUy astonishing as-tonishing Kansas is perhaps the only State people would have thought capable cap-able of committing such an absurdity Tire law provides that managers of theatres may be fined from two dollars to ten dollars for every hat In their A t s s audience which shuts off any persons view of the stage The question that naturally alC3 sin ones mind is Was the Ohio legislature joking or is it a body of unqualified fools Whichever It may have been its folly is supreme It is i an annoyance to go to a theatre the-atre or ODera and have ones view of the stage materially interfered with by a high hat in front The remedy for such a state of things though is not through a legislative enactment it must be a decree of fashion It is rather surprising that it has not gone forth long before for the fact is that if society in America wishes to be au fefit high halts would never be seen at the theatre or opera In a theatre or opera house in a European capital for a lady to wear a hat height is immaterial im-material in those parts of the house where society goes would be outre in the extreme It is not permissable and the Ohio law will never be a hundredth part so effective as is this custom of society It is very evident that Ohio legislators legisla-tors do not come from the leaders of society If they would do a sensible thing let them repeal this high hat law |