Show nightwiii RUSH I I Republicans > o Force an Early Adjournment Ad-journment WASHINGTON April 12An unusually un-usually early adjournment of congress is being predicted by the Republican leaders in both houses and bth every sign points to the fulfillment of their prophecies No congress in many years has made the record for the transaction of routine business which stands to the credit of the present one so far as the lower house is concerned at any rate With all of the regular c appropriation bills except two already passed by the house with one of those i remaining reported from the committee and likely to be passed with only a c day or two of debate and with the c other in process of preparation house leaders are PLACING THE LIMIT of this session at the first of June allowing T al-lowing as they think sufficient time for the senate to take care of the Important bills sent to i from the house No other business except the regular appropriations is absolutely necessary to be done and although the house may take up some of the more pressing of the general matters before it such a the settlement of the Pacific railroad debts the statehood and bankruptcy I QUI it is expected that many OTHER MINOR MATTERS 4 will b passed over in the interest of an early adjournment I seems probable prob-able that the house will have passed 4Phe last of the appropriation bills before be-fore the 15th of May Of these bills I five the pension military academy urgent deficiency diplomatic an consular con-sular and army bills have been signed by the president The agricultural bill has been passed by both houses and its it-s ready for the presidents signature The postoflice bill has been passed by both houses but the senate amendments amend-ments have nearly been agreed to by th house and legislative executive and judicial bill is also in conference between the two houses The Indian bill is in the senate and the naval bill is ready for consideration The sundry I sun-dry civil and the RIVER AND HARBOR BILLS have been sent to the senate and referred re-ferred to committees In the house the fortifications bill stands ready for consideration and the last of the list the general deficiency i being prepare pre-pare by the appropriations committee There remain therefore but two appropriation I propriation bills to be passed by the propraton house and six for the senate to act upon t The senate committee on appropria its work the tions is well up with on appropriation bills and the senate is r not far behind its committee I is Ii the general opinion that the appropriation appropria-tion committee can complete its work t on the bills still to be considered within with-in three Or four weeks time and that for the senate to finish It is possible t1e to fnish pssible them by the middle of May There are some who estimate that i will require re-quire until the first of June to accomplish accom-plish this result No one puts i later With the appropriation bil out of the way it will be exceedingly difficult to hold the senate in session for any purpose Consequently the prevailing opinion in the senate is that the final adjournment of the session will not be postponed far beyond the beginning I of the FIRST OF THE SUMMER MONTHS I Is admitted on l hands that if adjournment is reached as early as the majority predict and seem t desire a great many questions which it a 4ioped the session would dispose of H be left suspended in the air a it were Among them are the bank c 0 J I ruptcy Nicaragua canal Hawaiian cable Pacific railroads fur seal and I New Mexico and Arizona statehood bills besides the Monroe doctrine resolution the resolution for the election of senators sena-tors Tjy the people the Dupont election case the Alabama investigation the various financial bills and resolutions i and the general bills reported and to i be reported from the committees on commerce pensions and public lands I |