Show Tuu Tu Tou never ne can tell by the lart Jart of a TACO race just Junt what the will willbe 1 be ue neither la ler la Is It vo possible to tell by tho tile start of the new hill hilI offered tilts week at ut the what the time end will be And nd you jou ou would never suspect from yc yesterday yes yes- CH e tart start that the nn finish h would show an till average o up amon among among- the tho J leaders or of Iho season On Owen and the Tha Great AsahI Asahl contended l for fot or POPularity and fInished about In the order or or- der named name amid well In the time lead of or all other acts on the thc bill on ou which they thoY cro the tile last three numbers in tho the or ordel order order or- or der del named name Mr presents hl his In lateSt latent te t. t prot pro- pro t lean nl success M 11 11 Syke Sykes an cl episode l odo from Charl diaries Charles 8 Dickens Dickens' Oliver Twist In all all 1 Im Impersonates erlo ilvo hivo characters char char- actors requiring radically different costuming cos cos- turning ono one that of or a a. woman Defore starting his act Sin Mr Ir announces that he lie will w-I w pay pur a Q reward to onne that hint he does not play every c character himself A t sills then announces that In the opinion of 1 the lie London ondon plC press tho to changes are Lre the tho quickest quick est ct on record Ah Au thought the tho writer well r 1 wel see ee lust Just how faK this fellow flow is And iid ld when hn the character Bill Bi Shee made m his exit hn he hr the lq writer r reached d hastily haty for fOI his watch to time tho hi change the watch w-atch could be taken out oat Olt neY was as rc back aVid and th the lines Jnes of or Monks Oliver Oll villainous us half half- haI- haI broth brother or lr makes In all 1 about abut a score core of or changes which makes malel hl his work fork the he more remarkable a as ouch etCh return in inho ho fam same character l Is ii exactly the same ame The fhe entIre performance crl works like Ik a we 11 weI oiled olP machine only ono one would like hice to seethe seethe see seo the he wheels 18 go o round reatrice be beg pardon Beatrix cnn na na ill Iii a H siles sile's of or op operatic caught aught the the fancy tanoy of or tho house housti at M he her bet i entrance entrance en- en n- n trance and never str st r relinquished hEd It I for a a moment She Sue ha has a catching and ad a charming voice She responded cd U to tl repeated encores and was filially Dually om- om oom- oom chorus of her last hart pelted to repeat the tho number in which she impersonates a a popular eastern star tar Asahl Asahi follows closes the bill bl The Tho little Japanese e m magician mag lelan I Is assisted by th tho Asahi Asahl quintette and nd between them pro pro- f sent nt four num number l Asahi allows a member of or th the audi audi- dice to tic U. U hl thumbs together and th times pa es and repa es lila hla hands hand around a apolo I polo pole an and ly without the plA not knot knol which the tho auditor had made made With Ith Asahi Asahl Athi IL is a caso jf the tho tie le that binds binds- not Tho The stage ta o settings for tor the th act were ere mn magnificent displays 9 of oriental 1 di draperies aperies with the women wo- wo 0 H nd W iP 1 Immensely popular wih men nen In the audience An Au n Jn Indian Romance a R novelty p per pr- r- r presented bv ii 1 a half dozen In- In ians from the this Shoshone l Frederick r I F. F no Seaton Bradbury and nd H nt 5 Blossom Baird lacks the tho punch Of or course time the Il Indiana lal are aro ao In- In their thelt varicolored war paint mint Is more p so hf act Is elaborately staged ta ed e effects and arid has 0 several le very cr pret pretty elec- elec Mary and Paul McCarty sing and flush flu On- dance anco a n naret aret variety of or popular airs Tho The sh lIh of or the act a a. a selection In syncopated tinie line received the Iho usual Salt Lake welcome wel wel- come tc Invariably In accorded anything of or ragtime be It I good bad ba or o indifferent Tho The pair received a at t I ha opening performance yesterday Ow Owen n Clark magician has several tc very erY according cordin to the pro good tricks which grain oo ram ram aro with him The Time two Alfreds head beach to head hed and nd acrobats perform a. a serIe of or stunts ll c both i strength and t 11 In one thc tho 10 lighter of oC the pair balances on his head pad on the tIme head heRd of the time other and In thil position the thC pair pla play a musical al on n a mandolin and guitar Tho The stunt received much applause I A 4 series of or moving mo pictures conclude the ie bill hi which w taken all In nil all ni is lP 1 l t lic the ic usual 4 o 0 4 5 C COLONIAL This COLONIAL r This Is la farewell week for tor Counties In anti and Wilfred Rogers who i ho have headed th the popular r Colonial Stock Stok lock company camp for the IJ past liast t five O weeks amid nd in that time tinse have havo won a host of or friends ri Get awa away I. I j is Ia given over ocr to lo a of or Millions and lii n II the th opinion of ot tho the reo regulars who at- at attended tended ended the opening performance st la-st night was wa-s about th the best hest thins that thuat the two wo have ha played while In Sa Salt t Lake Lale The Thc week also marks the return to tho the company of Frank Jonasson and E. E Forest Forrest Forrest For For- rest est Taylor Doth Folh received a royal wel- wel olne last night and ani both played with theIr heir usual efficiency Millions affords MI Mites MUs Countiss a part somewhat different from she has heretofore played here hu Gray or Peggy as she hc is pop- pop hy known n in Is sweetheart of ot young Brewster h heir lr to a million halt hall fellow well w ehl met Monty ha has Just gotten fairly airly start started d in Iii his 1111 ne new found wealth when hen ho is Informed that an uncle has left crt him l seven e millions moro more with Ith lIh the proviso o that he lie spend the first inheritance In one y year ar But hut there the stor story of or Brew ter's MilliOns I Is well known In Salt Satt Lake and nd Us lis telling here would only onh spoil the play lay for those who have not read the tho the road show which played look hook H ok or seen E en here a n or two to a ago o. o The Tho selection of or parts was admirably made macJe and every evelY ono one of or the tho t ent twenty three three characters was welt well portrayed Peggy Y Is a winsome girl Irl in Iii the hands or of f Miss 1 and Monay Mona becomes very ery r real to the tho auditor in in the given b by Mr Mt Rogers A comment on the time gowns worn b by the half hair dozen women omen of or the company would probably not nol be c amiss Apparently th the past high standard has hils been topped Justa Just a bit and If anything th the cOt costumes area are e a trifle better belter than any nn- any heretofore worn While Salt Bait Lakers will probably give Ive a 11 marm welcome to William J. J and Gertrude Dallas Dalla who ho succeed Miss 3 Coun- Coun this 38 and Mr Rogers th there thero ro Is no rio question bout about out tho the impression which tho the latter will heave cave J I Brewster will spend his hits million every nl night Ight ht this week at the Colonial and to In practice will 1 spend a similar amount mount at tho the Thursday and anal Saturday la matinee C C I Tb Tb rh f Ur n DUtel U Ut at as st sC t m of In b. a order r to wIth a strict of or th the n nsw Cs' w f federal 4 r l n n. n wi- wi p I Uw In is 50 Ino eai are ar r the they puS jU 1 AT A- A I T m aU They ne 7 u. u r lt noro ra hi hithe tb the 01 preel Inti el or Ui thI loess j This EMPRESS This weeks week's ck's bill at the Empress Em- Em press preES reta Is made mado up principally of or variety There are no no two acts acta a alike Ikc in construe construe- lon tion or theme and this should provo prove ono one of f the most moat l pleasing entertainments furnished fur- fur at the l in ira some time One or of f the pleasing features of or this weeks week's 1111 Is 15 the thc manner In which Mme Int Busses Busse's dog dol og entertainers perform They Thov are aro un- un one of or the lie best and most mont thoroughly hl trained a atlon of or pets pete in lIlo aude un and should Mine nu ee ever evel chance to visit Salt Lake again with t her troupe roupe she tho ho will doubtless be received cd IP In Inthe he the the same dame hearty manor which has char char- d her appearance at t the tho Empress the pa PMt past t week The fhe balance of or th the Nil bill la made up of or the best beat in vaudeville vaudeville vaude vaude- ville yule and arid consists ts of or such uch famous actors SIR its Harry Brooks Brook who ho Is 31 appearing In iii InThe The rhe Old Minstrel Man Ian Mr Nr Brook S Isso is 18 so fco 80 well known theatrically that he lie JJ needs no and and anI admirers of or the old character actor are nrc extending to him a 1 erecting that thai must make lila hla h heart t a glad Hugh lugh Musette 0 and OP Thomas Potter Dunn and the ani animated ma teel review rc complete completo th the bill |