Show SHOT BY Y ENEMY OF HIS BOYHOOD H O. O DEEP DENVER Colo Nov No- IS M. AT A Hoot noot member of a Denver Donver tobacco firm was shot and seriously w wounded u ded Saturday at his homo borne bore b by a n man manhon whom hon he be sa says ho recognized as a boyhood boy boy- o hood enemy at Ripon Biron Wisp Wig Root was taken to the county y hospital where it i was said there was S a 0 chance for his recovery reco Root Hoot said the trou trouble Je started in 1870 shortly shorty after he left school in Wiscon- Wiscon Silt Bin sin when his home was robbed IIo Ho le said ho he recognized tho the burglar lar as James Divinney Di lie He le had Divinney areste arrested and ho was sentenced to prison At that time Hoot declares Divinney Divinny swore ven ven- gean can e. e Several times in in the last last fifteen teen years since ho has bas resided in Denver Den Den- vcr ver Root has bas been attacked shot at and nd once locked in his safe safo and aud nearly On each occasion n Root declares ho bo recognized his bis assailant as as' as Divin Divin- ney |