Show HUH I The Bishops Bishop's r Purse Pursel ss By Clev Cleveland Jand a and d Oliver Herford Copyright by Cleveland and Oliver Herford 1912 1912 III rr t CHAPTER Under the Rose Boss cr c did Horatio Merle show how moro l ru erth the spirit rit of ChriL Christian an humility t h u ao during this Ibis brief brier encounter r with The fhe cry sight l of Wi s abhorrent to the thu gentle the name Dame of oC he hc d n l l- l lall all mt memories of oC 1 filled Ib he n Jc nI raa mau t inc plc itc vain pain or or out it wag who was wa con con- 1 lcd in hit bit ruID with that lamentable ti at It st. st s 's when oratio had bad tailed hillel to o put mit in iS au Illi appear re cc c. c It lt Am was as Snootier er who o had 1 made madeo o address oi on this d a it wa Spooner who ho hud had read cud through the pm h tb the pitiful r ry 0 of tho l peppermint tree trel Yet Vet lct now lIOW ratio eil himself must most J with a a. a of ti lIi Jk il l ilc diluted on n his U onn tul in ill furthering the tho in lU iu- iu nf or the foth Brothers rl rs lust Just to prove my point Mr Ir the pompous ill a a. t. t grout and anI perhaps lI ac cd honor boner that the tho Progressive ha c rc recently Iy to o on an n recognition of mv m beir lim I called a fc it at this moment es es lo e. Merle Merll hurt hurry hurry- to the thc Ii library Lr rJ door loor It I it t it is is mj ire ut Wilt ou me mc mci my uty car rr d I am sure Mr lr Fitz and the tho counter will iJ be bc hl hero c ia riLa la nt Aud hp Iao almost nut mu torn rom the r room mom cm fO ca r AVIS he hc not to tor WT sr r It about I the fbi hotter honor that thit t had been 1 to tu I Spooner I ft to himself the di ln 0 rc o VP of the Pro Progressive rc sr c Moth r about the for n fr e 9 smiling a at the flowers l finally becoming io looked ut Ul over er the la lawn n Inu-n Ver y why 1 no one ODe cornea comes C e then his cres Ou Li Lionel Lione nel rho hi li at this t fronbe from fron be wu ae in a wide brimmed straw stra it al and Carrying a watering pot rot IIi His were mud stained his hands red rca and with toil o l. l but bul face il-face e shining bri 8 jono fODe is of ug bus own o-n-n we t l plea called lied IVr Fr ind Spooner Spoon r with an air of author ty 1 cam came forward va slowly h. h still car CT yin his pot Do You IU WJ want nt a he aSK cd Wen Wen-er-DoL exactly but but rr er I Mr Spooner r Mr- Mr fr r. r Ferdinand Spoon Spoon- or the Pro H o Mothers tOh rOh J I ea say one of the Pr Pro CU UI Spooner the stared hai ba a at t this It I I secretary of th the tho Pro I Others Others' iet and t r desire to ace tuio J Jr Mr r. r 1 Wi Will you ou tivo c him hitti I card card theres there's a good man maul lR L LIs it 1 lone n J. J f eI i important r f drawled up yet JJ dont don't o nt think Mr r. L Not up CtT Wh it its s nearly I IcI cI n I U mCI to ear hes he's tat his hia after lies lie's bout yen very Particular hIs afternoon Hr Li is Gant l lell dl you wo me your I aln In Then very cry f fo confidentially yen know k b o flew Dew Could comer Coiner thought t n a moment tou OU hai say sa 1 Mr Ir Ferdinand tin has tin in rt to at by fr 1 Fitz the Pro Progressive c Mothers Mothers' tar Its It's a small roan matter four only bat teu e PoUnds b tel but t M. M t. t Fitz Brown I w e like very much to have ha I cheque kOhl Oh r I II exclaimed Lionel ionel II Mr rr n 8 cheque Wont Won't t the O Mothers very cry much J Why not oU Be his bank account is always l Dear In fact tact ac dear If f r cd Spooner cr l rc the you want m roy lUJ opinion In W a burst bant ot of ed his hi listener 11 really any if ift if want my opinion t Mr rr ouel ouelA A r Dike I lOYn Is hew haw haw bas la hab a 1 t re regu u. u At tt the s m in the tho conservatory conservator t door Her skirts I Iere were ere pinned up a handkerchief Was ivas tied tid around her ber heal head and aud her eyes w were ro with mischief At t the c of ot her Lionel's s 's redoubled J I I was just telling 1 this gentleman ho po chuckled J that that Lionel nel Brown FiU-Brown is is Hi a regular re Isn't he Kate Tax TJ ci disC c nic me mc this this' Jad the is-the the cool coul cook Mr lr l Kitto- Kitto r I I Thank fb uk you ro ou 1 don don't dont t carr for the opinion or of the cook replied 1 Spooner with ith dignity And J. j I 1 may add adI that it itla is la moSt mo-jt for extraordinary a gardener i t to II- speak in this thib way 1 of his bis employed mil Vill you rOIl please tell Mi Mr 1 I IM fI that 1 am I Bet nc J tir hir lilt in Kate H but I it the tho Countess Clou 1011 who nho ed the articles from tIn tho l t o Isn't ISIt that bo So SI She hc winked at it her confederate I r oure ou rl re ri right ht it was ras the Countess s who bought the thc articles agreed Vcr Ferdinand naud frowned in perplexity Iu In that cube cat mv my girl will you rou take tako a ames mes ines message sage a c tu to the countess counters II ft t do Jo it it sir The be countess is in ha having her hair dyed B Besides 8 CSt you II H never r ct et anything out ont of or her nor She never cr paid paul R a bill in her life Di Did she with another wink at Lionel u Not Not she bhe testified the gardener Sho She uses her bel bUis for curl papers II I I am am tun shocked at l these grieved eU Ferdinand Spooner wiping his Ids brow bro with n i heavily laUy scented chief bior JC Perhaps under the circum circum- stanCes tan o I had hall better belter lake tako back bacle the articles A Ah Ali h Au u idea II He searched his trousers pocket and produced a silver cr piece II Dont DODl mention this but if but if you ou can lD get ct tho articles for me mac quietly yeLL jolt ou understand I shall be Ie glad Ian to c compensate you jou ou lie He offered tho the coin to Lionel Half a crown rown shrugged d tho the gar 5 not much mitch if is it it cook Its It s 's worth ten shillings S de tle declared C 1 dared Kate 1 U Very well nil a agreed Spooner with witha I I a pained look II Oct Get Get then them articles at once Ill get et them said Lionel and he be disappeared into the tho library I am ant astonished to hear bear that the Countess CI dyes her ber hair bair reflected Ferdinand nothing Cig giggled lcd Kate atc You ought to hear hoar her swear And she sho smokes like liko a n fish Dear me mel mcI Thi This is hi hier er very sac sad Did you vou say 88 sho ebo smokes like like like-a a fish ish 1 Like Liko a fish J repeated tho the cook solemnly Tho The visitors visitor's reflections were Cro interrupted interrupted inter inter- hero bero by the return of Lionel J tarrying carrying a pink w work rk basket a yellow embroidered tea cosey a a. green and re red sofa pillow illow and an immense Jack Ilor- Ilor ncr ner pic pie covered with white crink crinkly pa pa- per fler Here the arc are articles said aid the gardener and ho he proceeded to load them ns as best he lie could o upon the portly person lerson of Ferdinand Spooner ncr H Its Ita fortunate I came tamo in n a carriage CarS car ria c. c puff d the thc latter Youre You ro for forgetting ettin tho the ios rose lOlie o said al Kate Spooner glanced lancea dubiously at the rather dejected flower cr in jt ih tinsel basket It I i isn't n t so en very wonderful is it itt f Ab Ah An idea Will VitI you pro this rose bush bubb to the tho Countess Clen- Clen with the compliments of Mr Spooner Mr lr Ferdinand Spooner Dont Don't for forget et Ho Itc Ie moved mo awkwardly a towards the c conservatory atory door ObI OhI Ob Oh I for forgot ot the ton ten shillings Ii lie looked down helplessly at his bulky treas ures Its rather difficult for mo me moto to to-er- to er But Lionel cut him bim snort abort with a patronizing wave wao of tb the hand Dont DODt bother about that old top Old top snorted Sp Spooner oner By this time tho the countess was laughing hysterically Please present pro pre sent ent tho the ten shillings to tin tilt Progressive Progress st lye ive Mothers she sho ho maua managed to tay with tho of the gan gar ar dener tinner and aud the t lok II I To e 1 |