Show TWIN FALLS WINS BIG DIG FOOTBALL LL G GAM CAMJ TR TWIN FALLS Ida Nov The ov 18 The The f fee ball game Kamo between th the Twin Fa Falls Fails Blackfoot hl hitch high h schools school for the ship of ot eastern Idaho waa Wal played 8 81 SlI urda on oft the local field j 1 the overn overwhelming helmin defeat of Blackfoot t U score 1 51 to 0 O. T Twin Train Falls w therefore p play a Boise for the rite state afore chI C. C H. H Burton Burlon of or c acted acted as as umpire Cunningham of or the Su sa Normal formal at Albion was referee and anti 11 Dl I was waa head linesman t The rhe game sarno was called calleri at IO o'clock a a. lasted two too hours It was one ono of ot I t f. f hardest fought hardest fought ht games sames ever vcr played rayed ht he h Time Timo was called tilled moro morn than half halt a doi dOl times Three Blackfoot boya boys and 0 Twin Falls Fans boy bov were knocked out a t Falkner Blackfoot's rl right ht tackle n sU a broken collar bone Twin Fa scored seven touchdowns one safety C drop kick from tr-om the field and kicked fi is fc goats goals lh The Twin Falls team feels that thai will glut give Bolso a n. hard game tamo when I t teams meet on the tho Boise Bolc field Than Thant giving day dav |