Show fc Smoke Nuisance The Economic Problem OF UP IN SMOKE Waste of Fuel in America Would Build I Battleships INFLUENCE ON HEALTH I MOST DETRIMENTAL I Whole System of Power inversion Ultimately Ma Be Changed J. J cost O of 3 from th Jt a the of in it it-a it bills the national smoke eo l million of dollars of onik to the public at large of a municipal foe g influence oVe le pall on the tho health of a corn com Jon might wight justify its abate abate- tor it i ba s t hem en shown at homo smoky cities are cities th death rates from all bron bron- iI and pulmonary diseases Jn iii ad this the effect on oi tr frees es and M l toj in general ral has been shown a costly In th the parks i year car one tree out dies because of io found nd that i r j. j cities fr- fr injure a ra ra- fifty mile But a more ap- ap loathe community v ft f- f T t upon merchant be and 4 to the to I. I Due merchant estimated that moke nil ce cost him in damaged goods an fl expense ina may be bc sure was included in Win qc tickets lie Uc further th t State streets street's smoke tax minted to 2000 00 a year and that t. t no insignificant role when tho marking the price prec still fur fur- br hp declared that the toll that budges budge's sm smoke exacted from it its its' ini was ivas equal in to all the 3 levied by the tha municipality Sch Depends on Firemen Thole possibilities are e illustrated by hy of a railroad which ded de- de d dl d to put it its firemen to a test Oner Ono One r reman aaa wa wax sent lent out with an engine eugino ir rr one city to an- an time being an fl id five fifty minutes ne Ire used Soda und o of coal to nm make kc the trip and andu ud u a ahard hard time keeping up steam all alli hway i nay Next aay with a duplicate and am-and with similar weather ennUi condi- Continued on page 2 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS GO UP IN SMOKE Continued from front pace 1 I. lions HODS the same engine undera er a better fireman made the trip with pounds of coal an and in the language of the roundhouse had haJ thc the steam a against the pop the tho whole distance lIe a a trail of steamy smoke the fireman he hc succeeded left one lon long streak of black behind On Ou a larger scale the experience of the Burlington Ce Cedar ar Northern North North- em ern railway is illuminative of what railroads havo accomplished by adopt adopting ing proper firing methods During ono one period of nine mouths months it reduced the amount of vf coal burned by n nearly I n percent per cent cant as compared with the same months of the previous year in the faco facu acu of an increase of 1 4 per cent in train mileage mileage mile mile- age and amid of some increase in the weight ht of tho the avera average o train Tho The sup superintendent superintend intend out ent declared that three fourths of the increased efficiency was due clue to better firing methods Factories have had bad similar im Jar One plant plan t told its firemen it would pa pay them 4 1 a month extra eItra for every mouth month they showed a smokeless smoke smoke- less stack They found it was just about as easy cay to have a 11 smokeless fire as to make mako black limo c. c and the result re roo ro- ro suit sult was that a factory was able abic to eliminate smoke any co cost t for installations and the 4 bonus to th the firemen was more than returned b by the saving of coal Equipment Must Be Ample But there are many bi big with sma small boilers and undersized furnaces fur fur- furnaces naces and they have ha to be pushed to tho the limit to furnish enough heat and aud steam for the days day's work It is with them that neither the careful fireman nor the tho smoke consumer avails to remedy rem rein ed edy tho the situation and it i is these factories fac fae- fae tories that arc responsible today for the continuance of tb the smoke nuisance The They must work under a terrific strain all dB day lon long just as a weakling has to work T in keeping up with the tho moderate modera e exertions of the athlete But after all tho the ultimate solution of the question does not Dot depend upon the improvements in present methods of firing so 50 much as upon entire changes in the n nation nationwide tion wide methods of converting the sunshine of b ono a ages cs into tho ho power of today The really smokeless s town will arrive when our whole system of power conversion cou is changed Perhaps the first step in that direction will bo be the tho central beat heat a and power plant The government has found that it can heat a half balf dozen bi big Washington buildings including tho capitol the two congressional office buildings 5 and tho the 1 library of con congress rc S from one central plant much moro mono cheaply than it could from a n half dozen plants Tho The steam is conc c conveyed through lined asbestos pipes and there e eis is little lo loss s from radiation and aDd con con- The Tho same principle has bas worked elsewhere and aud some omo think the lie cn engineering practice of the tho future tillo will ill go o that way a Gas Engine a a. Factor But more effective than thau this is the tho producer gas on engine ine It Tt can use the lowest grade o of coal even down almo almost t tto to mine refuse e and extract about double dou dOli ble blo the power from it that can be bc extracted cx- cx irom anthracite through h steam cn engine no pr practice It is asserted by those who have hwo tried trier the pro producer gas as engine cugino that it is fully as reliable And fro front from l to per cent more efficient than the steam n n and that the next generation will ace it almost tint uni adopted The United States government has made extensive tests of coal utilizing nineteen different kinds from cloven different f. f states and nd the the average o results for them ai all IS ft producer gas as eD engine ine gets cots 2 26 8 i ti as 5 much power ou out of a pound und ot of is as the tho steam C engine It is IS crt J that t the e people of oC tho United s f Sll spend 1000 fo for neat heat M 3 P- P po power cr our Four fifths of this i is u d J side of the homes hoines With producer ei ein engines n replacing steam strom engines In ing of a a. year a u ti err oils effected that There the tho arc nrc still others who iho belie e eventual solution of th tho au 1 problem in tho sUJ suggestion e tion of off Ramsay that wo 0 will trill si set coal cal on ou fire down lown into the e pumping down the necessary tics ties of air to control the and thus thins get ct unlimited qua quantities producer gas gaa at negligible ible cost cot I n n would be bo u used cd to generate el electric for the adjacent cities C CiO cago 1 0 St. St L Louis Loul ui and cities aro are situated sufficiently near ncr low Jow grade rade coal deposits to make feasible from a transmission st point Whoa When wo tTO consider that a then the who owns a c coal al mine usually 10 cents a to ton for his c coal al and that the tho other 2 3 4 SI 1 5 even cn 7 1 a ton represents tho the eo costs costi i profits profits' of minin raining mining transportation n I selling tho the advantage td of tho the Ram idea will readily appear t p Smoke Cost Enormous I r There ere is a remarkable unanimity opinion among experts as to the thet theto e of o the smoke nuisance to the isi b tants of bl big cities Th The cation dani damage g from soot oot ot and smoke f for fari r country at large is arou around td ld tier per year For th the important dUel has been placed at 17 per capita C chief smoke inspector ft mated tho the damage there at lO family and aud the Cleveland soke ob c t e estimated the damage for I t cit city at 12 per capita while Dr I Howorth Ho Hot Holworth worth placed Pittsburgh Pittsburg's loss Ion at t per capita In nearly all the big bir m cities whore careful estimates of t I injury done b by smoke and soot a be made the fl figures place the trio mo damages at a II hl higher her per capita t tb the city taxes The Tho department of i n a of the American Civic awo tion has bas bc been n very ery active in a a. national sentiment upon the f icet ct In addition to this there is International Association for tb tho p P of Smoke which b eks to uni in the tho world wide efforts to put an anto au auto a m to the tho clouds 6 of f smoke which dc derl the coal Ial supply carry carr iid divid dividends out in increase ra e the co cot t of i i jog ing 1 deface the tho nations nation's urban injure its n vegetation inen its laundry bills promote the of and in general s servo tois toia filet tremendous dir direct ct losses upon the people But fo foot t b by foot the tho fight t a ail lie tho smoking chimney pro progresses fe authe an au anthe the maior portion of cf tho the new install ions of furnaces that aro being nuJ JUat in important centers are aro and in m many man n instances old installation aro ara bein being remodeled for the I purpose of o cr overcoming smoke The 1 ia di that tho the ag age of central Power powe I plants plantA producer ga gas a engines and mim gas as power stations is approaching to check ck the remodeling of existing plants plants plants-a a striking instance o oan oj ojan an ultimate good working an imn diate harm t Inside i iTHE i iTHE THE SMOKE NUISANCE i What the Government Is |