Show NEW NEV ENGLAND ARRIVES of Utah People Reached Boston Un in Saturday A bulletin from fern the publicity bureau Boston says A delegation of about 70 persons bound or points In Utah Un on Under ondee dee der the of Mr Ralph T Merrill of arrived In Boston Mass Saturday May 9 Irma from Liverpool on the tho steamship New England of the Domin Dominion Dominion ion line of the International Mercantile Marine company The party was corn com composed posed of missionaries and am members of the Church of the Saints from England Germany Holland and Switzerland and Included Mr ant and Sire Mrs Franz Franx A t three Children Urs Mr Henry E Il Hackwell Mrs John and ad two children Fred Frederick erick crick Mr end Mrs John 0 Ford and two children h Wilhelm 0 t Mr and anil Mm Sire Johann Sir und tend Sire Mrs William K B and three dill drop dron Frederick MM Mrs C Wield Misses Sarah Warburton Phyl PhylIss Iss us and Annie Warden Wardell all going to Salt Bait Lako City Miss 13 fi 13 ii Ahner Harold HaroldA A 4 Lafount Frederick Frederik Mr and Sirs Mrs Max 0 and two chil Oren going to Logan Mr anti and Sire Mrs II arid and two chIldren tOre Mrs Ann Aim Q 1 Slice Miss U 13 Mr Sir and Sits Mrs Jon Jan V Mr and SIrs Mrs F II W and two dren Edwin F Tout r C H Ii mutt bound for or Ogden Misses Eliza Ellza Ellzabeth beth betim Mary and Annie AnnU and Misses Clara an Bertha Settle Hettle bound for Mr SIr an tOrt Mrs J 0 H II F P HUr moister melster tend two children for or West Jo Jar p dun dan |