Show Eruptions ns IJ j moist scaly tetter all forini of eczema on ors salt m pimples V rind and cn t pm 1 J eIther cither or dof v a di ii i g To treat f i ao with drying is f dangerous s 1 W tG t do tb Is 18 1 to t take taka Hood Sarsaparilla J and Pills Which blood expelling nil all humors and building up tho They cure euro Hoods SAT Sar 4 rills MIla ii p J Jo 0 o Pr Jr Ill II of ef t from frai 11 tin he had h turf J 4 IT seem name line 11 MH AlIi aed Situ VT t r i n Jt of pta ide on liar Ite tI i tM h ltd ed skit an III Tw b lir Y ib lb abs b Iud bad J been tr li Af are r ra t li it to ir of Lt U Od ds than lUn un sa n IM IN iJ H to toc cir c and tho ho promo promise C V t tI tV l I 0 V l V V t sy It I The Gorham Guarantee GORHAM i SILVER POLISH PoLl Sif J I JI JIs Is guaranteed auar hyThe Gorhm Co Coa J rodur a 1 polish that I endures I IAU j AU kep It I is ft A package O OF EH V c of M Dial D V Internal nl ho hl received thit ht t after atter luly UI 1 I the matter of tho the ree re lj t of ot r GhI clil lain n wll hi b transfer transferred red trout from to the ito new n w department nl of at t commerce r r 1 r e Thu TIIU work of ot making th transfer Is II no small sm lt Job as 1111 the th omet here has ha a il record and certificates of registration of ot every very Chinaman hinaman In hi this Induct includes es ec Utah Montana and Idaho since the tho thoIn law iw In went Into effect nine years eurs ago I I TO 10 A COLt COIn IN i OSK 0 PAY DAr Tail 11 ill All dr r U th mossy moc If K It ti fall 1111 ta to tars ture B It EO V W O 11 rt II nell b Js U n CASTOR CASTORIA IA For Infants Infante and Children The Iha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the tho A I SI Signature of 5 I V f I r I 0 Ji d S N J J m Sill m fiN I V Strong llody N lar Charles Mclaughlin ot of Clinton avenue Albany N Y V engineer ot of the N Y 1 e I II 11 f It ft It Its 18 Fast MAll Mail ond Umpire J tate State Express l trains ill illI I 1 have haw much potion patton Stomach Trouble and Dyspepsia which were lert all the result of at th h terrible nervous tran J nm urn under and the hurried manner r I nm am to eat at my meals tJi David Dahl Favorite orl te 1 18 roe roc recommended to m III Inc and I 1 bought n a bottle Ot of it and anil now th these so sl troubled i are Q e a Il athing athing thing of ot the past pat my bowels boel move reg rag regularly and I IllIn am ann In the best bOlt of ot health Dr David Kennedys remedy dY Is III unquestionably the greatest med ever tel discovered for ifor alt all diseases IlHa of at the tho madder and It Is jhc only enty kid kidney ney ne m that does loes not no constipate Druggists sell lie II It U In Now GO CO Out Cent exit Size and aud the h regular ular flOO sUe elze bottles I lor fer fe b by flad i ll Dr D Da CorporatIon NY iJ Kennedy Kennedys lI Golden in f Neuralgia 11 I Quick kArd J T A Gulledge of ot Verbena Ala was wu twice In the hospital ho from a severe lovere case of plies causing 21 2 tumors tumon After doc Ilo doctors tore tors and all nil remedies failed Arnica Arnt Salve quickly arrested further and cured him It con conquers bets quers aches and ond kills kill pain o at Z Ze C r M I Drug Drull Store r I S The new Irrigation Law In pamphlet form torm only lOc at ot tho the Deseret News look hook Store 0 0 0 0 Light Bread 0 0 0 0 C 10 I o 0 o 0 o 0 0 o o O 0 o 0 0 Cares I oooo 0 0 0 0 Light 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o a aI I oooo 0 a 0 0 Light Heart 0 0 0 0 0 0 If You Use o 0 0 I La Flour j jr 0 0 a r X C TUR A Y V from fromI I S 2 to So 6 J I i rM X k Famous Italian Chocolates r X 35 3 cents pet p t pound 4 Mint CheWs t 73 15 i cent centt cen pet per pe pound 4 j I s Pf rr Our 0 Palm in I ft i note nta rpm v vY x 1 Y 1 f ti t r Ike Ih SIMM 1 IK Kolitz elite i 60 CO and Main Mn st SI Tel COME ALONG 1 Tiring Bring your our wife Ite and children your our mother sis als sister alster ter friend or test belt girl for tor that ratter matter matterA A DELICIOUS SODA NOW AND THEN THENIS IS RELISHED BY TilE THE BEST BElT OP or THEM Tit EM When It comes to di dt Sodas Codas So na we take a front rank The list lilt li is too long Ion to give rh here but every ivery ery flavor Is I a II winner Telephone IU 1 c Z Drug L M r ri i Store 0 Cot ore aln St Just Juit below th tbS clock corner n Sickly Children if J r your child Is restless rei tieS rt It night grinds grind rinds Iti Its teeth wets et 46 lie bed U l tonsil craves ernol food at QC U 1 and Me hit hla you ran can be 11 t sure lure U II has Vori WOH I 1 II expel 1 them anti and It restore toro the childs health tablets are pleasant le to tako take nail barm barni the tue moat delicate child chUd c a ii box at drug or liy 1 mull mall from us sic Your money back it If not satisfactory irn WORM MItER KillER KillERI U Is I endorsed ani nn 1 recommended by thousands of mothers lI When my Hide ll r wi eng 11 tour four ff ers r rold old lie ice began to 10 I did Ud not Know knoll what hilI to 10 an III fur mm HI gI liu hu snore more oro siCkly ey frI 1 11 I 1 of lour our W Killer t I I would try r It U and tee sic If It If It It do ito 11 the child any InT goat copit lII ot tin bo 0 I J bought 11 ii box 1101 o of that lust arid irate guo the lisa one tablet I the tho ODD else AnsI and It brought away V tV Isiro h Iii of the tho I he lii rn luon Clion coin CO hi restore d I urn am Bind la tu V this thU till remedy n eli all mothers mother and I eh gi to in print InY in Mrs Mr V I INDIA i CO Ui Nt uen Conn Na National lonal Hank at the corner cor con er of r Stain Main and First South streets in Salt Lake city Utah Plan and ami alt all bids bide bid and pro ro at the above time be publicly opened and aud rend read In m the olnee of at toe the Ue le ret brat re National Hank Dank In said City A All blit must b Le be dressed to ty of t of ot U Utah ah salt aalt Lake Uke city lU Utah Viah and an marked in III over lower lefthand corner V Vor f or such bids bide can be bIt delivered to the board of at III the sold said time lime and place of opening same me or can be lell ered red at the oIS must mOat not riot contain conditions Quell Quail propositions or any an other thing thine In addition to 10 those mentioned In the plans specifications and drawings dra con tracts and bond hand and bidders must use uie u e the tM forms of 01 bids without change which will wilt be found at the 1110 office omee of said laid architects and no other form of ot bid bitt will b be received A certified 1 checKon ch jn some same brink blink In fluh nUh for the 11 per nor the amount of the highest bid must b Each l arh check chck Is IB to be made payable to o a the tha undersigned and Is III to 10 be forfeited to the In III cup cue the bid Is Ifta arid and tile tics r doe doc not nol enter Into InI the contract and bond bonol Within three days daya after Its II acceptance for tor the faithful execution or th the contract and bund band hereinafter mentioned Tine The proposed t 1 contract and bond are olio also at the ottlee ollice of Mid architects and can there be bo examined There must be a separate LId hid and ceru fled fied fd check for each of or 1 l of work tolt tol and grading Foundation mason and brick work Cut stone stasis work V lathing and Arll Carpenter and ana Joiner worl tk I Tainting I Tin antS anA g gal U Iron ir wort o Plumbing V heating and ventilatIng A bond must bo bu l o furnished when ton con tracts nr are awarded for Cor of the amount of t the tho bid with go goei J and sureties nil alt satisfactory and lo e to the undersigned V The reserves V the to reject tiny nn and all 1111 proposal or to accept any an bid or bids it may moy deem d rm best Lul or to let the contract to ono One bidder OK OS UTAH ABSTRACTS lt think of cf when hen via uto get Bet Abstracts if Till Th it I f lul 1 Completeness V 2 Accuracy V 3 Responsibility Th TAI TA Uta Sinn sod 11 O c i si u tw erie tf if lit Us rest ester if Ui th t 1 II sawn I vili t It u oI U lI I IC mete leg u kH ku I r t f 1 Ut Len II Ut Till itne Ile of olin in an Abstract tn on these th u three tile Jel points ta so tain soen in tI bIt Inn roar UTAH SAVINGS n TRUST CO COw w S 5 S II President Any Kind ef you want want WC WE HAVE IT of ej ejr r Burton urton Coal Lu Lumber C eo 10 w and nd So I Ir r V Mothers V DONT I V WEAR IVEAR YOURSELVES V V QU V I V carrying baby when wIlen w we e can give I V V you a nice carriage for such BUc a amal aV V mall mal price V BABIES V V Tale Take ae olid Bold in U Our cur Carriages and Go Carts because Illey rifle re so 8 easy c I V There are non in j the world orld than he the celebrated ley wood wod wod and Wakefield lines linea Our Block elock is large II fl Dinwoodey Furniture Co Cot CoUt CoMore Ut Let the DUST twins do your you work workMore tV hW V More clothes are rubbed out than worn wor out GOLD DUST wi will spare your back and save savo your clothes Better and far more economical than soap and other Washing Powders Made only by THE N K FAIRBANK COMPANY New Now York York SL cf cl OVAL OVA FAIRY SOAP SOA V j Wednes Wednesday day and I day and nod nodI I i Thurs Thursday Thurs Thursday day day daYI GREAT SPECIAL SALE j OF I c V i Childs 1111 S Dresses V V t Value Only V V BOe 2 dozen Childs Sailor Dresses Dresses In assorted colors and patterns lter J value 81 in sizes a 0 8 10 12 years yearl Q V Wednesday d y and nn Thursday only I I ISee I V See WIndow See Window Tue last week of the great teat ealo on EXCELLENT KID KI GLOVES value for g pair p air C I C I I I 65 C Ladles Ladies Lace and amt Hose Hos value vahle up to o black only for pair I I OC C Co 50 o dozen Ladles Handkerchief values up ef l 1 c for each C Cj CV I I I I I I j V V |