Show de declaration caration da ration of war with germany arouses citizens everywhere what Is brigham dr isham city 10 go going i 0 nd to lo MV do local patriotism w to be stirred up CONGRESS HAS DECLARED WAR ON GERMANY AND authorized PRESIDENT WILSON TO EMPLOY EVERY FORCE OF THE government TO PROSECUTE IT TO A successful conclusion if conscription Is put into effect by the president brigham may be called upon to furnish 75 to iva men e n A wave of ct patriotism is sweeping over the country at the prospect of 0 war with germany and everywhere recruits are hocking flocking to tile the colors in do de tense of the nation and the principles of humanity and right which she is standing tor for in the various cities of 0 this state big demonstrations have been and aro are being held patriotic addresses are being delivered recruits aio being enlisted and everything apparently patently ly is being done to meet the tha call of the president for volunteers to raise the army and navy to their fighting strength dally daily almost recruits are passing through this city on their way to salt lake to the concentration cent ration camp at fort douglas and the patriotic fervor ot of the people is surcharging the atmosphere throughout the land thus far its effects have not reached this community tor for in all the momentous days ot of tile the past week postmaster tyson who has been designated a recruiting agent of the united states navy has not received a single application neither have we taken any steps to demonstrate our fealty to the government and give vent to our patriotism and in this we are falling way behind our sister cities of the state according to the apportionment per capita population brigham Br ighani city ought td furnish in the neighborhood of 75 t sema that number could easily be secured it i something was done to sound the people on the proposition someone must lead out in this matter and it would be a reproach upon the community if we failed to respond to the call why not call a patriotic mass ilic meeting eting and 1 appoint speakers to talk to the subject it is questionable it if the people fully understand the situation confronting the hie nation and it is unthinkable that loyal citizens would hesitate to offer their services in ili defense of our homes and tile the ideals for which our fathers fought and died that we might enjoy let us bo be arouS tid to tile the situation and give vent to our patriotism if our is endangered lifo Is 15 worth nothing for to live in slavery would be intolerable when a drunken man mail goes out upon the street and threatens to kill peaceful citizens who go about their business lie he is promptly taken care of even at the peril of human life when a drunken and insane government gues eos out upon the highways of the world and kilis all those who peacefully pursue their legitimate way it is time to tako take her in hand and in the present case the menace la Is no phantom but a reality so EO terrible as to strike tear fear to the heart that Is not possessed with a courage which says right is ig might and then proceeds to do everything to maintain that position lotus letus remember that there are but two classes of people in the lie united states today PATRIOTS and arar TORS rons |