Show ANOTHER PIONEER DIVIDE yesterday afternoon at 0 clock the tired spirit of 1 mrs ann grinney bowden wa was s released from the body and the aged woman chosei c jasd her eyes in that sleep that knows no awakening in this life ille for a number of weeks mrs mra cowden has been suffering greatly and members of hor her family were required to be at her bedside constantly day daa and night the end wad was not unexpected and the family teela feels that a great blessing has come to their aged in her deliverance from tile the she was enduring k in the passing ot mr owden tile the circle of pione pioneers ers I 1 is s di a a little closer and the ber in the ranks have become fewer she came to Drig brigham hain city in the year 1863 and has resided here since that time she has seen this city grow into its afes ent beautiful proportions and lias has contributed tribu tri buted ked her share both from a personal standpoint and through the lar large a family which she reared in assisting it to grow i airs bowden was born orrl october lath at Georgen impton england and was left an orphan ithen but a little over one year of ag age 9 at the age 0 of nine years she was to go out to earn her own livelihood and while yet a girl slie aae became acquainted with mormonism and was baptized into the church when eighteen years ot of age two years later laier she became the wife ot of the late William Bowden and the pair struggled their native land until they to emi i grate to this coun country I 1 that mrs airs Bowde Dowder ihas not shirked sh irked tile the responsibility of motherhood is attested by the fact that she bore fifteen stills children ten 0 whom are still living her thirteen th child is also the mother of fifteen children her posterity has increased so that there are now living to perpetuate her mem 0 9 ry bi ch W great grand children and 6 gre ai great grea araud children making a total of I 1 in her younger years airs dowdell was an active member of the relief society and gove gave much of her time 11 in aiding the sick she possessed a most genial temperament and was always light hearted and hopeful for the past fourteen years she has made her home with mr air and mrs P J larsen where she has been nurtured and cared for in all tenderness and her life closes with a record of long usefulness that is not given lo la mankind ind all her but ta tao mo o were at her bedside when the end came funeral services will be held in ili the third ward chapel sunday afternoon beginning at |