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Show r a MP the DESERET r SAMPLER Jti! BBI t. fc Friday, Octolier 8, 1968 DESERET TEST CENTER Dugway, UT 84022 pressed by publisher and writers herein are their own are not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Army. The appearance of adver- - tisements in this publication does not consitute an d dorsement by the Department of the Army of the pro-ducts or services advertised. Ft. Douglas, UT 841 13 Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing Com-nanTooele. Utah, a nrivate firm, in no wav connect ed with the Department of the Army. Opinions ex- v. CFC Drive Totals $7,608; Region Five Band Festival Hosted by Dugway High Campaign To Close October 31 Dugway High School hosted 470 musicians from Region Five schools Tuesday afternoon when the Region 5 Marching Band Festival was held at Dugway Proving Cround. Ten bands participated in the festival with Morgan High School earning top honors in the performance ratings when the two judges. Grant Elkington, Assistant Director of the BYU Marching Band and Wes Berry, Ore in High School band director gave them a rating of one. The judges, CPT George Mc- THE TINTIC High band won Louth and Lieutenants Raymond runner-u- p honors when they Gary Spuhler and Caleb ceived a score of -. Dugway Hall, gave two point ratings to High School, South Summit and Dugway, South Summit, Morgan, Wasatch tied for third place Park City, North Summit Junior honors with a score from High, Tintic, Wasatch Junior and the judges. The Wasatch Junior Senior High bands. FOLLOWING the competi-o- n High band earned a score of two their performance while both tion the massed bands played the the North Summit High School and Star Spangled Banner following Junior High band, the Wendover retreat ceremonies. The bands and Park City bands were given a were then fed at the consolidat-scor- e of three. ed mess hall and the directors In the judging of the appear- - and guests attended an awards ante of the bands which included banquet at the Officers' Open bearing, posture, uniforms and Mess. instruments eight of the com pet- The festival was the first g schools received a two points e event that Dugway High School has hosted. rating. The initial report on the 1969 Combined Federal Campaign now being conducted for all Deseret ('enter military and civilian personnel at Fort Douglas and Dugway Proving Ground shows a total of 790 personnel have contributed a total of $7,608.87 to the drive. The cantiaign, which replaces the separate drives formerly conducted by various fund groups ' such as the Utah United Fund. Hie National Health Agencies and the International Service Aeencies will run through the end of Octolicr. The quota for DTC has been set at $15,000 and the project officers, LTC Roliert E. Guyton for the Fort Douglas portion, and CPT Louis T. Bowring, project officer for Dugway liolh stated that it is hoped the quota will lie reached by the closing of the campaign.; "THOUGH WE hope to mution Office, Officers Open with the next report, This is the first year that Mess, Civilian Personnel, Traffic, reach our quota for this once-a- year campaign we are also vital- - Test Operations, Administration Tooele County has participated Administra-- , in the CFC and with the several Scheduling), lv interested that the narticina- - and tion in the campaign will reach tive Services, Traffic Manage-- advantages this type of drive has the 100 per cent level. As of the ment, Army Aviation Division, over the former campaigns con- first report we had only slightly Logistics uirice, Manpower auciea ror various neaitn ana better than fifty percent partici- Management, Operations Branch service agencies that the quota and several sections of the Test will be reached. pation." stated the project THE CFC provides for a pay-Division. roll deduction plan not formerly Manv offices at Ixith Fort , , , , " other fund drives, "V Douglas and Dugwav Proving Met Team a,,d the 651,1 M,btaiy Under this 'Ground have alrcadv achieved plan the sum can be Police Platoon have 100 per cent sPread 0,11 in 26 installments for 100 per cent participation in the The Met Team civilian employees or in 12 campaign. These include at Fort participation. of the unit .bailments for military personnel memliers 47 all Douglas, the following offices: la5ed the number of paydays i os iiu .u. die J auiuici luui j ii iiiic .,..1 1969. Under the payroll during Commanding General, Comptrol- of the police platoon '7 also con- nQ ler, Information Office, Security, tri,mtcu- will be made until the first pay Personnel, Quality Assurance and A numlier of offices had not period of calendar year 1969. Pictorial. The Dugway Community Fund had all the keymen report prior At Dugway the offices with to the original report and there- - WU also receive a portion of the KX) per cent participation in- fore the numlier of offices with .rumb that are received by the clude: Commanding Officer, Staff participation by all personnel Tooele County Community Funds Judge Advocate, Chaplain, Infor- - could lie increased considerably i from this year's drive. Test re-Ea-rl, 1- ri. - GENERAL LARSEN MSITS LTG Stanley R. Larsen, Sixth U.S. Army Commanding General and BG John G. AppeL DTC Commanding General are shown a display of typical sampling equipment by Kiel Bushnell, Acting Chief of the Test Division. Ceneral Larsen visited DTC Headquarters at Fort Douglas and toured Dugway Proving Ground this week. OCTOBER 31 re-in- gion-wid- During Many demonstrations were given liy the Fire Department personnel during the Fire Prevention Week, at Dugway from October 7 through October II. THE REASON for it was mainly to get people interested in these preventions, said Myron Fewler one of the fire fighters at Dugway. The week started at 10 a.m. Monday by the judging of the poster contest. Later in the afternoon the Boy Scouts accompanied the Fire Department personnel on the Tire trucks to distribute fire prevention literature to Dugway post residents. The next day fire personnel veioped at Dugway and is now conducted evacuation drills and used throughout the military various types of vices. rt fire extinguishers. At 8 p.m. a Utah State Fire Marshall lecture on fire prevention burt E. Tanner, witnessed the in the home and a movie film demonstration as well as the on fire prevention was shown at other activities held on this day. the LDS Chapel in Fries Park. In the last two days of the WEDNESDAY, extinguishers, Prevention Week the Fire and rescue equipment partment personnel gave several of all types were on display at an demonstrations on the proper use of fire extinguishers, and evacua- Open House at English Village. At 1 p.m. awards were present tion drills through out different ed to winners of the poster con places in the post. test by Dugway Post Commander NAMES of winners of the Colonel Charles M. Shadle at poster contest are: first prize - Teresa the English Village fire station. Nursery the second prize contest were in $3; Hilderbrand, Participants approximately 425children, (names Kelly Stephens, $2; third prize of the winners are listed at the Mark Ballestros, )1. end of the article). Kindergarten - 1st grade first Also in the afternoon the fire prize - Ronny Bishop, $3; second ' department at Dugway conducted prize - Jill Peterson, $2; third a fire demonstration using the prize - Tommy Masoin, 91. latest equipment and method in SECOND GRADE - Third fire supression known to the fire first prize - Jim Ketch. Grade service. second $5; prize - Craig Jenkins, THE FIRE fighters using J3. ,njrj prize . Loy Mastison. water and Purple K simultaneous- . ly were able to extinguish a ' Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grade blaze of aviation gasoline and first prize - Marshall jet fuel covering an area of 2,(KK) feet in less than 10 sec- - ing, $5; second prize - Cheryl - Penny onus. The method of combining Lacy," $3; third prize de-- . Rasmusbn, $2. K was and Purple light water Ro-sho- A parade of children in costume will kick-othe second annual Dugway Youth Activities Carnival on Thursday, October 31. Hie parade will start at the Officers' Open Mess and the route will le along Valdez Circle past the Post Chapel, elementary school and will end at the site of the carnival, building 5140. The Dugway High School land will provide music for the parade. The costumes woin by the children will lie judged during CL parade and prizes awarded later in the evening. Three prizes will be awarded in each age group. The age group will lie divided into three categories, one for age children which include nursery school and kindergarten, the second age group will lie elementary school students and the third will lie high school students. The carnival itself will start At nine p.m. the evening of groups on the installation such at 5:30 p.m. in building 5140 in the carnival a drawing will lie as the Roy Scouts, Girl Scouts the Teen Club area. The rooms held with winners receiving gift and meinliers of the Teen Club, The proceeds from the carni-als- o adjacent to the teen club will certificates "at the store of their lie utilized for booths and choice. The first prize will be a val will Ik used to provide money games as each unit will sponsor certificate for two hundred for oulh Activities functions dur- a booth. There will also lie manv dollars. There will also lie one one- - ,nK lne mnncoming year, nine cakes and other pasteries on sale will include Bov and Girl Scout two and as the Officers' Wives Club and hundred dollar certificate; the Lmle and four Teen the NCO Wives Auxiliary are fifty dollar certificates prof?Am e dollar certificates, club activities and manv other sponsoring a bake sale. A refresh twenty-fivment stand will also be sponsored Tickets for the drawing are avail- - activities for military and civilian able in all units and from various dependents at Dugwav. by a unit. ff pre-scho- ; Republic of Vietnam. Captain Paul Johnson was bom in Seattle, Washington on Sept. 28, 1935. He attended Oregon State College from 1953 to 1956 and then attended the University of Oregon and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History. HE HAS also done Post Graduate work at the University of Oregon in 1961. His source of commission was at the University of Oregon, ROTC GENERAL LARSEN GREETED Colonel Charles M. at which he was commissioned a Shadle, Dugway Post Commander greets LTG Stanley R. second lieutenant. He has attendLarsen, Sixth U.S. Army Commanding General upon his ared MP Officers Basic in 1959 rival at Dugway Proving Ground. General Larsen visited and MP Department, U.S. Army DTC Headquarters at Fort Douglas and Dugway this week. School, Europe. In his early military career, he served as a Security Platoon leader, with the 17th Ordnance Company, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. IN AUGUST of 1960 he be-The Retreat parade for Oc-- came Company commander of Deer Hunt Day for the Dug- tolier will be held Thursday, Oc- - the 546th MP Co., Ft. Sill, way High School and Elemen- toiler 24, starting at 1645 hours. Oklahoma. During June 1964 he CorI Hei,d" tary School will lie Monday, This is scheduled to lie the final was 21. Parents are reminded as company - USAAEUR qilarte"1 of the vear, and will mimander of the 110th MP Pla-that all schools in Tooele County parade officers he will lie closed that day. toon and was Aide de Camp to i This is a change from former General Patrick F. Brigadier Command Sergeant Major Cassidy cs, VII Corps. years when all Tooele Schools In August 1967 he became were closed on the Friday prior George C. B. Sur, SGM Eugene A. to the opening of deer season Mackle, CBRWOC, and SGM Adjutant at Headquarters, 16th. on Saturday. The change was made James McKinney, Training, will MP Croup in Nha Trang, Viet at the request of the school review the troops. Mao Harry nam. He nas been awarded the Bronze Star and the Army Air teachers throughout the county R. Purves will lie Troop Com- Medal for meritorious service to the Tooele School Board. mander and SFC Carl L. Prince while stationed in the Republic will act as adjutant for the NCO Parade Sel Thursday Oc-toli- er re - Election Day Is Near! Kcgistcr! - Captain Paul H. Johnson is now replacing Acting Provost Marshal 2 Lt James H. Amot as Chief, Provost Marshal of Dugway. Captain Johnson came to Dugway on October 4 from the Dugway Schools Closed Monday MARCHING FESTIVAL The Dugway High School band performs during the Region Five Band Marching Festival held at Dugway this week. Dugway garnered third place honors in the festival in which ten bands throughout Region Five competed as a total of 470 high school musicians participated in the event. asked that all hunters Hunters Asked to Aid fill Itoutis the information tag on tulie each In Disease Research by giving factual data One of the many activities FIRE FIGHTING DISPLAY held during Fire Prevention Week was a demonstration by the Fire Department personnel in putting out a fire of jet fuel and aviation gas in the matter of seconds using a combination of light water and Purple K, a method at Dugway and now in use throughout the military services. Provost Marshal - BAND V Captain Johnson New u -- 0m " ol -- Keel-squa- in-h- .:!. Costume Parade To Open Fire Fighting Demonstrations Youth Activities Carnival Fire Prevention Week - en-an- All deer hunters have been The last two days for registra- - asked liy the University of Hah tion of names of people qualified Ecology and Epizology Research, to elect at the Election District DTC, to aid the organization in at Dugway in Tooele Countv. the studv of disease occurim! in Utah, prior to the General Elec wild life. tion on Tuesday, Nov. 5. HHW The Research has stated that are really getting close. by obtaining and testing hi"! Tuesday, Oct. 29 and Wednes- - samples from various wild life day. Oct. 30 will lie vour last specimens, disease in the particu- chance to register to vote. lar animal can lie detected and The office will lie located at the apparent danger to the re- r-fossil Lane (Trailer Court) maiuing herd can lie determined. and it will be open the thus dctennininc whether immedi hours of K a.m. through 8 p.m. ate action should lie taken for Your registration agent for the comliatanco of the disease. that Election District is Emily HUNTERS HAVE liern reDanks. blood samples to take quested These two registration days of the deer that they shoot. also applv throughout all tted class tulies are now available the other districts in the Slate for all deer hunters to aid the of Utah. hunter in the collection of the REMEMBER YOUR VOTE blood sample and will lie avaiCOUNTS. REGISTER. lable at the Main Gate through 20. Sunday, r Police Chief Guest Speaker Al PTA Meeting The Dugway Parent-Teachon such things as location of kill, will hold their Association sex and age (whether adult or at 7:30 p.m. Mou-Jameeting in fawn) and the hunters name 2S in' the Octolier case more information is desired. room of the elementary Blood samples can best lie school. This meeting will lie the obtained by cutting open the second of five scheduled meetings heart as the animal is cleaned, to lie held during the current but the sample may also lie taken school year. from either a bleeding wound or The guest speaker for the a pool of blood that has liecn in evening will be Mr. Dean O. Ancontact and contaminated by the derson. Chief of Police. Bountiintestinal contents of the speci- ful, Utah. The topic of Mr. Anmen. derson's talk is "Youth and NarIF AT ALL possible the cotics." He will also present a tilin dealing with the use oi a rugs sample should be kept cool but freeze. It should he turned entitled "Pit of Despair." do er of Vietnam. Capt. Johnson is married to Several awards will be present Elaine and has one daughter age ed at the parade and retirement 3 named Ellen, ceremonies for ISC Morris Davis, CBRWOC who is retiring the end of Octolier. (V-toli- not in at the Main Gate as soon as possible after the collection. works Since the Research closely with the Utah State Fish and Game Department, these disease findings may contribute to a better knowledge of the factors which regulate the deer population in a particular area. The police chief has had 16 years of law enforcement expertencc including 1 years with the Salt Iake City police department where he was assigned to the youth bureau for six years. Chief Anderson will also sjieuk to the Dugway High School stu- dents the aflermxm of the 2Slh. 1 CH Documentary To Be Shown Tues The second portion of the Columbia Broadcasting System documentary on CB will lie shown on Channel 5 at 8 p.m. Tuesday evening. Octolier 22. This second telecast on the program "Sixty Minutes'' will cover the biological aspects of (jtt. as in the tirst program a portion of the program will lie p;m 1 devoted to Deseret Test Center activities at Dugway which were filmed the latter part of Scptem- her. by a crew of eight persons from CBS which included reporter Mike Wallace, producer William Brown and cameramen, , if r ' & , I CAPT. PAUL JOHNSON .i ''- - |