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Show I wmm'Hws&m 'Serb THIS 30-0- 6 REMINGTON MODU. 700 AME BOU RIFLE. THURSDAY WE'tE be, AMn WILL BE HELD TH0RS..3RM. JVAM cWAfIf 6 FRIDAY NI6HT..te 9 PM. opetmaUi 10 bm Fcdoujatqh,t.... FREE COFFEE, ami 90NVTS AT OUR, ftMACJ RAD CrATkC AC 4 32 SCOPE WITH PBICE SURPRIZES N DAt?fi.AlKICCftD TUP UIIMT Pcn-UfY- T UNITED MINES TICKET TO ANYMERE - WWIMf OCTOBERFEST Major and Mrs, Franklin C. Haskins get in costume for the Octoberfest which will be held at the Dugway Officers' Open Men on Friday, October 25. 1 Oktoberfest to Be Held Oct. 25 Van Camp's Cans 15-Ou- nce liMATMtrD-rKSCT- 15 TpBMT H2W. ;J0JIE Lampaigll A" American Cans il I Con Came with Beans- - J11. d KSil fir 'SPANISH 6c Off t - , 6-O- z. Cans ORIOY; ORANGE MDTfKH JUICE owns Pka. -R- 6e Off Qt. Jim netASPBERRIES Jlot Dog . . 1S1 &3 25-F- Bottle .. J' cmsp , C001 co 1 WHIP a I fj il n Pasco Carto- n- Birdseye t Roll - Standard I t for J1 " CMSP YOLO CABBAGE lb. Htadt Catch Football ss BREAKFAST ROASTED PEANUTS Fmh InShtfl., hi. DRINK Trepicana Quart 2 BOOK OP MORMON! REC0R1& (o A tt 18 or STRAWBERRIES ONIONS il I fgd ,77, nTIFDESil BERRIES tfiDurgef z. LOG CABIN EATING til 24-O- a:. la,f XZJU GEMOTS im J 0Jl CANDY .Pkg,-Sl- No. 300 Cans No. 2ft Cans An k .'oflrLarfs-- condiIs your car in tip-to-p tion for winter driving, asks the The Women's Club of the State Patrol. Remember the adage aliout an ounce of prevention. Dugway Officers' Open Mess has Okcompleted their plans for the " toberfest. Octolier 25th is the date and 1930 is the time. Music will DllttOIlS be by the Holidays, mit Deutsch " spezial tanz inusik. A This activity is for the pur- pose of raising money for the TmrlStinn club's scholarship fund. Dona- - 1Vf". . Nolh,"8 more. tuig tta, tions are $1.75 each and each tic- Ev"? PreSldent'al1 for ket holder will be worW four years, door prizes. The ticket holder we to the polls .to watches, does not have to be present to win Contact Mrs Paul Johnson, BEF0R &t) electi 2486, for your ticket. voters boast of the merits of their In addition to door prizes, r. ,. , there will be raffles, beer and .Wi m snacks. Dress is informal but if the form of campaign buttons.! you like to add to the atmosphere, Since 1896, the campaign come mit dirndl und lederhosen has been a part of our and your favorite stein. campaigns. Previously, lapel For those of you with Iwby buttons were actual shirt or coat will bmaas which had to be sewn sitting problems the nursery be open from 1WX) to 2400 pro- - m 0f 1896, Wjl-lhe viding there are enough advance Uam McKinley, a Republicin, reservations. Call Mrs. Hobert defeated his Democrat and Popu for further informa- list opponent, William Jenniijgs 2427, Agnew, tion. Bryan, and the campaign buttdn, Mrs. Paul Faison is the chair as we know it, became a definite man of the Oktoberfest committee, part of our election scene. with Mrs. Eugene Them, Mrs. In 1920, the first year that Paul Johnson, Mrs. William Bon- - women were allowed to vote, one ner, Mrs. Larry Fields and Mrs. campaign - button proclaimed Prosnerib "Peace, Proeress, Eugene Clark assisting her. with John B. Cox. But the button LTC Graff Promoted and its slogan' accomplished little as Warren C. Hardine became LTC John W. Graff was pro- - our president. moted to that grade on Septem- 1928's BUTTON, "Who Bat ber 29 Hoover," proved an accurate pie- BORN IN Terre Haute, In- - diction as Herbert Hoover entr-diana on Octolw 5, 1917, LTC ed the mitc House. In an upset Graff received his Army commis- election, 1948, one button prb- sion asaresultoftheOCSaiemi- - t.Iairaed Harry S. Truman for cal Warfare Service School. Class president while the opposition Sefore9entering the Armv. the button asl that Dwey and Wir- coloncl attended the Rose'Poly- - ren Deney and Warrin technic Institute at Terre Haute .S: TrumJn from 1936 to 1937. and later he J1 wou,d President went on to attend Indiana State bec1a,ne our Buttons l Wln"ers nf evn University from 1939 to 1941. ,. make & re. ft,n " in entered the service Having and election more interesting 1941. Col. Graff received his BS degree from ISU in 1947 where "Mtmft Authentic reproductions of ihe wln"er he was a science minr The colonel, who graduated paign buttons from 1896 to 1984 available for $2.00 from E1&- from the U.S. Army Chemical Corps Advanced Career Course tion Collection, Box 9769, St. in June, 1962, is the recipient of pul. Minnesota. ; numerous decorations including IHHIHsVHHsHBHBsVslM the Asiatic-Pacifi- c Campaign Me dal with three Service Stars, the NFL I Korean Service Medal, the Armed Forces Reserve Medal with j Hour-Gladevice and the Philippine Lilieration Ribbon. LONG TIME friend of the Sm all Hit actio on Sm rm for a btttar colonel is BG John G. Appel, deal on of Deseret your car, homo or l'rf Commanding General Test Center, who pinned the new insurant any day! silver oak leaves on the newly promoted colonel. Col Graff states that lxith General Appel and himself are from Terre Haute, Indiana and also says that the general and he were in the same freshmen class at engineering school. While at task-- training the colonel had General Appel as his platoon leader. Col Graff re- (Mas marks, "It was his (General Appels) encouragement that caused me to seek an OCS commission." Col Graff is presently employed by the Department of Justice with assignment to the Administrative Staff at the United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute, LEONARD 49 HANSEN S. 1st East STATE INSURANCE COMPANIES OffioH! Moomington, Winod FARM Horn Toy Department Now Open at 1 882-300- 5 Western Auto full selection - buy now i |