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Show DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., October 18, 1968 Use The Right Extinguisher switch COMBUSTIBLES suchas C" ORDINARY motors, fires) combustibles as trash, such A" fires) prlaxs paper, wood, cloth, etc., use pressurized water, pump tank, soda-aciand dry chemical extinguishers. A class A fire is put out by lowering its temperature using s water on water rased extinguisher, or by coating the burning combustibles with multipurpose" dry chemicals. FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS For flammable liquids (class B" fires) such as gasoline, paint, oil, tar, etc., use carbon dioxide, dry chemical, or foam extinguishers. A class B fire is put out by smothering it with a blanketing, flame interrupting extinguisher. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT For electrical equipment (class For ordinary d, 1 boards, etc., use agents such as carbon dioxide, or dry chemical extinguishers. Always extinguishuse a ing agent to prevent receiving an electrical shock. Shut off power as quickly as possible. COMBUSTIBLE METALS For combustible metals (class D fires) such as chips, turnings, shavings, CHECK LIST SPECIALS! from magnesium, zirconium, titanium, etc., use special dry powders extinguishers. These inetals in finely divided form require specially designed extinguishing agents to provide smothering blanket or coating. Know what each extinguisher contains and youll know when to use the right one. DEER BAGS Reg. 1.00 Coleman Mantles full-ski- Boys and Girls WindbreaEiers When in the course of human events it Incomes necessary r he usually does! The latest is an for a man to invent that can actually sense common errors like flying letters and ghosting and prevent them! BUT THIS AMAZING new machine would probably not have impressed the indignant Kentucky recipient of one of Mark Twain's early typewritten letters. He shot back: "You dont need to print no letters to me, 1 kin read writen! Though most of the literate the Editor 2 Inpublic knew its p's and q's liet- - test electric was a ter than that, the typewriter had Olivette Underwood a surprisingly difficult time He- - long, hard road strewn with techcoming an American institution. jt.al difficulties. As if that werent lml enough, the typewriter also liecame a pawn in the battle of the sexes. The first known patent for a typewriting device to make characters so neat and exact as not to lie distinguished from print was granted by Queen Anne in 1714 to engineer Henry Mill. No record or description of this machine has survived. A CRUDE device resembling a butcher's meat block was Americas first mechanical contribution to the typewriter, liut it too was lost this time in the Patent ... Hood Drug 34 South Main electric-typewrite- ATTENTION HUNTERS! We will be open 'till 9 p.m. on Friday Buy your horse and feed supplies now! Reg. Green Hay Cubes Hay, bale Straw, bale Rolled Barley, 75 wgrain 100 4.00 Rolled Oats, 65 Whole Oats, 100 Saddle Bags, 3 only Saddle Blankets Raincoats (bright yellow) 2 only Shot-gu- n Shells, 12 ga., 6 & 8 shot Womens Gloves Fall Bulbs Now in Stock Prices effective Fri. and Sat. Only 882-356- 5 Dalton Co. Cook Set rt 12-p- c. FLUORESCENT SAFETY The History of the Typewriter iA9 ; 229 YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Secretaries of bygone days had SECRETARIES: dresses to cope with at the office, as well as typewriters that inquired strong finger action. Todavs secretaries dress and work comfortably. The new light touch electric typewriter has a built-i- n error prevention system that the Editor 2 by Olivetti Underwood shown errors common automatically. typing prevents with hood Emergency Tent 2 Shelter Full Size 5-g- Gl Gas Can al. 4 VESTS early typists had had a formidable machine to wrestle with. For example, Sholcs' machine was mounted on a sewing machine stand, and the carriage had to lie returned to the left margin by means of a foot pedal similar to a sewing machine treadle. Furthermore, the machine, which had only capital letters, typed blind" that is, the keys struck the underside of the roller, making it impossible for the typist to see what she had written until she turned the platen around. You can imagine the amount of that was needed. The wondrous improvements of a shift key, and typeliars with Ixith capitals and lower-cas- e letters appeared a few years later. An typewriter of 1897 banished blind'' writing This vest could save your life! Can be seen for miles on dark days, early mornings, late eve-- , nings. Sright .rang, ! Folding Camp Stools 98( Buck Saw vinyl 49 Reg. 1.00 46-ff- t. RED SWEAT Va Nylon Rope IT SHIRTS Batteries 2125 Heavy fall weight 1st quality.,, fully cut Handwarmer forever. The newfangled machines acquired friends in high places. Mark Twain was among the first to buy a typewriter, and the first to submit a typewritten Office fire of 1836. to a publisher. George Now is the time for all good manuscript Bernard Shaw recognized the new men to come to the aid of the importance of the typewriter party." The author of this noble when he liecame the first playcall to duty was Wisconsin edito use it as a stage pmp tor Christopher Slioles, who wright in ((Candida)) (1898). it for his as a test composed WHEN Thomas Edison visitthe first really practiinvention Sholes to see his new machine, cal typewriter. It was patented ed he prophesied that typewriters in 1868. first manufactured in would one day lie operated by 1873. Then the furor liegan. When the New York City electricity. It seemed unimaginable. Yet soon afterwards, the Young Women's Christian Association announced that it would Wizard of Menlo Park built a which was operated give a six months' training course typewriter by a series of magin typing for young ladies, men electrically the machine provnets. However, howled that this type of arduous work was too much for the female ed to cumliersoine and too exmind and constitution. The first pensive to lie successfully marketelectric eight students, chosen for physi- ed. Tlie first practical cal strength rather than lixiks or typewriter was invented in 1914 of Kanintelligence, were graduated with hy James Field Smathers flying colors and without a single sas City, Missouri. breakdown among them. ImportToday, the latest development Tectrics is a contemporary-delielles in this oiencd the field antly, up office electric typeof office work for women. But signed for years a shortage of trained writer with a memory! The memimpro)ier spacing typists would hamper the wide ory prevents lietween words. The machine will acceptance of the typewriter. hold the space in memory until THE FIRST has printed, then re(for that's what they had to do) the letter the space in normal sequence never heard of touch-typinThat lease to prevent any misaligned letters. was the invention of the The holding time" is only a a typist who sx-n- t 10 of a second. thousandths few years perfecting his system lie- .In addition, the Editor 2, fore he revealed it in ISSS. The manufactured hy Olivetti Underwood Corporation, automatically eliminates the old problem of the th" in " type the is the most common. The machine's sensor also prevents shading, ghosting and flying caps (where part of a capital letter used to appear aliovc or lielow the tvping line). ODDLY ENOUGH, despite all technical advances, the standard typewriter keylioard has never been changed. The present keyboard, and its letter placement date liack to the original Slioles, Machine. The keys were then placed (and still are) so that the letters would most frequcntly-use- d lie spaced as far apart as possihlc to avoid the clashing of type 99 Reg. 1.50 soon All Sizes First Aid Kits I FLUORESCENT Jerseys Gloves ORANGE CAPS L 39 With letdown iear flaps 1.00 .... 4 1 Ifft gg -- gal. Coleman Fuel Thermal Sox' 2 pr. 99 INSULATED G.l. Can Opener THERMAL 10 BOOTS Match Box 77 G.l. Canteen quality insulated boots with deep deated sole . . I all sizes. I First 98 g. Pocket stone 25 84NCH HUNTING or WORK Gun Oil BOOTS pile-ups- Reg. 14.95 2400 car financing Servicemen Ucccive Mail Service Guide WASHINGTON (ANF)-Ev- 6 on used cars up to 2 years old BEEHIVE STATE BANK TOOELE ye dont GRANTSVILLE make money we lend iti 39 BTU All Cal Ammo HEATERS ftlUN9 Free from smoke, fumes, odors, smoke and soot flameless. 24 HOURS ON ONI Reg. 14.5 Hunting Knifes Licenses r99 Va.ua Another reason why the old keylioard remains is even more basic. If the keyboard were changed today, it would ineaii a worldwide retraining of all typists! And what typist, now aide to work with the speed of electricity, wants to return to the days when she must literally wateli her p's and q's? U. S. serviceman Solvent CATALYTIC liars. on new 29 095 I Gun Rocks PORTABLE 2 guns $1 JOHNS 3 guns $1" Sturdy tubular aluminum legs-w- ith Reg. 4X0 bags. Space Blanket 49 49 ery 00C)005 icing reassign- ed outside the continental United States will now receive the latest information on mail service available to him while in ail oversea command. At the direction of the assistant secretary of defense, each military mcmlicr going overseas will receive a copy of a Post Office publication, Department A Post"Mail for Servicemen for Service," Guide al Speeding which includes detailed information on mailing. el; vM DU6EM: SElt URNO - HEADQUARTERS FOR THE GREAT OUTDOORS |