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Show CANNED HAM ROUND STEAK Boneless, Swiffs Premium Can d MS) Full Cut Three-Poun- SIRLOIN TIP RUMP ROAST Ufll 1.! T-BO- Beef Roast I Boneless BONELESS HAM SIRLOIN STEAK Hormsl Cur "81" Bonkless Well Trimmed Dru Hart recently made her debut ti Month. We thought her warm amile would brighten the bleak, wintery November lar glrL ESIRE J Double Luck Cut reiki BEAN POP A TRADE Hercules, prime mover of Mtkm patienU In Vietnam, waita for ita load of "ambus" aa two HU-- 1 helicoptera hover overhead, i aaed to bring wounded from forward points to they are picked up for movement to major hoe- - our n Handy, ImKIalPCiUkl Deer I III ii tens Common Violations hop! opens at Deer season U.3.CH0ICE. day- light Saturday, Octolier 19. Three ranges in the area. The Heaston No. 11, the Stanslmry No. 12, and the Vernon No. 13, will have a five day season from Saturday, icilities to in tip top iter driv- uttte oc kk i on hi shop iris Rain Ottol)cr i9 to Wednesday, Otto-be- r 23. The Deep Creek area will have a ten day season. All of the alwve areas will be open for either sex. Several conservation officers will lie on duty to check each Offirange. Local Conservation cer Roy Garrard warns hunters that any deer not tagged at time of the kill with the proper notches removed to indicate the month and day along with the sex of the animal will lie taken by the officers. Hunters violating this rule will lie sent to a Justice of the Peace. He also reminded hunters of the new law making it illegal to use a spotlight, headlight, or other artificial light, to locate any game when firearms are in the possession of the person using the lijjht. TEAtC. ' 2c Off Lb. Pkg. Big 260hhob Bohie 9 HEINZ KETCHUP SWIFT PREM iring MARGARINE Anutt Oun t.'"':tiy":y:- - INSTANT LUNCHEON MEAT AID OREOSOR MINT SAND lb. Pkg. POTATO FLAKES 4 smii i AQ $199 rTlOWIn. oMLLtll - m-- v irin :onujltant will all day hearing If you have a "U U Can .. ONE-HAL- obligation. opportunity chance to and finest Aids. If you hearing aid g stared at, wight, conv model ive er to your are a hearing aid user and come in during our special hearing aid consultation for a free demonstration, may you purchase a set of batteries at Limit one set to a customer. If you can't come in, call for home appointment. No obligation. If you WHIP, nactiDursei 4fHot ,No.l Till Cans SHORTENING . Or vartetv gAMJ(E ..BEPREPftfcEP QitoursnaekW FOUNTAIN half-pric- 328-988- 1 9a HEARING SERVICE 317 South Main Sah Lake City CEL1T Pkg. 5 mV PRICE F HASH CHICKEN SWIFTNING FRESH BATTERIES Beltone b. WHOLE CAKE. (WIS one in for a aring test, and RE 2-i- 10-O- z. Swift Lewis VVmumtJtmmW P00RB mm SPAGHETTI & 01 t... 2EREX announce " Pkg;'ofi- SANDYS CAST IRON PINE NUTS HALF flOUNP ti PERCOLATORS Main new m FLASHLIGHT MEAT BALLS 9:00 p.m. -. ; er ftoWtSpici o Pu le to on COFFEE iOTEL i Quoker OATMEAL OR CRUNCHY esday, October 22 a.m. Carton RayO-V- WICHES - INSTANT BATTERIES tt can JIF CREAMY CONSULTATION 0 UQsfU NUCOA Nabisco COOKIES OLD FREE HEARING No. 303 Cans Top Easy-Op- en pi 7 P'NUT BUTTER M .GD and Lean Well trimmed Tender Beef ite of the VJoJ6 STEW BEEF STEAK NE -- DefignrfuBy Tender Ife. Beef Tender-age-d 4ki Kta. . I L-- 4 , Doe |