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Show ."And Alice is so glad for me," went on Hetty, little thinking what my feci Published every Wednesday and Saturday. 1 In KpUe pf IIwI-5Iarrie- d eixz in 11 u fCONCtCDED.l I went home, pondering qn the vay jvlmt I slloulXfJo. t cottljrnot dine t, ft here, witl bursting jvith my ecrct tewinjf t)wHt might explode at any mpment. 'fheu there was cousin Willie, too. If ho should rrnv mv beauti-M) Alic'jtf oily Wteniionr t Bikbt adult! miiu io cumroi ray lootings, no j. aoieri minpd. faje, and. mi-pear- JM i o betpre dinner tor my answer, anq ft I up were accepted, have a' merry Christmas; if rejected, go home and and j jvell, nearly die pf, a broken heart. I was and al-- i most ran home to put it into execution. But how easy to get up pen, ink, and apcr! how difficult to write! I tore up etter after letter: azain and acaiit-- I delighted-trttinh8"Iffea- my feelings was great. Should I leave! it, and gp and say my jayjn.person? No, Jio.jl Sonld tot do .JH.it. $1 tyngue woifhf'Clc'ate "to Viy 'tooith';'1tne very fhonght seemed U deprive me of all jpowcr pf articulation. Hero goes, I saj I lat. I will write it off" at once, and, I ..-lon;i.iditpycr.u here I was at a full stop! .My dear ' t IT pireany. now was i io Degini ir 1 were doing it personally, I might try the effect qf 'Alice," spoken in a low, deep; tone, paper., ' jure it looKsr bo cqoin el. .: h'i i v. j ucrcire ti uegun again: -- my near suss Jdordon" I canvt remember mv words. though no doubt my poor Wife does, but I i Know ciy fewer was very tenner, and, hoped", very .earnest i(K impressive. I was onde more puzzled how to end my epistle, but at last decided on '. -- 1 at I rne, Cjlieve .waiting" ln (J,eaf, deatJUs Gordon, ings were. "She says you're just the kind of man she would like for a brother. You know it would ngt do for ui both to want you for a husband eh, Phi ip?" "No, dearest," I stammered, "it would not." I jeouhJ not talk t her, but eha seemed not ici mind inv silence. We iai haad in hapd, dreaming, thinking. Inwardly I was repeating my letter to Charlie Somers, telling him all about my love to Alice. Now 1 must hasten to tell him that it was llettie I meant. Oh deurl what a whirl my poor brain was in! At last, to my great relief Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Gordon entered. shook me warmly by the hand and srul, "Pear JilT. uwynne, there is no one 1 weald rather give young birdie to than you. Alice, though younger, is so quiet and steady, tdieip far more cap-able of acting for herself; but you'll always be kind and tender to Hettie, won't you?" "Of course he wilt of course he will," cried Mr. Gordon. "Come,. Gwynne, and wash your hands." Deeply grateful for the chance (not that my hands were dirty, but because 1 felt I should burst out crvina or do some thing equally absurd if 1 stopped there), ,' i , '; IioUowed Jam. What time do you dine, Mr.Gordon?" I asked..,, - ., , . - , ' blx, he replied. "It is now a quar ter past five." "Ah, I shall just have time, I said. 'I find I have forgotten to leave orders ibout a certain medicine. If you'll allow roe, I'll just run down to the surgery, for .it will.BQt do tq bo careless a.bout physio." said Mr. "Certainly pot, certainly, fjordon; "though very excusable under the circumstances, make haste six my-wi- ld s - sharp." I almost ran off. I let myself into the trembling, hope and fear, Oh joy 1 U yours in life and death, yours only and surgery with fjiy latch-kewas empty. Locking the door, I sank lowefc.. V. . V Phiup OwrnrtK;" This I dispatched to Mine Gordon, en- into a chair and paused to tljink. What closing a note for ,he young lady's papa, should I (Id? The only (imp for escape fo be delivered at her discretion. You was now. Should I send up a note to fnay believe, I scarcely closed my eyes say I was suddenly called out, and see what totmorrqw would do? Should I Jill that night. Next (jay, Christmas day, I was too pack up my things, throw my character busy to attend church; but I got clear and profession to the winds, and bolt? about four o'ciock, and, hastily dressing They were not tempting alternatives. I myself, itartc 'fpr Mr. pardon's. He almost did the first. But was I not a - mean coward? was I not going to act r' . jaiet me warmly;''' 'Cjjme In here, my doar fellow," said unworthy of a gentleman? After plightbe; "I cap'rial, yoi how. pleagad she is ing my troth and receiving her shy! roaru-n- d I am quite kisses,' could I now explain? And yet, my wife, satisfied as to money and worldly affairs. was it right to marry one sister, loving Quite.. ')ftld.TflcutTpsorll a good prae- - the other? Why had they not seen I a settlement, you loved Alice and told me at once my case ticejWt musk have be all right. Rather was hopeless? Why did I not ,open (niy you'd Jiave her than an earl. Cod bless ejes t,nd sea, that, contrary to appearyen I I m VrWrl'to dall you'son.' I've ances, she was the younger? No use to ask that now! spoken to her. 8he loves you, my boy loves you dearly, she says she has' done My duty was clear, my course plain, I fl long. 4n D0W 'nat you are pne of smoothed my tupiblcd, hair, bathed my the family..! may, as well tell you a hot temples in cold water, and detersecret. My youngest daughter Is en- mined to be a man and no coward. I gaged, top. Yes, Alice and my nephew would act my part and trust tp time to William are going tp make a match, pf it. make it natural to inc. So t retraced my seps, ant entered Don't lopk so astonished. She'Hmake him a good wife- - forthpugh sl)e is a the Gordons' drawing-roojust as it year youngor than dear Hetty, she looks stpuok six. I was of course introduced Aider, you know', amj is more steady and to Cousin Willie. He was a tall, fellow, looked and spoke like a sedate. Bui Hetty's a' dear girl, and make yon happy. Don't gentleman, and seemed very fond tf speak, don't speak! There, I'll send her Alice, and she of him. Somehow I felt in." And off the lawyer bolted in his better when I saw them together. After jisual jerky way, before I pould speak a all, Hetty was just as pretty with her , , wavy, gl6ssy hair, her bright eyes, with , rl. ' Was I mad)' Was I dreamingf Alice their new, softened expression, and that the younger.! Alice engaged.' fletty Bhy smile round her rosy mouth. I deViving ma dearly! Ifetty coming to me! clare I found myself comparing them to Ye powers, what on' earth wa it all my little one's advantage, and felt quite abmuT How could been such a pi'vjud aa I led her into the diuin-rooWhat need I say more? Day by day fool? 4 thousand little hitherto unnoticed facts crowded on my brain, my lot grew sunnier, ray little Hety the statement. How could I dearer and 4crer to nte. t never knew appearances so utterly, and her otherwise than bright and, whilu Alice but -- I must tint taken' tier for fhe oldest without being certain? Sho engaged; and wild, merry, toll tales Alice is a dear girl, and I am e!' It still would very fond of her, and of my nephews and pweet Ilciiy y loving not enterrmy brain. What should I do? nieces; but all my heart and, love is my own merry Hetty's. Jlet up, bolt, and explain afterward? We have now besn'married some years, J sjirang iip to gbey my impulse. - As I difTsV thejdoor opettod, and with and little ones patter about home; and as jfowncast cyesrn J rosy blushes, Hetty I write, my own sweet wife leans over camo in. I rushed eagerly toward her, my shoulder," and reads' hovf out of my and grasped hor bands. I voUld confess mistake grew my lifo's best and truest and she says, mischievously: jlt, I thought. "Hotty" I began. She happiness; 'My dear .old Phil, what a happy man mistook my action, my words, lor ajfeo-ioJJhe came nearer to me, responded you are, although, you had to get mario my waira clasp, and then, overcome ried in sprita of yourself!" ly shyneVs, hid he.r prelty, curly head The Widou'H Victims. my shoulder. My embarassmcnt nomentarily inerensed. '0h, Hetty, how rimmr tocsq men abb ta$m in Hetty" I began or,ce more. AND DOSB rOTT IS CHICAOQ. i'Dear rjiilip,sU'e whisk ed In reply io what she deemo affsetiviU "I am so There appears, on a certain day, in li tippy, 1'hilip." each of the daily papers an advertiseo uai caiuq i qpi ion uer u was all a ment setting forth that a "young widow ; t h,'. '.mht 1ha Hbrighl lady, of refinement, education, beauty jkkfi,iVul young life and heart forever? In that one und wealth,' intends to make the tour of the continent, and wishes to epgago, as ecpnq, 1 niarte a great decision. JI chances of lihppincsfthad Hei.' I woul a' Companion and protector, a young genacrifioe myself and warry her, and she tleman of cultivation and rqfi,neinent, who will receive a liberal salary and fjiouui never Know the truth, beiit down and whispered, 'God have all h,is expenses paid." That Idcgs ypur, Hetty; I, will try and make brings a crowd of the prettiest young barpy;" and I pissed the wild, niqu.in Jw t the flffioe f, he l)ureau" man, who acts as her easing,' merry girl, now so gentle, so grinning, so sweet. I could not rudt)y agejlt. v Eaoh takes hire aside and says. iirean ner neart. quite confidentially. "My dear fellow, if ptiwjuKCd up, miuxnen nta uer TAce you get this engagement fV Toe, ' will Ugain (in my shoulder, and clung to me, give you" (twenty-fiv- e or fifty dollars, q hide Tier einntipu. Was is not possible as the case might be).' Then the agent io loye her? Ought I not to be thankful? says, "My dear sir, I dpn't think I pught Jlad 'I married ijlice, no, I mean to do it, but still, I like your looks, and til ter--J- . should only bjon think the lady will yes, I ntn sure she rejected, and gone away miserable, nqw, will, aiyj I have influence with her; so I la4t.vreaL true Jieart to love io. just take a note from me, see her, and Furoly sVrfcly,1 lrl'titne I Wght return come back." Each understands that "come b,ack." It means "pome down" jier affection. ('Can yon fcajvjfy with Tnoj Hetty?" after tke 'engagement is obtained.-. Each and all see her in turn, in a magJ asked. "Oh, Thilip, indo?i J can," she re- nificent brov-- atone mansion, and they find ter very pretty, very smart, and plied. "I always feared you laughed at ma," when she seems to take a great fancy to each , in, his order and engages him as "1 only laughed to hide my feelings," her companion at a splendid salary, each . said lleYty. , , . pronounces, her an exceedingly oharm: "I ain'n6tHcnJ nety,'r'i continued. ing womsn, atju Himself one, of the luck"I will be a careful little wife, '-' iest men alivq. ' Sho engages them all i fit. lU'n fend they all return and pay the ageu1 iMLr7jl-'in;"I aj not worthy of you," I sa:-d-. his handsome fee. "Yes, you are," she1 exclaimed; 'I am ' The next day the offioe is closed. th pot worthy of you." rent has become about due, and this was There was ' no escape for me. She the grand coup pf the agent's art to close wouldn't see me in' my w',rst light. She in a blaze of professional cory. "bilk would' Jove me. ing" even the landlord and tie man frotq We sat down side by side. She prat- whom he hired his furniture. As tled to me how Alice and Willie had for the beautiful young widow, the long loved, ach. other, but that it had places which knew her, know her nq hevcj been ;a settled thing till now.t for more. ' Shi ony engaged hpard for his1 position' had not been such thkt hn week in the brown-ston- e mansion, and , niaj-ry, lcf fore tho week was up. y. m fair-beard- will,-I'm-s- ure d; nave-frust- . n. ' ju vEin-ployinc- nt W . " , Tlii-jipt- Tito Wonders of an Atom. . NEW T ORK mDiDlll llUDliV THE BEST IN THE, .WORLD U 1070! All things visible around us are aggre gations of atoms. From partiples of GREAT FARMERS' PAPER! dust, which under the miscroscope could HIE scarcely be distinguished one from the The Taper of the People! other, are all the varied forms of nature Now i the time to gubsrrilte far the created. This grain pf dust, this par G tide of sand, has strange properties and It U Cheap because it Circulation targe? than thatofany other NewtjiAlxr. powers. Science has discovered gome, but still more truths are hidden within Now it the time to form Clubt. this frregular inoleoule of matter which The w York Tribune we npw aurvey than eren philosophy contain all the important Weekly Editorials nuhlished in dares dream pf; How strangely it obeys the DAILY TUIUINE. except those Qf nieroly loalso Literary and HciuiH jc lntdli-g;icthe impulses of are the cal internet; Keviewa of the most interesting and im influences of light ppon it elecjficity portant New ltooka; letter! from our larva corpa latent newi received by Tola-- . wonderfully excites it and still more of Correspondents; IS PUBUSHED Uraph from all parts of the world ; a summary of curious is the manner in which it obeys the an mieiiiKmce iu uiia vny aim bibs. uujjurutiit nmgjc of chemical fqrpe. These are where; a Synopsis ol the Proeedinm of Con(resi Btato LeK'"lture when in session ; Foreign phenqmena which we have seen; we and received by every steamer ; Kxclusiv lie-kuow thera and we can reproduce them News of the Proceedings of the F&rmers' Club of EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY at qur pleasure. We have advanced a ports the American Institute ; Talks about Fruit ; Stock, litte way intq tho secrets pf nature and Financial, Cattle, Dry Ooods. and General Market from tLe spot we have gained we look Hearts. The Full Reports of the American Institute Farforward with vision somewhat bright- mers' Club, and the various Agricultural Reports, And already enjoys m extensive ened by our task; but we discover so in each number, are richly worth a year' sub scription. circulation. much to be yet unknown; that we learn HUKTICULTUKAL DEPARTMENT. another truth our. vast ignorance of To kpep pace with the growing interest in pracmany things relating to this grain of tical Horticulture, and to comply with frequent dust. appeals from all parts of the country for informa " tion or a practical character on the subject, we It gathers around it other particles: have engaged the services of a person who is ex and each acting perienced in rural anatrs to write In a lucid style they cling together, a series of articles on the Management of small upon every other one, and all of them arT Farms, Fruit and Vegetable Culture, and how to themselves around the little ranging make tnem pay, giving general and specific directCenter according to some law, a beautiful ions from plautiug to the ultimate disposal of the prystal results, the geometric perfection crops. VI late years there baa been a lucrative business of its form being a source of admiration. carried ori by unprincipled men, in selling worthiimier now names to the inexIt exerts come other ppwers, and atom ier and old plants ITS CpLyHNS COMTAIX perienced. TILE THUILNK will be always ready adhering tp atom, obeying the influences te the farmer against any such imposiUou guard pf many external radiant forces, under- tliat comes within our knowledge. goes inexplicable changes; and the same VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. dust which we find forming the diamond To make THE TRIBUNE still more valuable RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, its agricultural readers, we have engaged Prof. aggregates into the lordly tree, blends JtoAM Ed LAW, Veterinary Surgeon in Cornell tp produpe the graceful, scented and University, to answer questions concerning disea HOIE CORRESPONDENCE, richly-paipte- d flower, and combines to ses of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, and other domestic prescribe remedies. Answers and yield the luxury of fruit. It quickens animals, a,ud towill be given only through the with yet undiscovered energies; it moves prescriptions FOREIGN CORRESPONPENCE, of TUB TRIBCNE. Y t ars sure, that this with life; dust and vital force combine; new feature in THE TRIBUNE will add largely to blood aqd bone, nerve and muscle, re- its readers, as 'all owners af animals are liable to need tho EDUCATIONAL, proffered. Inquiries should sult from the combination. Forces be made information as brief as nossiblo. that the ouestions. whiph we canrjqt, by the utmost refine answers, and prescriptions may be published to ments of our philosophy, detect, direct gether, in snort, we intend that Til Si TKIliUNE AGRICULTURAL, the the whole,, and from . the same dust thall keep in the advance in all that concerns Agricultural, Manufacturing, Mining, and othpr whje) formed the rock and grew it in interests of the country, and that for variety and RAILWAY AND the tree, is produced a living and a oomploteneM, it shall remain altogether the most and instructive NtWr valuable, interesting, thing, capable of receiving a PAPLR pnblished in the world. breathing divine ' illumination, or bearing in its It has been well observed that a careful reading PQMESTIC NEWS. new state the gladness and the glory of ond study of the farmer' Club Report in THE TRIBUNE save alone will a hundreds farmer of, a soul-Ht Poetry of Seienct. dollars in his crop. In addition Ifi these reports, reat Family Newspaper OGDEN JUNCTION heatx-mysteri- ous SEMI-WEEKI- ; The Scientific Americar, 1870. $1,500 Cash, c!? por $1,500 A VALUABLE PREMIUM FOR ii I This splendidly Illustrated weeklv tra-- TJ T POPULAR 8CIKNCK, MiUHANlC8,INVK KNGliERINU CHKMlSTliY, AGRICULTVRE and the kindVed art. TWENTY-FIFTYEAR on th first dky of . U ary next, having a circulation far exceedicr U"" " 01 any simulur Journal now published THE EUITORIAL KEPARTSIKNT of thesrw title American is very ably conducted of the most popular writer in, this ConntrvTl Kuropeare contributors. Evejy number hsii. imperial patto. embellished with ttne emriiS of MACHINERY, NEV INVENTIONS ?, FOB 1UK WUKKSll01,, FARM AND Hfl VV0RK1 HOLD, ENQUEUING. BWeS4 I10USKS, PUBLIC BUILPING8 A Journal of so much intrinsic value tv,. . ought to have, in thuhrl5 pric.of$;iayef, A country, MILLION READERS. Whosoever read the Scientific American fc and instrweted, without being both.S1 . Trwith hard word ordry details, ...j1 TQ INVENTORS AND MECHANICS thi Journal of special value, as It contain, wookly report of all Patents issued at .Washiiiitn, with coplou notice of the leading AMKKli'iiif 1 AND EUROPEAN INVENTIONS. Tha. fekiT? ers of the Sidentiflic American are the most eitlT aiva Patent .Soliciiors In tlia- World, and bits v quallod facilities for gathering a complete knoL edge of the progress of invention, and Discern, throughout the world ; and with a the quarter of acentury, during vrUlclx tUiijonnak has held the first place in SdoutiUo and Mstli cat Literature, the Publisher will issue on Jnw. by John 8artain of Philadelphia, entitled "MEN OF PROGRESS - : AMERICA INVENTORS," the plate consisting nearly $4.fM) to enCTrtssvr contaius nineteen likenesses of Illiistrium) Amen, can in ven tors. It Is a snjicrb wor of art. Single piuturs, printcd on h(iayy paper, will tw old at $10, but any one subscriding for the gcisj, title American the papor will be sent for one yen together with a copy of the engraving, on recitM of $10. The picture is also offered as a pmmin for olub of tcribws. AND HUNDRED ONE FIFTY CAS rniitdi to the above In. addition premium, the puMlihtn ill pay 11,500 In CASH PRIZES for list of nh. scriber sent iu by February 10, I370, PenoM who want to compete for these prices, should bmJ at once for prospectus and blauks for names. Terms of Scientific American, one year &,40-si- ; months $1,60 ; four months, $1.00. To cluUe 10 and upwards, term $2.60 per annum, ropie sent free, addrasa ths Publiibm 37 Park Row, New Yrk. MUNN 1 COn How to got Patents. A pamphlet of tttmt Law sad instruction to inventor sent fret, ELGIN WATCHES unt ' ( Aiimr. j, ,.,.v ...... we shall continue to print the best things written on the subject of agriculture by American and foreign writers, and shall increase these feature from year to year. As it is, no cni'lent farmer can do without it. As a lesson to his workmen alone, every farmer should place THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE upon his table every Saturday evening. THE TRIBUN B is tlie best and cheapest paper in the country. This is not said In a spirit of boast-fi- ll nos. U ha fallen to Nw-Yor- k to create the greatest newspapers of the country. Her concen trate the coiiiinerce.the manufactures, the mineral resources, the agricultural wealth of the Republic Here all the news gather, and the patronage is so large that iouroalits can afford to print it. This Is the strength of THE TRIBUNE. We print the cheapest , and tiest edited weekly newspnier in the n e nave all the advantages around us. country, We have great Daily tmd editions. All the eluliorate and intricate machinery of our establiidiiuont perhaps the most complete in America is devoted to the punioso of maklns THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE the best and cheapest newspaper in the world. The result is that we have so systematized and expanded our resources that every copy of THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE cou-taras niu n mattftr asa duodecimp volume. Think of 'ill For two dollars, the subscriber toTHK TR1BUNF for one year bujs as much mailing matter as though b filled a shelf of his library with II fly volumes, coutaiuing the greatest works in the language. The force of cheapness can no further go. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE is the paper of the Here the. eager student may haru thu pecjilft. livwons of science. Here the scholar ma,y read of the liest books,. Here may be found correspondence from all frts of the world, tbaobse.ri vntloiii of sincere and'giftud men, who stirva TUK. TKlUCNE in alinos fvery country. TH,E TRIIlUNFUstrong by reason of its enor-mo- m circulation and great clApness. It lias long beeu conceded that THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE has the largest circulation of any newspaper in the country. For year we have printed twice as many papers, perhaps, as all of tho other weekly editions of the city dailies combined. This is why we are enabled to do our work so thoroughly and cheaply. The larger our circulation, the better paper we can make. What are the practical suggestions? Many. Let every subscrilier renew his subscription, and urge his neighbors to do the sum. If a man cannot afford to pay two dollars, let him raise a club, by inducing hi neighlmrs to subscribe, and we shall end him a copy gratis for bis trouble. N'o news- so large and complete as THE W EEKLY fipor was ever before offered at so low a, price. Even when our currency was at par witn, no such paper bnt THE TRIBUNE was offer gold, ed at that price; and THE TRIBUN E then cost us far less than It now does. We have solved the problem of making the host and cheapest newspaper in America. TERM8 Of THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. To Mail Subscribers: One copy, one year, 62 iasuo - ' . fioo o copies, y, iu copies, to one address, xi so each (and one extra copy); 10 copies, to names of $1.60 each (and sulswrjbori!, at one Post-Otnone extra copy); 20 copies,' to one address, $1.25 each (and one eftra copy); 20 copies, to names suiivcrilM-rs- , at one $l.il4 each (and one extra copy; 5u copies, to one address, $1 each (and one txtra copy); 60 copies, to nainos of subscribers, at on $1.10 each (and one extra copy.) There is a 'tmelancholy interest" in a little affafr that actually occurred not a thousand miles frpra Boston a short time since. A well , known clergyman one mprning an imperative summons to be iq attendance tq perform the n un "ceremony" of an equal dertaker in the evening. He went accordingly, supposing, of course,' that he was to accompany the man of grief to a house of mourning, but was agreeably disappointed on finding the house (over th,e shop) brilliantly lighted and tilled with guests whom the undertaker pro ceeded to introduce as fqllows:' ' 'This is my intended wife, sir, Miss if Crape. I shall marry her you'll officiate." "lerttiipiy, repliCtt tne clergyman, somewhat amused,, "nnd these are your friends - U witness the eeremony!" Rooking around-a- t the crpwded apartment. "Oh, ye, you know many of them allow tne 1l is is Mr. Bones, sex, ton of . St. Charles Church." ; Mjrv Bones rose solemnly, and heaved hundred 'dollai1 funeral sigh as he bowed to, the minister. "Mr. Mould,, sexton of the brick . ,:i . chapel," white vest, Mould, who had a low-clargo glossy white shirt bosom and colorf a L pale - faod and sunken eyesy which gave him the appearance of being "laid out," replied to the clergyman's greeting with the usual sad shake of the head he had practiced at funerals for the past twenty years. "11ns, said the host, as an individual with downcast approached on tip-togaze as ir strata; of disturbing the siln ence of a family sitting in the front parlor at a funeral, ."this, is Mfi' Brack, the undertaker, believe Black' bowed,' and you've met before inclined, his Jiead sideways, as if he expected the minister to whisper mm di rection to him tiefore viroccedintt with the service, , . "Allow mo to make you acquainted with Mr. Stonj, the sculptor. Mr. Stone griped the minister's hand as he would lr Trlhnne mallet; be was proprietor of "Stone s The New TorkTUESDAY and FRIDAY, and pnblished every Monumental Works,"--- . Then followed isbeing printed twice a week, we can, of coarse, print introductions to superintendents of two fill that appear in our weekly edition, including everything on the subject of Agriculture, and cau cemeteries, a plate engraver, and others add much Interesting and Talimblematter.for which less or connected with the mqre grim there is not sufficient room in THE WEEKLY business of the host, who, after finishing TRIBUNE. Th TRIBUNE also in the con,re of a year. Three or Four of the introduction?, announced himself ready gives, BEST AND LATEST POPULAR NOVELS, fcr the marriage ceremony. by living authors. Therost of these alone, "lou dont mind standing here and In book form, would be from six to eight(thought dollars. can o much current intelligence and using this blaokwalnut case for a table, Nowhere elso litorarv matter te had at so cheap a permanent do you?" said the bridegroom. "It rate as In THE TRIBUNE. was too heavy to move; besides, it's full ' TERMS Of THI TRIBC5S. of shrouds and caps, that we don't wan$ at. .ii ... , . . . ,a .... i piiwovt iiTMs, i vanioera, I,4. : 'v Mail (ubscribera, a copies, 1jrar ; tq tumble." $7." yoar lot number, ... The minister acquiesced, and the Person remitting for 10 Conies V10 will receive ' tvraiu wqre duly united, after which an extra copy aue year. ror iiiii we win send thirty-roa- r cake, wine and conversation pervaded copien and The DAILY TRIBUNE. . . . , me company. Jne clergyman congratulated the THE DAILY TRIBUNE to publishbridegroqm on his bride. "Yes," replied ed every mornijg (Sunday excepted) at'' $1U per the happy man, "she's been my house- year; for six mon'.hs. .,-keeper for some time nice, woman THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC. 1S70. Pric 20 cts. TRIBUNE ALMANAC REPRINT. ain't afraid of dead fplks." 1S38 9 1868. 2 vols. IlaifVonnd. ' $10. said the clergyman, RECOLLECTIONS OF A BUST 'All, indeed, LITE. Bv Horace . ... J A .L llMdl. V..i. getting a little chilly along down his r.iiH .ai,,ma ...I VIOin, UlUlllllg. $2 60. backbone in spite of himself, and, &0. $3 Half $4. Library. Morocco, Half Calf. $i. Morocco Anti nun. Si. wishing to change the subject, he re- MARGARET FULLER'S WOKJxS. .New Mtion. marked: ' vols, cintb. S10. v PEAR FOR CULTURE Mr TrcsselsT" PROFIT. news, QUINN. $1 "Any OF AUR1CULTURB. WAR1NU. "News, no-;t-hat is, yes! You remem- ELEMENTS New Edition. Cloth. $1.- - : ber Merker, who jumped overboard and DRAINING FOR HEALTH AND PROFIT. WARdrowned himself frtm a. forry beat last ING. Ckrth. $1 60. EARTH CLOSETS. How to make them. WARweek?" . INtf. 24 cento. t "Yea." Sent free on receipt of prica. "Well, they found him this morning in ten feet of water, nnd, paving-stgne- s in In making remittances for subscriptions or book, always procure a draft on New York, or a Post-his pockets." , Office Money Order, if possible. Where neither of "Indeed!'? these can lie procured, send the ruWy, bt a! warfee "ies! wa ve got him up stairs, if In a RE01STKUED letter. The "registration has been to reduced fifteen and the cents, present you'd liknta see him!" system has !een fonn'd by the postal Not knowing what rcieht come next. registration authorities to I virtually en absolute protection Ihe clergyman thought best to take his. against lossj by mail. All Postmasters are obliged register ictwrs wnenever requested to do so. departure, which he 'djd with a gjave io Terms, rash In adreiice. uviuwiw iuuou iq me occasion. Addrcw, Til B TP111CNZ, ed well-know- . - ; , ut e, , grief-stVickc- . TBI OGDEN JUNCTION JOB PRINTINGOFFICE uonw Js supplipj vitu the latest improved ' faoiities for turning out every description of r. JOB PRINTING r. la the finest style. lea Washington 8U, Sottas. SPAEOITB. 4 laaiden Lane. Kew Tor. X., WEMUS, 5PAHSONS Maiden Lane, New Tork, 80OTT ft HBNMW3KS, Pitt burgh, ?k JIMrXNS A BATCH. Cinrrlnnarl, Oslo, XTDSLXTOK BROS.. 10 lialdon Lan. X. T. WABBX2T ladlot dedga and finlik, Watch, of equal merit for surpassed qualities with th "B. V. Raymond," but of tmaller aperior to anymanufactured in thi country, will thing ' be placed in market.' Shortly TJDERSi time-keepi- ' Ho Hovements Betalled by the Company.' Posters, CALL OK TOTJB JEWILLTJH AND ASK TO ' B TBS ILOIW WATCH BS. Hand Bills, Jhuine Offt Katientt mrui Salesroom ., naten company, 161 LAKE ST., CHICAGO. t f Letter ITeds 3 & , BJU Heads, PTIONAL WATCH jpeeds, COMPANY. filanks, Order BooJt, Invitatifys, Party. Tickets, ELGIN WATCHES t Z ELGIN WATCHES! "; , Carty, etc., etc. SIX STYLES NOW - Promptly attended to and B, W. Baymond, E. E. Culver, H. E. Tavlov, FIRST-CLAS- S WORKMANSHIP IN MARKET. . meeler, MatLaflin, O. M. J. T. Eyersoa. renT pleetd bstbr th pnblle. SUPERIORITY OF THI8B WATCHJ9 .IN 1 r ha already CONSTRTJCTIOS AN 0 (IQN tor them a National Reputation, and th B B AS for thorn hat so Kapldly Increased thattt Company have bee compellod to make larte additions to their for of Employe and Jiacluf 01 y, in order to meet thorequirement of the men, and other desiring an eocar and reliable Watch, are invited to eiamln the W. Baymoad Kovementi. On of our ledif But J d GUARANTEED. Kallrnad Com sanies, thorougbly convinced of tnr . Bnginesr. superiority, has furnished them to their wo" aad they are prononnoed by tham to be thmanntt Watche yet running American Railway lmrxsri Snest ths tooaisof and folly ral tand, . ,,. VT sicues as aorrvci iiiutwi It 0 Movement rtalled by the Company. to ask tee ad thn Call en yonr Jeweler - -' Ncw-Tor- tit, yt TOE d.,l,..-iK- y, If atchee, of elegant aad a Gsntlsman : 1 lt accurate and durable Taking into consideration tha improvonuofe Ton have Introduced In their construction, and tin general Oneness of finish of oven tho lowest grada w regard them as being well worth their pric,U tak great satisfaction In telling them to suck of ear customer as desir good CO- PALKSB, BACHELDIKS --: NEW-YOR- cr. SArputca, wiaDtua aTMis, & esrmuTii a oa, Moasa, aoooni a auimaoa, a co. u. a. v. aoaats a ccs as the Th name above win be reeoa-nlia- d In; Jeweller of Chicago. They have no pecuniary interest In tho Company, but freely testifya to tho gsnnin merits cf tho wstcbes, which lot th past year have boen sold by them. Katiowai Watoh Coirrifrr, Crncioo: Okkts t Th watches of yonr make, sold by during th put year, have, with scarcely an eeption, given more than ordinary satisfaction, sat ar proving to be all that you claim for than a Seml-Week- XI..-- JUTTOHAL WATCH COMPANY r i Having carefully examined and tettsd yon watchea, w find them perfect in all their part, of ana nn.tsn, ana wen aaaptea to tne want of to Vme-kseplpnbli. We consider them the bnt pud watches to America for the price, aad qaa to the finest European Watch, for accurate tint, that cost donble or three time tha money. W cheerfully recommend, them to all par ties wiihlaf, pooa uma-uepe- r. Rowuit a H'SLWAur, 1, m. e. iratntea, , a eo, eais j. a. asrukav, . a. a a. orrssuajMia u k. mat, . Business OfBce and Salesrooms, D f rvT7,TTTVTTTTVTii ALL ITS; URANCHES, 59 & ?1 LAKE STn CHICAOJ BUSINESS CARD ' MERCHANT AND TROFESSIOSAli should have a supply. tVe will w ""' iS, he Ixst tj1 of the art. IVKRT |