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Show Take The Papers. Bt S. Putlill-eVer- titkth. paptrsf TU'us.tlie lift ofy dsjllgb.tr xout ttbaut election, tlm, And flis J lead for fpiU. VfbT don't you i TERMS OF' SV'BSCKIPTIOXH 1 18.00 ; ; "w -1 .' . rtna 'i- - W.i . 4.00 ill Month "- I' r 2.00 Three Mouthi Single CofJ .10 APTtffINO. RATES OF 1 i j .iJ Dcltoiedo ' 3 $5 $ $1S 4 20 & 24 7 10 18 m 11 !1 I 40 10 13 18 M 44 W 19 to IS 20 80 34 46 T9 loo $2 10 H 3 COlUSO, 0rd jUilnw t 4' II u 70 40 M 65 1 o iss SO 1(KI ' aSwrtisor allow)do ehange alt pleasure, " ' Yiidt of twenty-fiv- e additional '7n ony the Ssrg. charge Muare for composition, but they will be v.r con- JMtTB to 'Tilecial .Occupyiw retained on Notice or Advertisement! rv: legislative, Council ment, Transwut adv.rtising to be paid for in advance. of tea line of type of thin A Square consist outside of the paper, will be charged tweuty-- L cent, additional on the abore rates, on ti l J with the jjvrtisiiittt not marked rf iusertwii, will be imbosheU a our opat transient and ordewid out, charged tion until J,w Insorted till forbid, will be ADVERTISEMENTS jcontinnod until .ordered out, in every instance, and I i for accordingly, i t xharired advertis-I- , The privilege of yearly and half yearly OGDEX, UTAH, SATURDAY, JAXUA11Y 29, 1870. v , ' ,i : ., , On motion of Councilor E. Snow, was referred to the "eomniittee on roads, i 'A ia auo r month. $ Councilor Cannon presented bill of the Territorial Marshal, for bis services, and expenses of the District Courts for first and third districts, which was read. and, On motion 'of Councilor Smobt,1 was re ferred to the "committee on' claims and appropriations. Councilor Hyde, presented the finan cial report of Sanpete county,,, ; On motion Of Councilor Bigler, the re port "was" referred to the committee on revenue. Council adjourned; ' i , . appropriation, Territorial Officers: Deleaatt to ' William Congrtit Jlooper. ''' '' , II. Zerubbabel Snow, Xarthali. D. T. McAllister." Auditor William Clayton. . Treasurer David 0. Caldcr. , Attorney-Gener- v x v Minute read "and accepted: Housa adjourned till a.m. 1 . ... '.Richards. Select Men Friday, 21,., to Congress The memorial far annualj o , ttqrfd . : Coroner HOUSE. ; Surveyor and Superintendent of School Wm. W. Burton. City Gorernment: Inoorporated fcy Act ff Jant J 8, election biennially on 'the second Monday of February. , Moetines of the City Council weekly, on Tuesday evenings, at City.Hall, M&m Btrocti 1 lfayof.-Lorett.F- arr. 1st Ward; L. J. Hefnck, 2d '.,', ) Joseph Parry, 3d . Counselor James Me Gaw, .iWaltor Thompson,. Williaa. V Burton.i Josiah F. A. Brown, Aldermen ' jbcavitt. "Recorder Attorney Thos.'G; Odell. A.' Miners -- N. Fife! 'mklVf. Treasurer Aaron Attmorwd Paylain of it? rs v -- j tl. j Farr. Collector Mi. W. Surveyor "" - S. Bingham.! Burton. Poip,G.,Taylpr, Ogden Post Office: Friday, 21. House met pursuant ta adiourSment H. F. 1, An act incorporating Wash ington city, Washington county, was takes7 up' and read seoond and third time and passed. Mr. John Taylor, chairman of the committee on petitions and memorials. reponea DacK ine memorial 10 ongTess praying for annual sessions of the Legis lature of the Territory of Utah, having amended said meoiorial,. and recommen ded its passage as amended. Said memorial was read as amended, -and adopted,, , Oi Mr. Rockwood, presented petition of W. I. Applcbjs praying for relief, which was'rd, andj On motion of Mr. Wright, the same was referred to the oomsorittee on claims and appropriations. Mr, , Wright, presented a bill entitled An act . to. incerporale Willard city in Box Elder county, which was read the first time, and. OnMotidn ef Mr Evans tlie same Was referred to the committee on municipal cerporations and town sites. Minutes read and accepted, House' adjourned till Monday' at 10 f t:t General Delivery from 3 a.m. to 7.80 p.m. Sundays, trora o p.m. to 7.30 p.m Daily Mails closr, until further notice. am. wmt Likoitj io for the Last For the West, From Salt Lake City From the East west 5 , arrivb i s t.rt.i 9 a.m. - ti . - : - p.m. - - 10.80 a.m. J.80 plro.) 10.30 a.m, EMAILS . - cockcil, (. Saturday, 22. to adjournment, Council Councilor L. Snow, chairman of the com mU tee on petitions and memorials, to whom was referred House amendments to memorial to Congress for annual sea .t'ij;i met pursuant I sions of ttft Legilativer.Assembly,(re' AJose for ftorth Ogden on Munday at ported the same' back with 'further amendments. , .2.30 p.my For Plain Cityk on.Thurs The memorial .was sread. as amended, .BU p.m.' or on untsvflle, aay.'at and laid on' the "table to ebine up in its and at 8 SEMI-WEEKL- Y i Tuesday Friday, p.m. order. Council adjourned- Express Trains Leave Dgden daily, until, further no, j ce, for Salt Lake City at 6 tt.m. For te East, at 10.5 a.m. For the West, at - OO0NCIL. Council met i Monday, 24 pwsuaat to adjourbinent Councilor E. Snow presented petition Arrive from Salt Lako City, 9.20 a.in. fpojhttitbe'.tftixeRsf f Rans oyntyl for an the Territorial taxes Froru the. East, 6.25, p.m. From r&fi approprialion'of to assist tnem m ae for the 1870, year t.;x.-"est, 10 a.m. h:s'; iiUu t fravine the expenses incurred in the erection of forts against the deprcda Divine Worship l held every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, tions of hostile Navajoes Indians, which t 11 a.m.; and in the School Housed was read, and, " On motion of Councilor L. Snow, was of the various Wards at 6.30 p.m. referred to the committee on Indian : Oobis,: Sait; Lak. f f Uiaii,! affairs. Councilor. E,Snpw presented petition verybody desirous qf earning tt from oitixens of Kane county, for an ap oateriingjj Ofderi, SaltakWM Uth, propriation of n thousand dollar, to chronological; statistical,' hisf orgeat and alter and imprqye the road leading from the Lavarken to the sujnmit of the hill toward Virgen city, also to alter leading monism; "anS' haW a thQusand a"nd que and improve the road from Virgon, oity questions answered that are being daily via the mouth of North oreeK to yauon tot copy and to alter and improve the road from 'skedconccrnlng'Utah, of Sloan'B Salt Lake Duncan's Retreat to Rockville, where Dircctpry, Mailed tnl.Kft from the Jonprios Offifg f9r a dollar the roadyrHnriyV and made it impassable, wbicp nd a quartw. was 'nd i 9nHM , r,ead,' nnl, . ' .kl .A 11 J1 .1 , ' . , Actihg Governor. Oo take tlss papers, and his life Is happier than a king's, Ills children all can read and rrte. And talk of men asd tilings. TnOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. Tint other took no paper, and While Strolling through the wood A tree fell down and broke hi orowa And killed hhn prery good. , The Office of the City Recorder is at tha Office of the "Ogden Junction,' Seventies' Hall, near tha U. C R. It. Station. Office Hour from 10 a. m. till 8 p. m, s rJ tt .U ;f,i,i,-;- Minutes read ana accepted. On motion of Mr, Reese, the. House at xu a.m. aitionmed till .i , u ..m i. it:. Domestic Mnmifaeture of ' -- .r.i'. .: On motion of Mr. Thurber, the same was referred to the committee on nm nicipal incorporations '., ', ', tiiK Hd be been reading of the new, At home lik neighbor Jim, I'll bet a cent that accident Would not have happened hlisu OGDEN , CIKCULATING LIBRAflY for he who takes the paper. And pays his bills when due; Can lire in peace with God and matt, ' And with th printer too. TERMS; w IS NOW PRKPAEED 70 RKCEIVI BTCDESTS, SAMPLE AXD SALESROOM THE Y0DX6 HEN ON Ogden City, Utah. Mould MAKE MONEY by Improving ilio lritcnt Kentucky Whiskeys; ' ' Also, a LARGE STOCK of CASE LIQUORS. . CASE WINES. i , .' . .. KTC, ETC, . Kigbt Claa T p.m. to 8 pjn. PRIMARY STUDENTS . i , Beceired at $7.00 per Term. ' Main Street, Ogden, Pay in adranc. b. McGregor & Xoarlj Opposite, White House. r Q do. Call and examine my Stock. i nOCBS DtrCIitsi : tf Sealer in BOOKS, ts UTAH STATIONERY, NEWSPAPERS, LUMBER COMPANY, i., Located on BROOM'S LOT, .) '. i . '" with rancid butter, then tread them thoroughly in a tub or vat, after which a large quantity of sawdust is mixed with them, and ..the process of treading DEALERS IN TRUCKEE , AND continued until ' all the grease is ab off finished are by they GALLEY orbed,ryhen LUMBER, beating' working, .and rubbing . with phalk an4 potter's clay, whipping and Are now prepared to furnish every description of brushing. An old trapper practiced thi Lumber for Building purposes, both plain and method with small skins, first washing drese4. to freo with a suds of soap and Hat also on band a LARGS QUANTITY of theitfTpnj grease, Jheta .rinsinf jn clear water to cleanse tueiu irom tne suus, then rubbing as dry as possible, after LATH, which they were put into a mixture of two ounces of salt to a quart of water, added to three quarts of milk or bran water oontainiBtf one Ounce'of best sul phufifl acid," and stirred briskly "for forty r .fifty minutes; from this they are ta ken dripping into a strong solution' and stirred till thef will no WILLIAM BUTZ, Agent. longer foam; they are then hung to dry, ,! ... ., ., Ha rlv.. .. ,, are taken down and rubbed d.ry when A "14 are pliable. very f they vtftydft good and simple process 4h use is ' sprinkle tho flesh side after scraping well, with equal parts' of pulveized alum and salt, or washing it vell with a strou; solution Ohe: Same., then, folding th flesh side together, an4 rolling it com pactly, in, which state it Bhould remain WILL, TAKE ON BUBSCRIPTIOX, fpr'jtigktt-teB- daysih.ei it is opened sprinkled with "bran or sawdust to ab MAGAZINES, J, tto., Etc. Pens, Fencila, Penholders, liikn, etc. BOOKS FURNISHED TO ORDER. PAPER ENVELOPES GOOD WRIT1NO AND kept constantly for sale cheap, -- rp AT THE FUST OFFICE sal-so- .SHINGLES, Raised, Panelled, and Moulded Doors,Windows Sasli and Mouldings. sal-so- i' Subscriber's Attention! r , i - t - - An auctioneer having a horse to sell who oould not bo induced to cross a bridge which lay in the way of his mas-ter- 's country residence, advertised him as "sold for no fault but that his owner was desirous of going out of the city." Mike, speaking of a celebrated musi cian, said, "tie nag led a very abandoned life." "Oh, yes," replied Bcalcy, ;tht whole tenor of his lite has been base." A gent, while being measured for a "Make them cover the calf." "Heaven J" exclaimed the astounded artist, surveying his customer from head to foot, "I have not leather enough." , t pair of boots, observed, Mr. Jones, you said you were con nected with the fine arts. De you mean by that that you are i sculptor ?" "No, sir I don't sculp myself, but I furnish the stone to the man that does." Jones may be looked upon as a distant relatioa .. of the ohisel family. $ - . A candidate for medical honors having thrown himself almost into a fever from his incapcity to answer the questions,, was asked, "How would you sweat a person for the rhenmatism V He replied 1 would send mm here to be examined." The emperor of China is not apt lto W All orders for Books, ' Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines etc.. will receive sick long at a time, because the very prompt attention, and be iurnuthed at moment he is "taken' be stops the pay of his four docters. Publishers' Prices. A gentleman who was rather impatient tfW Particular pain paid ta accommodate ena- - at the table, declared he wished he could arm le required py the ureal tomer, and every Heading Public, if noi en hand, will tie rurnlsned manage without servants, as they were at the shortest notice, greater "plague than profit." "Why not have a dumb waiter f" suggested a' friend, i. "Oh, no," returned the other j First and Third Ward "I have tried them they don't answer.. . tf - USTHlillOX " OppoiiU Bishop WeiCt, MAIN HTREET, OODEN, Hsts on blind a splendid Btock of Dill GS AM) MEDICINES, ChmicaU Oil; Point, Glass, etc., ' "Plate, sir,' said an Irishman to a traveler, 'would yea be so cblaiging as to take me greatcoat here to Boston wit' yext" "Yes," said the man in the wag- -, on "but how will you get it again F" "Oh, that's mighty aisy, so It Is," said Pat, "for shure I'll remain inside uv it." . Likewise an excellent Assortment of A lady, who was very modest and sub- missive before marriage, was observed iiAXS, VAVSS, by her friend to use her tongue pretty AND STATIONERY. CLEAN COTTON Jf.B. Prescriptions carefully prepared freely after. "There was a time when I almost imagined she bad none." "Yes, 1 'f u ,;i ;, a ( ;),. ;; allow said her husband, with a sigh, "but it' w which for ,,,, wjjl Sewnd DMrlrt Zlon'tt '", . long since!" H COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE very "What, sir, have my client did! Cents lb. INSTITUTION, Nothing, sirnothing. But there stand MAIN STREET, OaDIK 'AVE ON HAND A GSXEIIAL ASSORT' the man what have did the mischief. We will also allow THBEE CENTS per lb. for ment of Dry (mods. Groceries, Hats. Cais. Him it were, sir, that with all the fero-eit- y CLEAN OUKSV8ACK8. tfoots, rMioes, AKricitural lmpJmont, ae. c, of a bloodhound, seized a shingle,' Gather op your Hags and bring then along to all of which are mI.Uuk boai lor cash and and pursaed his victim." v3h produce, W hours and .after remaining-twefity-rotrthe process is completed by a thorough which the rubbing a.ndanipi0atibB, pliability depends. Skins when taken off should be freed from greese or flesh by thorough scraping, when they may be dried, and left to await the leisure of the owner.. . Previous to .tanning they must be well soaked and wrung &ry. KutqI American, Vtica tVf 1' thought of his looks. "Why," said she, "you look as if you had swallowed a squirrel, and loft the tail sticking out of your mouth." . i ; After rolling all night in your berth at sea, till you art miserably sick, it is irri tating- to have a steward to open the door in the morning and ask if you Will have a fresh roll for breakfast. A young dandy, who sported an enormous mustache, asked a lady what she : ' . Tom Carley says,' "Make yourself a good man, and then you may bo sure there is one rasoal less in the world," " HESSIOSt ' v.in. toll 2 p.m. to i p.m. OPPORTUNITY. GOLDEN v CHAMPACNES, CATAWBAS. !..,' "Doctor, do you think tight lacing fs bad for the consumption !" 'Not at all, my love- - it is what it lives on.': . Call md Heo tlio Scliool. . r "From whence the phrase, leant to die t" " Said a young lady. "I perceive that people succeed very well the first ' ' time." . .. "Jane, give the baby some laudanum, and put it to sleep, and bring me my parasol. I am going to a meeting for the melioration of the condition of the ihumanrace." , :; ,, , ,j . The mode of. tanning usually followed by city furriers, is tn rub the skins well What would you sar if you wished ft reverend Doctor of ivivwity to play a tune on the violin! M AI1ST STREET, no extravagance to assert that Stnc have' oh band of fb AilctirateJ every farmer's family may furnish their I BUAWAN, I.KKfsrjro KIN, CHOW, BOWKN, AND SUAHr S 1IHASU8 of own fur collarsy gloves, robes, and injured." hoax. (.' ; It Is articles of dress and ornament, with trifling, expense, from the resources within their own reach; but from want of more knowledge on this subject val uable bkuis are wastea or aisposea or for a mere fraction of their real value, The skins of racoons, minks, 'musk-rat- i, rabbits, foxes,' deer, cats, dogs, and skunks are all valuable. Of the finer and nioer furs, beautiful collars, muffs. cuffs, caps,' gloves, and trimmings may be made with a.little ingenuity and per severance; and who would not feel ereater satisfaction In wearing a nice article from the fact that it was gome thing of their own manufacture, a pro duot of their own test and genius: Very handsome floor mats are mad and then dyeing by tanning sheep-pelthem some bright color, which is done with very little trouble, the art of dyeing is no fr so laml.Uar to almost every houao- hold.,. Furs, may be dyed as easily as woolen goods, notwithstanding the un pression, that it is an art known only to tne traae. Any uye, mai wm cum woolens will also dye furs, only eare raust1 be 'taken not to have the dye too hot or the texture of the .skins will be , ,..', Wmes&Liq uors. r. The story of a man who bad a no m large that he oooldu't blow it without the use of gunpowder, is said w be COLLEGE A V ,', Miscellaneous. C O.MMXR CIA L t fffl Why don't you take the papers! Nor from the printer sneak, Because you barrow from hi bujr A paper every week, payment In Oats or nttuie, Voutical E..G.AM,, - -- " knew twe men, as much alike As e'er yo sasr twos tumps, And no phrenologist could fin4 A difference in their bump. minsut choice collodion of Btaddard Works Titers on History, SciciK. s,u4 Art, Polit Uts-W orks, tverl.v tiov.ls, ittu. ' ' ' I read Ho hearty a a horse. Uthce fcquare. ' AH Coal will be weighed when sold to Contains several Iluntlrcd Volumes, consisting of a or - the paper and Of some new pills In forea; Ue bonght a bos and is he deadt I LOltl.N FARR, Mayor. OGDEN and,- -' Council, met 'pursuant J to sr r Iirael Canfield. Vtm, ViH 'ITi ts ' il i Lester J. Herrick, Henry Councilor Bigler presented financial Holmes," Jllchard Hallantyne. of Juab ooiinty. report and Recorder F. S. Kichards. Oq DiotiMi; ot iCouhoilor Uaignt,.the I'mecuting Attorney Aurelius Miner, report was referred to the committee on kl i i :' revenue. Sheriff Gilbert Bolkn&p; Deputy SAcTtjrWilliam Krown, , CqunoU adjourned. Attettor and CWfcefor-Miahfo- rd Bingham, Treasurer I took TOTICE - " $5.00 Orders will be received and. promptly Life Membership nor of the Territory of Utah." 10 tol. cts. por fille4 at the Tithing Office by Mr. Walter per week. Mr. r. V. Richards presented nnan- sum. and fjn. of Da Usiwosn I hot th . Open xuompson, oial report of Weber County, and, c. b of above The Coal will Prices the McGregor, be un motion oi Air. Aiirea, the Bame Llbmrian, at Ogdon Post Offlc. was referred to the' committee on rev low enough to warrant the patrouags of the ; . .... general .. public. euu.0- . . ... ... , .., Mr. Manphan presented 'financial re port of Cache county, and tl Un motion of Mr. Pitchforth, the same was referred to the committee on rev 'I" enue. "' a Mr. siaugnan presented bill en ..(...... titled ''An Act incorporating Ilyrura -' WHOLESALE DEALER was Cache which read, county,, at 10 city, u 12 it . . f On motion of Mr. C. C. Rich, the the purohaser, House conehrred "in a "joint resolution Will take one-ha- lf Of, respect to the memory of His Excellency the late Charles Durkee, Gover- Weber County Probatt and An old nelgtiborof mine While dying with a cough, Desired to lwsr Che latest new While he was going OJT, , IS UER2BY GIVEN, THAT all Personr engaged in Business in Ogden City, (fcr which the City Ordinances provide that a license must b obtained.) without first procuring a license are liable to be taken before any Alderman cf said City, and be subjected to a Fine. By order of the City Council, . ment. - y, And my word for his inferred, Tou'U live untUl you're grey. -: session! wmj l'roin .ftf .H4iis witn sligntamendmentsauu was referred to committee on memorials. An a'ct'to incorporate Washington Officers: City, Washington county, passed by the County . Judgt i F. D. House, was. referred,, to committee on t i ; ? Ul municipal corpora tiooii. . ... Superintendent of Common SchooU ' ' Robert L. Campbell. , y I. To all whom It may eoncern. 31INIUt, CODNCIt. , al lf ; 1 n. - A lor al Go then, and take tke papers. And pay nor pray delay, CITY LICENSES. I : to!, . Ilolenu, Muutana. ''' ' . approincorporate priation bill the sum of one hundred dol- ars for his relief. OCDEN DIRECTORY. On motion of Mr, Wright, the recom mendation of the committee on revenue ' was -- aduptod, an! ilrn ;committee on United States Cflieers claims and appropriations instructed I tab. . I ;. ..:! accordingly. Governor J. Wilson Shaffer, ' '! Mr. Kowborry presented, a bill en StcretaryS. A. Mank ' titled an act in relation to corporations Marihdl Milton Orr." and which was read the C. H. Hempstead, V. S. Attorney J. E. Tourtllotte. first time, and, Supt. Indian Affair On motion of Mr. Thurber, the same C. C. Clements. , Survtyor-Geuerwas referred to the committee on Receiver of rullic JfonietJ. B. Over-iopri vate incorporations and telegraph com .1 "iRcgittrar of Land Office '" George E. panies. Mr. Reese presented, petition of Z. ',!' ... .." Maxwell . . Snow, Attorney General, for an allow- U. & Attetior John P. Taggart. . T. S. Collector Q. J. Holliater." " ' ance, which was read, and, On motion of Mr. Reese, the same was1 ChUf JuttieeC. C. Wilssn. Auociate JtuticttQ, F. Striokltud and referred to the committee on claims and HDSSKT, Salt Lake CSty. " " - ! OXu C. L. DAHlliB, WARKEM t" bridges, ferries and kanyons. ''" 'Memorial for 'annual sesaions, which KtSSEY, DAI1LER & CO., had been laid on the table tq come up in ' its order, was read, aud further amendi BANKERS, " ed, and, : On motion' of Courieilor Hyde,' was MAIX STKEET, OGDEN,! ; "' adopted, and sent to" the House for tbeir ' AND SALT LAKE CItV. concurrence in the amendments. Bcokirs In Gold Dust. Coin and Current?. Draw " Minutes called for, read and accepted. KxclmiiKe ou gun liantin-o- , Muutaua, Danirtir, Council adjourned. ' bu uoum, lorn, aim mi paru oi iiiropo. ;"",'-:-J1 :' "'I house: Collection promptly attended to. i ' Stonday, 24.'" House met pursuant to adjournment. The following was reoeived and read: A.. Utah Territory, Executive Office, .attorney:, & COUNSELOR. Salt Lake City, January 21, 1870.' Office opposite Ogden Hotel, To tho Hon. Orson Pratt,' " in"V".OGDEN CITY. '',i" ' ' Speaker of the House:'' Sir: I have the honor to inform you All kinds of legal buslusea promptly attmdd that I have signed and approved the to. ... . ,. Ill joint resolution of the Council and House congratulating the President and Board of Directors of the Utah Central Railroad for the energy,! perseverance, and OAL! COAL!! COAL!!! commendable effort displayed ,. inthe completion of said road, and also to in form you that I have CausM a Copy of 4 STOCK OF THE HALL & VANDYKE the same to be forwarded .A .the President and Directors of the Utah Central iV Coal Company's Coal will be con stantly on hand at the Ogden Tithing Very respectfully, ., Thursday, 20. met pursuant to adjourn Subscribe I yon enwtct lost a cent, , Way sttoald yon t jiraid I for onsfe tlius paid bjnoney lent At ialereet tbur-fopaid. l ....-'-- , t ,Ii,tricted to thoir direct line of business, and til Lepil Auction, Koal Kstate, or other advertine-iflM- nt BOUSE. wjU frreign to their regular Thursday, 2Q. li 'N "Advertisement from the States will be InHouse met pursuant to adjournment. advertised at our cash rates,) serted without the Mr. Thurber. chairman of committee one' of our tccompsnyiiK ths order, unless from on revenue, reported that they had con- iarslar suthorined Advertising Agents. to tho cidered the All comiaanieations devoid of iuterest petition of W. C. Mitchell,: tuMic, o' intended to promote private InteresU, assessor smd collectsr of Ironcotfnty, aud as payment advertisement, ta ..ill charged we acd t'eoommendod thatlne cdmraittee on jMoind in advance. If personal in character, or adTertiae-,uei- it claims and appropriations Jo instructed .,Mrvs ttve rlK'it to reject any artlclej of this clss. to in the Territorial ' literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts; News, 3T. 9. j Sqiura P. J.KWIS. RAGS 7-- Iry Goods, Grooorles, JBUUTS, HUUJfiS, . 1 , Five per , |