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Show 5EP! maa.,uses Jiis agencj freely a,nd we can see, vvhttfr cur friends abroad do not seem to realize, thui our agency is just an free in being used! to promote unity a inffostering discord, strife and con tention; and the results of such a course are infinitely superior to those produped , r by its opposite.. Politiaul gamblers,, who shnfflo 'and cut and cheat and bribe to wjn their way to power, cannot understand how an enlightened and free poople can bs'so united and so obedient. The herds of human cattle which they buy and drive the 'priesty tyranny" finder which the Mormons are supposed tp be bowedl down. What of fhe tyranny, which is the inevitable result of mob rule which is a term equally applicable to religious and political rows where no established head exists, as a standard of appeal and the end of controversy? The greatet tyrannies which the world ever saw have sprung from such sources, but they have because no comalways been short-live- d without the strong arm munity can exist of authority. A divinely authorized Priesthood, with governmental as well as evangelical power acknowledged as such by the people, is the chief safeguard of the church against anarchy and final dissolution. It bears with it no despotism except the despotism of truth and justice, it occupies a platform above the passions and prejudices of the multitude, and while a sufficient cheek is held out by the universal suffrages of the church members, it grasps with a potent hand every difficulty and wields a mighty influence in maintenance of order, unity and peace, Who would exchange the dignity, power, decision and light of the Priesthood for the fogyism, suggestions and poor pusseyism of sectarian 'iV.ii This ili an ajro of evofution.h Iium-- 1 anity, Ipng bound in shains arid kept I, moving in1 fised grooves, is, al over D, BlfJIAKDS, bonds and th KPiyptt, AND ri'ttMHK. roaming abroad at will. Ideas which only a few years ago would have been OGDi:y UTAH. rejected at oncpi nitlputJuiyestig&tkn, for the sole reason that Ihey 'were in op, Saturday Morning-- Jan. 29, 1870. position to established notions, are now recitived ud adopted regardless of rules, J. .....J i v - i i "'.' or Postal Irregularities. cusioiua muue nucreuj vy regulations Utuh "has1 tome and suffered long" ih'ttquify;'' The mWd'cf tnan Sbars and looks ijbroads careleas pj the pn no many points that her citizens are to th,p are their only exemplifies cf timid, souls and fcarled of tions ofpolls cautipns WHOLESALE not apt to growl over trifles, but the political unity, and, as to con tnreateuea penalties. public annoyance and Joss consequent fidence, they Inflty.tliat the.ntenigent o reeds (ad, wcial laws are upon mail irregularities cannot bo long' .nBqliUUJua portion of their constituents have none unshac-kie'J cr endured, vifboMt , something being cast aside with impunity, and in them, and they know also that they n spirltsi impatient of restraint done tu liiwe th evil remedied. For are': themselves unworthy of if J .they by word and deed'that they will pome time after 'the completion of the judge Utah by what they, see around Pacific Hail road, a good deal of indul haye liberty. The ancient boundaries of them, and, consequently, come to the wa eirtended, in the public feel nations art being overleaped, maps only conclusion that we are either fools or old have beepme obsolete, ing, to route agents and others through a' few years' slaves or both. in and turn, in a short time will they, V hoee hands the mails passed, until We are for truth and liberty. they But could become beUcr acquainted with the bo comparatively useless; Jot revolutions we do not call that which casts liberty in thpught will bo established in act, and e towns country, the location of off all restraint, violates marriage vows. will be changed in form, in feanations find other information necessary for the sets . at nought social decency, rebels ture and cjtent, A spirit is abrpad fiuick and, proper, delivery of the mails against legitimate authority, ca rps, car AND When wail mutter went down to Omaha stirring tho fountain of men's souls to the ils, contends and disregards human and and the still waters of agitating inirtead of t Salt Lake City, or as far depths, divine laws. The spirit which asumes on the road as li might be carried before the; full J; all things are in ccjinmtjon; tho name of Gentlemen of conflicting sects, the liberty and leads to license the mistake Was discovered,' And a westwa- and people are continually ou the qui is an impostor. It is bogus. We have great railway is completed and passes ' rd-bound train met by which, it could vice for something new. no fellowship with it. We know its through our, Territory; come hera and i -- ' . . I Liberty is the watchword of the day . ' fee returned, a :, .Mi .'.' large, amount of forbear features wherever it appears, no matter take a lesson in Church government. ance was manifested, and the soothing The word has a glorious sound, and it what may be its disguise. But tDat i'b kindles the fire of enthusiasm in the huJiope applied that all would be remedied which erty ' recpgniies the rights pf all. as sooq as tin route agents got ao famil man heart. It makes 'tLe bright eye which hanmonixes with wholesome moral iar with the country as to know which glisten, nerves the strong armband rears and which is' com restrictions, legal he proud, had; Jt stimulates the weak, sacks to open, aud handle first. with patlblo humility and consistent Assortments of which ara constant! liut 'lhingg hate "been mending no lifts up the bowed and weary, and thrills and pbedience, promotes order, peace better very fust" ia this portion of the the bouI with vital fire. But, (there is a and being replenished with all the Staple good will among men, that liberty Lut. to everything in this world) liberty is dear to our Territory, so far aiMhe "safety, certainfire its hearts, burn.s , Items necessary for Families and the has its bounds'nd prescribed limits, ty and celerity" of the maihj are conin our souls; ita divine light is brightly which over cannot' it depass without cerned, especially between the matrop- in our path, it makes ui strong struction. It may mount- upward to shining of, the aud the northern JOBBING TRADE. Territory jli in our determinations tp battle for the uountWs.ii We hare taken pain to ascer- great heights, but a chasm yawns ahead and under its glorjou,s banner we right, WHO HAS A CUBDEN SHOULD tain 'thkt the mails' afe fu'iftiruriy carried over which it will fall to a greater depth shall march forward to One iliva of Bet--. a mighty yet EVERYBODY TUey are of bondage than that from which it on the Utah Central Railroad, we though bloodless . victory. it takes if a its arose, step beyond prolave award of sacks being delivered at One the bent Investments '. sphero. Salt take tcrininu's per ) j( that' torn mail tip In the Country; The spirit of liberty is a n baiter wis in dange'r of falling out and Fx'oleHiflstionl Authority. attended, and Ujr up Inofou iweeti for etly being lost; and. we have it on the most booiY toth world, but, Jika all the gifts their ownere during the Summer which quickly The folks at Omaha have of is beea to it left bo used or abused heaven, lately Veliable authority tiat due cart is taken py tor their coet; while the rajjidtty with which as its recipients may decide. When very much exercised over a religious they multiply eooa dupllretee, trilicti end fo, joovejr tb, inailis in schedule time la urtner increMM the original hive. . tween Brigham City and Cache county, hearctf Icstowsupon dartlij a leesing, squable.."-- Like air differences that are hell sends forth a blast to convert, if connected with religious matters, the D. ROBERTS, Ijep they arnya at ,tha orjuer. place; bitterest been feelinsna4 the into So curse. a engendered, blessing of PROVO. who ha been 80 PUCCESSKCL IN Jitjdif o ,on the-- transmission of "mails possible, i nuts i TO TUB TERRITORY, will south. Vet the irregularities complained now, when the genius of liberty goes ana tno opposing parties h.are manifest nni.-iauuui we am 01 feoruary, lor the nur-o- 30 Stoves, ed the most forth 4o. of to mon's It of truths uncompromising spirit. open f eoutiuie and are, of aorioiun importeyea ance to th'e public In their interference every 'kind, ami lead them in the way of appears that sometime back a scandal PURCHASING AND aroso in the Presbyterian church at 10 3STo. Cook wiW biisinesW Hon. Peter' Maughani perfect freedom, a demon follows in its "certain over a Omaba," FORWARDING to turn into alleged improper path license, and, liberty JlereenUtWt fratn Cache county,', las MTitten twa communications on the sub- - while men call aloud its name until their intimacy existing between a Dr. Monell that may be ordered, to Utah. tl t i Uirt'aff areaoarse;1 .io.Vrge Jliom ojh and a 'yoniicw ladyw of the congregation aide to have them at Ojden hv the beginning of 0o As is usual in such canes, a difference Aprd; and will delirer tlieu at that point fiir lie gives dates and figures that show how ward into bondage. 10 No, Law and liberty though apparently of opinion as to the guilt of these per TWEXTY-FIV- E DOLLARS flagrant must be the carelessness of those son existed the members of the among at A HIVE. variance, are really fast friends fho'!iare the handling" of the-- malfa'on when ,cpfh .Vqqpa iUa own placa. Let churchi w hich ripened into party feel Order and Mime? wilt be received in tn th. '.t. SO No, ! ou, betwoeii the north City. WP, Ht man try to dp as he pleases, and ings," Jhe Church becoming divided into of March, by Jaoiee McUaw, Ksq., at the OlMce of every -i ,' nd'SaU Lake City?! v mi i npa, or vy . V, Bloau, Bq, halt Lake City. two factions ; pne maintaining the in regard Nothing but the light and' desire If it is any consolation to hare 10 No. Cook, Dr. within him, and how long .will it be be nocence, and tho other the guilt ja misery, it would ,b ft ,art of fore we have a social chaos? Even if iuoucu. ine rastor, Key. f. M. Dim friiujtUisaolion to know that' even men Nv'ould act on vhat appeared right inick, took,sidea with the latter party, VTOTJCE IS IIKRKBY GIVES THAT TUB 25 Cases Washinjon,' J).' C is hot ekempi from to 1 1 following dencribed piece of LAND, them, exercising so much restraint and used all the influence he could to of. in George .culpable negligence jFjn,scuc"cc Stringfijlows, wijl lie Sold bv Public the culprit from the church. The Sale, on the PremiHeii, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY liandliitg mall matyor. A late Washing-J- n upon themselves as to refrain from inter- expel 1S70, between the houn of Twolre and Two with the right if others, the pro- friends of the accused rallied round him, &th, 50 Oross Stove to fering p.m, eotisfy divlinquent taxes, namely,. correspondence of the Sacramepto A portion of tot Jiine (9), in lllock Twenty (2QV men many winds", would however, and an appeal was made to the PUt of verb "mapy A, Ogden City; described as follow: 'M,r? Ul"t,5f, rostnjast'er-Genera- J be exemplified with a vengeance and the Presbytery.' Pending the time fixed for ata point two (3) rods went of the north. iiAUV,iluTed a number, of Postmasters and biwi corner oi naia tot, thence wont two (i!) rods. 25 Cases Soda, of liberty would be torn in he Doctor's f rial, his friends became sacred form ""u icu ywi roiw, (nence onxt two rods, special agent of the Department to meet the pastor a enemies ; and a determined thence north ten (10) rode to place of berinninir. i ' pieces.-J ., JHtrt 'ah,d confer on' Uani rode, situute near ) 'postal 'matters;' the conuiiung twenty The greatest liberty to" the greatest effort was made to obtain his removaL the Utah, CuutraJ Railroad Depot. ., 4 Cases j. conference being called mainly with ' will be found in couununitipa Fiil&llj the Frcsbytory was called to set. number, mimvir t Wli.l.Tr ' to a?6ld yiew a1 repetition of such' a Deputy Awomor aud Codec tor. . where a strong government wields po tie the difficulty, and a two days meeting Muhdp'aS sending the mull frpm Jf Kegs tent swnv by the will of tho people. A was hold in ptnaha, on the 18th and 19th '"'i aslj'ugton on through to ft ' inst. That which will however cannot or seem august body not, (.hlenn which had pecurred fewdyys government Mulo Shoes, " enfurce iti. own laws, is a miserable, ed to haye but little power. Each party "mail freVibiiy that passed through childish thing: truaJibcrty cannot exist vented ita spleen af the other, and jangled fltefcau'). and'are the inspection of (Assorted Sixes,) ALWAYS OS HAND A GOOD iii) sunuow. ieuuer can iiDerxy and contended and contradjeted, while WB HAYK Btock aYeu postal official, who should have unui-of Choice ' ' ' I ; i, detected the blunder, bnt did not; The breathe the breath of life under a gov the Reverend gentleman called in to act Wines, Boxes Lienors, tie ernment , which, i vieli9 4epo.ti9 the Tobacco, Cigars, difficulty, seemed, tp, exercise no away, Union correspondent suggests That these hostile to the to but jvjp pfttha governed. authority, pffer jnild suguUioittln fcad fcveii drinking too sjmply Chicago Ale and Lagp r Beer. freely the ,Vo I'iouians cjiin , to , be , Ibpfrcest gestions. They were as vessels to pour Alw a ght; before'.1 If so, and" if that is the general assortment f GROCERIES, aU 1,000 Hoop ' rause of jbujr postal irregularities, some- peoilo On' earth, AVhen our friends or oil ea the troubled waters btt there was of excellent quality. our enemies, 'airea'oPat home, talk no strong voice among tb,eni to say in body who handlesajl ' mailer-- , in this Btf TERO FJELD, the tyranny and bondage of Utah tones of authority "peace be still." Proprietor. about' Cod 1,000 Wgion BiMt ba suffering from a chroulo ' institutions, wo. can; afford to laugh at . The opposing parties after rejecting '"' tigiit." ESTRAT. while we pity that blind- many propositions, ' resolutions and , ilHiifUW of lettera ara pouring in'to their nonsense, ilAMK TO MT PLACK. OXE TIIRFF.vpap 2 Cases black anif whltii iin.t.rKit A., Ji i Department complaining of postal ness, aud rejoice in the benefit of good amendmenta, finally agreed that Mr. V JL Old Heifer, ., ' .... I w u ear, do orauas risible; calf witb her. jrreu1aririeV in' different parts of the aad u lmlejiuiuc. regulations propevly, en- Dimmick should remain at his post until The owner is requested to-jherlihg proTa proiierty,' pay and them take the forced. charges Onr lcadorij are chosen by the trial of Monell should bs concluded away. S 100 10 t, uion; uail vuless some very eweepiug G. BACUELOR, West Weber. , voto of,"thf;$holefptipIe;; ."W'a Entrust when he is to resign. .and. etfvUve inuaMire ia speedily adoptIhere is nothing now or extraordinary u ,Uat .VTtuh. will them with great power because we bef , t ? f ifJ , 20 DR.WM. H.CROVES. will lieve We use in the occurrences described above, but are it wisely.' they hjUAfl tq bear and suffer for a jmtflh- lon-K- ff sustain' not w e rcjaie lUeiu, that the members of the afraid men of the we whom Office, Second South j time , jtt boforo her turn conies to 8trt, SALT tAKB CITY, in positions of responsibility. Neither church which exists in Utah, may see, Three doors West pf Rirere House. ' ' iave the matter corrected; or else' somij 1,000 Sad .do wo worry their souls or tie down by contrast the ' of their own beauty to WHSv have business aJopttJ '!ffl:i hands by continual criticism.'; Ttay church, government; to draw their at. " cotinimnkations, at least, carried w;ith (heir 40 have no political little game tp play for tention to the effects of a system, in the rei!iir-it-j and dispatch.' The'' idea' of ' ITASATCn COAL IS TUB BEST IN TUB an Jckprcset weeii Soft ' Lale pitjr and private interest or party power. We do puddi of hick every toad U fhe bigI f A Country. , hot and in so as an when Leare orders with K. q. UORROCKS, Oden. of expect them, gest; perfection opportunity Inviting i lit north has been thrown oat.(' and: we ve soe that' they are aiming according the Ret. gentlemen East, to come to Utah thiaklh suggestion one worthy o'f Goods. to t best of tbelj abilij j j to elevate the and learn 'a more excellent way." ' , Something uinsl, be done, to The strength and stability of our re people, to secure peace, order, good uio-- l neuiedy th exist in avjli by Col. that tyuo liberty which 'consists ligious, system is in a great measure de jilliaatl special wail agent ,' or some- in tho greatest freedom possible to the sQR pendent upon ine regulations and con ioayj and Ihjj ooner ihs done Ua better. ' vh . comiuuuilyweulj as one majv trolling authority of its Triosthood. .'Riittioc SKpviCE8.--- t will be' seen t6 "upjiold a(ld encourage thtin, and Take that away, and our bark, like the 1 ehow .our apprc:ii.tijn pf their good Presbyterian church at Omaha, would by notiea elsewhere tliat Rev. L. p'reach in" the Tatieniaole in govtMuinient , by; a proper and consistent b,e let loose on a sea of troubles without AU Orders addresd B.f.TKAgDB, tjii'tf'cjty on Thursda evening next'at obedience. (We' obey, not as slaves, but rudder or compass. Whoever saw in ojclock ilio jey erepj gentleman is spo- as freemen, vpluntorily uniting in sup-- our. .councils such a display of weakness, Ogden City, wil ha? prompt ken of as an earnest impressitre preach- port of salutary public measures. We and such an exhibition of petty party ed.5' from-tfc.'Ni'choli Es4.j'kg'cnt:f' vote as a, unit, nut because we are driven spijo as were shown foth af the trial of theUiP. R. R., Uintah, welearnthatMrl lil ttlc i4 6h herd.tii h ballot boxi Mr. Dimmick T Those who sat to hear JlartaiiigU has the superinlendcncy1' of but because (Qur qliJicSa ar the same. and regulate the case, seemed to have no A general a?sortment and full supply the Vsions of tho Methodist Church n We aro for; measures rather than men. more always on hand, right to docid in the matter than Vyoming Territory and is desirous of No one among us bids for plac? tsd the worst malcontent who spouted his PHIL. CRAMSHAW, piinistering ,to tho spiritual wants cf pocr,'. and if lo Jid, he Vjpiijd excite Fpleqn at the unfortunate pastor. A ' ' his Agent, lueuibm of Church in this region.' disgust iuslcad of eliciting favor. Each grtat deal is said all ow the world about Published every Hfediiesdiiy and Saturday. wrldi-'lrstlng'fronr- . n'p-wa- t , pr6-cay- post-ofliq- . Za C .. AT ARTWTIO AND LIFK-LIK- a He ara being taken, of UuuuZ infinite durability, viuurpassed for BoliuaJ Outline or Beauty of finish, by all th. xsrkto processes known to the Art, soma of wukh JTZ fcllows; . Photographs, Cartes Visite Vignettes, ' - of God-give- PICTURES, Sfelaneotypea, Ambrotjpc Fcrrcotypcs, Also THB CELEBRATED - XNAUSLLID Stores; AND CAES PICTUBJCS. f - ui times !. '. Kf OLD ducad in PICTURK8 Cooled. Enlarnd Sise, aud rendered loiperishablh tt U. ... In View cf the fact the country is filled with skillful operators, whose work is wanting in cben-leeffect, artestic taste, alee, duribility in lact, is that constitutes a good picture, the eterything snbs-ribe- r feeli called Uvm to lusnre as food work as can be produced anywhere or by any one, Ptr-sowuliing work, will please CALL . UUt PUTKM..S ; L ' As a momeatd or token of sfrection. Nothing supercedes a portrait- It Is magic dispenser of pleasure .. A conselar in hours of A representative whose slleut eloquence Lots of Whispers spiriuwi thoughts sni; '.it toee Hope. . . Parlor BEE, 8UH FRAIL, Picturos of all kinds teksn at all la all kinds of weather, equally well. Wm. Eureka CUrd Pictures. ' Arrived this Week f . STEREOSCOPIC Groceries, Merchandise. 0 O I) E X , WHKKI : 4 "'.( BOOiViS!! Dry Goods. General . PHOTOGRAPHIC 0(HCITY, &RETAIL ' WOOD'S Ji JUT T. M. WOOD Artist , Jaa, 4th 170., OODKX !; y- - Persons heretoftre unsurcessful in obtsininf PERFECT PICTURES, are particularly invited m, call. Persons coining from a distance for wilt lie paid tor tlieir time and trouble in aotug ma. if perfect satisfaction is not girea. . ., , - m FaTorlte, ' Garden J com-pmuq- C. W00D3IANSEE, 3Iain Street,. Ogtlon, MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, Jioyal FORJSALE. belong-iug't- Lye, o Polish, 'f Nutmegs, 40 llorsc and AT THE EXCHANGE, in DEAI.HR GENERAL ', EROCERIES, . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.ETC. of MECHANICS' A Good Supply TOQLS on hand. Mm 0GPEJ( CUT RAKERt, MAIN STREET, OPpOST; STINGER & ' .TNCTIO.t. - IiAYIiAXD, Proprietors. OUR PATBOSIS FINP AT AU IipE, CAJ( ' ' , A A'O. 1 Article of.Ji READ, ALSO, A GOOD SUPPLY OP r . CONFECTIONERY. i 50 Horse Nails, lbs, Iron,1 H. WHIAT. OLTVEP. HORACE . WIIEAI DURA5T. I CO., - lbs. Fisli, "ffnOLESAIti; DEALERS IN ', ,',' , ' Indigo, . FLOUR, GRAIN AND ' . PRODUCE. - Boxes x Glass, . r , ,. i -- - ; - I IonlIt, Boxes Olive Oil, Irons,. COAL! COAL! COALI Largo Stock of Assorted Dry DEPOT .!, ' ll Hart-(-oegh- Schuttler Wagons, AJTAIISr STREET OGDEN. ATTEXDED TO. SHIP3IENTS MADE KVEUY DAT. WA R E n0 tJ S E, PQPsEJT, MAIN STREET, UTAH.'' V',; I H.W ". .! i hare 'also onahsnd. SCHVTLKR'i Co. .. and BIltbKDAKER'S : WACrONS- .ouantltT of BOB SLEDS and ITANCT ClTTSaS ltf Which they will sell for Cash or drain. A II TOTJ WAjrr A 0008 YAM1TY OF MAT ! MEAT MARKET, KAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, !' Where ' thy ogden; hare Fresh Boef, Mutton, oau. Porkjetc , |