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Show 1 : ' ry Wedueedey and Saturday. puHlnheU f BDWARB Ant .,horlwd Ik 8 LOAN, In 8a" Loke Eq, ?:!': EASTOK.-Sinc- e Uistah it was! , Commercial. . i " i . 5 decided to establish the Railroad Junc- 'i t ( . , Office of Ogden Junction, Ogden City, tion at Ogden, Uintah has very much r f Utah Territory Jan., 2'Jth, 1870.' J thinned out, and many of the formr ' ft . ' ' fA)FPKK Rio per k, Sle per lb. " dwellers therein have followed the to $iW jior Jb, ., OP UTAH. PIOXKKU "march of events." " BAiON 27c por lb.,. . ' "'' : on and KIOE 17 to JOc per lb. ' The calico habitations have nearly al) disappeared, End jhc few buildings Tuie. -! v ! cntohed, $2i&, pr ak. ,i, which remain there are of a little more CUKANT8-S.... i. , 4c per lb, pr bl, substantial material. TOBACCO lb 85c Navy, por The Utah Central Railroad, which is CHEESE SOc per lb. A. . Urge ..warehouse, telegraph, md lSDIOO-$2.io" ' '' ' c ' porlb' NOW COMPLETED FROM ticket offices, &c., and a few stores are CAXDY-- SJc 42c per lb. all that ''are to be seenln 'that once'po-pulou- s PKPPER 53c per lb. : SPICK 53c per lb. place. Hurdy gurdys, "demia" ' ' lb". IjtTMEOS-Sl.Ta per ' and dancers, aj are ono. " !' TO ,, Eastoii'is in close proximity to Uintah, - CXSVLXAilM) ( $12 per Ux. SODA $10.2Sc pr box. and the one place appears to be incor SOAP I. X. t. braudu $9.75, poi box. box, $0.50. porated in the other. The citizens of RAlSINS-i-p' " WILl BB ' those plaas are enjoying 'themselves in ;' COAL OIL-- pr cane, $10.75. LT-p festivities which are customary in the OPES FOR FREIGHT AXD GLASS 8x10 per box, $8.50. winter. There has been some sickness " ,10x12, $900. ' PASSEXGEBS. HAY among the children, but not very sefull supply, at $10 per tun. OATS 2Jc per lb. rious. , ' BARLEY 2c per lb. . They have a good school in session, WHBAT $1.00 Trains leave Salt Lake City at. T am, and arriTe $1.25, per budiel. which is well attended, and under the JLOUR $3,50 $4.00 per ancle.; a full supply at till, city 0.20 a.m, and leaTO this city at ' tuition of Mr. John N. Savage, the Tor praaont demand. ' Our Utah flour compare 6 p.m and arriTe in Salt Lake City , at 8.20 p.m. ; scholars .are m&kjpg good progress in fuTorably with tbs beat VTMtorn Ermdi made from .. ' Winter vlieet their Etuils. C0RN-$1- .00 per bushel. For all information concerning Freight or A considerable quantity of snow has JiBAN k SHOUTS $1.00 tlM, perwt. apply to fallen in that region and sleighing is SOc (g 75c, per bushel. POTATOES UTAir CENTRAL - RAILROAD. in our duly for the tTa TE.W-$1- .50 EDITOR, after' ' Ari ' UT EXD OF AOItTlI-- E . ;;;(OGDEN ' : , P. It. It. DEPOT. C . ' THE ONLY PAPER IN SALT LAKE CITY, er , OGDEN! $13 150,000 of Boards 'A '. ' : AT , 10c Vie per lb at tbop ; 8c. oa foot. PORK 20c a 25c, per lb. 50c pet lb. BUTTER In roll, 45c EGOS Per doz, 45c 50c. CUICKEN&-6O- 0, each. , TUKKEYS 19c per lb, $5 per pair. JOSEPH A. YOUNG, BF.EF good. Every Issue of the Oasts" Junction is anxiously looked for, is regularly received, and its contents eagerly devoured by ouf patrons thereJ !:t 1. 1. - BUFEJUXTKNDKNT. , ,.. FARES: .... . -- Bait Lake City to Wood'i Croia " HOTELS. i - " ' ' - ;76cU ... i The reopU , ! , 300,000 Shingles OcU. . . Centre-rill- . i $45 per thousand ft. xer Year. G Only Fas-ag- e, . . tl.no All desirous of dental services, Farmington . Jf ffherever, the blame lies, we hope " Kayiville - ' tl.Si " Dr. read the Groves. card of He is a the epeeial mail agent for Utah will dis' . " ': fiOO Ogden OGDEX HOUSE. competent dentist of long experience, THE cover it, and make such arrangements . D.O.CALDER, that our Cache Valley friends may be and can get through tis workj in a neat C: W. WEST, Proprietor, ;. Ticket and Freight Agent It and satisfactory 'style. able to depend upon their 13 MA. malV .it 1 a serious matter) fer tbey - ' OGDEN CITY, UTAH, sometimes fail to receive the'OonM Mors Icb. Landt & Co. are taking ; ; Jocnos. ofj $he advantage very good ppportunity Is tiie only Firt-Cla$- a Hotel in which is afforded them just now of laying Oyden. ia a good quantity of ice at there brew- The BAR attached i. provided with the choicest Tlev..I Ilartsough, 6uparinteridejt"o' ... i :" m ttrandi or . ."' Y ' f. 1 t:."'- l' ii' ery on Burch Creek, where, next sumUeluOaiSl lUUSivm ILL LIquorM and Cigars. mer it will be found very useful to cool tory, will preach' at Ogden, on ThursEASTEEN CONNECTIONS. the "lager." evening, February 3d, in the Tabersemi-week- YARD, -- , . pointed place. 1870, ,r..: I ltitli, OGDEN JUNCTION. WeclneKilay, i Hon. Peter to the letter a written has Jlaugban in itrong complaining, J)aertt of ths Cache terms, ot the irregularities no non" gentleman has mail. Valley cause for complaint, as we know just -- ell from experience, but the question to blame? According to his j, who's neither the Salt Lake City ghowing, H in Cache postmaster, Bor the Postmasters He must between county. The fault Brigham city.' The responsible this place declare that the parties in mail for the west and north is put up and dispaUhed, .every evening, with the What has Brigham utmost regularity. ' on the subject? "', , .cltytosay mail the sacks for that understand haaorib, are conveyed Jay train, on the as the Hot Spring Statfj, p. tine as far a conveyance from Brigham ion, where them. There, in our receives tlty the fault lies. Either where is opinion, sometimes at Hot fails connection the the parties on the or Station, Sjriug traii in charge of the mail, neglect to leave the sacks for the north at the ap4;b Vallst? Mail. , LUMBER THE, , ' .,.,;.-.,,.- ; TRUCKEE BIYEB Japert ; $4 per thousand. : INST It ly raper for all A E T, Clashes! Great Central Route. MICHIGAN CENTRAL HATTiHO AT) . ititr 3 . k. , 100,000 day at seven o'clock. ' to attend,'.. .7" nacle, All are invited ' ; 8r5f 2t Bin. Get bees, .by all means. W, Roberts, Esq. of Prove,- will etaH east is a few days to purchase aad, forward lives of bees tor thpse who m!aj ordfer tleni. He has already received orders frow a number of our prominent citis-en- s, and we hope he may receive a large number more, for Utah should get beJ yon'l importing honey when we could so eam'ly obtain a liome supply. Mr, Ito-- ; berts has been very successful in bringing bees from. "California; and thoe jrhich he' now proposes' to bring from ji cast will have tho advantage of the vfntern ones in being hardier as well as posting much less. By All means get We call the attention of our rea- ders to the advertisement of Mr. Field, Uintah. He has a fine stock of choice wines, liquors, etc., for sale. WHITEaiOUSE, ; MAIN-STREE- ; ::.!;;;. V,: T, "Humboldt Register." We noticed our,tablejlhi3,morning,..iorrbe)nrst OGDUir, TJ.T. r " 'asd The only Baatern Line from Cbloag running the magnificent ' BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! t a. JZj E. S " DESERET BREWERY DEPOT, STREET LA.1N pt , H. K. R A EG F.ST, Gea'l Snp't, Chicago. H. C. WKNTWORTH, O.nl Paaa. Agt, Chlcano. 1'UOdt UOOi'a, Gmi'I rraishl AgU, Cbioaga. duiup cries, about skins, newspaners, j fruit, hacks, hotels, etc. etc., which "7 desire to vocally advertise. Such Ptnons should understand distinctly that the platforms of the Railway .Stations f private property, and when they in 'rude in such an impertlneiit.wayte. " Viable to ejection la tho Imost snm nary manner. The police are inatruet-- i in the matter, i so peddlers' and back "wave yourselves! direot attentioirtd.the.Jaewl ck of foods received by Zion's Cc operitive Mercantile ' Insatution' in1 ibis' 'A glanoe of the oolumr) advertise- i,,' ment m re the hew arrivals. J0" baruainsf ' '.lj. Drive In 'ond 'gctr ,r( Nw Storm. Messrs. Cooper Brosi double frame building putting up yr stores oa Main atreet.' which the. in. ' for merAt jle .jftp?s? jtj gentlemen up and build1- - im-pro- ve the city, na4j fi4 eoplojmeat for ir ' mechanic and laborers...r " ' ' f'rl ) fc Half Mock The Value, of a( Kiss. A year or two ago I dined in San of Tott South-Wt- st Office, A CHOICE BKAND OT MQUORJ", A No. 1 Article of LAGER BEEB. A Billiard Table on the N.B. All rtrdere for Lagor Boer will moot with HAVE premi. prompt attrition Iy LANDT FTLLRIBD, Francisco .with Ihe family of a pioneer, I Troprietort. and talked with his daughter, a young lady waost first experience in San i ran cisco was an adventure, though she her Self did ,not .remember it, as she was only' two 6f three' years old at the time. Her father said that, after landing from the ship, they were walking up the And Lodging Iloiise, , street, a servant leading tho party with U. C. R. R., PUBLIC SQUARE, side East arms. little a A4 presently gjrl in her MAIN STREET, OGDEN. a huge miner, bearded, belted, spurred, Beds. Clean well-aire- d and bristling with deadly weapons just . THOMAS BROWSJNO, Proprietor. down, frpm a lpng mining campaign in the mountains evidently barred the ,th4"psrvat$ IfwS toodgazing wnn a lace an auve wuu grauiication ana astonishment, ineu ne saia OODKN CITY, JAN. lrt, 1870. reverently, "Well, if it ain't a child!" And then he, snatched a little leathern HAPPY NEW YEAR I! sack out "of his docket, tfnd s"aid to the servant, "There's a hundred and fifty SALOON, dollars in dust there, and I'll give it to Halo Street, for FHEbH 0Y8TERP, Ij the , But see can, or pWte; Etcwed, Fried, or Raw. Thmut dn you to let me kits the phildl" from reeni wt are Bivalvea Baltimore, daily how things change. Sitting at that din licieue Bonwd Pigs' foet Jiwt arrlred. iie us call. ner table, nstcntngTOihe anecaote, tr 1 JO HIMMOX3, Owter IkMlnr. ' Itf had offered double the money for the privilege of kissing the same child I & would have been refuesd. Seventeen Main IStz'rt, Ogdrn City, added years had far more than doubled WatchmakerSi Jewelers Gunsmiths. the prtoe. Mark Twain. Aicenvn (it American and Klyiu W RESTAURANTS. See notice of, land for wa4mt ale for A man In Duchess county is reported taxes." The land is eligibly 'tuated, contiguous to the railroad, sad to have made $373.80 on the butter pow, during ' inado frprp. t ro milk of one gool chance for investment. the year ending October 1st. wsa .. Articles on all the t " ' 5 $4.75 per thousand. AS AN ADVERTISING WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. MEDIUM Suit Turn lear T motion the kluaoni THE JUNCTION Sim, eppoeite Okaba, upon the arriTal ' of Tralna from the We.t orer the IN THIS WESTERN tola being the direct rente, and 113 Hllet shorter (haa til. lower Use, Satea 6 Honn in time, and Injure, connection, with all East-er- e COUNTRY. Southern Railway., paae-nge- ra baring choioe f Koute. Kaat of ' Chicago. THUOCCH 10 CHICKED A B4G61CB KASTEEX ClTltH. . i.i l' Planed Lumber 0N SIDE) t.. "."A LARGE ASSORTMENT 1U OF Doors Sash Doors. . Railed, Panelled and Moulded. Tbe Termi of Advertising are at reason . able Sleepingr Coacbei run throngli to CMoago without change. Fallraaa'i Palace B. P. PATRICK, HAS FEW EQUALS UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. r ' i $65 per thousand ft. RAILWAY. Two !.. ,1 Leading Topic of tits Day, Tbftdlreet route from Omaha to Chicago and the East, u coula be deaired. : ;l 'qeo. l. dunlap, 0o.aapv Oea.,Pata.Afft,Chloago.i ; , , S. S. TUCKEIt, OYSTERS. RAILROAD cw-e- i PARPE BQESSEL on hi)nd a iarice uenrtment of Keep cunstAUt-'fine Jewelry, Foreipa Watchwi, Uun, Piitula, and Ammuuition of all kin.U. Piirplmneni will do well to examine our Stock : , f before purrhaninir elsewhere. " orl ariar.t'jd. crefuliy rim 4" Merchants who want to Sell their Goods will do well to Advertise in the Junction, .Toinor, aud Canicnter, Ciliuet 31nlcer, HALF A BLOCK EAST OF THE 'JUNCTION", OFFICE, OGDEN. All ' Orders personally and promptly attended to. Every Article manufactured by na ii warranted to bo tuade of the beet material, - .! .i ,( Primed and Glazed, ' Mechanics can doubtless increase their Jtusiness by Advertising in the J unction. LUMBER YARD. COAL DEPOT, MEAT. CRAIN & GENERAL PROVISION MARKET, MAW BXREEX oQDKj,. , W to ADD & M-we- s ' U. P. BREWERY, 2?" Read estray notice. orfant " , : XXX BEER, Mignoornooil of Railway Stations, 6f tttn and boys bawling all kinds of dis Und ii i tries-togat- ... td7met Kg The Latent Telegraphic Xewi On IU Paatenger Tralna. I- , .i COVTAUI Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars BILLIARDS. ' " "BLUE LIIME" JOHN DAVlfS, Proprietor. A few ....... ' i Great Central Route days since an named Edwin Stott, died Englishman, a butehcr, was at Stott Uintah. suddenly and bad been at the above-name- d place, ever since last summer, fallowing his .. . ) . business, during which time he hud be..I.'..., WHO DESIRE TO AMCPK THEMSELVES That's It. A bull pup, lh a growling come ALL the die end Ib.llK will find Jlvoiu, very much addicted to intoxication. cojufortaMy fitted up itlih the frolic, draws blood from a gentleman's He slept "af fife KolanciJanO5 tU Birlit arm in. Salt, take, which is called aa BEST OF TABLES, preceeding Ins death he appeared well ' "attempted" assassination," with Ihrejjr and did not of anything ailing complain men and a be loedy dagger asstthe as 1ST 7 Q- him. The following morning he was sailants.' That's the wy to manufacfirst seen by a man named Ecurrows. ROOMS, ture items. The respectable U.S. offi- -; He was lying with his face to the floor, cTal has survived the results of fooling and appeared to be unconscious. Beur-row- s Opposite (lie Utah Central with the canine, and was lively and Engine IIou.se. approached him in order to render j hearty at breakfast next morning. .That's him what assistance he could, but in a J what's the matter. CALL AND SEE ME. few minutes Stott was dead. E. OAKX A coroner's inquest was held over the Piodlses Bewaki - Persons whe are body, by Mr. J. Grover, Justice of the in the babit "of.1 annbying.' pniserigeT Feace. After rjip: WpiirjUiaa the jury coming in by the trains should learn a verdict, that the deceased returned beUer manners.' Complaints baft' been came to his death .from the effects of NORTH Ot OGDKN HOUSE, made to the city authorities against ped.. dlers and hack drivers, who. make them- - habitual intoxication. ( ' Nine dollars in cash but no papers, wlves a nuisance at the OGDEN CIT1'. depots by their were found on the person, of Stott. He Miso , ai4ioiperUnence.., ,W do, .n.gt also had several blankets, which were WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Proprietor. h to a straw in1 the 'way of any sold at auction, andythe proceeds,, p ith Itaa conntautly on hand an excellent qaalit; of arn h oWst lirfrrg, ptrson who the money already mentioned, were ap. whether it be by peddling or anything . propriated to defray ,hU, funeral pxpen v. . : : fiio 1.,. li. Wh.ich in tur Salt either bjr the glaes r by the daccntly interred. ' ' 1 Is nuisance; WUh'ihUnd scs. He ' ' ' tt" barrel. SiDDES AND ALL POINTS EAST. tHiciuaaATU i VortheapeedytraneportattoRof all klnda of freight .xcluaire orer the' without REASOXAIiLE CHAItGES. cess. Death. ' " ShixiBlea Nl AC ARA FALLS , ' Best of Accommodations time, a copy of the Humboldt IUgiiter, a newspaper hailing from Winnemucca, Nevada. It is a neat sheet, well printed o'rf! good ' "paper, and contains several ' interesting articles and selections. SucA THB Route IWjjit NEW YORKj BOSTON OGDEN JUNCTION" ' 'iiiru:: on Passenger anl nronfl Ordcm received for all , klnclA nUII,DI It that judicious Advertising is the road to IRON PLATE WORKER, Jlock Wctt of. the Ogden success in every department of Trade. ' Uotd. fTTOItK NT.ATLY EXKCrTED, ON fHIOltT We" invite tbo public of Ogden etui else-- Mm Solicited. l'atroruiffe . I4.ITII, and PRESS IX Mil Ell of ' where to gWe us their Advertisements , tot ioertio J01IX C. THOMPSON LUMBER SASH, BLIXDS, ban beem lrequently demonstrated TIN AND oiireandon REASONABLE TEirMS, of EXTBA SIZE DOOBS. JOHN. R.: POOL,' Proprietor.;. SJ3. Latha and Bbinglo. aold on Comnusaion. II. J. IVIiAV3IVIV. Always kept on hand. ... 7 i v. the Jumctiok. L .i !".,. ' i description trill be promptly attended CTory ICiTordalc, iuuir Ogdeu, Heepertfniiy Informa the' Inhabirauta of Ogden and vlomity that hi. new ' i. la now la full opectiuu. au4 tUat be fa prepared lo upily hi. patron, with an exrellont 'juality of ll'l'KIl AND BOLE LEATHER; also with HOOTS AXI MirOES," Manufactured In tb best Style of Workmauihifi. Jf.B.lTldes and Dark it! w anted. The Clradatlon of the Junction is slneadu large and is constautty increasinq. D.W; PAMHURST, riioritiETOR. 3-- |