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Show stop-overs mms B? EIJJl ilfi General Passenger Agent Replies Re-plies Favorably to Suggestion Sugges-tion of Traffic Bureau. hi answer to a scries of commuuica-, lions from tho Commercial club traffic Inircau of this city to V. A. WadlciRh, general passenger agent Denver & Rio Grande, the following reply has been received: ''Vour letter of January 30 was re-J ccived while L was in Chicago attending the meeting of the Transcontinental : Passenger association. . J "For your information, I inclose j herewith advance copies of Transcontinental Transconti-nental circulars Nos. fl9 and G'20. on the subject of fares and arrangements j covering the salo of colonist tickets to California and Pacific coast points fori the period March 10 lo April 10, both j inclusive, JUJ1. j "Your attention is directed to marlccd paragraphs 10 and 21 of circulars circu-lars G 19 and GU0, respectively. Jl was at'tho instance of I his company that an agreement was reached- to permit on j colonist tickets' five-day stop-overs at I all points in Colorado and Utah west of New Castle and Montrose, these privileges, priv-ileges, being tho same as heretofore granted in certain territory to the west of Salt. Lake City and Ogden. The ad-' ditional privileges accorded patrons of the Denver & Rio Grande will be given widest publicity, and wc trust will operate oper-ate to the benefit of Salt Lake City and all of Utah. "On all round trip tickets to tho Pacific coast it has been, and wilS continue con-tinue to be, the policy of Denver & Rio Grande to grant stop-overs freely, and on all one-way tickets stop-ovcrs( are granted within tho transit limit.' In the matter of stop-over privileges, Utah and Salt Lake City are especially favored." The paragraphs referred to in Mr. Wadlcigh's letter are as follows: Transcontinental Passenger association associa-tion circular No. (511), dated February 2, 1011. paragraph 10. reads as follows: "Colorado and Utah Stop-overs not to exceed five days at each point will be allowed at points on Colorado Midland Mid-land and Denver & Ilio CJrando railroads rail-roads at and west of New Castle and Montrose, Colo. Tickets must be deposited de-posited with agent at point of stopover. stop-over. "Stop overs not to exceed five days at; each point will be allowed at all points on San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt. Lake railroad west of and including Lynndyl. Utah." Transcontinental Passenger association associa-tion circular No. (120, dated February 2, 1011, pnragraph 21, reads its follows: ! "Denver & Rio Graudo railroad Stop-overs of not to exceed five days at each point will bo allowed at and west I of New Castle and Montrose, Colo. Tickets Tick-ets must bo deposited with agent at point of stop-over." j |