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Show ok i;t:.i, ruoi-MKTY In the l-Vm-ili .Imli.kil Dislriel i Court of ll"' Sliilr 1. 1' I'lah, in und i fur nil'1 i'iiiiiI.v. Ileliofhitll life llls"i-:iu,v ("tun- I puny, il c-.ii-n':U i.in, plaintiff-. v. Otis ! Kn-iml't-a.-k. .luli.-i Krrno-lu-m-k. his will'. Stnti. r.tink of l.olii. It c,n r:i' inn ; l'rno ( -oinnieivin 1 ,v Snvin-s 1 1; 1 1 1 U . n ( -orpornl i.m ; Intor-lliiilllllllill Intor-lliiilllllllill Ass.u-i:it i.ni of Civil'! .Men. II corporation : .Norlhoy Malill-llli'lllliug Malill-llli'lllliug Company, (HlliTWi.-: known as Northern .Maniifarliiiing Company, a coi-poi at ion : .Ncphi .National .Na-tional Hank, a corporation: Furi-ka Hanking Cutnpany. n corporation ; .ll.vrinn l.cininon and Mary K. l.cni-nion. l.cni-nion. his wife, ilofinnliinls. 'I'o ho miIiI til Sheriff's Sale on Friday, the H'.lh ilay ,,f September, H'-T. Ill eleven u'eloek a. m. of sni 1 ilay, at the South door of the City ami County lluihling, situate in 1'iovo Cuy. I lah County, Slate of I 'tali, all the ri-hl. tiile.' elaini anil inlerest ef the ahove naineil defelld-anls, defelld-anls, of, in and to the following dc-si dc-si rihed real properly, to-wit : Commencing 111. 75 chains South of the .Nori hwest, comer of the Northwest ipiarter of Section ".it, Township l South. Halite 1 West, Salt Lake .Meridian: thence South l'Jth day of August, 1112". ,r. 1). BOYD, Sheriff of Utah County, Slate of Utah. By Klias A. Gee. Deputy Sheriff. M. It. Straw, Attorney fur Plaintiff, Plain-tiff, Provo City. Utah. Puh. dates: August, 23; Sept. 1, S, 15, 1!27. ,:.. ileit. Kast 22.N2 chains; thence South :, dcf;. West 10 chains: thcnci? North Sll'i dcg. West 23 cliains: thence Xurth Ri iIck. East' III chains; thence South b'J'.t- (h'K. Kast 2.1S chains to the place of be-j-'limins, eontainh.K' an urea of 23 acres. Also r-oniinenciiiff at the Southeast corner of the Northeast nuarter of Section 2ii. Township 10 South, Uaii);e 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian: thence West S.70 chains; thence North 12'r, dei;. West 1.97 chains; thence North des. West 3 chains; thence North 2!) deg. Kast :i cliains; thence North 5 dec Kast 2.3(1 chains; thence North 7 tie'.'. West 4.t;o chains; thence North 3fc''' do!.'. East 3 chains; thence North 31 1,4 den. East l.OO chains: thence North 2Vi (leg. West 1.72 chains; thence North 7i. (leg. East 1.20 cliains; thence South ('i7',i (leg. East 2 chains; thence North si (leg. Kast 1 chain ; thence North 2VV4 dog- East 2.33 cliains; thence South 53 deg. East 1.15 chains; thence South 75 deg. Kast 1.S0 chains; thence South 39 deg. East 1.4(1 chains to section line; I hence North 19.45 chains; thence Kast 4. SO chains; thenre North 3.S0 chains; thence West 24.80 chains; thence North 7 chains; thence North 5!li;. deg. East 1.50 chains; thence South 20 deg. Kast 1.70 chains:; thence North SO deg. East 1 chain ; thence South 4-lV'o cleg. East 3.40 chains; thence North 40-'5i deg. East 4.7(1 chains; thence South 40 deg. East 2.39 chains; thence North 21 deg. East 2 chains; thence South S.V.i deg. East 2.30 chains; thence South IV, deg. East 1.75 chains: thence South 4SVi (leg. East 4 chains; thence North 20 14 deg. East 2.7(1 chains; thence South 55V, deft-Kast deft-Kast 2 chains: thence North 51 (leg.-Kast (leg.-Kast 2.12 chains; thence South 62 (leg. East 1.70 chains; thence South 2 deg. West 1.30 chains; thence North 711,4 deg. East 3.35 chains; thence -South 40 deg. East 2.30 chains ; thence South 22 cleg. East 2 chains; thence South 80 cleg. East 5.23 chains to section line; thence West to a point S.77 chains East of the Northwest corner of Section 25, Township 10 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian : thence South 20 deg. 8 min. West 2.21 chains ; thence South 73 (leg. 22 min. East 3.09 chains; thence South S4 deg. 50 min. East 1.9S chains; thence South 24 deg. 45 min. East 1.G9 chains; thence South 8S deg. 34 min. East 1.73 chains: thence North 5 deg. 2 min. AVest 0.74 of a chain ; thence North 81 (leg. 11 min. East 1.49 chains: thence North 2V2 d(K- East 0.C1 of a chain ; thence East 12 deg. North 3.41 chains, more or less, to the east line of the Northw-est quarter quar-ter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 25; thence East 13 chains; thence North 2.S0 chains; thence West 13 chains ; thence North 45 deg. East 28.2S chains; thence South 00 chains; thence West 40 chains to the place of beginning. Together with all water rights thereunto appertaining or used in connection therewith, howsoever evidenced, and thereafter, but separately, sep-arately, the following: Commencing at the quarter section sec-tion corner between Sections 34 and 35. Tow-nship 9 South, Range 1 West of the Salt Lake Meridian; thence South 1.25 chains; thence South 89 deg. East 17.40 chains; thence North 3. deg East 10 chains ; thence North S9V2 deg. West 20 chains ; thence South 8.75 chains ; thence East 2.60 chains to the place of beginning. Also, commencing at a point 12.23 chains South from the nfore said quarter section corner; thence South 894 deg. East 18.80 chains; thence South 2 cleg. AVest 7.08 chains; thence South 3 deg. West 3.86 chains; thence South 34 deg. West 13.06 chains; thence South 2V, deg. West 3.10 chains; thence South 39.22 chains; thence West 17.50 chains to west line of Section 2. in Township 10 South, Range 1 West of the Salt Lake Meridian-? thence South 1 chain to quarter section sec-tion corner between Sections 2 and 3 in said Township and Range; thence West 6.50 chains; thence North 32.S0 chains ; thence East 0.50 chains; thence North on section sec-tion line 34.95 chains, more or less, to the place of beginning. Together with all buildings and improvements thereon and all water wa-ter rights thereto belonging, including includ-ing 40 shares in the Goshen Irrigation Irriga-tion Canal Company. rurchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Hated at Provo City, Utah, this 10th day of August, 1027. J. D. BOYD, Sheriff of Utah County, State of Utah. Ily Elias A. Gee, Deputy Sheriff. Young & Boyle, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Vermont Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Puli. dates: Aug. 25; Sept. 1, S, 15, 1927. |