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Show The Springville Band Will Be There! Two Free Concerts at 4 and 7 p. m. Rollicking, fun-raisini; Lagoon invites you to come with the Springville Band. Enjoy the concerts and the refreshing beauty of the resort. Your friends will be there. A good time awaits you. Bring your own picnic or buy it at the lunch stands on the grounds. You inny use the tables and seats provided free. There's More Than a Hundred Kinds of Fun Hero's fun for everybody. For every age there's something especially contrived for the ainusmcnt and pleasure. There is a children's free playground, equipped with swings, teeters, miniature merry-go-rounds, bump-ety-bumps, merry mixups and wading pool. The laddies arc welcome. Here they can have the Eun of their lives ! Located midway between Salt Lake and Ogden. Reached by electric railway, or by automobile auto-mobile over paved highway. Auto admission, 50c a car, admitting all occupants. I jO a nation wide . . g J.CPenneyCo m ""r "where savings are greatest" SPRINGVILLE UTAH 25th Anniversary Accepted For Their Smartness Everywhere! New Autumn Coats For Travel! For College! For Every Purpose! jgfrx I" The "between-seasons" coat is no I ' (MBS) vJ longer a problem these clever Cr .ifflr, iWTjfl) mpd(;'3' every tvPe are priced j H Smooth-Finish Fabric i 1 7 I! li 1 jaunty novelties for every fall I9DHHy9sA JlsiW need are smart and distinctive ' tMI I t dress coats are elaborately furred. I J ' jfr Pu Cozily Trimmed With ' I This early selection is varied in ft I II' 'styling and fabric be sure to see i t II I them before you purchase and i II I t0 compare our prices for coats of 1 ) If (' (3 (sLa Sizes For Women $14.75 to $39.50 25th Anniversary i Style, Quality, Good Tailoring Are Featured In the I I nv W For Men and Young Men 4 f l Who Look Upon Clothes As n Investmen In Appearance mQ"t , ,I Men's Three-Button, Single-Breasted Suit in quality I ' 1 1 serges and worsteds single and fancy group stripes It, IV medium, light and dark blue, brown and grey. psBDBjfisBL 19 Young Men's Two and Three-Button Suits Single- I V m breasted. In fine blue serges, unfinished worsteds in greys, 3 browns and blue novelty weaves and stripes ; twist fab- I rics in novelty weaves ; selected cassimeres ; also three-but- j Vv I ton, double-breasted in blue cheviots and fancy worsteds, J , I At Our JA)f' Extra . I Nation- FM Jw Pant. Wide I I 1 to I Low JL L. Match PrIce of AbbTE at $6-90 i CLASSIFIED ! : FOR 'SALE (Hi KENT House at 190 a. 2 W. Inquire W. H. Men-crary. Men-crary. a-31 EXPERT MARCELLING, call 172w lev appointments. s-1 FOR SALE Tomatoes. Call E. W. Brown, 14G-W. si LOST Tortoise shell rinimed glas- ' es. Call 105. Howard, si A nicely arranged dinner was Siven Friday at the home of Mrs. Joseph Grant. Guests included Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Toy of liinghaai and Mrs. E. A. West. mi in .iiiii 3 What do You Need In Hardware? We Have It Walc-h the skillful carpenter or abinel maker ;;l bis work. How easily his plane slides over the wood, "v ltis chisel cuts out the groove. There are no rough edges when he sets through, no bugling cornels nr angles. To what I ibis perfectiou due? 'I'" hi- skill, iiu doubt, bul ill''" again ii K in. a greal measure ilnc In the excellence of his tools. Ask him where he buys his hard-ware, hard-ware, and he will probably t;tl you ' inline ::n,l address, lor it is well known that we carry I lie best hardware in the city. Our Service Not only in (mils and building titri'.sil.s, but in kitchen and home hardware, tco. we have an un-i un-i itialleil supply and display, Whal ever we sell yon is warranted war-ranted to lie as represented. OuT ii''- arc reasonable. This is (be place to buy your hardware. SMITH MERC. CO. Phone .'57 Fresh Meat every day righl from the mosl aahitary and modern abbatoirs and w.i rranted wholesome and delicious. When you buy here you are ' assured of the best. We shoulder the responsibility, and serve you so well thai you'll come again. Just phone your order, and we'll take care of you as though you came in iterson. SERVICE MEAT AND GROCERY Phone 27 Wo Deliver I ra-U-aiiJi..iHHS mx mm m imntKi J. O. REYNOLDS' lino of Shoes for boys and girls is complete and comprised com-prised of all the latest styles at prices consistent with the splendid quality of material from which they are made. i When You Get a pair of Shoes at this store you know you are getting the best your money can buy. Complete Line Of Merchandise Wc have a complete line of Shirts and other wearing ipparel for the school boy. Come in today and let us how you a good grade of j merchandise. I. O. REYNOLDS WE OFFER THE Highest Cash Price The Market Affords For Your FRUIT AND PRODUCE Cars will be loaded at Springville, Mapleton, Spanish Fork and at other convenient points in towns of South end of Utah county. See J. F. Smith, Representative i Pacific Fruit and Produce Company with offices in Salt Lake, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho 1 1 |