Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Increased Traffic Gives I 60 Men Work on OSLJ Cliow Tough? WORKS BOARD Thief Snatches One From Car jFrees mum Additional freight business over the Union Pacific system has resulted Tn the employment of more than 60 additional' trafAnen and enginemei on the Oregon Short Line and others for the Los Angeles & Salt Lake railroad it was reported at the local office Friday It was also announced that the freight agent claim offices of the L: A Sc S L and the O S L have been in consolidated with headquarters Saff Lake W E Fitzpatrick w ill ar to the coast take Pacific rive from charge of this work next week A thief snatched a Chow dog froih a parked automobile Friday Police are investigating " Braving tlie anTmal's teethr the dog snatcher reached through the window of the car seized the Chow and fled The theft was reported by J Hoffman of S30 East First South street- - Hts machine was parked on Main street nesr Second South PROJECT CASH Preliminary Work Being Rushed by Reclama- lion Bureau street promulgated they ran work but 30 hour a week while men in the camps work 40 The board hai been asked to apply the same yule to farmer workers as to men in camp No decision bas been reached on this point Senator King stirred up such a row with his protest filed Thursday with the public works board that he has decided to delay his return to Utah and stay on the Job until the question of offsetting newly irrigated lands with the suppression of marginal The senator feels lands is settled especially that he must remain as Secretary of War Dern who presented his protest to the board has gone to Milwaukee and is to make a week's trip through the great lakes New Proposal Madt It seems that a second proposal sponsored by the buresu of reclamation was laid before the public works board Thursday but was suppressed by Administrator Ickes The reclamation bureau feels that if the full reclamation program is approved and new projects are built as proposed by Commissioner Mead settlers on old projects whose lands have been ruined by seepage or whose lands are too poor to permit farmers to make a ‘ living and make their payments should be given opportunity of moving onto newly irrigated lands with credit for their residence improve-- i ments and payments on farms that - - -must be abandoned The bureau also proposed that be given to fanners who ave been vainly trying to make a living by dry farming on lands not suitable for cultivation be given op- ortunity to take up newly irrigated ands with some credit for past residence and improvements But the reclamation bureau does not advocate be farms would of the purchase that abandoned under this scheme nor does the bureau look with favor on the radical suggestion of Secretary WaT!ace“Rather the protest of Senator King sounds like music to the ears of officials of the reclamation bureau in that it largely reflects their Innermost views which the public works board neglected to ask Protests Boar In Already there has begun pouring Into Washington a flood of telegraphic protests against the policy which Secretary Wallace and Secretary Ickes are trying to have adopted by the ublic works administration and by he president Aside from the general assumption that the scheme is primarily designed to hamstring the reclamation development program and would discriminate against the west there is protest that the Wallace scheme would take hundreds of ( v Chief Studies Plan To List Criminals “Who said Chowdog was tough!” exclaimed the veteran desk sergeant as the theft was reported (Continued Iron Paw One) A plan whereby former convicts upon arriving in Utah will register With police authorities or will face as an alternative a term in jail was being considered Friday by Chief of Police WL Payne Chief Payne said he is arranging conference with proper officials to determine if Utah laws will permit the operatioh of such a plan He said that Los Angeles in adopting the registration plan for bad started a move that probably will b- adopted In every state in the nation It would be a move toward a national hookup between police and sheriffs' departments of the entire nation he said s thousands of 'acres off the of states and counties and render the lands absolutely worthless Inquiry discloses the facl lhat neither Secretary Wallace nor Secretary Ickes have ever thought out their scheme far enough to determine what submarginal Sands would be bought' under their proposal what rule would be applied to determine what lands shall be purchased or whether purchases Would be confined to the west or be made anywhere in the country Senator King Friday branded the scheme as another “freak child of the brain tryst and said he would by remaining In Washington exert his utmost influence to kill off his plan which is designed to check development of the agricultural west and discriminate in favor of lands to be reclaimed In the Tennessee Mississippi and Missouri river valleys The Utah senator will Contact other western senators now here and if necessary move on the White House with his protest Thus far Secretaries Ickes and Wallace have not carried their appeal to the president tax-roll- - 16 1833 Two Thugs Take NIGHT CLASSES Food Supplied--B- y Relief Depot TO BE STARTED Attacked by two men Walter-McBride 57 of 217 South Second West street was robbed of an armload of groceries he received Friday from county police reported iMcBride told emergency hoswho treated him attaches pital for lacerations on the upper Up that themen followed him from ' ers relief headquarters after they had been denied food by officials As they neared Pioneer park he said one struck him in the face and the other seized the groceries r-- i Jr Pioneer Jeweler High Special Evening School Courses - Offered for the night high Registration school will be hel at West high school 241 North Second yfest street from 7 to 9 p m oh Thurkday and Friday September 28 and 29 Class-worfor the first quarter will begin Monday October 2 The hours of instruction will be from 8:30 to 9:30 m on Monday Wednesday and f riday The following courses will be Of Spit Lake Dies fered subject to enrollment large enough to justify their organization: Of Heart Attack High school English business English of- modern literature (for those who have completed high school English) David A Stem 62 prominent Jew- algebra (A B and C) geometry eler of Salt Lake and manager and (plane and solid) physiology chem treasurer of the Stem Jewelry com- Istry psychology biology botany U S history western history sociology pany 221 South economics civil government speech Main street died citizenship Spanish French geology at his home in the art applied art interior decouitJ6n music (glee club and instrumental) Maryland apart ments Friday at shorthand (beginning intermediate ' and advanced) dictation and' tran- 2 15 a m of a heart typewriting 'scription calculating attack’ bookkeeping machine bookkeeping Mr Stein wa 'modem business practice commercial born at Walka law salesmanship and advertising wisk Pro Gradno spelling and penmanship acetylene 17 Poland July welding electricity and radio auto 1871 and came to mechanical mechanics drawing Stater the United of continued household mechanics and repairs appreciation Urging 45 years ago Prior Most Rev the be values James will offered if the Other courses spiritual E Kearney bishop of the Salt Lake to coming to Salt demand is sufficient Arch M Thurman director said Friday Catholic diocese addressed students Lake he engaged In of St The courses are being presented In college at the jewelry busi four groups They are first for the the religious opening of the Scholastic ness in Butte Mont for three who are not high school students year Friday morning- "The great mistake in the world Is years qualified to'”enter the university 1907 In Stein Mr that people try to get along without shop courses taught from a trade God” Bishop Kearney said “Make came to Salt Lake standpoint complete business course time and since that God essential In your life Cultivate and a cultural course for students connecthad been interested in some particular study intimacy with Jesus Christ and with He ed here business the with Jewelry our blessed lady and good wih be easy The first quarter will close Wednesof Moriah Mt a was member lodge of for you Develop the positive aide day December 20 religion and ‘don’t’ will take care of No 2 F and A M and Salt Lake lodge No 85 B P O E themselves” He Is survived by his widow Mrs Bishop Kearney previously celeBlanche M Stem of Salt Lake and a brated high mass brother and sister living in New York Funeral services will be conducted Goggin Supporters Hear Sunday at 2:30 p m in the Masonic "Much serious-mindework for the Speech by Candidate temple benefit of the America people is Pionecr-Succumh- s theAmerican- Har under way by Fpitowin gimisic-an- d ” for the yea George speeches including talks by the canH Smith general solicitor for the didate P H Goggin and his chairand railroad Line Short repOregon man' Norman Simms the Goggin resentative o! the Utah State Bar meeting at the Hotel Utah Friday eveFriday on his return ning was turned over to general dis- "Joseph B Eastmond 77 who was association' saidsessions of the annual from attending cussion born in a pioneer wagon in South convention of the American Bar asIt was announced that next week Pass Wyo while his parents were committee! will be fully organized crossing the plains waa found dead sociation in Grand Rapids Mich The four major problems on which and functioning In behalf of Mr in his bed at his home 270 West North members of the bar association are Goggln’s candidacy Temple street early Friday morning working at present Mr Smith said He had suffered a heart attack diring are the administration of criminal RECTOS TO pO TO MEET the night adThe Rev Wilfrid J Giroux rector Mr Eastmond was born September law raising the qualifications for of the Cathedral of the Madeleine 1 1856 and had lived most of his mission to the bar asunlawful practice such giving of legal will represent the Salt Lake diocese life in Utah He was an accomplished of the lawreal estate men and bankby of the Catholic church at the nine- harp and banjo player and Was well advice of seteenth national conference of Catholic known in musical circles of Salt Lake ers and tenure and methods judges Efforts are also being charities In New York October 1 to 5 He was discovered in hi bed by lecting of All it was announced at the diocesan of- Patrolman George Phillips of the made to correlateintothe work a national prolocal associations fices Friday had who gone department city police to his home to ask him to play at an gram Mr Smith was reelected chairman entertainment of the general council and ex officio Mr- - Eastmond was a widower and member of the executive committee had lived alone for several years which bodies pass upon all papers He is survived by two sisters Mary before they are printed for presenElizabeth Eastmond who occupies an tation before the national convenapartment in the same house and tions Sida son of Snow Mrs John Provo ney Eastmond of San Francisco two daughters Virginia Eastmond of Butte Mont and Zola Eastmond pf Saa Francisco and two grandchildren Bar Association Work Explained d - - asso-eiati- 1933-1934- To Heart Attack UTAHN GETS DECREE William 'Ashton ion of Mr and Mrs George S Ashton of 404 Wall street recently received an M A degree In businesa administration from acStanford university California cording to word received in Salt Lake His parents Mr and Mrs Ashton have returned from Palo Alto where they spent several dsvf visiting their son Mr Ashton left shortly after receiving his degree for Los Angeles to take a position in a large department store there - SEPTEMBER Bishop Addresses College Students Students of East high school belonging to secret organizations will 6t prohibited from participating In any school activity William Bowi bank student body president sc Friday morning in the school assembly Students who wish to be member of the Red and Black paper Easton la staff football basketball teams hold a school office or any other school activity-- wlli havt-t- o prave they ere not a member of such an organization before they will be eligible for any activity Bruce & Millikin principal stated in hia speech before the student body Friday ! MORNING - Secret Groups Hit In School Ruling ' SATURDAY - ' At a' touch of a button" the EASY centrifugal pump empifai the water through a hose into sink or drain That means no wet feet—no rusted --tasters— no after mess to clean up— j- - co MayywatertOlifluJt mcaaUhe greatest washday convenience yoit have ever known Investigate this matchless value today You will be amazed at the g sptany new time and conveniences offered in this new EASY Washer at no increase in labor-savin- pried N OIW AT Terms if Desired I RlT OIL - (Downstairs) At -- 4 Ji1 f J I RT L Lawtowifcs Trails President Leaves for East mt I I I The® : Tribune-Telegra- n m In 7 John Overland 21 alias Hbopiani of 1657 Beck street in police court Friday denied he was- drunk at 1230 a m when he drove his automobile against three barricades and a sandbank injuring four persons He will be tried Saturday on a drunk charge Those1 injured in the accident pt North Temple and Eleventh West streets where the road is under con- -i struction were Palmer Gwynn 21 of Woods Cross Carole Cook 19 and Phyllis Reid 19 of Bountiful and E Reid Betts 22 of North Salt Lake None was reported seriously hurt Best Results - a Brought I Ttiffi Out of 6 Salt Lake Homes Insures toAOTn V A®s Results Driver Denies Drinking Caused Barricade Crash ' Ad Sells 1240 Coup- e1M0 ford sport coupt perfect eond 1240 m I 2nd tio Wll 10041 Sold! Sold! Suit Against Local Cash Ad Gets Cash for Truck! insitxsss 13 Chrv IVkon taoo Hr eood bods mu A- -t so loth but Merchant Dismissed Sell Dome— Ad Brings 30 Calls mod brick twdrms turn 1 IKK) ISO per mo full pile gut tide Wlklnt dlt Owner Wu I1U Sold Elec Refrig —5 Calls— ’ 4 Gn Blrclrlc illiMly lined SOOt Richmond coat IM7 tt Suit filed three years ago by the Bank of Manhattan Trust company New York against E Dreyfous as vice president of Walker Brothers Dry Goods company and guarantor dn a $100000 note had been dismissed on stipulation Friday in Third district 130 down Swapped Swapped Hr Bt t ch:Rfrirtor sus-- J Sold 3150 Truck— 25 Calls— condiIMS Iodi 1 track tion owner mint ucrlflre prrtcct 1150 ISO gut lnd South Wu 10141 Rented! Rented! emt “ mi Fire Calls— Swap radio for lilt Msleatie 36 So 2k12 rug East lor xr'y-- or make of aelllut and buying prices exact condition — like new tood condition etc apeclal fret urea and phone numbar Name ' pumb-IP- S Radio-Wash- er l(Hh ' SELL 131 Swapped Hens for Plumbing— Btcwini hem and Ircah Hr 865-- J J TO MAKE IT Sold Plano— 3 Calls— Melster piano In good bond It Ion Ml But Slit South Hr 4KM-- v1 TELL South 14ta Hr Boot Judge Allen WHAT TO Sold Burgy by 10 A M Wicker WnltnCr bby ert ST 50 131 50 new 1440 prccttrallr S145-- J court WMhar of artlcl i Traded Tent— Rifle for Paintin other (or palntlni calcimlnina Holiaday ST 15 Carpenters Ans Auto Swap Will trade car repair work lot carpemef 59 Pmitofllcc Plata work Rents $45 Colonial—3 Calls— i Wonderful heme newly dec mod colonial amusement rtn gar 1W5 E 0 So In bsmt Hy 2700-1- 1 Rents 320 Apt— 3 Calls! nicely lurn taa ranee Piano arete fireplace heat same 151 J30 lovely I 5th Bouth Hr S505-- J k real home 1 porrnet Will furnleh rim SSS Pleaaant Plenty heat hot water re frit walklnt dutanee from Matn at Hear achooli car 544 I 4th Isabella 42S4M Hy Lots of Calls on Board & Room! trtn This home-ccoke- £ ay “Pay fot 3 Dnv—Oet 4th Dav Free” ' "Jxj d clean vneait Spec price for 2 gl-- n 337 E lit 0o TELEPHONE wrmp- - Ad Rented $45 Duplex— Beautiful duplex taa heat reIn basefrigeration and ranga ment aprlnkllnt aystem Oarage Wonderful o- -' ' ' “ 45 to rood ten 1 nt Bouth 16th East Was 5V40 or Hy TlST ' & ! Rented Farm— Many Calls— acrea I cow house 1 " 'x fj Driver Arrested After' Collision With Officer tf Code Hearings Set Next Week Orvil Whitehead 25 of 470 North Sixteenth West street was charged with failure to signal a left turn Friday after patrolman H C Peirce’s motorcycle crashed Into the rear of Whitehead’ truck at First North and ' First West streets Peirce was cut and bruised and suffered a possible fracture of the right foot Whitehead was releisedrom the city jail on personal recognizance "T" ? SUNDAY WANT ADS TAKEN TILL 10 TONIGHT t) 4 ' A Specially priced Kitchen SETS Consls $ 7Q 1 67 Wash Boiler ts on tively ted of Made galvan- - of one kitchen garbage pall and one waete $toI 49 Attrac- heavy 2e1 lron come s plete decora- er Fry PANS Special Value! 3-- Pc n comwith cov- Ah Extra Of east iron size Volbrath make Counselor Jl-ln- ch pa DVC -- Bath Scales Refrigerator Sets Cornet In '4 For eompeot storing of food Also - uned for cooking and baking Speclilly QQjk priced for Saturday ny ev- - weight! Weighs to 340 Ibe A very ape- - Cal value (Auerbach’e— Housewares— Do wnetaira) Decorated 32-Pie- ce DINNER SETS i the charm and color of a cet A1J Service Specially priced O Z c IflPnjC thejlot Specially prided at (Auerbach’e —China ware— Dcwmtatnl V V ' ‘ 1 hand-- DINNER: SETS Gold band dinner set In full service for 12 people Only 12 set in CUP and SAUCER Would make a very at-tractive gift Buy them for an extra get of six number on 94-P- Fancy China for people LI mltfd priced Jwlce - j up A heavy cast Iron chicken fryer with self basting cover ' E Frank Eardley was elected president of the Traffic Club of Salt Lake by the newly named board of governors Friday afternoon at the offices of the Salt Lake 8c Utah Railroad ' company Other officers chosen were E F Bertling first vice president Harold G Reynolds second vice president Norman D Browne- - third vice president H W Ans ell secretary and C E Flandro treasurer The governors are Aldon J Anderson Roy McDonough Harold Davis V N Parkburst R W Flandro and J J Craron Those recently retired are Howard Lathrop C L Fitzgerald H W Hanson and George B ' Miller size No metal touches the coffee Chicken FRYER Earclley Chosen By Traffic Club JUNIOR POLICE MEET Carlyle Brown was' elected desk sergeant of the East high school junior traffic police at a meeting Thursday evening at the school New equipment will be issued to the members of the organization' In the ne&r future it was announced by Micky Osi e wald who is in charge of the junior This yeark session of the University at the school of policemen North Carolina is its 137th ' v A You’ll call It the miracle coffee maker A ft and buy at only' - c S4f) chickena pla etc Ideal opportunity for yotmt couple agricultural college trad-uatHr 4106-- “New Way” COFFEE MAKER ’ case seeking recovery of $90080 had been "fully compromised and setHearings on industrial code of the tled” Details of tha settlement were state wjli be held all next week at not disclosed the chamber of commerce Gus P Backman acting administrator for the state and national recovery adHotel Man Arrested ministration announced Friday Bnt Later Released The hearings are as follows Master painters end decorators Monday p m beauty shop operators Tuesday Larry Potter 38 former operator 10 a m butter manufacturers Tuesof the Fairmont hotel was arrested by day at 2 P m! ice cream manufacmorals squad officers Thursday at 6 turers Wednesday 10 a m con' p m A few hours after he bad been tinued retail trade hearing Wednesbooked on open charges he was re- day at 2 p m barbers Thursday at leased Patrolmen E J Blazzard and 10 a m automobile dealers ThursGolden Holt made the arrest day at 8 p m roofing contractors Captain J G Smith of the morals Friday at 10 a m potato chip manuPotter said to had been taken squad facturers Friday at 2 p m headquarters for interrogation but A hearing for all branches of the that there was no specific charges sutomotive industry walj be held ' against him Thursday September 28 at 10 a m ' to Ads— 89e Per Line lh Day rroo for 3 Dayo—Qe( front-bac- Bo t Sunday Ads— 20c Per Line Ads— 58c Per Line ' Ad— Rents 335 Apts! A n J ' 140 month Better WANT AD RATES Words to (Count L1I G Thurman signed the dismissal order on a showing that the Dr Howard R Driggs president of the Oregon Trails and Landmarks association and professor at the New York unlitersity left Salt Lake Friday in company with Mra Driggs and his two sons Wayne and Perry Driggs for his- home in New York City Dr Driggs came to Salt Lake three weeks ago and titer staying here for several days tnaveled to Arizona and California where he participated in the1 dedication of pioneer marker He also visited state officials of Nevada- to promote marking of pony express trails After returning to Salt Lake Dr Driggs went to Pocatello Idaho to converse with members of the Oregon Trails and Landmarks association on the centennial celebration which will be held at Fort Hall Idaho next year He returned to Salt Lake Wednesday Dr Driggs Is a native of Utah and a former resident of Salt Lake For a number of years he was an instructor of English at the University of Utah N $lg98 ' |