Show z s rt 4 4? THE SALT LAKETRIBUNE yearling wethers Medium to choice to 110 pounds 13 5006 00 twee good and choice 90 to 150 pounds: 31 500 3 73 CHICAGO Hogs— Sept II Receipts 35000 unevenly 10 to 35 cents higher good to'eholet ISO to 330 pounds sows 33 100 3 60 14760 3 00: 1500 Cattle —Receipts active fully steady: beak yearlings 31 13 sprinkling at 35 008 10 largely 25 000 6 00 trade on fat light and medium weight steers best ted heifers around 25 78 cows 32 26 downward selected vealers to 2900 ln-b- et weens 1560 3 39 Livestock Market Quotations 80 NORTH SALT LAKjj'sept 13 (U8DAI— lambs 38 7507 00 few aw 8300 feeding Boss — Receipts 872 211 direct throush iambs SC3S shipments Include 113 to Ban Francisco 15 Af— USDA1— Hogs PORTLAND Sept parkera and 413 to Loa Anssles packers not 500 active strong good to onoueh offered to make a market lew —Receipts choice light weights SI 350 6 50 packing packtnc sows 33 00 & 3 31 sows around II 75 feeder pigs quotable Cattle — Receipts 313 throush shipments 24 75 down Include 180 to Los Angeles packers and 19 Cattle— Receipts 301 calves 40 around -to California dairymen no earls sales Steady: few beef cows S3 75b3 ftfti low out-te- rg Sheep— Receipts 1793 throush shipments and cutters mostly 21506 2 34 Delude 131 to Utah feeders one small lot vealers 26 00ri7 00 choice quotable to good 27 50 30 pound drlvetn lambs S3 00 93 head 49 or above medium grades down to 2450 1000 pound feeder lambs 33 75 no early sales Sheep— Receipts OGDEN Sept 19 (USOA)— Bogs— Re- market quotable steady with Thursday s ceipts 895 347 direct throush shipmantf late 15 to 25c decline good to choice lamb Include 123 to San Francisco packers and quotable around 156005 75 23 6to Oakland packers steady with Thurs15 DENVER Cattle— day's higher close top 14 70 on lot 197 Recelpta 200Sept calves 35 ctws 22 25 pound drlvetnt lew lots packing tows 33 40 3 00 cutters 21 3ft 2 00steady heifers 23 00 fa down 1 5 00 bulls IS veelers i 00 chotoe Cattle— Reesipta 174 through shipments fed steers 15 5002 70 stock steers 527503 25 Include 338 to South San Francisco market stock heifers S3 60 and 73 to Loa Angeles market steady at Hogs — 300 13 single direct two week's level part load 1281 pound steers through Recelp’e 2000 pigs and piggy tows on govIdahos 34 00 few 1000 pound out 12 75 ernment account and 1000 commercial 1203 pound 13 50 load 1003 pound Utah to I hlsher top 170 to 330 pound steers-3- 3 75 two loads Utahs 970 to 1200 strong 14 40 170 to 150 pound 34 0004 40 bulk pounds with throush billing 13 65 part few 23 90 packing sows S3 350 load good Utah cows 13 83 part load com- - 275 few S3 00 medium Utah steers $3 00 odd Sheep— Receipts 10000 500 throush askSion and 13 50 few vealers S3 5005 00 36 or above ST 25 on to hither strong 12131 throush ship- ing Bhesp— Receipts best lambs bids steady 1st Thursday ments include 3493 to Los Angeles market choice Colorado lambs I7U top 1228 to Chicago market 539 to Omaha marKANSAS CITT Sept IS (USDAW-Hossket and 273 to Bt Joseph market steady llOOfWern-men- t 130 direct short load 89 pound Idaho lambs 28 25 8 Receipts 15000: uneven 10020c doubles 75 pound Idaho feeders 3 doubles higher pigs fairly active chalca-jo- a to 220 m St taikl4 75—73 pound 4aahq-3- 6 19 ut thee loads good and cbolce 140 to 160 pounds at 94 76 three loads S3 pound Oregon feed- pounds 23 600 4 35 160 to 250 pound! 34 2004 50 ers 565 15 to ear 7 pounds oft 24 65 250 to 290 pounds 23 SOW 261 390 to 360 all through pounds 43 gun 3 83 seeking sows 276 to Shipment bad freight benefit 550 pounds 12 40 0330 OMAHA kept 15 (AF— USDA)— Hogs— Cattle— Recelpta UsO calves 350 fed steers and yearlings steady to atrong other Receipts 21000 fairly aetlvs to all 10c to steers classes steady choice lights and butchers steady higher than Thursday’s avetoset sows 10 26 25 early sales grass (Steers 23 3503 ft to 15o higher practical top 44 49 for choice steerg good tnd Choice 550 to 1500 pounds 650 common and medium around 200 pound weights few head S4 50 24 85fti6 33 bulk 160 to 250 Pound 14 100 4 40 140 to pounds up $2 50 0416: heifers good and 23 500 4 25 180 pound 250 to 350 pound choice 550 to 900 pounds 14 750 825 cows common 13 63 0 3 50 23 350 4 25 SOWS 11 6003 30 Stats $2 000 good and medium 22 3603 85 3 50 vealers (milk fed) medium to Cattle — Receipts 3000 Slaughter eteers choice 3500150 Stockers and feeder and she stock mostly steady bulls strong steers good and choice (all weights) 13 75 to 10c higher vealers steady to strong 0 5 86 common and medium (all wslghts) fed steerg and yearlings mostly 25 00 $5 75 2 00 0375 few lots long yearlings 25 8509 00 heifers Sheep—Receipts 3000 native lambs and 8 0008 50 crass cows 33 250 8 00 cutter odd lot aheep about steady no range lambs 2 500 told 115002 10 medium bulls early top native lambs $6 00 best grade 2 75 practical top realrrs 18 00 few 3 50 rangers held above 27 00 lambs good and down 26 5006 70 comsteady choice 90 pounds 90 Sheep — Receipts 7000 all classes bulk sorted native lambs 37 oos range mon and medium pounds down 14300 I 1 OO 200 pounds 140 pounds 24 96 moat SATURDAY to iweslbly 1136 few packate slaughter pics quotable 24 75 3 25 pecking eowa Cattle— Recslpts 100! fairly active on email eupvly steers: steady to strong soma sales medium to around 35 cents higher for two days aha slock and bulls 349 steady two loads medium to low-goto 940 pound California steers 34 50300i load bsiferuh cows 28 50 low cutter to cutter quoted 31 00 0 2 00 ' good MORNING SEPTEMBER 16 ' Metal Market 1933 23 BELIEVE IT OR NOT Tone Improves By Ripley ' — fOvssIsl to The Tribune) CLEVELAND Sept 15— The tope ie bulls absent of thnonferrou metsl market wag ij Is or aW Sheep— Receipts 600 slow early sales killing classes steadr part desk medium decidedly improved thia —week re- - Sheep—Receipts 7000 fat limbs active Trade Demand ssi38ii°inihw"hl:port3rD4Uy--Meta'- l to yesrhn mostly 35 cent hlsher good to natives 17 3507 50 native throw-ou- ts tomh nd wag more active in most of the metals 14 0004 50 sheep firm desirable ewes 2WMbdW0shnltJwTrondR“ho ' — — upward to S3 75 and while the volume of business 8T JOSEPH Me Sept IS done was not unusual it was suffiRose— Receipt 12000 no directs 500 strong weight and heavy pigs cient to materially bolster sentiment butcher gteady to 10 cents hlsher then This was particularly noticeable in Thursday's average spots slightly lower on BOSTON Bept 13 (AF)—Following extreme heavies bulk 240 to 360 pounds the salts high lew and doting prices of ainc which immediately firmed up 241504 30 380 to 360 pounds S3 500 4 06 stocks traded Friday on th Boston stock as soon as consumer interest reap good and choice 140 to 360 pounds 23 50 4 65 iwcklng sows 375 to 850 mundt 9240 exchange- peared in the market Tin also was 03 35 Stag IHigh'Low lOtoae stronger add wag quoted higher This Cattle— Receipts 1309: calves 300: most Am A Conti and stockera classes fully however largely was due to the ad killing steady Am Tel Tel feeders choice unchanged vance in sterling Copper continued steer H 10: steers good and choice 550 Anaconda to 1500 pounds (41600 00 common and Andes Fete Inactive but urtefcanged at 0 cents Atchison medium 550 pounds up 22 6004 85 heifers Connecticut Lead was active early Bigelow Sen good and choice 550 to 900 pounds 34 7"' in the yeek but trading later tapered 6 00 cows good 23 3304 00 veelers mllk-ft- d Boston Kiev medium to choice 24 0o6 60 Stock- Celu A Heel off Lead held unchanged at 4 85c ers and (feeder steerg good and choice- - 11 Cooper Ring 111 Edison Elec East St Louis and 450 cents New weights 217505 00 First Net Sire York Sheep — Receipts 5500 most sties of native and a few range slaughter lambs Eng T and down steady with Thursdays 1st if New-Min- ed to 50 cent decline bulk rangers unsold generally heald at 37 09 and above - lambs Qulney 90 pounda down- 26 260 choice and hswmut Assn food yearling wethers medium to choice ton A Webster 0 to 110 pounds 23 75 0 3 76 Owes good amd WASHINGTON Sept 18 (UP Swift A Oo choice 90 to 150 pounds II 60 ©3 75 feed- Unit Fruit price for newly mined gold consigned export or for use In domestic erts and In ing lambs rants good ana Choice 50 to 75 Unit She Maeh pounds $5 50©6 18 dustrlsg wet fixed by th treasury at 210 41 &u Strong choice 'Boston Stock List i St Gold Price utiffix tfi 8eiCTTTAP-U8DA- ) — LOS ' ANGELES 10: Hogs —Receipts 25 tew eastern steadr at Utah Metal 36 00 quotable top around 35 25 ‘'Total sale Friday 48651 shares Cattle — Receipts 500 generally steady common to medium steers 3 850)5 00 few grass heifers 24 00 common to medium 230003 35 cutter grades 21600 2 85 Calves— Receipts 300 slow steady aouthwesterna 14 7505 50 Sheep—Receipt! none good to choice lambs quotable 36 500700 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Sept 15 (AP 250 including 40 USDA)— Hoge— Receipt for government purchase aotlve light and butchera steady considering quality bulk medium to good 174 to 32 pound Cellfor-nla- a 13 4005 60 good to choice 165 to DBF GOODS MARKET NEW YORK Sept 16 (AP)— Gotten goods market! were active today print elotha add Commodity Index cows NEW YORK Sept II (AP)— Index of fifteen ytaplt commodity prices (December 31 1931 equals 106): Today HI 8 previous day 1111 week ato 127 7 month ago 129 I high 1931 low 71 7 79 9 (Copyright 1983 by Moody's! 1933 103 0 141 high 1932 low 9 1912 broadcloth telling in heavy volumt Rayon hlpmente continued large Silks were steady at the higher levels established dur-Ithe week Wool goods a ere In moderate demand at steady prices Burlap waa alif ot FLOUR MINNEAPOLIS Sept 16 (AP)—Flour— Unchaneed shipments 26377 Bran— 214 60018 00 She’ll LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE THAT’S FUNNY- - I HER TO HAVE A FIT AND START A ONLY ONE WAY TO TEACH THAT KID HER PLACE- -i I'LL KEEP CUTTING 6QWM ON WHAT t GIVE THEM TIU GETS WISE TO- HERSELF-- I SHfDON’T HAVE TO GIVE THEM A CENT IP I DON’T WANT TO ACCORDING TO THAT CONTRACT- - EXPECTED &IG ARGUMENT- - SHE HARDLY SAID A WORD-WHA- T COULD SHE NAVE ON HER MIND I’D BETTER KEEP AN EYE ON HER tV BUT SEVENTEEN DOLLARS CAN’T BE Learn COME ON ‘UNCLE DAN-I’- M GOIN TO LOOK OP THAT CONTRACT- - I KNOW WHAT RIGHT— WHERE ARE YOU GOING? ITSAiD- - EOT JUST TH’ SAME GOING TO REAP IT AGAIN- - Qipriano Ferraris I’M KEPT A PLATE SPimiNQ gf Apt Yorlli CONSTANTLY qoufis For Increase in Prices er pf a North i eRll)0d at Eu-e- WINNIE WINKLE THE BREADWINNER l as a It is '5 OH THAT BA- eclared carry lit HE6 HAD id A Pain in the Neck to Some Folks i bo car-- 9 hase of the pro stand w devel-inUta- h et — is lees) GASOLINE ALLEY :S si Charge and Carry 13 1314 :1s 37 S3 30 r ateedy Ho 01 e 37 17c IlHe 39 22 isrket un- -' r du’dl hen 4 Vi nda Uc k 131 to ea liberal t weaker TO I S No a no I h Dakota l- 3001737 The Fate of Bim Gump --Poultry- red Live iciTowla I WMMMMiIm lBflaOo iced red oolori fresh ream moral al seconds HA at the fatb F -- PAR DOWN THHWVKft &OMt UTTUK PIKHfRMAH’ HOVBlA TWW WAN PICrURe LMS M AN OLD BE- D- HI K HYP CkQSE- O- HIS FACE fUNKBN ANO tMACIATE- T OH xRANOPAA MIGHTY RueA-CMI- U f DO YOU LIVE THwk) MIGHTY QUBeft PHOW PIMikjOOKW FBLLA t HriU BTRANCrB-OUEER-kOO- fA UKCS PNC SORT TdO-B- LIKE THAT FLOATIN' DOWN THe RIVER OUT OF Hi HEAD AHDAU-RU- T IF KlNONCBt AMO D- t16iaie e avlrag oloro and HAVE HAPPENED "TO 1 midwest-39lt08- 3e HIM— WHERE OOEB HI COME FROM? OUT OF HIE HEAD ‘ F- BRNO- - HIM TUROUCrH YET ico stand-rts- h Shell IcTPaclfi whites SORT O- r - e 33O3101 er browns “ - )— lYOdUO' ‘34 f 4 pounds to 1H inds 13c ounds 30c ound and (AP)— Fcd-nwhole i 13 pY et GOLLY- - IT JUbT tMPo66LE CHICAGO-TH- iefs Ai-VA- WRlTlN er 317339 reports ths eat Item is eles county srded Mon- - — ( h TO GlT' dek- - ' Ini FAMILY E SEEMS TO BE jnu-- SEEM-- FEW ME A YlMUTE AT thact TO VNITE TO OINTY He 30 it mediums Thirty elation at Drlsis Idaho Surviving are the husband Ludvig Ernstrom J ‘ —J ' J (Baglstarad O S Patent Of tig I HAVE IT-- I’LLTEUtPHOME TO DlMTY-- YHY O DM’T THINK OF THAT BEFORE? tired or least address Some of VjRHTNG-YO- U 'SHOULD AT AND these EMVELOPES THE PHONfe LET ME USE AVJWILE- - NOW LISTEN' I’VE AT LEAST TWENTY PEOPLE TO CALL UP SO don’t FIGURE ON USING THIS PHONE eg E — jem G Donald Witzel REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1mm F Melk to Christian P Bor ensen section 32 township 1 north Mt 1 1 10 10 10 MT FLEA SANT— Mrs Elizabeth Plant Cresewell 82 widow of Elijah Cresewell died at the home of her daughter Mrs Charlee Zabrlskle Friday morning after a long Illness Mri Cresewell wag born In Longtod Staffordshire England March 34 1851 a daughter of Mr and Mr Joseph Plant Bhe came to Mt Pleasant with her husband and two amall children In early days and had resided In Belt Lake Clear Creek and Mt Pleasant at varioua times alnce Sh was the mother of 31 children of whom only two aurvlve Mr Charles Mt Pleasant Cress-we- ll Margaret Beck Bean of her first marriage and Jacob R Furhiman onto a gear PROVIDENCE— Jacob R Furhiman 71 ded at hla horns early Friday night after the previously 300 ssnt to which made ) Hannah Winn v MONROE— Mrs Hannah Winn 73 widow of J Alvin Whin died at the family home Friday at 8 a m following an Illness of only a few hours Mrs Winn Was bora in Denmark March I860 a daughter of Mr and Mrs Barra Slmonsen The family cam to Utah in th 70 s settling In Fountain Green Tho following sons and daughters survlvag John Luolan Elmer and Katherine Winner d Mrs Jesse Hannon Monroe Robert Wl Balt Lake Roy Win Murray Mrs Nor Jolley Balt Lake Mrs Phoebe Hicks Elsil nora S3 grandchildren and 17 great-gran- d BT ANTHONY Idaho— Funeral aervlrsg wgre conducted Wednesday afternoon in th L D 8 tabernacle lor Mrs Sarah Ellen Halgren 53 who died Bunday from cancer Burial took place In the Wilford cemetery Mrs Halgren was born December 23 1880 at Hooper Utah Bhe was married to Joseph Thomas In 1901 He died In 191L mra later sh married Peter Hal- St Anthony who aurvlve her Other survivors are her father E Thompson Bt Anthony five sisters an three brothers and the following sons an Mrs Katie Sorenson Firth daughters Mra Myrtle Rlchman Montana Mra Lil- lian Bowman Salt Lake Mra Beatrice Albert Lynn Johnson 8ANTAQUIN— Albert Lynn Johnson flv month-ol- d son of Ernest H and Fanny Lucille Kinder Johnson died Friday morning at the family home The child was bom March 13 1073 Surviving are the parents and the grandparents Mr and Mrs John O Johnson Bantaquln Funeral services wilt be conducted Monday at 3 n m In the Bantaquln L D Second ward chapel with burial in Bantaquln City cemetery under direction of tits 9PANISH FORK— Funeral services for Mrs Margaret Beck Bean who died In turn Angeles were conducted Friday In the L D S Second ward chapel Mrs Bran waa born here August 21 1877 a daughter of Joeeph E and Margaret Robins Beck She was first married to from whom shedavas diWilliam Hansen vorcedand later was married to R V Bean who preceded her In death Sh is Deseret mortuary survived by three sons and one daughter— WUlltm Hanson Oregon Mrs Orissa Olsen Olobe Arlz Ellison Hansen Burr-vlll- itaFeRall-)- t 41 from 'lnaei t wt( ’ tnd Elijah Salt Lake Her husband died in 1919 Weaver and Glenn Thomas both of Bt Anthony Gerald Thomas Lo Angeles CsLe She also la survived by two grandchildren Funeral cervices will be conducted at 2 and 19 grandohildren p m Monday In th L D 8 South ward 4 chapel ohlldrrn 31933 829 Robert King Av Robert King 83 died at hi home tott Biath East gtreet Friday at 443 a m of heart attack waa bora in England October Mr Kin 16 1649 a son of Robert and Charlotte H cam to Balt Lak 38 rears ago King For 30 years he wa employed as a elerk at the Strevell-Paterso- n Hardware company but was retired three years ego Surviving are hls widow Mra Alice Wag-sta- ff King a son Charles W King two dsurhtera Mrs Alfred Ooddard and Mra Edith Beesley all of Balt Lake three brothers George William and Harry Kin and two slaters Eliza and Mary King all el England and four grandchildren Funeral services will be conducted Bunday at Pi® In Bt Paul Episcopal church Ninth East street and Broadway The Rer A E Butcher will officiate Friends may call at the Deseret mortuary 38 East Seventh South street until time of service Laws tl“ Burlai Sark4 plac Sarah Ellen Ilatgren Elizabeth Cressicell R Verdetl Bean Los Angeles the following brothers and sisters Isaac and John A Lelandi Mrs Ann Halverson Beck Chinook Mont Nephl Berk Aberdeen Idaho Mra Mary B Davis and Taylor Beck Spanish Fork Understood iad a sur-t- er charges th moths children William Funeral arrangements are being mad fog 9 con Bunday at 3 p m In the North ward L Ik Donald William Wltiel 8 chapel Burlgl will taka place In Uoi Thurman of William and Clara Morris Witzel died from Gilbert C Friday moraine at the family residence 5992 rp City cemetery France W Holme Holmeai desertion Judge Herbert M Schil- South State street The parents survive ler Thurmtn By George McManus i Palmer John a BRINGING UP FATHER Fannie II Ripplinget OOOEN— Funeral service for Mrl Frame Hilton Rlppllnter 34 wife of J Henry Rippllnaer who died Friday In a local hospital following a three months’ Illness wilt be conducted Sunday at 12 30 p m in th L D S Twelfth ward chapel Burial will be In Ogden City cemetery under th direction of Larkin 4t Sons mortuary Mrs Rippltnger was bom In Balt Lake December 31 18U9 a daughter of Thomas H and Bsrah McMurrln Hilton Bhs waa an active worker In th L D 8 church In the Sunday school Bh had Steadier of th mary asso- - and five sons and daughters— Jay Henry Ludvig Krns’trom 78 actlvg member of Dan and Jeanette the L D 8 churcu died et 4h home of Edith Donald all of Ogden five brothers and hie daughter Mra Xlvera Muse M J Max and Bar ah Hilton sisters—L 1 90 ayenue Friday at Kenneth and Beth Hilton Salt Ogden p m of inflrmitlee Lake and the grandmother Mra Jeanett incident to ago McMurrln Balt Lake Mr Irnstrom Wag (f born In Vermlsnd Bittngko Sweden September 0 1834 a son qt Ludvig end Lena lomatrom Era ttrom Prior to hi coming to this coun- - --“ trr Mr Ernstrom served on a mission In MARRIAGE LICENSES hla native land for the ROBERT 0 SALK 34 Santa Monica Cal L D 8 church In 1876 emiZWNA BRANDON 24 Santo Monica and li77 H grated to Utah In 1878 CHARLES D MeCLUHR 21 Salt Lake and in August 1888 RUTHH COOMBS 19 Salt Lake he wa called from hie WILFORD L Oiemif 24 Blackfoot Idaho home In Ogden to ful 34 Sait Lake VERNA F McOONAOLE fill hls second misLUCIAN H BATES 29 Salt Lake: sion In Sweden Hie 34 Salt Lak ELIZABETH FETZER wife Mrs Augusta SHIRLEY D BLAIN 27 Murray Anderson Ernstrom MAROARE'fLAMAR 31 Salt Lak died two years ago WILLIAM 0 PUEBLO 31 Salt Lake: last December 18 Salt Lak He la survived by KUSHTON MABEL lx tony Edwin E of Pocatello Idaho: Carl OGDEN L or Draper George 8 of Flushing xmg HAROLD SHELTON It Island N Yl Henry A and Willard ET of BUBY NELL KARRAS 50 r 8a(tY Lake and Jameg P of Binghamton 29 Balt ( R LLOYD SNEDAKER N thro daughters Mrl Arthur J ThorT DOROTHY PROCTOR 29 ton Mra Vara Muse and Mrs Heber EgMM bert of Salt Lake and 31 grandchildren SUIT FILED Nuckolls Packing oompany vt A K WinQuincy ter doing busltiegg as ths Utah Packing 22016 04 on open account John Qulney Palmer 62 died Friday al Tlnaev 1 20 a m at the home of L O Paddlson 68 South Second West etreet of heart DIVORCEE GRANTED trouble He waa born In West Creek Utah Beetle Lambert from Eddie Lambert He wag a member of tha Loyal Order of Judge Allen O Thurman Moos of the Balt Lake and Elko Nev SurHelen Hill from John X Hill cruelty viving are a brother Chaunoey W Palmer and nonsupport: Judge Allen O Thurman of Balt Lake iand a alster Odell Behrens Ella Preec from Jesse R Preece nonsup- of Baoramento Cal port and cruelty Judge Allen G Thurman Vera Swertfager from WIlUam H fiwert g rang 3 east Harold L Garrard and others to Rebecca B Gerrard section 30 township 1 south range 1 west Lillian Rellley to Perneua a Morler lot 97 Jackson Square eorga A Thomas to A J Hoen and others lot U block 33 tenacre plat A Hyrum J Jensen company to Theresa Assy lot 1 block 4 Thorndyko addition erioream wn- UT WHAT COOLO no- -' pr-- aio Sadr Draper Midvale Millard Henderson Oarlleld Clarence Henderson Mrs Park City Mra Terry Cler Taylor Albu X MI Mrs Ella Harrison Jenarque rome Idaho Heber Henderson Los Mrs Hannah Peck IdahOt and Mrs Ally Petereon Lark Funeral aervlcea will be conducted Sunday at I p m in the Lincoln L D 8 ward chaple 2017 Ninth East street Friends may oall at the Deseret mortuary 33 East Seventh South etreet Saturday and at the family residence Sunday from 11 a m until 1 90 p m Burial will b In th Draper City cemetery J 31 7063 1 Willard JohnOckey July 3 1881 a daush-te- r of Alexander and NEPHI— 'Heart failure Caused ths sudden Minnie Henderson of Willard John Ockey 72 at I She Is survived by death At m Friday aeven her husband Waa born la Nephl October II 1801 children Steven Ar- a Ha son of Edward ana Stray Ockey tarty Ross nold Dean settlers of Nephl pioneers of 1847 Bo Grao and Shirley married Zelnor Webb of this city October Terry and Mra Irma 29 1888 He had engaged In Stock raisin Jamison all of Balt and farming all hla life Lake i four grandchildren are hit widow and tha folSurviving foland th eons and lowing David M daughters: lowing - brothers and mond W Clyde H Ockey Balt Lake RayMra M T R A Ferris statersDr New York Mrs Gweh Oily td-Henderson Mrs Leland Clarence and Thelma na Meredith and Downs Nephl and two brothers and a sisOckey Owen ter— Roes Mrl Ann Jackson Dave and Belt lake A 3 Hen- John Mrs Mary Ockey Nephl nine grandchildren - and derson ld on Henderson Georg Funeral aervlcea will b announced lttes — ware September to November shipment available at g 60c Bugar futures showed further gains they reacted from th rest with final prices 2 to 4 points net higher Sales-1300 tone The market at advances of 2 iwlnta and lateropened ehowed gains of 4 points on all positions on covering and burin br houses with trad and Cuban connection! The demand teemed to be promoted by continued talk of inflation and reports of renewed political disturbance In Cuba Failure of refiners to ahow more Interest teemed to discourage holders and partial setbacks followed under reallting Final vrlcee wera off a point or moro from the ieat September 1 64c nominal December 1 580159c January 160c bid March 1 66c: May 1 71o bid July 1 750 bid Refined eusar waa unchanted at 4 76c with second hands for fine granulated around at 4 60c to 4 63c Withdrawals were only moderate and new business was light According to th domestic sugar bureau (he deliveries of all United States beet sugar companies In Aueuit segregated 1 946408 bags or 46082 leaa than Au- gust while alnce tbe first of tho veer they aggregated 17411676 bags or 200434 laat than th gam tlm in 1932 Tetry STATISTICS 33 13 m h t of a of the a - 1 NKW YORK 8e'pt15AP— Rw gutar was unchanged today with a eale confirmed of 7000 beta of Cuban now loading to an operator at 3 30c Refiners bid around 65o but (her were no offerings below 3 65c Philippine for itlon of Pimce it Eliza - nel and ut from OBITUARIES salmon and four cents for silversldes Several hundred cannery workers were- expected to Join the strikers to9 night At a meeting yesterday prices of- fered by packers were immediately refused by officials of the Columbia River Fishermen’s Protective union Too O- AND I DON ERASER on the Log man Providence nine brother and Joseph Furhiman Hyrum: Andrew Furhiman Franklin Idaho Albert Carl and Amelia Furhiman and Mra Emma Zollinger Providence Mra Elizabeth Smith Rlverdale Idaho Mrs Mary F Lslshuan H WellsviUe Otto Furhiman Logan ASTORIA Ore Sept 15 W—Sev Funeral services probably will be conTerryl Mrs Elisa 3 Henderson 8 of 942 ducted Monday In the Providence L D B erNtooysandJishemenxWftiBSfLfrfL in a local hospital Friday at 12 15 a m Fuat ward ichapel with burial in Provt- -' the Columbia river today aa they concity cemetery under direction of an opera- deuce following th Lindquist Bona mortuary tion tinued their demands for fivt cents Mr Tarrr was born In Riverton a pound for Chinook and steelhead Oregon Fishermen Strike ntic a Mrs M M Riley Nev— Mrs M M Riley 6ft pioneer of Las Vegas will be burled Saturwhere zhe died after a Angeles los sudden Illness Thursday Mrs Riley was the widow of MM Riley southern Nevada mining and railroad man who died her ago eight month LAS VFGAS day In William' J Weaver OGDEN— Funeral lerrlee for William 1 Weaver 31 of 3837 Lincoln avenue w be lied an lllnest of 10 days He was born hers December 33 1061 a Thursday at the family home of heert disson of Jacob and Barbara Loos 11 Furhiman ease will be conducted Bunday at 4 m In the L D 8 Nineteenth ward gfemel He had lived here ell hls life He is survived br hls w)dow Mr Olga with burial In Ogden City cemetery under Alltel Furhiman on gou Jacob A Furhl- direction of tha Larkin 4 Bona' mortuatw ft V ' |