Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING ‘ELECT CHIEFS ?H0LD BANQUET ! Medical Comention Hears Addresses by Noted Surgeons —-(Opntlhtied from rse Ont) - Bal neuralgia In middle age an affliction occurring Thq ailment i characterized by gudden paroxysms 'of pain m the facial muscles hr said with the pain recurring every few seconds and usually in the same place Chewing Swallowing and other muscular operations will cause an attack the doctor reported I The alcoholic Injections Dr Adson explained will bring only temporary relief for sufferers from this disease 'which' long has been a "puzzler” for the medical profession Permanent relief so far can be obtained only by cutting the nerve roots the doctor dded beCause of the disease cause it affects the trigemfhal nerve 'In the face stiU has baffled researchers he reported Dr Adson said similar treatments have been glossopharyngeal neuralgia s like ailment affecting the posterior part of the tongue Pain usually Is induced by swallowing of hot and mold liquids I New Method Told r A new field of research In treatment of tuberculosis was outlined by Dr Ralph C Matson surgeon at’ the Portland Ore Open air sanatorium He told how Introduction of air into the infected chest cavity will cause the lung spot and allow it collapsetoofrest This method of treatthe lung ment while still In the experimental ’stage has cured a number of tuberculosis cases once believed incurable i Dr -- Matson Medical Group uxiliar Plans Drie Against Barbaturic Acid accidents make Automobile business for the hospitals and the medical profession butthe busi ness does not pay A statewide drive for legislation to In the opinion of Dr Dean stop trafficking in a new narcotic was Lems of Baltimore president of promised by the women's auxiliary of the Utah State Medical association the American Medical associafter hearing an address Friday at the ation 50 per cent or more of the A C Callister Salt Hotel Utah by Dr victims of automobile accidents Lake who are treated in hospitals do Told of the habit forming dangers not pa Furthermore they are of barbaturic' acid the women prom usually long time patients not lsed to conduct an intensive educa easily removable jhey are not tional campaign through countv aux to be regarded as charity eases diaries of the medual association since they make the plea of lack parent-teache- r organizations and wo of responsibility for ‘he accident men's clubs and expect the ether party in the Dr Callister's addiess featuied the accident to pav session which inciudtd selection of ‘The automobile repairman is a new president-elec- t and a new panel taken care of by insurance comof officers for the ensuing yeai Mrs F M McHugh of Salt Lake panies but the hospitals and doc tor- - are left to press their claims was chosen president elect for the in vain" Dr Lewis said year’s term beginning in 1934 while "The medical profession is at a Mrs L S Merrill Ogden took overu her duties as the new incumbent t loss to know W hat to do about it Legislation might be proposed president She succeeded Mrs E D but what should he the proviHammond Salt Lake ( Comsions of such legislation’ Other officer? included Mrs John have Aird Provo first vice president Mrs pulsory insurance schemes J N McQuarrie Richfield second hot been successful ” Dr Lewis is here as a guest vice president Mrs LeRoy Smith Salt Lake recording secretary Mrs speaker at the annual meeting of the Utah State Medical assoJ R Morrell Ogden corresponding secretary and Mrs C N Ray Salt ciation Lake treasurer "Medical legislation- - Is seriously needed to control the sale of habit forming narcotics” Dr Callister told the auxiliary members “Morphine cocaine and similar narcotics already are controlled by the federal law known as the Harrison act but the real problem lies in a new class of narcotics such as bar baturic acid” he said Friday's session ended business meetings of the auxiliary The only Physician Warns Against event 'scheduled Saturday is a tea for wives of visiting doctors and Abuses of Medical members of the association at the 1291 home of Mrs L A Stevenson Profession Third avenue meetings Saturday morning and afternbon DOCTORS DECRY CHEAP SERVICE reported Dr Joseph T Tyree of Salt Lake feported on the use of antitoxins and prophylactics In prevention and curd of the gas bacillus infection which was prevalent during the world war when men were exposed to the of the trenches I The bacillus Infects tissues In local ! areas of the body causing a gas to ‘form which heretofore has called for 'heroic treatment Including amputa-tioit was explained t— A featureaddreas was given by Dr tCUfford Sweet of Oakland CaL who 'discussed the child as a patient Medical Leader Speak “Children must be trained to have 'Confidence in their doctor" Dr Sweet paid "They should learn to regard him as a friend who will help them rather thSn one who causes suffe- Women at Physicians’ Meet Believe They Belong' in Medical Profession is a sheepman at Roosevelt “U’a Should women become doctors" that question there was onlyltirely a question of cooperation I one answer Friday in the minds o£ can see no reason why a career ehould at least two women attending theinot enrich life as well as the ability Utah State Medical association con- - to enjoy life" Similar views were given by Miss vention And that answer was Reeve who said she intendsto marry "Certainly if they want to” comes Expressing their viejvs were Dr providing the “right man” L Miles of Roosevelt a general prac along "But I'm not contemplating titioner for Jitore than 18 years in marriage now” she added with a Utah and Miss Jane Reeve daughter smile Other women doctors at the convenof Mr and Mrs James W Reeve 1040 Thirteenth East street who is study- tion were Dr Helmina Jeidell of Salt Nelson of Muring medicine at Rush Medical college Lake and DrareMildred expected" to attend the ray Others in Chicago r Although not yet an “M D” Miss Saturday session Reeve could not resist visiting the convention as an observer She eager- Fi ly compared notes with Dr Miles w ho she discovered is a graduate of her own alma mater “Of course Women should take up the study of medicmgor surgery if they are interested Though" Dr Miles declared “Women should have every reason to expect as much con The medical profession in Salt Lake fiaenoe in their ability as men docand Ogden ranks among the highest tors I remember when I first decided!1 the nation accordingto Dr to become a doctor Everyone thought Brooks prominent New York phys was 'peculiar' because I liked sci- icikn who Is the special guest of the entific- work and wanted to develop Utah State Medical association at its field in Salt myself along that line I had to fight annual meeting being my entue family to get permission to Lake 'The practice of medicine here is attend college And I remember that there were only two other girls in further advanced than even the doctors themselves realize” said Dr my class ” “That just shows how conditions Brooks "I lived here as a boy and have changed” chimed m Miss Reeve have 'since taken a great interest in I am “There are eight girls m my class and the medical profession here from the eight m the junior class We don’t pleased to see that credits school are for a woman University of Utah medical regard it as a bit unusual accepted at full value at the laige to study medicine ” Miss Reeve said her studies were qjedical schpols in the east" Dr Brooks regrets that the last two a “very personal problem" with her After majoring in psychology at the years of medical courses are not given An effort university she said she became inter- at the University V Utah ested in child welfare and found she TSttould also be made he believes to could not progress without a medical provide for internes in the local ho pitals to receive systematic training background Miss Reeve and Dr Miles were such as is given in the eastern insti agreed that women should not allow tutions Dr Brooks is the founder of the their careers to interfere with mar Harlow Brooks fund post graduate riage 1 believe my own home life is just course which is a feature of the an as successful as that of anv other wo - nual meeting of the state medical as man" said Dr Miles whose husband sociation en-T- o Y Physician Praises Local Medical Men 1 prevalent of the association for the Public service Ls ‘an old tradition past year Dr Eugene S Kilgore of of the medical profession but this obSan Francisco and his brother Dr Alson R Kilgore and Dr T E Car- jective cannat be obtained by too n f -- red" Dr Sweet declared that with use of the proper psychology physicians 'can examine children without difficulty He demonstrated the assertion with a small girl brought especially ‘ for the occasion Dr Dean Lewis of Baltimore pres! fdent of the American Medical association professor of surgery at Johns 1933 Crash Victyns NEW NARCOTIC Poor Pay Says Visiting Doctor Visiting doctors found registering a pleasure Friday uhen scientific sessions of the Utah State Medical association contention began at the Newhouse hotel Aboie arc putured Miss Helen Taylor (left) and Miss Cleone Ftlliams” signing up” Dr C F Dixon of the Mayo clinic at Rochester Minn one of the 11 guest speakers Offi-5ta- e cen 0f the u omen’s auxiliary of the association are pictured in the lower photograph Lgft to rtgffl are Mrs uho will McHugh of Salt Lake president-elec- t take office in 19)4 Mrs L S Merrill of Qgden the new president and Mrs £ D Hammond of Salt Lake retirThe auxiliary ended its business sessions ing president after the election "of officers while the doctors will hold concluding 16 WOMEN OPPOSE Feminine Touch at Convention UTAH DOCTORS SEPTEMBER 1 Hopkins university and surgeon in chief at Johns Hopkins hospital told the doctors of treatments for the tare tumors of the sympathetic nervous system "It is significant" be said "that these tumors if recognized early may ing or enlargement in the neck groin be eradicated from the patient en- and other parts of the body would see their doctor at once many tumors tirely" He discussed in detail the technical could be prevented entirely he added phases of surgical treatment If all Other speakers Friday were Dr persons who notice any unusual swell- - McHugh who delivered his report as i A iii ' V '! Ml ! " i " 'l ! t H ' it i I i A J " !i " Jn i" ooa moo S " SW" 'I'5' 'V - V-'- !' I Q70 SOUTH mAin mW offer tef young sophisticated Salt Lakers the newest Styles sponsored by Hollywood Special arrangements have been made with Los Angeles manufacturers of smart apparel to furnish the Hollywood Shop with copies of the glamorous gowns and coats of the movie stars as soon as they are styled by master designers for feature pictures We are sure you will be pleased with the very modest prices at which these high style garments will be offered for sale You are cordially invited to attend our opening and see one of the most beautiful ready-to-westores in the country ar Dresses $594 to $1974 Coats $1194 to $5950 six-yea- Post Mortems Am THE HOLLYWOOD SHOP will o mody of Denver1 Colo Surgical and nonsurgical conditions in the abdomen were dlscussed by Dr ALson R Kilgore while Dr Eugene S Kilgore told of abdominal manifestations of circulatory diseases Dr’ Carmody toTdhow lnfeclM teetft and other abscesses in the mouth may cause sinus trouble and other ail ments Among the speakers scheduled at the Saturday session of the associa tion is Dr Henry T Scott in charge of biological research at the Umver sity of Wisconsin alumni research foundation Dr Scott will speak m place of Dr J Roscoe Miller of Chicago 111 who was unable to attend The Wisconsin investigator will report on “Irradiated Vitamin D Milk' as produced by a new ultraviolet ray process By exposure of milk for two and a half seconds to the rays of a carbon arc lamp the presence of the vitamin is obtained Vitamins Studied "Thus milk will have tjie Hire? things necessiry to prevent rickets and other bone deficiencies" Dr Scott said “The three elements are calcium phosphorous and the vita" min D The vitamin D formerly was supplied to children chiefly through cod liver oil he explained Considerable headway is being made in the study of the six known vitamins Dr Scott added The irradiation process he r said has passed a experimental period at the university Other speakers Saturday will be Dr H Winnett Orr Lincoln Neb who will discuss acute and chronic osteomyelitis Dr Adson on spinal eor tumors Dr Eugene S Kilgore on coronary disease and Dr Matson "Treatment of Chronic Empyema Dr Willis S Lemon of the Mayo clinic who will discuss tumors Dr Harlow Brooks of New York "Coronary Thrombosis” and Dr George W Pierce who will give an illustrated talk on plastic surgery Seen asAid to Saving Lives A plea for the more general use of postmortem examinations was made Friday by Dr T G Carmody of Denver guest lecturer at the con vention of the Utah State Medical association at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Salt Lake Exchange club in the Hotel Utah "Such examinations may save the life pf a child in your family or of some other person by the information’ gained by the physician” laid Dr Carmody “Doctors are discarding the term 'cured'” he said "because although a person may return to his work after being diseased and feel well the new tissue is never as good? and his efficiency is never as high as it would have been had there been no infec- much cheapening of service That was the opinion expressed Friday by Dr Eugene S Kilgore of San Francisco clinical professor of medicine at the University of California Dr Kilgore is a guest speaker at the state medical 'convention —————— Warning that the way must not be opened for political abuse or private exploiting of the profession Dr Kilgore declared most physicians would be willing to sacrifice their own personal interests to bring to all classes the best possible medical service “The practice of medicine today In addition to the ever present urge to advance medical knowledge and thereby improve service to the community is faced with economic problems similar to those of business and other professions” Dr Kilgore said "We have felt the depression not only as individuals but even more so through our daily contact with the combined effects of financial misfortune and illness The more enlightened bankers and leaders of industry SVe realizing more and more that their own welfare depends upon that of the mass of the people and that their functions must become increasingly that of public servants “Public service is an old tradition of the medic&l profession and their attitude today is sympathetic toward plans for bringing to all classes th Most best possible medical servile physicians would be willing to sacrifice their own personal interest to this end But they do not believe this desired objective can be attained by too of service or by much cheapening forms of insurance organization which would provide opportunity for private capital to exploit medical service or for political abuses under governmental control "The great depression we trust ls Rather than introduce at abating this time changes which might in the future discourage the best type of young men and women from nndertaking the long and expensive preparation for medicine it is far better that we give mature deliberation to organization plans and meanwhile individually carry the load as it comes to us” Funeral Service Held For Football Victim Funeral services for Robert Burns Donohoo 14 son of William R and Eleanor Mickelson Donohoo were conducted Friday at 2 p m in the church with Sandy Congregational the Rev A L Rice presiding Burial followed in the Sandy City cemetery The boy died Tuesday at his home In Eqst Crescent of injuries suffered while playing football Monday at the Draper junior high school Three Admit Possessing 32 Beer Pa $25 Fines Pleading guilty to possessing 3 2 per cent beer three pnen Carl Brown tion" 74 arrested at 325 South State street He told of work by the Child Re- Sarah Hasegawa 28 First South and search council In Denver and T L Burt 42 126 “A rich Child is usually more sub- Regent streets Regent street finest)! $25 each ject to colds and sinus trouble than in police court paid Friday a poor child because It does not get out and shift for Itself In all varieties of weather and acquire an immunity and is also often pampered and seldom receives as much care from its mother" he said TEETHING POWDERS Frank Johnson club president gave a report of the national convention held recently in Milwaukee Wis Positively Allay All DR STEDMAN’S Ward Campaign Mapped For White’s Candidacy — Organization of district and ward campaigns in the coming municipal election were discussed Friday night by supporters of K N White candidate for city commissioner at a rally at the Newhouse hotel Speakers Included Mr White and J C Butt who presided as chairman About 200 attended CHURCH TEACHERS NAMED Members bf the Cathedral of the Madeleine Sunday school will begin their scholastic year Sunday at 9 30 a m in the Cathedral hall it was announced Friday Sisters of the Holy Cross wh will teach are First communion class Sister M Honora Intermediates Sister lit1 Valery confirmation class 'Sister M Joan Elizabeth and Bible history class Sister M Joseph Theres Teething Troubles ragging about being seedy out of fashion PRIDE in possessions lias come back It is the nature of Americans to get fis fine things as they can for themselves and their families Four years of doing without are over now With them went the fashion of brag-inof our poyerty Enter the new efia of living and dressing better in g v Hart Schaffner & Marx $ Suits and Topcoats Used by Mother the world over for more than half a century and abeolntely guaranteed free from all harmful I n g r Protect YOUR Baby by Insisting on DR STEDMAN’S TEETHING POWDERS the gam lahcet trademark ea every packet and powder none other-wis- e genuine Your drug-- “ gist can supply you Observe fcTSw Arthur Frank k 208-21- 0 South Main St James H Sled man London Eng t i |