Show 't'f ft THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER Advertises UTAH STATE NEWS State For Bids oh Link HOMECOMING IDAHO UTAH Orpheum Bill ' KIN OF FAMED Of Highway 89 The itate road commission Friday started advertising for bids for the construction of 11723 miles of gravel highway of standard federal aid construction between Indianola and Birdseye in Sanpete and Utah counties Bids will be opened Friday September 29 and the work is expected to 16 Provides Good Entertainment PIONEER' DIES Jackson Durant Gerua Wasted Layton Mlmt Montasne Tom Slddall Jim CreUiman Sue Leonard Tony Oaaottl Murtoch THE CAST 13 21 ATTRACTIONS AT SALT LAKE THEATERS New Charlie Chen Picture at Victory NOW PLAYING ON STAGE AD New SCREEN ’ Stage Show Films at Playhouse ORPHEUM— On the itaae Benny Rom mu- Warner Barter Mrrna Lor Chariot Butter worth Driggs Mae Clarke PhlUlpa Holmea C Henry Gordon Home Succumbn Martha Bleeper Nat Pendleton Oeone E Stone ON THE STAGE to Be Panehon and Marco Bunklai Beautlea cost about $125000 Maxine and Bobby O'Connor Family Julia Curtli is When this Benny Roea and Maxine Stone 68 completed founder of Don C Driggs project Annual there will be only five mile$ of highmember Idaho of Most excellent entertainment Is of Driggs prominent way on U S route 89 in Utah which the L D S church and grandson of fered in the Fanchon & Marco stage will not be of gravel standard or better This is "the fivfc Parley P Pratt counselor of the L show and screen feature "Pentmiles connecting Birdseye with This- D S church under Brigham Young house” which opened Friday at the PROVO— Brigham Young univer- tle Some heavy construction is re- died in Phoenix Ariz Thursday acsity’s homecoming day parade Sep- quired here and the plans are not cording to word received in Salt Lake Orpheum -- The stage show compristember 30 in which delegates to the quite complete However the adver- - Born In Pleasant Grove November ing several clever features runs for this project is expected 20 1864 & son of Benjamin W and smoothly and the 'screen picture Utah-Nevad- a safety first convention tisement ter of seremontee with Maxine Stone Two Interesting attractions will be Mexlne Manager George Allen presents a end Bobby “Canine Aatfce” Julia Curtli “Impreiiloni" O'Connor Fam-l- new program ot vaudeville features new Founder Idaho on prothe Victory’s presented KEEP-2- 4 “Donee Harmonica" Max Bradfleld combmed with screen plays Saturmuale Sunklit Beautlea In near jlance One is Earl Derr Biggram today H in at rhythmi on the ecreen Warner Baxter day and Sunday at the Playhouse ger!' ingenious new mystery drama In “Penthouae" with Myma box PhlUlpa K Lewis' traveling road show ot CaliCharlie Chan's Greatest Case” star- - Holmea Prank Butterworth fornia players will be featured on the Arizona PLAYHOUSE— On the ataee Thayer and Included in the large east are ring Warner Oland and the second Della elnalnx and denctna Alberta lady stage Feature Parade ventriloqulet Lewie maalclan Playhouse Thayer and Della to a clever singing is an intriguing drama that goes beecreen Nell Hamilton and dancing act which Dencettei on the combmed and Marlon Nixon In and Celebration hind the scenes at a big radio station “Speed Demon" with WllUam Collier Jr with the California kids is a whole “The Phantom Broadcast" and Joan Mareh show to 'itself Alberta a lady venat University Conservation Corps Work “Charlie Chan's Greatest Case” as and Lewis an outstanding ON THE AUDIBLE SCREEN triloquist the title implies presents one of the CAPITOL— “Broadway to Hollywood” With magiejan There also are the PlayMadae house Dan cette s a clever most baffling crimes the famous OriJackie Cooper Jimmie Durante to Be Carried on in quartet of Evane Alice Brady Ftenk Morean Eddie to ever detective ental Bernard is as usual Don dancers attempted QuUlxn solve It is the murder of a wealthy PARAMOUNT— Key Franc! In “Mary Winter Months e the master of ceremonies M D " with Lyle Talbot Qlenda ParAmerican residing in Honolulu— a On the screen will be seen Nell man with many enemies but so rel Thelma Todd Hamilton and Marlon Nixon to “Ex — “Charlie VICTORT— Warner Oland in and well protected that the OGDEN—A total of 24 forest and to follow immediately Oreateet Cue" with Heather Flame" and William Collier Jr and he later attended while not excepHqnaJIy original in powerful Olivia Pratt manner In which M was killed and Chan’e Anael John Warburton slao “The Phan- Joan Marsh to “Speed Demon” U S 89 then wiU be complete from the BrighamDriggs state winter camps have been ap- being held here that day and goodat is enacted treatment and Young academy theme tom by by whom seems an unsolvable mysBroadcast" with Ralph Porbee The management also announces will envoy ftbm more than a score Thistle which is connected with Salt Provo After completing his educa- such a cast that one forgets tery Romance and touches of com- Vivienne Oaborne proved for Utah and Idaho by Robert splendid will be amateur or mulch Lake vian near the communities within paved tion he joined the construction par- that gangsten pictures are— well a by of RIALTO— ‘Tartan the Fearleae” with But- that Tuesday night conservacivilian of balance director the picture’s appeal Fechner edy ter Crabbe Jacqueline Welle also Wil- night line ties which were building the Rio trifle surfacing to the to will promises passe No burparticipate Heather Powell Detective anliam “Private and Gordon War cinity John la tion corps work according to an From there it ex- Grande railroad in Colorado Clar- south of Kanab First— Bepny Ross is the master of ton have the romantic leads Warbur-to2“ nouncement Friday by C N Woods be a colorful affair Mr Driggs moved to Teton county ceremonies Too often in the past the OEM— Lovei Papa” with Mkry Bo- State Presents Colorful E H tends to Flagstaff Ariz over the hew Harmon ence Professor and for playing the nephew of the slain land “Mama over at Colorado assistant United States forester river the and OharUi Rutalea bridge 1887 the in first Idaho with band term “master Of ceremonies” merely man who works with Charlie Chan to Eastmond report! the fourth region STATE— “Ruputlh and the Empteu” with It Is also the main of Mormon settlers making his home meant that someone with a few banal The theme of the event will be Marble canyon unravel evidence the John Ethel and Lionel Barrymore and Spectacle in Rasputin tangled The approval of these camps has “Recreational A color highway to the north rim of the Grand on what is now part ot the town of remarks and stale stones would in- Ivan Diana Wynyard Enterprises'’’ and Cherrill the Simpson Virginia with some time and to Bryce Driggs He established a trading post troduce the acts as their turns been awaited for national Canyon park Ninth East TOWER and South)— the massed colors for (Ninth including j:ame Claude King appear in the big sup- George Arllta hi 'The Worklni Men" Telling the story of the last days hope that details could be arranged guard park while it has an and was later made postmaster for and lessen their chances of success the banners of all organizations par- ’Canyon national cast The action takes place with Bette Davla also Pay Wray and Rob- of the Romanoff dynasty “Rasputin connection with Zion na- that section During the administraimmediately for establishing sites in is case But not Mr porting lead that the will with the ert Ar In “Kins Konc“ procession tional and the Empress" will open at the the lowlands rather than at high ticipating and a gravel road leads to tion of President Cleveland the town Ross He is- - kn artist with many tal- m Honolulu Charlie Chan’slikehead- MARLO matron! park March drum Provo American The (Sutarhouael— Predrle Legion and the the sumquarters dialogue the forests where the in monument new at In “The State theater for the entertainment Cedar national the Grant Carole Lombard him points Cary of was andafter He ents named the F the 'Utah of Driggs and plays corps is piano bugle sings battery marked Eaale and the Hawk” alio “Kins Koni" of Sunday theatergoers This drapreceding Chan pictures mer camps are located Breaks doing both with considerable skill by Chan’s quaint but wise quotations with Pay Wray Robert Armatront guard and possibly the medCounty Treasurer matic spectacle presents the three All except three of these winter national Construction on another gap ton manner his assured makes and national of detachment the Brtnt' with syave ical STAR— Oeorte Liner" from Confucius "Luxury guard Mr Driggs served as the first county ilao Barrymores the stage's royal family camps will be established at new sites will be next in line this highway in Utah In Kane county Oabome Zita Johann Vivienne an instant favorite His number Ralph Forbes and Vivienne Osborne treasurer of Teton and later was made him “Handle With Cart" with James Dunn to their first screen appearance toThese three are in Idaho— the GallaMaxine a Stone B Y U band has recently been placed under conwith of the fil Guests honor remarkably star “The Phantom a Boot Broadcast” and Mallory was inHe gether The lavish production built county commissioner gher camp in Payette national forest the first aid teams of the Safety so- tract agile dancer and a charming come- unique story that gives an inside on a scale hardly before attempted to strumental in organizing the Bank dienne Cottonwood camp in the Boise forest was of the ond and the Provo high school band really bright glimpse into romance behind the and his fight with the white men motion pictures and served as cashier of the of presents the glories Driggs and the Spring creek camp in Salmon ciety of show the will follow The C C C camps at It deals with the clash bring the story to a thrilling climax of Petrograd to its presovlet days be- microphone He spots establishment for many years forest O’Connor The American Fork Family justified between two ppn one ostensibly In addition to the feature picture fore the fall of the Romanoffs Au- also served as an Idaho state repreForest campk In Utah will be Cot- Hobble Creekat and advance press reports All are popular crooner end the other a bril- there is a Vltaphone musical act “The thentlo reproductions of the great Nephl are being insentative from Teton county and took their tonwood near St George and Rich- canyonsto and creditable but the and send Patsy floats liant musician who secretly does the Red Shadow” an operetta based on throne room the grand review of contingents an active part In getting a branch of diminutive performers of the field at Richfield State camps will vited member to appear in the parade troupe singing that has made his rival fa- the popular “Desert Song" in which troops impressive ceremonies of the the Oregon Short Line railroad Into took the house be Moab Santa Clara Washington bv storm The family mous engood-wiwill the come Next such numbers as “The Riff Song” Kremlin are amCTg the scenes shown the Teton country Hurricane Orderville Salina Fort would and to asked also be collectively will who individually Gail one the of who Patrick and bring “The Desert Song” “One Alone” Ethel Barrymore is cast as the Rusgirls When the first L D S ward was do credit to Douglas and St George Mr Woods voys vaudeville bill or floats if possible Provo competed for the role of the ’“Panth- “One Flower in Youf Garden” are sian empress The vicious Raspiltln formed at Driggs he Was made the Fanchon Stany said the Fort Douglas camp will be displays Marco's Sunkist Beau- er Woman” has an Utah county community units The board of education of Davis sup- sung by a worthy cast A Tom How- is reincarnated to Lionel Barrymore Mr Driggs was later made ties established at the military post in city and a group of dance num- porting role in the castImportant will then follow presenting typical county school district has full au bishop which Is com- ard comedy “The Acid Test” and who gives one of the most stirring first president of the Teton L D bers presented the Salt Lake in their customary fine style pleted by Gwlnn Williams Ajnold an Aesop cartoon complete the prodevices of thority 'under the state recovery act A camp also Will be maintained at recreation methods and stake in which capacity he served An Indian number performances of his career and John to the accompany Gray Mary MacLaren and Rockliffe citiesr Cheering contingents of dealing with public work£ passed by 8 20 years gram for Zion national park the men to work theirlocal Barrymore plays the charming dee ment of Gudmundsen’s Gordon sing- Fellowes A new issue of Metro-tonuniversity under Yellmaster the special session of the legislature Diana bonair Prince ChegodiefL The size of the the In 1920 he sold his Interests in Idaho Rialto on trail construction late For the theatergoers well was received James McGuire will be followed by to borrow from the federal govern- and moved to Phoenix where he or- ing news rounds out the bill is showing for the regular midnight Wynyard of “Cavalcade” fame la camp may depend on the demand for Provo city school groups act is whose billed Curtis Julia ment under the national Industrial? rethe Western Building and as matinee following the regular show seen as the Princess Natasha his admission according to word from The procession will start at Second covery act for construction of school ganized "Impressions” gave one of the Loan association ot Arizona and at finest at 11 p m James Cagney in "The sweeheart Ralph Morgan as the Apeman Washington Burroughs most and exhibitions of unusual 9 30 a m at Center and streets East czar Tad Alexander m the czarebuildings without referring the issue the time of his death was president In Idaho the forest camps will be ot Hell" one of the lour-etaline of march will be east to First to the people of the school district of the association ventriloquism ever presented here New Feature at Rialto Mayor vitch C Henry Gordon and Edward Twin Springs Boise forest Shoup The made this season pictures to to has be heard be It seen and apto to north east North East Fifth for a vote Salmon forest Danskin Boise forest Patrons attending the last per- Arnold are of the excellent cast t Listed i Survivors to street Center preciated and South University of hilariThis is the opinion the Aa feature Joseph Chez a Fearless” ot “Tarzan formance the Arrowrock Boise forest Riggins Ida- west to Pioneer supporting "Tarzan the Fearless" based on the Maxine and Bobby In "Canine AnHe Is survived by his widow Mrs park where the pa- attorney general given-i- n response ous Charley Chase comedy “Fallen ho forest and Pollock Idaho forest rade will disband and where the to a request from H C Burton su- May Robison Driggs seven Sons and tics’’ are not strangers to Salt Lake characters created by Edgar Rice are invited to remain as guests of the Arches" will be shown The following forest camps ahead management masaudiences Both the his Junius Elwood and contests held will be daughters Lynn safety to district of the comes Satthe Rialto perintendent established will be maintained: Ga ter have been here before but have Burroughs Vida Mrs Brinton Driggs Douglas howconstitution state Utah The lagher Payette forest Cottonwood never been seen to better advantage urday for its first Saif Lake showing ever limits the amount of the indebt- and Mrs Virginia Clark Phoenix Boise forest and Spring creek It goes without saying that the or- with Buster Crabbe Olympic swimFrancisco San Golden K and Driggs to so Incurred the be edness that state may Salmon forest Established tutor Ont at the Chole rmriBi brothers and sisters: chestra under the direction of Max ming champion to the title role the and following revenue school amount the district of are creek Harris PrmenUA IMw ani ErarV Da r ai M camps to be retained Z Brown' Mrs Leona Bradfleld maintained its high standMrs John For those admire who the Bud from the receive VICTORY will PARAMOUNT CAPITOL creek Moore’s year during Boise Gardena and ard in musical presentations roughs storiqs of “Tarzan” this pictaxes The latter mcludes the reve- Dowd W King and Parley S Driggs All men now enrolled in the sumot Penthouse” a is a R Howard1 story Lake Professor society Salt enture offers some of LOGAN— Exhibits from the vari- nue the district will receive from its mer camps will be given preference New Frank M Driggs lawyer who saves a notorious gang- tertainment Getting awaygrand STARTS from the in manning the winter camps which ous counties of the state have been local taxation and also from the state Driggs B W York ster chair from the electric be and North Dakota Driggs angle and entering- in to will contain approximately 209 en- - POVrlng Jnto the extension service district school fund state school Ogden - Christensen- - American comes involved hr m' series' of excit eternaLjeif Maud Mrs TODAY! fantastic “Tarzan the the Fearless” ""rolled men each said Mr Woods The office at the Utah State Agricultural equalization 'fund 7 and state high Fork and Mrs Geneva Halverson Los ing encounters with the underworld offers one of the primitive romances only men who will be rejected for college to be entered in the final school fund But it is a limit which Angeles Because he will not give up crimi- that takes the audience into the holds junclubs of the state is effective Mr Chez reenrollment will be those who have contests for the Funeral services will be conducted nal cases he is asked to resign from gle where this primitive man saves a “In all your plans” says the opinconclave beginning been unsatisfactory in their work at a three-dahis law firm one of the oldest and beautiful Phoenix in from the Sunday of the must ion “you not lose sight dangers of who cannot answer physical or mental Monday morning most reputable In New York When both man girl and beast His Entries will be made by groups fact that the legislature cannot overa wealthy young friend is framed by with various animals in theexploits requirements to continue in the work jungle It is understood that in Idaho the in four years of clothing work? four ride the constitutiinal provision” a gang leader and accused ot the murstate will take over the state camps years of foods two years of senior der of his paramour he takes the home management projects three s although this has dot been definitely case and after many thrilling decided years of forestry and two years of succeeds in placing the blame Individual entries will be In Utah it is expected the forest ser- crops where It belongs vice will continue the operation of made in cotton school dresses comFranklin Riter was reelected chairThe story was written by Arthur the winter camps as they have the plete outfit children’s costumes and man of the advisory council of the Somers Roche the popular novelist summer camps chamber of commerce at that organ and is comparable with his other canning Because of financial stress Mr Woods said Utah may gain ap- individual exhibits in livestock will ization’s first fall meeting Friday R works K Brown was named vice chairman Warner Baxter as the lawyer and proval of more camps at a later date not be entered this year announces Eleven days ot freedom came to and R A Hart secretary and pointed out that of approximately D P Murray state club leader Myrna Loy as the "party" girl who 5000 enrolled men in' camps in Utah Besides the officers the council assists him in exposing the murderer Judging contests will be held In an abrupt end for James F Leary 27 now about 3700 are Utah men These forestry crops canning livestock county jail fugitive Friday evening membership includes the following are eminently satisfactory Utah men will be given the same op- foods clothing and poultry In addi- when deputy sheriffs surprised him Wallace F Bennett F S Cuidiff Nat Pendleton as the gangster portunity as enrolled men from other tion the healthiest boy and girl in at a Sandy service station and recap- C P Castle J H Cornwall Harry saved from the electric chair also is 19 demand chosen resistance will be state the without states for reenlistment tured the David H M Ferguson Dr R R excellent Other members of the prisoner onstration teams in home economics Leary baffled officers with his “hu- Hampton A N Johnson F C cast giving fine performances are: and agriculture have registered for man fly” tactics when he scaled a Lee Lovinger Dr Dv A Charles Butterworth Mae Clarke to floor brick wall from the fourth W competition Lyon Joseph H McCowan B Phillips Holmes and C Henry GorThe girls will be afforded living the ground and escaped September Mendenhall B C Palmer A B don accommodations at the college dormi- 4 A piece of plumbing was used to Pembroke P J Purcell W T Pyper A Fox News Weekly and a short tory under the supervision of Miss dig the bricks from the wall in the J H Sewell C L Wheeler and R C subject complete the bill which will ebHNiUSDfEIl Charlotte Dancy and the boys will be hospital ward where the prisoner Wilson be the attraction for one week housed in the main building had been confined on a doctor’s orSpedal entertainment in the way ders Trailed to the Fred Thomas service PROVO— Lars Lovendahl Nelson of games and stunts will be afforded MAS CUKf 68 former city and county official the delegates from the various coun- station Leary at first denied his identies and present chief deputy county treatity when Deputies George Beck-stea- d and Lawrence Carrigan entered surer died Friday night following a knd demanded his surrender The stroke suffered a week- ago He had Cyprus Legion Post denials were continued under the been reported as greatly improved Elects New Officers name of “Bob Sheridan" until Leary Friday morning but took a turn for reached the jail where he was immethe worse during the afternoon diately identified by Archie Hoffman Mr Nelson was born here October MAGNA—At a rteetlngln the Utah jailor on duty at the time of the es1 1864 a son of Lars P and Mary folthe M Lovendahl Nelson cape He received Copper club Thursday night by A federal prisoner Leary was behis education at the Brigham Young lowing officers were elected ComAmerican Legion post: ing held pending trial on a charge of In March 1890 he mar- - Cyprus academy ried Elizabeth Nelson of Provo in the mander E J Gardner first vice com- interstate transportation of a stolen second vice Green mander automobile Cooper Manti L D S temple J A “Tex” Marshall adFollowing his marriage he ful- commander C ENDEAVOR RALLY R finance and Taylor -filled a mission for the L D S church jutant AV The Christian Endeavor of ' Salt to Sweden from April 1890 to June service officer M J Murphy his1892 and upon his return followed torian K C Taylor chaplain V A Lake district will hold a rally at the Haws sergeant-at-armT R Central Christian church Fourth carpentry work here many years executive committee L J South and Third East streets Sunday He had been a member of the Provo W W Allen and Ferdie Bar- at 630 p m Miss Eva Jane Robert-so- n Dykes council as city serving president from will be in charge 1900 to 1902 during the term of T N ton These will be Installed by Departas mayor Later he was city ment Taylor A Commander Lester Blackner recorder for four years and then Utah of Magna and Department Adjutant county treasurer in which capacity Otto O “Tonight I’m Going to Forget the of Salt Lake at 8 he served many years He had been o’clock Wiesley Thursday night In the Utah Advice I Gave to Other Women!" chief deputy county treasurer more than 15 years serving under Henry Copper club —Tha haart-ar- v af a warns iaatar who had aaan a thaaiand tlmaa what Jeppson and the present treasurer TRUCK DRIVE RSENTENCED lova aonld da ta a waaia— rat John C Taylor daaldad tt waa warth Itt LOGAN— Ira Hansen of Wellsville He also was prominent in L- - D S found was by guilty Friday City church work and was made bishop of the Provo Second ward April 20 Judge Jesse P Rich of reckless driv1902 serving until 1929 He was first ing He was given a suspended jaQ counselor in the high priests’ quorum sentence of 80 days He was charged Peof Utah stake at the time of his death in a complaint signed by Henry acciBesides his widow six sons sur- terson of Logan following an was alleged to vive L Raymond Ervin J Vem S dent in which Hansen ‘and LeGrande L Nelson Provo have left his truck parked onto state without lights Henry A Nelson Rlrie Idaho and highway Wilford K Nelson Blackfoot Idaho 15 grandchildren A daughter Mrs Marie Ilah Nelson Beck died June 6 1933 as a result of a fall at her home while house cleaning Funeral services will be conducted With Sunday at 2 p m in Utah L D S LYLE TALBOT GLENDA FARRELL stake tabernacle with burial in Provo BIO KIDDIE SHOW City cemetery under the direction of The fifth annual state conclave of SATURDAYa- -t A M the Berg mortuary — FLUB— the Order of Dd Molay will be held DUKE ELLINGTON AND BIS BAND Saturday at the Masonic temple with In “Bandit at Blaaa' members from Salt Lake Ogden and “Qaafrtone Nawa” LafI NavaHy Provo attending FEARLESS” Cariaan Paramount Sonnd New A registration and S 80 4:14 Faatnra at US I session will be held from 10 a m to S1K 10:M 416 9 ALL CHILDEEN noon A tennis match is scheduled LOGAN— Formal applications for for 10 a m at the Victory courts and Under 12 Yeari a public works loan of $150000 for a a baseball game at 11 a m at the ’ building program by the Logan city municipal diamond board of education likely will be Degrees will be Conferred at 2 p m made within the next threq weeks while ladies are playing bridge in the Faatara at E Allen Bateman superintendent temple banquet halL Salt Lake chapLtd 1:14 S:tt meet-a stated Friday following board ‘ ter will present the initiatory degree T:Sd) SSS ing at which the proposed plan was with Ogden chapter conferring the De Molay degree A business meetdiscussed at length Preliminary sketches were inspect- ing will be held by state conclave ofed but nothing definite announced ficers after which the public ritual However it is understood plans call of the majority will be shown by A1 for a new gymnasium at the Logan Sirat chapter of Provo eenior high school and several eleAn advisory council meeting Is scheduled for 3 p m end a dinner mentary school buildings H K LEWIS AND HIS The Cache county school district at 7 p m At 8:30 p m the athletic CALIFORNIA JENTERTAINERS ''Quiuan I already baa applied for $201000 in eup Will be presented A dance will THAYER AND DELLA public works money for a proposed be held at 9 p m with a preview pt Thow California Kldi amLR08s°N building program This program in- Up m HAJtOil ALBERTA jW cludes Additions to the North and Directing the program will be R Tha Lady Vantrlloqulat South Cache high schools at Rich- Bruce Jordan Salt Lake chapter LEWIS mond and Hyrum respectively also president Duane Darling Ogden The Magician a new school building at Mendon and chapter vice president Howard PLAYHOUSE PANCETTES repairs at several other county Knapp Provo chapter secretary and —On tha Screen— t schools including reroofing of the Dr A C Wherry iember of the i—BIO FEATURES— g Smithfield junior high school grand council FUNS WILL FOREST CAMPS MADE of of lr Bter-en- Utah-Arizon- a i n - Vote Not Needed On School Work Attorney Holds 9 - e in dog-fin- d Club Exhibits Being Set Up ‘ ) was m 4-- y Officers Arrest ‘Human Fly’ After Searching II Days 4-- t 4 Chamber Council Reelects Riter epi-slde- Loof-bouro- County Official Dies at Provo After Stroke JSBS ( - s r mm MiM mBf bW3M 2' Co-lom- s 4 IfAYFWXIS mm State De Molays To Open Conclave In S L Saturday finmno m: “TARZAN Logan To Ask School Loan I STEVENS the 2 -- for 10c Tdmmm VAUDEVILLE W “?'Dra |